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Aurora F. Fernandez, Ed. D.

National Education Testing and Research Center

Department of Education
Defining a Standard (Webster, 1994)

 basis of comparison in measuring or

judging capacity, quality, etc.

 a measure of adequacy; if meeting the

requirements of, a standard or role model


 It is the gathering of information and evidence about the

performance of individuals in tests and other measures.

 It facilitates broad communication and dialogue focused

on outcomes or qualitative and quantitative data.

 On the national scale, results of assessment are means to

assess fulfillment of goals and serve as bases for
formulating and implementing policies that lead to
upgrading performance standards of education in general.

Broadly, the objectives of assessment in education are to:

1. assess readiness of learners for subsequent grade/year levels in the education

2. ensure that quality learning is being effected by the system
3. assess the appropriateness, adequacy and timeliness of inputs and processes at
each stage/phase of the system
4. continuously monitor progress or positive change and improvement in a program
5. identify strengths and weaknesses of a program, with focus on its components –
inputs, processes and transactions
6. identify gaps and/or duplications in processes, activities and efforts toward
attaining the program goals
6. reduce duplication of efforts and investments in material and human resource
inputs and processes in the implementation of the program
7. provide basis for decisions and policy toward sustenance and/or improvement to
adapt to emerging needs of the program
8. provide basis for feedback to all the stakeholders – policy makers, educators,
teachers, et. al.
Post Grade 12 – University Admission Exam, COC-TESDA

End of Stage 4 Assessment:

Grade 12 National Basic Education Competency Assessment (NBECA); Senior Level
Senior High School Diploma
SY 2017 - 2018

End of Stage 3 Assessment:

Grade 10 National Achievement Test (NAT);
Junior High School Certificate Junior Level

Proposed SY 2015 - 2016

Assessment Grade 9 National Career Assessment Examination

for K to 12 Grade 6
End of Stage 2 Assessment:
National Achievement Test (NAT);
Elementary School Certificate
(will commence on SY 2017 – 2018)
Level End of Stage 1 Assessment:
Grade 3 National Achievement Test (NAT) Level
(will commence on SY 2014 – 2015)

Grade 1


FLO* Placement / Diagnostic Test Assessment

Formal Alternative
Delivery Delivery
System Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT)/ System
Philippine Validating Test (PVT) (ALS)
*FLO is the acronym for Flexible Learning Options
Post Grade 12 – University Admission Exam, COC-TESDA

Grade 12 Senior Level

Grade 10
Junior Level

Assessment Grade 9

for K to 12 Grade 6

Level End of Stage 1 Assessment:
Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) in Filipino &English
Grade 3 and Early Grade Math Assessment (EGMA); Level
(will commence on SY 2014 – 2015)

Grade 1 Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA)

in the Mother Tongue

Kindergarten School Readiness Yearend Assessment (SReYA)

in the Mother Tongue

Placement / Diagnostic Test Assessment

Formal Alternative
Delivery Delivery
System Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT)/ System
Philippine Validating Test (PVT) (ALS) 6
Planning the Test

Developing the Table of Test Specifications

Item Writing

Test Assembly and Review of Test Items

Pilot Testing or Try Out of the Test

(at least 2 forms of the final test)

Item Analysis


Reject Items


Organize final form of the Test


Preparation of the Test Manual 7

An example of a Table of Specifications for Grade III – Science

Understanding Observing Making
Knowledge Classifying Total Percent
Behavior of Basic and Inferences Item
of Specific Objects based on Number of
Content Concepts and Describing from Placement
Fact Observable of Items Items
Principles Objects Observation

People 2 3 3 3 2 13 1 – 13 32.5%

Animals 2 3 3 3 3 14 14 – 27 35%

Plants 2 3 3 3 2 13 28 – 40 32.5%

6 9 9 9 7 40
of Items

15% 22.5% 22.5% 22.5% 17.5% 100%
of Items

TEST # &
1. Knowledge  Remember or recall facts, concepts, method, procedures

 Understand facts and principles

 Interpret charts and graphs and verbal materials
2. Comprehension
 Translate verbal materials to mathematical formula
 Estimate future consequences implied in the data
 Use of materials learned in actual context
 Apply concepts/principles to new situation
3. Application
 Solve mathematical problems
 Demonstrate correct usage of a method or process
 Understand different elements and how they fit together
 Divide whole into different component elements
4. Analysis  Distinguish facts from inference
 Identify organizational structure of work (art, music,
 Combine separate knowledge into one whole
5. Synthesis  Putting bits of information together
 Relate and integrate information
 Judge the worth of an event, object or idea of a given
6. Evaluation principle using definite criteria
 Express and defend a point of view


