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Script/: The Last Walk/ Short Film

The last walk

By Liam Harman

The last walk


Sam: Chris’s best friend

Chris: Sam’s Best friend

The Psychopath/Villain The bad guy

The last walk

Music: Theme Music. Quiet.

INT: Chris House - Day - Afternoon

(Sam and Chris)

Sam: I think we should look for him, don’t you?

Chris: I’m not sure maybe he will come around

Sam: Mate, he could be in danger,

Chris: Ok, I’m with You, let’s find him

(Sam and Chris exit Chris’s house)
Sound: Footsteps on gravel

Sam and Chris: Olly!! (shouting)

Ext: Farm- Day - afternoon

Chris: Check around the summerhouse

Sam: He’s Not in here

Chris: What’s that in the distance, it looks like smoke

Sam: Do you think Olly left it there?

Chris: Yeh, maybe but let’s check it out

(The two guys walk across the first field towards the smoke)

Chris: Sam, check out over there quickly

Sam: Don’t see him!

Chris: Sam get over here now!

Sam: What is it?!

(Chris picks up the smoke bomb and Olly’s Jumper)

Chris: Ok, let’s check this field he must be here

(The two boys walk into the next field)

Chris: Jesus Christ What is that?!

(Chris discovers a pig skull)

Sam: I’m guessing its some sort of message

Chris: let’s split up this field is pretty big

Sam: Are you sure?

Chris: You trust me, don’t you?

Sam: Ok let’s do it

Music: Eerie music build up

Chris: I’m going to check out over here

Chris: What the hell I’ve never seen this before

(Chris starts to roll a cigarette when he turns around quickly)

Sound: Distant scream

Chris: Sam, what’s going on?!

Sam: Chris I’ve been stabbed help!

(Chris runs to help Sam)

Chris: We must get up c’mon!!!

(Chris tries to lift Sam up while trying to stop the bleeding)

Sam: Stop! (X3)

Chris: We can’t stay here it’s not safe

Sound: Heavy breathing

Sam: This is it for me here

Chris: Who did this to you?!

Sam: I didn’t see his face I’m sorry

Chris: I’m going to find him I promise

Sam: Am I dying?!

Music: Sad Music

Chris: Yes, I think you are I’m sorry

(Sam reaches into his back pocket and gives Chris a penknife)

Sam: Take this please

Chris: Thank you, I can’t get help so thanks

Sam: Shit, both our phones are dead!

Chris: I’m gonna avenge you I promise

Sound: Sam’s breathing slowly stops

(Chris drags Sam’s body and leans him against a barrier and takes his cap off

(Chris walks towards the cabin down the bottom of the field holding the pen
knife in his right hand)

INT Cabin- Day- Afternoon

Chris: I know you’re in their you coward!

Music: Build up anticipation

(Chris walks towards the front door and opens it slowly while holding the pen
knife out)
Sound: Door creaking

Music: Fast paced loud

Chris: Where are you? show yourself

(Chris walks around the cabin looking around when he feels someone running
from behind him, the villain jumps on Chris and they both fall backwards out of
Music: Music stops when villain attacks

The End

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