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Exam Particular of questions Part Mo

Oct,2017 Define Jurisprudence and explain the importance of the study of the A 1
April,2018 Jurisprudence is a subject on law but not subject of law- Elaborate the A 1
April,2018 The movement of progressive societies has hitherto has been a movement from A 1
status to contract. Comment on the above mentioned statement of Sir Henry
Main in the light of various developments in the theory.

April,2018 Law is body of principles applied by courts in the administration of justice. A 1

Elucidate the above mentioned statement of Salmond with appropriate
April,2019 Define Jurisprudence whether jurisprudence is a science? Explain the A 1
significance of jurisprudence.
Dece,2019 State and explain meaning, nature and utility of jurisprudence A 1
Oct,2017 Define custom and sttate how customs becomes law A 2
April,2018 Explain Legislation as source of law. Discuss it's merits and demerits in A 2
comparision to other source of law.
April,2019 Critically examine the significance of Legislation as source of law and explain the A 2
merits of legislation over precedent and custom
Dece,2019 Write a critical note on meaning, nature, merits and demerits of legislation as A 2
source of law
Oct,2017 Natural law C 3
April,2018 Prof. Finnis popounded seven basic common goods and three methodological A 3
requirments. Explain with appropriate examples.
Dece,2019 Explain Classical natural law theory and evaluate the contribution of Plato, A 3
Aristotle, St. Agustine and St. Thomas Acquinas.
April,2018 What is the rule of recognition? Discuss in detail the contribution of Prof. Hart in A 4
theorizing positive theory of law.
April,2019 Critically examine Austin's concept of law and discuss the criticism against A 4
Austin's theory of law
Dece,2019 Give a detaild account of Bentham and John Autin's theory of positivism. A 4

Oct,2017 What are the salient features of Sociological School of Law A 5

Oct,2017 American realism C 5
April,2019 Social engineering means creating a structure of society that would satisfy A 5
maximum wants with minimum friction and waste. Elucidate the proposition
with the help of Roscoe Pounds theory of law
Dece,2019 Explain Roscoe Pond's contribution in the development of Sociological school. A 5

April,2019 Feminist school of liberal , radical and post modern. C 6

Dece,2019 Write a brief note on Critical Race Theory's critique of Liberalism A 6
Oct,2017 Right & duties are correlative under law. Elaborate and clucidate. A 7
Oct,2017 Negligence C 7
April,2018 Kinds of legal rights C 7
April,2018 Sanctioning rights C 7
April,2019 Hohfeldian analysis of rights correlation of rights and duties C 7
Dece,2019 Explain the Hohfeldian classification of legal Rights A 7
Oct,2017 Explain the meaning of property and state how property can be acquired. A 8

Dece,2019 Write a brief note on kinds of properties A 8

Dece,2019 Solitary obligations C 8
Oct,2017 Explain the essentail features & significance of possession A 9
Oct,2017 Vested and Contigent ownership C 9
April,2018 Ownership is a bundle of rights which is available to legal owner and to be A 9
guaranteed by the respective legal system. Explain the above mentioned
April,2018 Possessory remedies C 9
April,2019 Define ownership. Discuss essentials of ownership and different kinds of A 9
April,2019 Describe concept, kind and various modes of acquisition of possession A 9
Dece,2019 Kinds of possession C 9
Oct,2017 What is corporation and give various types of corporations? A 10
April,2018 Define legal personality. Explain the theories of corporate personality. A 10
April,2019 Explain the concept of legal Personality and explain the theories of corporate A 10
Dece,2019 Theories of legal personality C 10
April,2019 Classification of titles C 11
Dece,2019 Write a brief note on kinds and validiy of agreements A 11
Oct,2017 Give a detailed comparative account of civil and criminal justice A 12
April,2018 Remedial liability C 12
April,2019 Define and explain the nature and kinds of liability A 12
Dece,2019 Kinds of liabilities C 12
Dece,2019 Measure of civil liability C 12

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