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“ a Eoties shel be s Do NOT enumer ce BIBUCGRAPHY. Harvard Method elphabehi ced *sibicgrephy wil be written according to the Surnames but in an alphabetical order “The tes of Books, names of websites, newspapers, blogs, journals and magazines willbe Italicized when typing and underlined when handwri TNTEXT REFERENCING ‘BIBLIOGRAPHY 'SEEIN DOORS THE CHEEKY PIG "surname, Initial (ffirst name), date of publication > (year, publishing company and place of ‘publication : this is used for Books. BOOK ane author (Crytal 1885, 2) = Two authors (Crystal and wilson 1988, 9.2). = More than 3 authors (Crystal eal 1988, p. 3}, ‘Casta D. 1988, An Economie geography Spain, Cambridge Usiversity, Cambridge ‘Cryst, and Wilson, M. 1287, A biology of Stolin, Cowell Ld, New York Crystal, D, Wilson, Mand Zin, , 1988, An Economie geogrephy of Spain, Cerbridge University, Cambridge (0 not write page numbers in Bibliography showing entry of Book) "ACHAPTER IN AN EDITED BOOK [with author) (MeKeon 1988, 6.15), ‘McKeon, D. 1969. "Language, clture and Schooling, nF. Gilson (ed) introduction to | ‘culture, Cambridge University Press, ‘Cambridge, New York, 9925-20, {when wring estor’sname, mention initia of | firstname, then ful surname.) for an edited book, need to include page nos) ‘RJournal article with author (Paltidge 1989, .30) ‘journal article with no author (Prospect 1989, 9.27) Patridge, 8. 198, “Placement Testing", Prospect, vol, no, p.27-30. Prospect, 198, Placement Testing’ vol 4, 10.3, pp. 27.30. when a authori given start entry with name of journal) Tewapaper anle with uibor (Patridge 2008, 6.5) Newspaper article with no author (Fi Times 1995, 95) Palrdge, 8.2005, “Fp Away", The Fl Times, 16 March, pS. i Ties, 1994, Fl Aeways", 16 tAarch,p.5. {startwith name of Newspaper when authors name not given [When the names ef newspaper journaie Vistas. bull pont. ‘and organizations are mentioned in the beginning, will nt have "The! n front. TAREPORT BY ORGANISATION WITH NO AUTHOR ji Central Panoing Office, 1985, Ninth Development Plon, Central Planing Office, sua, + Tile of report italicize. ‘IECTRONIC SOURCES TICLE ON THE WEE date of posting gven (TM AUTHOR withno {cxytal 2000, p.5) fro page ne then no need tol that section, With date of posting given: | comtal 18 February, 2033, http: ww /eSric..html 2000, ERIC. talihzeday 18 Feb is the date which you viewed arile, 2000, date of publestion or Jast updated. URL ithe hm Crystal D. 2000, Fl ways", ERIC 4 Api viewed 18 February, 2013, hit: Hawenfesric..ttmt (a Apri the date when the article was posted) Ti Ainways, BIG viewed iF ro nathor than in tent elevencng willbe (ee 2000) *( ne author, write the name of website, or ‘name of organization, orif nore ofthase are provided then write the ame ofthe article, then the ye) "no years even, then write (Crystal. IC, 2000, Fi Away, viewed 18 Februery, 2033, hp: //wa/eSre. Mt “Ajoursa article online with author (oye 2005), Without author: (ustrolian Humanities Review 2008) Toya, 0.2005, "Growing Up Globe ‘ustralion Humanities Review, no. 33,24 ‘August, Vewed 11 May 2007, htp.//w. ‘Austroion Humanes Review, 2005, “Growing, Up lobar’, no. 3,28 August, viewed 11 May, 2007, bt.) # tle of arte within quotes end tte of Journal taliczed ‘Rrewspaper online with author (Coorey 2007) ‘without author: (Gi. Times 2007) Coore, . 2007, “Fighting for lusts”, The Fi Times, 10 May, accessed 14 June, 2013, ete Times, 2007, "Fighting for istics", 10 ay, accessed 14 June, 2013, htp//ww log swith author (Bartet 2007) ‘without author (tarvatus Prodeo 2007) Bare, 0.2009, “The Fil Always, Lantus Prodeo, weblog post, 11 May, viewed 22 May, 2007, betp.. Larvatus Prodeo, 2007, “The Fi Aways" 0 May, vewed 22 ay, 2007, Hp. ‘name of post within quotes ad tile of the site talcized. arsonal interviews with people you want to mention the names of the Interviewee: (allen 2006) Research officer, Law Society 2008, Pereanah Interview, 23 March ‘+ Position, company, yeaathen date of Interview Allen, R. Law Socety 2006, Personal interview, 23 March IOGRAPHY EXERCISE ({rom pest MST papers) |) In London in 2002 Earthscan Publication ta published Gil Wikn' food} Tecnology transfer for en le energy The quote appears on page 60. “he arte UNICEF monitors eects of ers appeared on page 23 ofthe newspaper The Fi Times on Saturday March 20, 2010. The article had no specific author. Q ‘The journal article The future of law in the South Pacfe writen by Anita low, appears inthe electron version of Journal of Sout Pacific aw, vol 12, number (2008). The anile was viewed on 22 Jnuary, 20100nhtp ) Brook tarmer wrote the article The price of gold, which was published nthe January 2008 isue ofthe National Geographic magazine. The article canbe found on pages 41 62, 1) inthe book The eultore of the mathematics classroom there is a chapter titled A constructivist perspective of the culture ofthe mathematics clesscoom which was \waitten by Paul cobb and Ema Yackel. The book was jointly edited by FSeegar, Voight and U, Waschescio and was published bythe Cambridge University Pressin Cambridge Jn 1998. The chapter begins on page 158 and ends on page 180, in 200% Oxford University Press, In Oxford, published the book Practices of Looking: An Iniroduction to Visual Culture twas wetten by Marita Sturken and Usa Carturight and \was bound in London; the book has 100 ages. 3 ‘The aticle Cuts for soci funds was wrtten by Ropate Valeimel fr the Wansohvara newspaper: it appesred in volume 26, issue number 3 on page 6, onthe 18% of une 2011

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