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20 17 International Conference on Communication, Computing and Digital Systems (C-CODE)

Usage of Gamification in Enterprise: A Review

Abdul Aziz [I] Ana Mushtaq [2]

Computer Science Department Computer Science Department
FAST - National University of Computer & Emerging FAST - National University of Computer & Emerging
Sciences Karachi Sciences Karachi

Misbah Anwar [3]

Computer Science Department
FAST - National University of Computer & Emerging
Sciences Karachi

Abstract-Enterprise games have an amazing ability to hold gamification as the primary mechanism" as positive prediction
employee's attention, build loyalty, and increase motivation. The and by 2014, 80% of current gamified applications will fail to
acceptance of game context in business applications is meet business objectives, primarily due to poor design as a
encouraging; also, it motivates employees to perform their tasks negative prediction.
in an enj oyable manner. Enterprise gamification is growing at an
impressive rate. This analysis focuses on how enterprises could In 2014, health and fitness apps in the apple store used
use gamification for their benefits and discusses few implemented gamification as a method to modify behavior the authors that
examples. The review concentrates on positive and negative concludes "despite the inclusion of at least components of
aspects of gamification in business and discusses the mechanism gamification, the mean scores of integrations of gamification
that helps in implementing the games in an enterprise. Our components were still below 50 percent". The lack in
findings revealed that, gamification has a fine line between being integration of important elements of behavioral theory from the
a positive tool to motivate employees and being a source of app industry, can affect the effectiveness of gamification apps
workplace pressure, which could affect the social and mental to change behavior [16].
This paper concentrates on the key factors of tasks and
Keywords- Gamification, enterprises, employees, business, exercise within the game design. Innovative ideas, talent
engagement, motivation development and service efficiencies can be achieved by
gamification. Design theories of games have proven how
gamification is effective on engagement as well as on
motivation by looking current success of the gaming industry
The term "gamification" first gained widespread usage in [5]. For customer support centers a software program named as
2010, in a more specific sense referring to the incorporation of Fresh desk is also available that aims to enhance not only
reward and other social aspects of games in software [1]. In last employee productivity but also for customer's peace of mind
few years, there has been a progressive improvement in the use [6]. This paper presents a summary of preliminary findings and
of games in achieving real life goals. Gamification can be definitions of useful gamification. The paper also describes the
defined as the usage of game, thinking and a game design adaptation of the mechanics, dynamics, and provides an overall
system that creates context (non-game context) where an synopsis of strategy, design, and user experience elements for
individual willingly and adequately attain goals [1]. In other gamification initiatives.
words, turning useful activities into games is called
gamification [2]. According to a research Americans had spent
more than twenty-five billion on video games in 2010 [3]. In II. AIM OF STUDY
this era of technology, organizations use distinct games The aim of this study is to identify how gamification is
(specifically game design principles) for their employees as important to motivate and increases employee engagement in
well as clients in creating ways, enhance their productivity and enterprise tasks. Currently enterprises are using gamification as
gain good behavioral end-result in their workforce. Now the best tool for employee engagement and motivation.
several vendors offer gamification as a service. At the same Enterprises give rewards on employee's activities although
time researchers are taking keen interest in gamification to rewarding badges that appears on their profile can also evaluate
create engaging environment in workplaces [4]. Gamification employee positions. The main objective of this paper is to
's fundamental objective is to boost the engagement of users by provide comprehensive review of how the enterprise uses
adopting game-like techniques as scoreboards and personalized gamification to solve their problems. Figure 01 show how
feedback and its overall impact on organization. In November gamification technique in enterprise application can lead to
2012, Gartner presented a report on gamification which tells following success and failure. By using gamification, an
that "by 2015, 40% of Global 1000 organizations will use enterprise can achieve some of the benefits like:

978-1-5090-4448-1/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 249

Enhance productivity and level of motivation of its such as gamify, game-design, gamification, games with a
employees. purpose, and user engagement were used for literature review.
Full engagement of employees with the new Until now, barely there has been any academic effort
initiatives of company. towards gamification. Nevertheless, a recent use of the
gamification seems to exploring different major ideas.
Goals of the company are the goals of the employees.
Gamification also leaves its impact on societal adoption. Thus,
a game-design is a useful start for building non- game
products, services and applications. It is more enjoyable and
motivating. Consequently, enterprise gamification has
appeared as one of the emerging human computer interface
trend of the 21st century.
Despite of the major evolution and emergence towards
gamification, the unrevealed ideas have been previously
explored, but the core concept is to understand these
unrevealed ideas and to determine whether the term and its
current applications are notably different from the previous
research. Therefore, the real-time definition of gamification is
use of game-design elements in non- gaming contexts. Let's
unpack this definition in detail.
Games lie in composite category. Here it is about game
elements not about play because usually public observations
about games are games are to be played. However, there are so
many various types of games with different intentions but all
the games are to engage players and to motivate them to play
continuously. [15]


Several techniques can increase the engagement of user.

