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Please watch the video and respond to the questions below

What is in the nucleus of the atom?

Protons, Neutrons, Electrons

What is between the nucleus and electrons of the atom?

Empty space

Use an analogy to explain the size of the nucleus of the atom compared to the entire atom.

The nucleus is so very small and hard to see compared to the size of the atom. For example in
order to find the nucleus of a blueberry you’d have to blow it up to the size of a football field and
still then it’d only be the size of a marble.

Based on what you learned during day 1 and 2. Please answer the following chapter questions.
Refer back to the presentation from yesterday for help or watch my video from yesterday.

5. What happens between a plastic rod rubbed with a piece of animal fur and a glass rod rubbed
with a piece of silk when they are brought close to each other?

The plastic rod becomes negative and the fur becomes positive.

6. What happens when two glass rods are rubbed with silk and they are brought close to each
other? They repel

7. Who assigned the convention of the charge remiaining on a glass rod after being rubbed by
silk as positive? Ben Franklin

8. WHich particle of an atom carries a positive charge? Proton

Which carries the negative charge? Electron
9. When a neutral atom captures a free electron, what is the net charge on the atom?

10. What is most of the atom composed of?

Empty Space
Please answer in this document and TURN IN your WORK

Thank you

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