Lesson/Action Plan: A. Learning Purpose

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School | SMP Muhammadiyah Boarding School (MBS) Class / Semester | VII / Ganjil
Subject | English Time Allotment | 2 x 40 minutes
Text Types | Interpersonal; greeting in the morning/afternoon/evening
A. Learning Purpose
Through scientific and discovery learning, after following the learning activities, the students are able to;
a. Use the expressions of greeting.
b. Respond the expressions of greeting.
B. Leraning Activities
Pre Activites (10)
 Saying a pray.
 Checking students’ attendance.
 Apperception; Good morning! How are you, my handsome ‘nd beautiful students? Welcome to my
English class. I know this morning is the first meeting for us to use English. Well, I am sure this morning
you have greeted or said “good morning” or any else about greeting to someone, especially your parents
or friends, of course. (depending on the situation of the class)
 Telling the learning purpose.
Whilst Activities (60)
 To discuss new vocabulary of the texts.
 To listen some sentences of teacher models.
 To guess the meaning and function of sentences produced by teacher.
 To imitate some sentences of teacher pornounciation.
 To answer the question of the content of the dialogue.
 To respond to the expressions of greeting.
 To act out the teacher’s commands.
Post Activities (10)
 To ask the students’ difficulties in learning activities.
 To summarize the learning materials.
 To give students some tasks of using expressions in the real situation.
 To inform the next lesson.
C. Evaluation (Assessment of/for/as Learning)
Attitude Knowledge Skill
Observe the students’  Listen to the expressions and give Play the roles of the speakers in the
behavior during the your response orally pictures.
learning activities.  Listen to the expressions and choose
the best response, a, b, c or d.

Approved by: Jombang, Wednesday, July 15th, 2020

Headmaster English Teacher

Drs. Muhammad Irham Nazar Azkhaf, S.Pd.


Notes :

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