Fig: 01. Gamification Platform Competition is another technique that can be used in enterprise
The flow of the paper is defined as: gamification as a good feature.
1. Define gamification techniques and its elements
2. How the mapping of element is being done
3. Discuss how gamification helps in engaging employee .Social feedback ·Perf0ffl18nce
-Visual C ues ·Quality
4. How gamification increase the productivity in enterprise ·ResponseObjects -Time

5. Discuss loophole that results due to bad implementation of -Reputaticrl

game design


This section enlightens the previous work, basis of need to

explore gamification techniques. According to research 39% of
US employees are unhappy, and Gallop found that $300 billion
is the overall annual cost of unmotivated or disengaged
Reward Behavior
workers in the US.
Corporate Leadership Council indicated that employee
engagement can reduce staff turnover by up to 87%, and it was
-Stuff ·Qaulity
found that employee's performance was boosted up until 44% ·Aa:ess
in companies. Gamification provides the solution to the .SUccessStoty -Retention

problem because enterprise gamification can drive employee

motivation to align their behavior with organizational
Fig: 02. Important features of Gamification
strategies, tasks and disciplinary plans, thereby resulting in
better acceptance of management plans along with increased Users are rewarded on the completion of their desired task
productivity and low attrition [50]. For review, the publications or competition through gamification. Types of rewards include
have been chosen on the basis of main features of gamification points, [17] achievement badges or levels, [18] the filling of a
like: Mechanics, Measurement, Behavior, and Reward (Fig. progress bar, [20] or providing the user with virtual currency.
02). The visual representation of figure 02 clears the core [19].
concept of gamification, its uses and the benefits. Key words

Gaining rewards for accomplishment task is visible on efficiency and overall product. For example, in call center
leader boards [20]. Game mechanism consists of game agent performance is judges by how quickly he deals with
components and by using the mechanism, game designer customer.
rewards activities. Commonly used mechanisms are points,
Figure 02 provides the well-known features and the
badges, level, leader boards and challenges [11]. Over 70% of
important gamification technique that are necessary for the
global companies intended to use gamification for marketing
organizational growth as well as its employee's better
and customer retention [10].
performance. By using these techniques, it is very easy for
Enterprises application falls into two gamification segments managing customer service engine better customer satisfaction
that is internal gamification and external gamification. In numbers with the rewards is shown on dashboards that help
internal gamification, employees face application where as in them to provide them real-time feedback. If poor
external gamification customer facing scenarios. Usually the implementation of competition is done this may result in
user behavior is influenced by integrating gamification in opposite outcome than desired. Excessive competitiveness
business process. The core gaming elements are described could go against the ideals of organization, as it is highly de­
below. motivating for all people involved in the process. If the game is
reduced based on competition, say if top salesmen are awarded
A. Gamification Framework
for their performance than it may result in maximizing only the
This paper presents proposed framework shows the performance of peek salesman, but the people who realize that
successful support towards Gamification in an enterprise. they are not performing well (or aware of their poor sales
ability at the start of game) with probability resign to
Fig: 03. Overall Framework participate because they are not going to win [14]. Bad game
Figure 03 shows the basic conceptual framework for design involve over-justified - prioritizing extrinsic over
gamification design elements. The best example of Project intrinsic rewards as the people lose the motivation once
planning (benchmark) is Microsoft Office: ribbon hero 2 that extrinsic rewards are awarded instead of intrinsic. For example:
serves to educate all the users regarding correct usage of if badges are earned by employee as making post on discussion
Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote in Microsoft board, they might be motivated to earn those badges for a
Office [13]. The focus of domain research is to take decisions reward, but become focused on the quantity of badges and
that will have consequences, which is already it a reward. In rewards that lead to lose the posting meaningful comments
research & analysis section, it is better to choose for what [I 5].
problem which gamification type will affect the personality of
the user. Actually the motive is to find out user's emotions V. CONCLUSION
when interacts the various types of gamification [13]. In
As gamification is a pioneering and innovative
conceptualization section, very interesting concept is to find
approach that tells that how the organizations/enterprises have
out the basic idea that is making an application that facilitates
users with fun. What are key functions of that gamified embedded these techniques in their software to increase the
application? Therefore, by synthesizing this information, this employee engagement, loyalty with respect to social behavior
research paper maps the current state of gamification in an and organizational behavior, but adding more motivational
enterprise. elements does not guarantee better performance. This study
discussed pros and cons of gamification implementation in
B. Employee Engagement organizations. On positive side of the picture, features of
Employee engagement is emotional commitment to the gamification are focused by which productivity of any
organization and its goals [15]. Through gamification, business could be increased by collecting valuable and more
employees are encouraged and make valuable contribution in accurate feedback from employees.
existing communication platform and collaboration. For
example, in CRM (Customer Relationship Management) On the other side, it is also focused that employees
system, a point is given to a sales person who creates new feel various constraints and pressure by providing feedback
opportunity in CRM system. These points further motivate him using this technique, which could harm overall reputation of
to complete more activities and earn more points. A sales organization. In addition, various frameworks are discussed to
person is acknowledged by badges, titles and strives to become make easier implementation of gamification procedure. It is
a face on leader board with his title and rewards. This will lead important to be noted here that this paper had considered the
to motivate the team and teams improve the quality of their beginning of an evolving formulate of gamification
services to customer [11]. Goal tracking is the core task for
technology and it's non- context game elements. The results of
employee engagement that confirms that employees are
this literature review should benefit future research, industry
comfortable with organizational culture [15].
applications and serve as an introduction to anyone interested
C. Productivity Enhancement in setting gamification in enterprise.
Most of the organizations revamp their existing band sites VI. FUTURE WORK
by introducing real time awards for user. Organizations are
trying to integrate KPI (Key performance Indicator) in business The present study about the core concept of gamification
in which data flow from gamming engine that allows KPIs to has several limitations as well as a good future direction.
observe employee performance and decides to improve Dealing with gamification in any organization it is very hard

for the employees to face the competItIve and collaborative [7] Sebastian Deterding, Dan Dixon, Kenton 0' Hara, Miguel Sicart,
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