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Joshua Michael S.

J Palingcod 10 – Mapagkalinga English 10, Informative Speech


“The youth will carry out our future.” Is what some say, but who are these people considered to
be in this group called the “youth”? Why is this something that is considered to be a global
issue not only to the minority but to the majority of the people around the world? Well, now I
will try to inform you on three things; who are the youth, why the youth, and how is the youth
involved in this.

First, the definition of the word “youth”. According to the all known Google, the word youth is
defined as the period between childhood and adult age. According to the United Nations, the
youth is a group of people generally in the age between 15 and 24. In that sense we could
already see on “who” are involved in this group. Adolescents, teenagers, and adults are
considered by the majority to be in such a category. This definition, as stated by the United
Nations, arose the preparation for the International Youth Year at 1985.

As of today there are over 1.2 billion people between the ages of 15 and 24, accounting for the
16 percent of the global population. This makes is so that with the rapid increase of the youth,
they are demanding more just, equitable, and progressive opportunities and solutions in their
societies. This somewhat sums the question on “why” the youth is considered a global issue
nowadays. But also it is accountable their history and involvement in the United Nations as a
whole. The youth has an impact on the majority of people in this kind of age because of their
distinct influence and learning. The United Nations said themselves that they have long
recognized the imagination, ideals, and energy of young people that is essential in the
development of societies or communities. Speaking of the this, the youth has been involved in
several of the United Nations programs invested to let the community to improve and develop
to a greater level. Examples of this is their involvement with the Sustainable Development
Goals or for short the SDG’s.

Next is “how” is the youth involved in such a predicament. Like what I have stated earlier, the
youth is involved in some of the programs the United Nations is holding such as the Sustainable
Development Goals. Some numbers like the fourth and the eight, the youth are heavily involved
in this. This is because these topics deal with their education, work, and their general
involvement with the economy for its growth. Another is the 2030 agenda the United Nations is
planning. They are said to be the “torchbearers” of this certain agenda because they have such
pivotal roles to play as partners for implementing this and beneficiaries of actions and policies
under this agenda.
As a short summary, the youth is a group of people between ages of 15 and 24. This ranges
from adolescents to adults if it were to be compared to that spectrum. They have such an
impact on the society that they are widely talked about by nations worldwide. They also have a
brief history with the United Nations along with them being involved in their programs to which
they are called the ‘torchbearers’ of some of their agendas or programs With that the youth
today are essential to the development of the world and every contribution they make is
heavily needed by many. With that said, the youth of today will be the up bringers of

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