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Colin Chang

TED 536
ESA (science lesson) format

1. Learning Segment Central Focus: Phenomenon: This is a paragraph describing the

backdrop and context of the lesson described in the ESA below. Must include attention to
NGSS and phenomenon-based learning.

The phenomenon for the unit will be: I see the Moon is full sometimes but other times it is
only partially bright, or even fully dark.

The driving question for the sub-unit is: What causes the phases of the Moon?

This lesson is part an 8th grade unit on the Earth-Sun-Moon system and will be used to
explore why we see the moon phases we way we observe from Earth. Students will have
been previously introduced to the names of the moon phases and have explored how light
travels through space in straight lines. This lesson would be the initiation of the understanding
that the Moon phases are based on the Moon’s orbit and it’s relative position with regards to
the Earth and Sun. Later lessons will reinforce and explore this idea further.

2. Lesson plan supports:

a. NGSS Content Standard(s):

MS-ESS1-1. Develop and use a model of the Earth-Sun-Moon system to

describe the cyclic patterns of lunar phases, eclipses of the sun and moon, and

b. Objective(s)(be sure these are measurable and observable and aligned with the
NGSS and the assessments):

Students will model the phases of the moon based on an Earth-Sun-Moon

model/diagram. Through a graphic model and class discussion, students will
demonstrate understanding of why the moon appears to be illuminated
different ways during different phases of its orbit and how the moon looks from
a top-down view in the Earth-Sun-Moon system. Students should also be able
to explain why solar and lunar eclipses are relatively rare occurrences.

c. Possible Challenges /Misconceptions:

 Model is a highly warped scale, might give misconception about scale of

our solar system.
 With the scale, lunar/solar eclipses might seem more common than in
 Misconception that the Moon rotates during its orbit.
 Classroom may not be dark enough to get a strong shadow on the

d. Language Supports: be specific regarding strategies you are choosing to support the
access of science language

The following methods will be used to support students with low reading levels
and ELL students. All methods should help support both groups:

 Provide vocabulary for moon phases with visual supports.

 Strategic Partnering.

Colin Chang
TED 536
 Teacher models how to use the Earth-Sun-Moon light model.

e. Materials Needed (indicate any safety measures that need to be considered, cite
references for outside sources here as well):

 Styrofoam balls
 Chopsticks
 Clamp lamp w/ light bulb and electric plug (need to be careful of hot bulb)
 Graphic model handouts
 Board to display vocabulary and moon phase images (could also be a

f. Formative Assessment strategies (indicate WHY these are chosen – WHAT are you
assessing – concepts, skills):

Students will model the phases of the Moon at different positions in its rotation
around Earth in relation to the Sun on a graphical representation. The graphic
model will provide both top-down views of the Earth-Sun-Moon system and
views from Earth. Students should observe how the Moon’s position during its
orbit of Earth affects the appearance of its illumination on Earth and the
resulting phases. Students should also infer that the Moon and Earth are both
half illuminated on the side facing the Sun regardless of phase or time of day at
their location on Earth. Finally, students identify the tilted axis of orbit the moon
has relative to Earth’s orbit around the sun and explain why eclipses are
relatively rare occurrences.

3. Lesson plan components (include the use of the 5Es as indicated)

a. Opening: (engage) Activate prior knowledge and student interest- teacher presents an
interesting situation, phenomenon, or dilemma/ controversial issue that helps students
connect to the content.
i. Teacher Actions

Ask students, have you ever noticed how the moon seems to change shape
throughout a month?
What about the shadow of a tree moving during the day? Why do objects have
What could cause the observed changes?

ii. Student Actions

Students will recall their knowledge of the moon phases, “movement” of the
sun/shadows, and how it affects the objects we see. Students access prior
knowledge that light travels in straight lines through space.

b. Introduction: Getting students ready - teacher introduces the task and makes sure
students understand what they are trying to accomplish and why.
i. Teacher Actions

Introduce students to the Earth-Sun-Moon model. Ask students to predict what

items might represent. Items are the light, Styrofoam ball, and their own
head/eyes. The Styrofoam ball on a chopstick will represent the Moon, the light
will represent the Sun, and the student’s head will represent Earth/our view from
Earth. Guide students to this realization. Ask students if they think this model is
to scale.

Colin Chang
TED 536

ii. Student Actions

Students will predict the parts represented in the model.

c. Body of lesson: (explore, explain, elaborate) Students working on content – teacher

observes students, monitors their progress, and provides clarification as necessary
i. Teacher Actions

Teacher will model how to use Earth-Sun-Moon system. Remind students that
we understand light travels in straight lines. Direct students to pay attention to
which side of the moon is illuminated and what portion they see illuminated as
they make the ball orbit around them. Display an image showing the phases of
the moon and vocabulary of phase names. Read the names aloud and ask
students to note the terms waxing and waning which have been addressed in a
previous lesson.
When demonstrating students might note that your shadow will cover the moon
or students may notice this when they participate in the model. Ask students to
think about whether they observe this occurrence in the real Earth-Sun-Moon
system. Guide students to recognizing these shadows as eclipses and have
them think how they might be able to adjust their model to fit what we observe
from Earth. Guide students to discovering that a tilted orbital axis will achieve the
elimination of eclipses.

