William Alfonso Gómez - Presnt Simple

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Write the he/she/it form of these verbs

1- Read= reads
2- Repair= repairs
3- Watch= watches
4- Listen=Listens
5- Love= loved
6- Have= has
7- Push= pushed
8- Do= does
9- Think= thinks
10-Kiss= kisses
11-Buy= buys
12-Go= goes

Complete the sentences use the correct form of these verbs:

Boil, close, cost, cost, drink, go, have, have like, met, open, speak, teach, wash
1-She´s very smart. She speaks four languages = Ella es muy inteligente. Ella
habla cuatro idiomas.

2-Steven drink four cups of coffee a day= Steven babe cuatro tazas de café al
3-We usually go to dinner at 7 o´ clock=nosotros (as) generalmente vamos a
cenar a las 7 en punto
4- I like movies. I often go to the movies with friends= Me gustan las peliculas.
A menudo voy al cine con amigos.

5- Water Boil 100 degras Celsius= Hervir agua a 100 grados cecilus.

6- In my hometown the banks open at 9:00 in the morning= En mi cuidad natal

los bancos habren a las 9:00 de la mañana

7- The City Museum close at 5 o´clock on Saturdays= El museo de la cuidad

Cierra a la 5:00 en punto, los sabados

8- Food is expensive it cost a lot of money = La comida es cara, cuesta

mucho dinero
9- Shoes are expensive they cost a lot of money = los Zapatos son caros,
cuestan mucho dinero.

10-Sue is s teacher she teach math to young children=Sue es la maestro que

enseña matemáticas a niños pequeños.

11-Your job is very interesting you have like a lot of people= Tu trabajo es muy
interesante, tines mucha gente.

12-Peter wash his hair every day= Peter se lava el cabello todos los dias

13-An insect have six legs= Un insecto tiene 6 patas.

Now write sentences about Bob and Ann, Tom, and yourself. Use

always/usually/often/sometimes/never= Ahora escribe oraciones sobre Bob y Ann,

Tom y tú. Utilizar siempre usualmente a menudo a veces nunca

1. Bob and Ann never never drink juice in the morning

2. Bob and Ann often read a newspaper.

3. Bob and Ann somentimes get up bebore the 7 o´clock

4. tom usually drink juice in the morning

Tom never read the newspaper.

he often exercises

3. Bob and Ann always sing in the house.

Tom always watches television

Tom always get up before the 7 o´clock

I was never late for work

I often do exercises

sometimes I travel by fleet

I usually drink coffee in the morning

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