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2nd Conditional
Wishes and Imaginary situations.
1)  Make the second conditional in this way.
If I past simple , I would / wouldn’t verb
you you ‘d (infinitive
he he form)
she... she... could / couldn’t
Example:             If we had more money, we would buy that house.
I would / wouldn’t verb if I past simple
you ‘d (infinitive form) you
he he
she... could / couldn’t she...
Example:             She’d be more successful if she worked harder.
2)  The verb to be can use were for all subjects. This is particularly true in the sentence: If I were you…
If I were you, I’d buy a bicycle.  
However, this rule is often overlooked.
If he were more careful, he wouldn’t break everything.  If he was more careful, he wouldn’t break everything.
3)  To talk about imaginary abilities, use could.
If I could + verb (infinitive) , I would / wouldn’t verb
you you ‘d (infinitive
he he form)
she... she...
Example:             If I could help you, I would!
4)  Notice that the infinitive verb after the modal verbs is not necessary if the meaning is clear. Don’t contract
modal verbs when there is no infinitive verb present.
If I could pay, I’d...   =>   If I could pay, I would...
Complete the sentences using the verbs in parentheses.

1) Katherine wishes Leonardo ___________________ more free time. ( have )

2) Jefferson wishes he ______________________ a Ferrari. ( can buy )
3) If Omar _____________ in San Gil, he ______________________ swim in the river. ( live ) ( be able to )
4) Martin and Julia wish they _________________________ in English class. (not be )
5) If Daniel and Paula __________ money, they _____________________ Jumanji. (have) (can see)
6) I wish I ______________ a larger circle of friends. If I ______________ more people, I _________________
so many evenings by myself. (have) (know) (not spend)
7) I wish I ______________ wake up so early in the morning. If I ______________________ up a little later, I
____________________________ eat a good breakfast. (not have to) (can get) (be able to)

Conversation 1
I wish I ______________ (have) a larger circle of friends. If I ______________ (know) more people, I
______________ (not spend) so many evenings by myself.
Conversation 2
I wish I ______________ (not have to) wake up so early in the morning. If I ______________ (can) get up a
little later, I ______________ (be able to) eat a good breakfast.
Conversation 3
I wish I ______________ (not live) so far away. If I ______________ (have) an apartment in town, I
______________ (be) much happier.

1. If I ______________ (have) more time, I ________________________ (visit) my grandparents more often.

2. If my sister _________________ (live) here, we ____________________ (see) each other every weekend.
3. If my cousins _________________ (be) older, I ________________________ (can take) them to a concert.
4. If I ______________ (win) the lottery, I ______________________ (buy) my parents a house.
5. If my sister _________________ (drive) here, she ___________________ (complain) the entire weekend.
6. If my mother _________________ (be) younger, she ________________________ (can start) a business.
7. If John _______________ (make) more money, we __________________________ (be able to) live better.
8. If you _________________ (eat) here, we _______________________ (save) a lot of time on the trip.
9. If my parents _________________ (be) rich, I ________________________ (can have) a Ferrari.
10. If I ______________ (practice)piano more, I ______________________ (be able to) play more songs.
11. If my sister _________________ (work) here, we ___________________ (get) in for free.
12. If Ana’s dogs _________________ (be) quieter, I ________________________ (can take) a nap.

3rd Conditional

a) Make the third conditional structure this way:

      would have  
If past perfect , ‘d have past participle
(had + past participle) wouldn’t have
(hadn’t + past participle)
If you’d told me that Anna had put on weight, I wouldn’t have congratulated her on becoming pregnant.

I / you / he / she / would have     past perfect

we / it / they would’ve (had + past participle)
‘d have past participle if (hadn’t + past participle)

wouldn’t have

Jim wouldn’t have made those mistakes if you had trained him properly.
b) You can also use may have / may not have, might have / might not have or could have / couldn’t have to
describe less certain possibilities rather than certain consequences.

You  might have had an accident if you’d driven home in the snow last night.

c) Sometimes the if clause is implied but not spoken.

                ‘I’d have helped.’
means  ‘I’d have helped if you’d asked me.’
                ‘I wouldn’t have said that.’
means  ‘I wouldn’t have said that if I’d been there.’

These people are talking about the past. Complete the sentences with the verbs in parentheses.

1. Rita If I ______________ (take) some acting lessons, maybe I ______________ (would get)
a part in the play.
2. Janice If my parents ______________ (not encourage) me to become a doctor, I
______________ (would not go) to medical school.
3. Robert If I ______________ (publish) my book, I ______________ (could make) a lot of money.
4. Doreen I ______________ (might be) discovered if I ______________ (go) to Hollywood when I
was young.
5. Sam What ______________ (would happen) if I ______________ (not start) my own business?
6. Jack I ______________ (could not win) the talent contest if I ______________ (not practice)
every day.
7. Max If I _______________ (listen) to my teacher’s advice, maybe I ___________________
(would pass) my Spanish class.

1) If you ___________________(not/be) late, we ______________________ (not/miss) the bus.

2) If she _______________________(study) she_________________________(pass) the exam.

3) If we_____________________(arrive) earlier, we _________________________ (see) John.

4) If they _________________(go) to bed early, they______________________(not/wake) up late.

5) If he____________________(become) a musician, he____________________(record) a CD.

6) If she__________________(go) to art school, she_____________________(become) a painter.

7) If I_____________________(be) born in a different country, I________________(learn) to

speak a different language.

8) If she____________________(go) to university, she______________________(study) French.

9) If we_____________________(not/go) to the party, we____________________(not/meet)


10) If he____________________(not/take) the job, he_______________________(go) travelling.

11) He______________________(be) happier if he_______________________(stay) at home.

12) She_____________________(pass) the exam if she_____________________(study) harder.

13) We_____________________(not/get) married if we____________________(not/go) to the

same university.

14) They____________________(be) late if they________________________(not/take) a taxi.

15) She_____________________(not/meet) him if she_________________(not/come) to London.

16) He______________________(take) a taxi if he____________________(have) enough money.

17) I________________________(call) you if I_______________________(not/forget) my phone.

18) We______________________(come) if we__________________________(be) invited.

19) She______________________(not/do) it if she______________________(know) you were ill.

20) He_______________________(be) on time if he________________________(leave) earlier.

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