1. Use verbs in the simple present tense Grammar/

2. Use reflexive pronouns Skills

3. Predict outcome based on the selection

4. Sequence events in the selection Reading
5. Determine cause and effect relationship Skills

in a given selection


1. Differentiate physical from chemical

changes/processes by giving examples
2. Identify major parts of the circulatory system/and their
3. Illustrate the interdependence of plants and animals
for gases through the oxygen-carbon dioxide cycle
4. Explain the effects of change in materials on health
and the environment
5. Describe characteristics of stars and how group of stars
are useful to people
1. Congruency of the item with the competency/skill tested is of prime importance.
2. The applicability of the variety of multiple choice test type in item writing should always be
3. Textbooks are used as refreshers for concepts, principles, etc., but a good item is free from textbook
jargon. Any item, even nicely stated concept/examples and illustrations but obviously taken from
the book is categorized as a knowledge item.
4. Cite the source of the text when lifting a paragraph or even capturing an essential part from a story.
5. In choosing your selection material, pick topics which can impart great virtues or higher values in
both levels: Elementary and Secondary levels. Values education is integrated into the curriculum.
6. Adapt your vocabulary or the phrasing of stem to the level of the group you will test.
7. Avoid changing the names and places in an old item because this does not create a new item.
8. Maximize the use of graphs, illustrations, tables used in the stem by developing two or three items
out of it.
9. Avoid unnecessary words/sentences in the stem. A simple and direct question is preferable.
10. Formulate the distracters skillfully where homogeneity of options is seen.
11. Always avoid irrelevant clues to the correct answer such as:
a. Repeating clue words found in both the stem and in the options
b. The longest option that explains the answer
12. When an item calls for the BEST answer, see to it that the wrong options are partially correct.
1. Raw Scores

The pupils’ raw scores are transformed into mean raw scores. For
instance, for standard setting purposes, measures of central
tendencies are used in computing the NAT performance:

Mean Raw Score (MRS). This refers to the average number of

items correctly answered by pupils in each school structure using the
X =∑X

Where: X = this refers to the Mean (Average)

∑X = it is the summation of individual scores
N = the total number of examinees
2. Mean Percentage Score (MPS)

The pupils’ raw scores are transformed into Mean Percentage

Scores (MPS). This indicates the ratio between the number of
correctly answered items in a test and the total number of items.

a. Subject Area MPS

Subject Mean Score Obtained
MPS = x 100
Subject Total Number of Items

b. Aggregate or Total Score

Mean Aggregate or Total Test Score Obtained
MPS = x 100
NAT Total of Items (G6) 200
 A 50 MPS in one subject area, for instance, would mean that an
examinee correctly answered 20 of the 40 test items (NAT G6).
Further, a 60 MPS in the total test would mean that an examinee
correctly answered 6 out of 10 questions in the test.

 A mean percentage score of 75 in a 40-item test would mean that

30 items were answered correctly.

 The NAT scores are both Normative-Referenced type where the

performance is gauged against the average performance of a
group (e.g. national, regional and division levels); and as
Criterion-Referenced type when there is a prescribed
competency level which should be attained.

1. Normal Curve Distribution

This is a statistical distribution wherein the top 16

percent of the continuum is considered high; the
middle 68% as average and the extreme end 16
percent of the same continuum is taken into account
as low performance.

NAT Standards
2. The Mastery Level

Percentage Descriptive Equivalent

96% - 100% Mastered
86% - 95% Closely Approximating Mastery
66% - 85% Moving Towards Mastery
35% - 65% Average
16% - 34% Low
5% - 15% Very Low
0% - 4% Absolutely No Mastery

3. Quartile Distribution

This is a distribution of scores into four equal

percentage points. The 1st quarter or uppermost/superior
(25%); 2nd quarter, upper average (25%); 3rd quarter, lower
average (25%) and 4th quarter, poor (25%).

Quartile Distribution Descriptive Equivalent

76 – 100 Q1 Superior
51 – 75 Q2 Upper Average
26 – 50 Q3 Lower Average
0 – 25 Q4 Poor

4. Proposed Standards of Achievement

Standards of Descriptive
Achievement Equivalent
90% - 100% Superior (DECS Order No. 46, s. 1983)
75% - 89% Meeting the Standard 75 passing score/cut-off score set
by the Department of Education
35% - 74% Below Standard Based on the Mastery Levels of
0% - 34% Poor the NAT

NCAE Standards
1. Percentile Rank (PR) Standard Scores
PR Descriptive Rating Descriptive Rating
PR 99+ Excellent (E) 800
PR 98 – 99 Very High (VH) 700

PR 86 – 97 Above Average (AA) 600

500 Average
PR 51 – 85 Average (A) 400
PR 15 – 50 Low Average (LA) 300
PR 3 – 14 Below Average (BA) 200
PR 1 – 2 Poor (P)
PR 0 - .99 Very Poor (VP)


Levels of Preference for the Occupational Interest

76% - 100% High Preference (HP)
51% - 75% Moderate Preference (MP)
26% - 50% Low Preference (LP)
0% - 25% Very Low Preference (VLP)

* Occupational Interest Inventory for Secondary Schools Students

The Normal
Curve as the
Point of a. Mastery Level 0-4 5-15 16-34 35-65 66-85 86-95 96-100

Reference for b. Quartile 0 – 25 26 – 50 51 - 75 76 – 100

the Standards Distribution Poor Below

0 – 34% 35 – 74% 75 – 89% 90 – 100%
in Assessment c. Standards of
Poor Below Meeting Superior
Average Standard


Rank (PR)
0-2 3-14 15-50 51-85 86-97 98-99 99+
 DepED Order No. 71, s. 2010

 DECS Order No. 46, s. 1983 Revised System of Rating and

Reporting of Pupil Progress

 NETRC – The NAT Performance of Grade 6 Pupils Over the

Years (2006-2012)

 Bloom, Benjamin (Editor), et. al. Taxonomy of Educational

Objectives, David Mckay Company, Inc. New York, 1956

Thank You!

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