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The Origins of Language (Unit 01)

 What is Language? emotion such as pain, anger and joy. For example: Ouch!,
“Language is purely human and non-instinctive method of Ah!, Ooh!, Phew!, Wow! and Yuck! etc.
communicating ideas, emotions and desires by means of  The Social Interaction Source:
voluntarily produced symbol”. (Edward Sapir) Another theory involving natural sounds called “Yo-Heave-
“Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols by means Ho” Theory (Yo-He-Ho Theory). The sounds of a person
of which a social group communicates”. (Bloch and Tragen) involved in physical effort could be the source of our
 Origin of Language: language, especially when that physical effort involved
We simply do not know how language originated. We do several people and had to be coordinated. So, a group of
not know that spoken language developed well before early humans might develop a set of hums, grunts and
written language. Yet we have no physical evidence relating groans were used by them when they were lifting and
to the speech of our ancestors and because of this absence carrying large bits of trees etc.
of evidence speculations about the origins of human speech The importance of Yo-Heave-Ho theory is that it places the
have been developed. development of human language in some Social Context.
 The Divine Source:  The Genetic Theory/Glossogenetics:
“And HE taught Adam all the names, then showed them to The focus is on the biological basis of the formation. In the
the Angels, saying: Inform me of the names of these, if ye evolutionary development there are certain physical
are truthful”. (Quran) features human have which is related with the speech
God created Adam and “whatsoever Adam called every production. At an early stage, our ancestors made a major
living creature, that was the name thereof”. (Genesis) transition to an upright posture, with bi-pedal (on two feet)
The basic idea of the theory is that: “If infants were allowed locomotion. It shows the clear clues that creature
to grow up without hearing any language, then they would possessing such feature probably has the capacity for
spontaneously begin using the original God-given speech.
language”.  The Oral Gesture Source:
 Experiment: The theory comes from the idea that there is a link
An Egyptian Pharaoh who tried the experiment with two between physical gesture and orally produced sounds. First
new born babies more than 2500 years ago and he put of all a set of physical gestures was developed as a means
them in isolation for two years with goats and a mute of communication. Then a set of oral gestures especially
shepherd. The children were spontaneously uttered a single involving the mouth developed in which the movements of
word bekos which is not an Egyptian word, but something the tongue, lips and so on where recognized according to
that was identified as the Phrygian word bekos, meaning patterns of movement similar to physical gestures.
“bread”. (Bekos word is from the older language which was  Physiological Adaptation Theory:
spoken in Turkey). Children did not pick up any word from Human teeth, lips, mouth, tongue, larynx, pharynx and
any human source but they spoke the word what the goats brain have been created in such a way to coordinate in
were saying. producing speech sounds. Their places, connections and
 The Natural Sound Source: coordinative functions make humankind different from all
A beginning of language is based on the concept of natural the living creatures.
sounds. The human auditory system is already functioning Human Teeth: Teeth are not very useful for ripping or tearing food but
they are useful for grinding and chewing food. They are also very helpful in
before birth. The primitive words could have been making sounds such as f and v.
imitations of the natural sounds which early men and Human Lips: Lips are more intricate muscle interlacing than other
women heard around them. For Example: Cuckoo, Splash, creatures. Lips are very helpful in making sounds like p, b and m.
Bang and Boom etc. Human Mouth: Mouth is small as compared to the other creatures and it
can be opened and closed rapidly. It has an extended vocal tract in L –
Jespersen (1922) presented two theories Shape than the straight path in other creatures.
regarding this idea: Human Tongue: Tongue is shorter and thicker in mouth as compared to
a. The “Bow-Wow” Theory the other creatures. It helps to shape a variety of sounds inside the oral
b. The “Pooh-Pooh” Theory cavity.
Human Larynx: The human larynx or voice box (containing the vocal folds)
a. The “Bow-Wow” Theory: position is lower than that of monkeys. Upright posture moved the head
In this scenario, when different objects flew by, making a more directly above the spinal column and the larynx dropped to a lower
caw-caw or coo-coo sound, the early human tried to imitate position.
the sounds and then used them to refer to those objects Human Pharynx: A longer cavity called pharynx. It acts as a resonator for
increasing range and clarity of the sounds produced via the larynx.
even when they were not present. All the modern Human Brain: Human brain is lateralized. There are special functions in
languages have some words with pronunciation that seems each of the two hemispheres. A left hemisphere controls the analytical
to echo naturally occurring sounds. In English, we have tool for using language. A right hemisphere controls the visual spatial
splash, bang, boom, rattle, buzz, hiss and bow-wow. skills.
Words that sound similar to the noises or echoing natural  Interactions and Transactions:
sounds are called Onomatopoeic Words. There are two major functions of language:
b. The “Pooh-Pooh” Theory: A. Interactional Function: It is related with how
In this Jespersen’s “Pooh-Pooh” theory, speech developed human use language to interact with each other socially or
from the instinctive sounds of emotional circumstances. emotionally, how they express their feelings or their ideas.
The original sounds of language came from natural cries of B. Transactional Function: It is related with how
human use their linguistic abilities to transfer knowledge
from one generation to the next.

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