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Information Retrieval:

Information retrieval deals with the storage and

representation of knowledge and the retrieval of
information relevant for a specic user problem. The
information seeker formulates a query trying to de-
scribe his information need. The query is compared
to document representations. The representations
of documents and queries are typically matched by a
similarity function such as the Cosine or the Dice coef-
cient. The most similar documents are presented to
the users who can evaluate the relevance with respect
to their problem.
Some applications are:
 Web Crawlers (for information extraction)
 Mediator Techniques (for information integration)
 Ontologies (for intelligent information access by making semantics of
 information explicit and machine readable)
Neural Networks (for document clustering & preprocessing)
 Kohonen Neural Networks - Self Organizing maps
 Hopefield Networks
 Semantic Networks
Information extraction:

Information extraction (IE) is the automated retrieval of specific information related to a selected
topic from a body or bodies of text.

Information extraction tools make it possible to pull information from text documents, databases,
websites or multiple sources. IE may extract info from unstructured, semi-
structured or structured, machine-readable text. Usually, however, IE is used in natural language
processing (NLP) to extract structured from unstructured text. Ex: Information Extraction in Oil
and Gas 
Natural Language Processing:

Natural Language Processing, usually shortened as NLP, is a branch of artificial intelligence that
deals with the interaction between computers and humans using the natural language.

The ultimate objective of NLP is to read, decipher, understand, and make sense of the human
languages in a manner that is valuable.

Most NLP techniques rely on machine learning to derive meaning from human languages.

Example: a. Customer Review

 As it’s the most important factor that helps companies to discover relevant information for
their business. Further, helps in improving customer satisfaction.

 As more suggestion comes, it’s more relevant services are better. Also, helps in
understanding the customer’s needs.

b. Virtual digital assistants

Virtual digital assistant technologies are currently the most well-known type of artificial

Machine Translation: Machine translation (MT) is automated translation. It is the process by

which computer software is used to translate a text from one natural language (such as English)
to another (such as Spanish).

To process any translation, human or automated, the meaning of a text in the original (source)
language must be fully restored in the target language, i.e. the translation. 

Applications of Machine Translation

 Text-to-text

 Text-to-speech
 Speech-to-text

 Speech-to-speech

 Image (of words)-to-text

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