Worksheet Going Walkabout Unit 7

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Worksheet Going Walkabout Unit 7

Going Walkabout

 Read and listen to the story again.

 Read along aloud with the listening-exercise.
 Read out the story aloud either to someone within your family or via
computer to a classmate. If not possible read it to yourself in the mirror
or to your teddy bear or Barbie doll.

Now retell (nacherzählen) the story from a different point of view!

Boys - you are Duncan

Start like this:
Hi, my name is Duncan. I had bought a new motorbike. Last week I phoned
Jenny to take her out for a ride.
First we rode west ……..

Girls – you are Jenny

Start like this:
Hi, I’m Jenny. Last week Duncan phoned me to take me out on his new
motorbike. First we rode west ……

Use these words in the text:

off-road - bush - follow - chain - mend - hungry - cry - strange noises - weak -
water, fruit, nuts - nearest road - to give someone a lift - pick someone up - happy

And don’t forget to write in past tense!

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