Students should consider where the Sun is in relation to their head and the
Moon. Teacher should ask students to consider how much of the moon overall is
illuminated in each position by looking from a top-down view or observing their
partners operating the model (half is illuminated, but only a portion visible based
on Earth’s perspective).

ii. Student Actions

Students will take part in the Earth-Sun-Moon model and note at regular intervals
how much of the Moon appears to be illuminated from Earth. They should also
look at how much of the model Moon in illuminated overall in each position to
accurately portray that in their graphic model. Students should pay attention to
which side of the moon is illuminated and note the direction (clockwise or
counterclockwise) that matches the moon phase order we see on Earth.
Students should also attempt to reduce the occurrence of eclipses in their model,
they can do this by tilting the axis of the moon’s orbit.

Once they have finished physical modeling the students will fill in a graphical
model which will show Earth-Sun-Moon in various positions during the Moon’s
orbit and additionally the related Earth view (New to Full Moon) from both a top-
down view and the Earth view. If students need to return to the model to help
complete the graphic model they should be allowed to do so.

d. Closure (evaluate): Wrapping Up – teacher facilitates group discussion, helps students

share their work/progress, helps students make connections, and ensures that big ideas
are brought forward.
i. Have you connected your lesson back to the overarching phenomenon?

Colin Chang
TED 536
Students should be able to use the system model to explain why the Moon
appears to be full at some times and only partially or not completely full at others.

ii. What skills (SEPs), concepts (DCIs) and overarching connections (CCCs) have
you included and assessed?

SEPs would include:

 Developing and using models

DCIs would include:
 Earth Science (primary)
 Physical Science (secondary)
CCCs would include:
 Systems and system models

Students will be assessed on their ability to use the system model representing
the Earth-Sun-Moon system to accurately predict the lunar phases based on the
three bodies’ relative positions.

iii. Teacher Actions

During a whole class discussion, reflect with students on these questions:

1. How can the relative motions within the Sun, Earth, and Moon system
explain the predictable pattern of the lunar cycle?
2. What proportion of the Moon is always illuminated by the Sun?
3. Why does the illumination of the Moon appear to change when viewed
from Earth?
4. What is the difference between waxing and waning?
5. Why are solar and lunar eclipses relatively rare?
Overall class understanding should be assessed on their ability to accurately
address the above questions. Individual understanding of the lesson can be
assessed using the results of the graphical model.

iv. Student Actions

Students analyze the model they participated in and relate that experience to
why the moon phases change and are predictable. This should include an
understanding that half the moon is always illuminated, but based on our
perspective from Earth we see varying portions of that at different times.
Students should also be able to access the terms waxing (growing) and waning
(diminishing) in terms of the moon phases. Students should also identify that due
to a tilted orbit and the actual scale of the Earth-Sun-Moon system, eclipses are
relatively rare occurrences.

4. REFLECTION ON EdTPA RUBRICS: Review the EdTPA rubrics connected to this lesson.
Below, give specific evidence as to HOW and WHY you have addressed each rubric in your
lesson. Be sure to point out specific places in the lesson plan where rubric concepts are

Colin Chang
TED 536
EdTPA Rubric #1:
Students will be supported in learning the science concept of how the Earth-Sun-Moon
system operates in regards to illumination of the Moon. For example, in Section 3.A.i the
students are introduced to the question of why we observe different phases of the Moon.
Students will then investigate the phenomena, as shown in Section 3.C.ii where students will
use the Earth-Sun-Moon system model to record evidence of how the moon appears to be
illuminated on Earth during different parts of its orbit. Also shown in Section 3.C.ii, students
will use the collected evidence to construct an explanation of why there are Moon phases we
observe regularly and how we can predict future phases.

EdTPA Rubric #2:

Language supports are planned to address the specific needs of students with low reading
levels and ELLs. For example, in Section 2.D language supports will include the utilization of
imagery as well as visual and verbal presentation of moon phase vocabulary, physically
modeling the exercise, and strategic partnering to support the students’ needs.

EdTPA Rubric #3:

The learning task is appropriate for this lesson as shown in Section 3.A.ii where students are
accessing prior personal knowledge regarding observed moon phase changes, the behavior
of shadows throughout the day, and prior lessons on light traveling in straight lines through

EdTPA Rubric #4:

Targeted language supports are presented in Section 2.D and 3.C.i when vocabulary and
images will be presented to reinforce the Moon phases and the terms waxing and waning.
The teacher will support language function by reading the vocabulary aloud and use it in
reference to the displayed vocabulary and matching Moon phase image.

EdTPA Rubric #5:

Students’ understanding will be monitored and assessed at multiple points in the lesson. For
example, throughout Section 3 students will have a number of formative assessments.
These assessments include monitoring understanding of science concepts like how light
travels, the Moon phase phenomena and how it relates to the system model, and the
application of scientific practices in translating observed evidence to the graphical model.

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