Chapter 1 True/False Key

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1. The field of psychology was started in a lab in 1879. T.


2. The operative word in the definition of psychology is

“science”. T. pg. 3

3. Skeptics ask questions such as how do we know

something and how did one arrive at that conclusion. F.
pg 5 I gave credit if you answered T however.

4. People are usually not very confident. F. pg. 10

5. Psychologists do not apply the scientific method. F. pg


6. A case study is a type of study that can include as few

as 1 participant. T. pg. 12

7. Correlations indicate the possibility of a cause effect

relationship but do not prove causation. T. pg. 15

8. Illusory correlations are nonexistent relationships that

can help explain inaccurate beliefs. T. pg. 16

9. The purpose of an experiment is to re-create the exact

behaviors of everyday life. F. pg. 19

10.Psychology is free of values. F. pg. 21


1. The messages that neurons carry are nerve impulses

called synapses. F. page 28

2. Each neuron is a miniature decision-making device. T.

pg. 28
3. The brain is not equipped to produce natural opiates. F.
pg. 30

4. If the brain does not produce enough norepinephrine it

can cause depression. T. pg 30

5. If the cerebellum of a calm domestic cat is electrically

stimulated it may prepare to attack. F. page 37

6. Animals are equipped with built in systems that reward

activities essential to survival. T. pg. 38

7. Humans only use about 10% of their brains. F. pg. 42

8. Frontal lobe damage can alter ones personality and

remove inhibitions. T. Pg. 42

9. The right hemisphere is adept at making quick literal

interpretations of language. F. p.g 47

10.As night time approaches, body temperatures rise. F.

page 50

Chapter 3


1. Genetically speaking, every other human is close

to being your identical twin. T. pg. 64

2. If a woman is a persistent heavy drinker, the

fetus will be at risk for birth defects. T. pg. 67

3. Within 1 hour old nursing baby placed between a

gauze pad from its mother’s bra and one from
another nursing mother usually turns toward the
pad carrying its mother’s smell. F. pg. 68

4. Freud believed that children construct their

understanding of the world from their interactions
with it. F. pg. 73

5. According to Piaget, children in the sensorimotor

stage develop object permanence. T. pg. 68

6. Given a choice between a wire monkey with milk

and a cloth monkey covered the baby monkey
will choose the cloth monkey and forgo food. T.
pg. 77

7. In the Western world, adolescence now roughly

equals the teen years. T. pg. 89

8. One’s accumulated knowledge, as reflected in

vocabulary and analogies tests increases up to
middle age is referred to as fluid intelligence. F.

9. Women who’s children have left home report

greater happiness and enjoyment of their
marriages than those who still have children
living at home. True

10. Older people report less happiness and

satisfaction with life as compared to younger
people. F. pg. 97
Chapter 4 Key

1. Men,whether gay or straight fantasize about sex more

often, more physically, and less romantically. True

2. The epidermal regions are our most important sex

organ. False

3. In 1973 the American Psychiatric Association

dropped homosexuality from its list of mental
illnesses. True

4. Natural selection means that traits are selected that

contribute to survival and reproduction. True

5. Evolutionary psychologists use natural selection to

explain why men and women differ more in the
kitchen than in the bathroom. False

6. Women prefer men who will stay around over “walk

away cads.” True

7. Nurture selects behaviors that increase the likelihood

of sending one’s genes into the future. False

8. Most critics of evolutionary psychology’s explanation

of human sexuality accept Charles Darwin’s theory of
evolution. True
9. Evolutionary psychologists agree that much of who
we are is not “hard-wired.” False

10. What is considered attractive varies somewhat with

time and place. True

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