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Name: Maria Paula Rojas Cifuentes

Course: Qualitative and Quantitative Research

Tutor: Oscar Javier Bohorquez
Date: 21/03/2020.

Theoretical Perspective

The theory that I will use is constructivist transformative knowledge. It

was developed by Lev Vygotsky and it was used by the need to provide
students with tools that allow them to create their own knowledge to
solve a problematic situation, which implies that their ideas are modified
and continue learning. This theory indicates that the teaching process is
perceived and carried out as a dynamic, participatory and interactive
process of the subject, so that knowledge is an authentic construction
operated by the person who learns. As applied to my topic, this theory
holds that I would expect my independent variable (s) to be motivation,
teamwork, critical reading, thinking and communication. Variable to
influence or explain the dependent variable (s) as the available energy
would be, the computer load, if necessary.


Creswell, J. (2014). Quantitative Theory Use. In Research design:

qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (4th ed.,
pp. 12-14). California: SAGE Publications, Inc. Retrieved from
Dependent and independent variables
What is Constructivism in education?

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