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SARPA-KAVU (groves of snakes or snake shrines) of KERALA.

Almost every temple and every house in Kerala has a space dedicated to NAGA
(serpent) Devta.

A Sarpa-Kavu usually has tiny snake idols smeared with turmeric, where a
diya(lamp) is lit everyday.
But there are some STRICT rules to be followed, and one of them is —to NOT
visit the Sarpa-Kavu often. This is why Sarpa-kavu has lush green vegetation.
It’s believed—PARSHURAMA in an effort to let people inhabit Kerala, a densely
forested place, promised lord SHIVA to worship snakes and not kill them.

He established 2 Nagaraja temples—Vettikottu & Mannarassala. Latter hs abt

30,000 snake idols & images. Frm the temple Down pointing backhand index
The science behind establishing these snake groves is— since flora of Sarpa-
Kavu is undisturbed, many exotic and MEDICINAL plants are found here.
It has been proven that such “snake-zones”, help in stabilising ECOSYSTEM of
land, and that it helps in conserving SOIL & WATER
There’s an annual ritual called Sarpa-thullal(snake-dance) done at KAVU,
performed by people called Pulluvan. It’s done under strict supervision like—
Kalam(rangoli) for the occasion should be prepared with 5 colours using
NATURAL ingredients. It’s an enthralling experience, pooja/Sarpa-thullal
performed at SARPA-KAVU, requires a KANYA (a girl who has not touched
Sarpa-Kavu is associated with mystical rituals, and also with the PAMBATTI
SIDHHAR (spiritually evolved sages who could cure with snake venom).

Nag devta grove/SARPA KAVU, I meant such dedicated structuresDown pointing

backhand index, which when spotted, alerts a person that this piece of land is sacred.
Usually people avoid walking close to SARPA-KAVU(sacred places dedicated to Nag
DWARPALA is a widespread temple architectural element in Hinduism. The
dwarapala statues flanking d temple doors cld be either MALE (dwarapala) or
FEMALE (Dwara-devis). Almost always they r seen in TRIBHANGA- MUDRA, a
posture in which a figure hs 3 curves... like an S curve.
Smaller temples have/d 2 Dwarapalas while the bigger temples almost always
hd dwarapalas facing each cardinal direction, called as DIKPALA (here dik
means direction).

King of serpents, was usually depicted in 3 forms. 1. SHESH Nag/ANANT nag

(represents friendly aspect of snakes), the one which forms bed for Lord Vishnu
in Ananta shyana position. 2. Vasuki, the snake found around Lord Shiva's
neck.3. Takshaka that which represents dangerous aspects of snakes. From
the look of it the NAGARAJA idol has Sheshnag protecting lord Buddha.

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