I Will Break This in 3 Stages: Early Game, Mid Game, Late Game

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Scouting guide

Hi everyone, Grim here!

In this video I'm going to talk about scouting! For whoever that doesn't know, scouting consists in
looking at the enemies board in search of information in order to be able to counter or choose a path
for your game .

I will break the informations in 3 parts.

A. Why should you scout?

B. When should you scout?

C. What are you looking for when you scout?

Why should you scout?

I will break this in 3 stages: Early game, mid game, late game

1. Early game

You want to scout for: Blitzcrank, infiltrators, zephyr. These are the basic things you should scout at the
beginning of each game

Other things you should scout early game are, items.

For example if you someone built Seraph: he could play Egirls/Void Sorc

Hurricane: he could play Jhin

Bramble: he could play Mech/Bangbros

Rageblade: he could play Chrono Kayle/Bangbros

Redbuff/Giant Slayer: he could play Blaster-Brawlers / Cybernetics

Of course they can pivot out from that comp but you will have a rough idea on which comps might be

The last thing you should scout about early game are the early game comps and their strengths, knowing
who can beat your comp, allows you to decide if you should level or not and if you can winstreak early.
2. Mid game: Here you should scout for :

a) The basic stuff, mana reavers, Shen - he can tank alot if he ults so be careful that your main carry is
not focusing him

b) Strenght levels, as before, see who can beat you, you will make a rough idea on what fights you can
win, this way you can predict in a way how much Hp you will have at the end of the stage and when you
have to all in because sometimes you have to play for top 5, top 6.

c) Units, nothing feels worse than rolling and not finding the champions you want. Scout and see how
many units of those you want are taken. Remember that everyone shares the same pool of champions
so remembering how many champions of each tier are in the game is really helpful.

d) Positioning, can’t emphasize how important this is, positioning wins so many rounds, so if you
position for the right player you will most likely win the fight.

There are multiple videos that explain how you can predict who you will fight in the next rounds, im
gonna link it in the description if you want to check it out. LINK

3) Late game:

Is all about positioning and using your items correctly.

Zephyr can win you rounds , trapclaw used on the right side of the map can do that aswell, for example
if a Kai’Sa jumps on a trapclaw unit she will get stunned when she ults.

You have to use the units you have as best as you can. For example:

- getting best angle for mf

- positioning lulu so she can ult a certain area of the map

- blitz hooks, using bait units In the corner .

- avoiding the zephyr on carries, avoiding mana reavers, blitz hook, avoiding infiltrators

All these things add up to give you the best chances to win.

Unless RNG fucks you, no, Im just kidding, OR AM I ?

When should you scout?

Any time you can. No joke.

At 2.1 is the first time you have to scout, you scout for basic stuff: infiltrators, blitz, zephyr- is not so
usual to have a zephyr at this stage but you never know.
- also you scout at this stage to see if you can go on a winstreak or if you have to go on a losestreak,
seeing how strong everyone is helps you decide if you cand level up early or not

At 2.5. Usually after carousel you can get really strong, if you get a certain item and one thing you have
to do is scout, and based on that information you get, you decide if is worth leveling to 5 or not.

At Krugs or Terabusters for the new players. Here you scout and see what people play, you will make a
rough idea on what each player wants to play and based on this you can decide your comp.

As a general rule you should always scout 2 rounds before leveling and roll, most likely in this meta you
will not roll until 8 unless you play a hyperoll comp, but if the meta shifts towards a more mid game
comp always remember to scout 2 rounds before you level up and roll .

At 4.1 here based on your Health, your board strength and your items you can predict what place you
can get. This will come with experience. In some cases , you will find yourself here with 40-50 hp, weak
board and really bad items, in that case you should decide that you have to get as strong as possible
really FAST. Because most likely you won’t survive until you reach level 8.

In this type of games you play for top 4, you want to get as strong as possible with a level 7 board, it will
not win you the game , but most likely you won’t get an 8 th place.

What are you looking for when you scout?

Is that moment in the game where you scout if someone has an unit you need or if they will go for the
comp you go so this is how you do it correctly.

First of all units, there’s a certain numbers of each tier, 29 for 1G, 22 for 2 G, 16 for 3 g , 12 for 4 G and
10 for 5G.

So, let’s say we are looking for a Jhin, so we scout around, now when you scout, look at each board,
each 2* champion = 3 units 1* so be careful how you count those. Also and this is actually important
because believe it or not, not a lot of people do this, LOOK AT THEIR BENCH. There might be a hidden
Jhin there.

So if you go for a Jhin comp and bunch of people have a lot of Jhins at level 6-7.. you might be screwed,
so be careful what comp you chose and when you roll.

Another thing you should scout for is their items, as I said at the beginning, once you know what items a
certain comp needs to work you can predict what, each player will play, unless they pivot, which might
happen sometimes.

This sums up my scouting guide, hopefully you learnt something new and that will help you guys climb .
If you have any guides ideas let me know, I’m already working on my second video so be sure to
subscribe. Grim Out.

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