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Phase 1

Oswaldo enrique Percia blanco




MARCH 2020
Activity to develop
- Students will read an article containing a text and a video and will
express their point of view on this matter in the forum. This is the
• Study the Online Content (E-book) Level B1 – Module 5: - Express
opinions: Language of agreeing and disagreeing - Express soft and hard
• Check the activity guide before beginning.
• Read the instructions provided by your tutor as well as any additional
material you receive.
• Participate in the synchronic meeting via Web Conference regarding
Task 2 Writing Task, or at least review the recording that your tutor will
eventually share.

Comment number 1
It is definitely very sad what is happening on the planet with our natural
resources including all the hábitats we destroy due to bod decisions.
Especially those derived from global warming, that is why there is less
and less quality of life free or natural.

Comment number 2
We are still in time to improve the way we manage resources, but it is a
work of an entire planet and we must really be aware of what is
happening, not only watch it on televisión and regret it, it is to make the
change from our possibilities.
With exercises as simple as not using both personal transport and using
mass media and those who can use friendly means that do not pollute,
plant many tress, seek to choose rulers that support ecological projects,
make the effort to change the fuel equipment for electric or
environmentally friendly use, do not throw garbage in the streets
because they will stop in the rivers, and instill these good customs to
our children, teaching them the importance of the environment.
There will be the change.

Comment number 3
When you have economic power it is casy to get changes in general, but
it is also true that to get and maintain that same economic power many
incur that nothing changes, then it seems a “vicious circle”: but the
difference is that when the effects more and more people are hitting the
environment we wake up from that circle but question is, “it will be late
when we all agree”; that is why we should not wait and those of us who
can and understand what is happening take these minimun measures
and motivate others to do the are environmental specialists who will
know more promptly how to improve each aspect of environmental
Climate change is the agenda of large societies, but with the interests of
powerful business persons.
Individual work evidences:
Each E student will write a formal letter and upload it the Evaluation
Barranquilla March 14, 2020


Monomers s.a


Cordial greeting,

Through the present i address you to express my opinion about the presence of external agents of
chemical origin, which are used by you as a working tool but which threaten the integrity of
nature, becoming harmful to the well-being of the population, flora and fauna.

Therefore, I ask you to correctly manage waste as a key to progress in order to improve corporate
image, also adapt and comply with regulations waste management in a way that avoids sanctions
and degrades the good mane of you.

Therefore, I invite you to generate positive attitudes towards of the templates, and help to achieve
the concept of total quality and excellence, adopting among other measures A suitable waste
management plan.

I appreciate the attention provided


Oswaldo e, Percia Blanco.

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