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Business Comm Quiz

Name: Umar Farooq

ID: 17U00609
Section: G

1. D
2. B
3. C
4. B
5. D
6. B
7. C
8. D
9. C
10. A
11. A
12. C
13. A
14. D
15. C
16. C
17. C
18. B
19. B
20. A

Q2. We have to make the subject line interesting for the reader and make it attentive for him which will
capture his/her attention. But we have to be careful about not revealing the main idea of the email in
subject line.

Q3. There are 3 methods of reasoning while making logical appeal, which are analogy, induction,
or deduction. Analogy means that you use specific evidence. For example: you have to convince
your management to build a firewall, and you will provide evidence in clear words. Induction
means that you give evidence to a greater conclusion. For example: to convince your team for
something, you can give example of any other company which is doing that. Deduction means
that you take both generalization and specific conclusion. Like you can use reference of surveys
and researches to convince someone.
Q4. The opening should start with the clear statement of bad news. The body will tell the reason
for that bad news. In the end, you will use positive words, and statement to keep a good relation
with the reader.

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