2.07 Tutorial Week 2

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TUTORIAL WEEK 2 the perilymph in the vestibule and the scala

Mengapa kotoran telinga mengeras? vestibuli. 2 Vibration of the oval window

Apa bahaya dari make cotton bud? produces pressure waves in the fluid that
Kotoran telinga yang normal kaya apa? are just like those in the air. However, more
Mekanisme mendengar force is needed to generate motion in fluid
Mekanisme keseimbangan than in air (think about the effort required
Tuli, kenapa bisa? to move your cupped hand through water
Hub. Tuli dan keseimbangan as opposed to air). So, increased force on
the oval window is necessary to move the
Transmission of Sound to the Inner
Ear Processing of Sound in the
Inner Ear
The pressure waves generated at the oval
window travel through the perilymph of the
vestibule to the scala vestibuli of the

High-frequency vibrations (such as those

produced by squealing brakes on a train)
take a shortcut through the cochlear duct
(scala media) to reach the scala tympani,
which is shown in step 3a of Figure 15.31a.
As they pass through the cochlear duct to
the scala tympani, they cause the
endolymph and basilar membrane to
What happens when sound waves reach vibrate. These vibrations occur close to the
the ear? The auricle funnels sound waves base of the cochlea, where the basilar
into the auditory canal, a task at which it membrane is narrow and stiff (Figure
excels because of its shape, providing a 15.31b).
good example of the
Notice in step 3b that low-frequency
Structure-Function Core Principle (p. 65). As vibrations (like those of the rumble of the
you can see in step 1 , the sound waves train) travel farther into the cochlea and
strike the tympanic membrane make the basilar membrane vibrate where
it is wider and more flexible. For very low-
and cause it to vibrate at the same frequency sounds that we cannot hear, the
frequency. This in turn causes the auditory waves travel all the way to the tip of the
ossicles in the middle ear to vibrate, and cochlea, where the scala vestib- uli
these vibra- tions are transmitted to the connects with the scala tympani at an
oval window. opening called the hel- icotrema (hel′-ih-
koh-TREE-mah). The waves then travel
The oval window vibrates at the same back to the vestibule via the scala tympani,
frequency as the tym- panic membrane. where they cause corre- sponding
However, when the ossicles transmit the movement of the round window.
force from the larger tympanic membrane
to the smaller oval window, the force is The presence of the round window is
concentrated in a smaller area and for this essential, as without it the fluid would not
reason it move. Fluid cannot be compressed; if it is
pushed from one area, it must move into
increases significantly. The ossicles also act another area (squeez- ing a water balloon
as a lever system to amplify the vibration at one end forces it to bulge at the other
of the oval window. end). In the same way, as the oval window
is pushed into the inner ear, the round
Why is this important? The answer lies in window bulges outward, and vice versa.
what is found on the other side of the oval
window in the inner ear: fluid, in particular
Pitch is determined by which area of the 1The basilar membrane moves up
basilar membrane vibrates, whereas toward the tectorial membrane,
loudness is determined by how much the bending the stereocilia toward the
basi- lar membrane vibrates at that area. A tallest
loud noise produces sound waves with
more energy, which in turn cause greater stereocilium. As the basilar membrane
movement of the tympanic membrane, moves toward the tectorial membrane, the
middle ear ossicles, and the peri- lymph stereocilia on the outer hair cells bend
and endolymph. Increased movement of against it. Stereocilia of inner hair cells also
these fluids pro- duces greater vibration of bend due to movement of the endolymph
the basilar membrane and stronger between the two mem- branes. When the
stimulation of nearby receptor cells. basilar membrane moves away from the
tectorial membrane, the stereocilia bend in
Regardless of which portion of the basilar the opposite direction.
membrane vibrates, the movement causes
changes in the spiral organ, which rests on 2 Bending the stereocilia opens
the basilar membrane. To understand these potassium ion chan- nels that
changes, we need to look at the structure depolarize the hair cell. As the
of the spiral organ in more detail (Figure stereocilia bend toward the tallest one, the
15.32). tip links stretch and pull open a potassium
ion channel in the tip of each stereocilium.
The spiral organ contains receptor cells In typical neurons, opening potassium ion
called hair cells. They are grouped into a channels would
single row of inner hair cells and three
rows of outer hair cells. The 3500 inner hyperpolarize the cell, but the endo- lymph
hair cells are primar- ily responsible for contains such a high con- centration of
detecting sound. Each hair cell has potassium ions that they flow into the hair
microvilli, known as stereocilia (stare′-ee- cells, causing depolarization and a local
oh-SILL-ee-ah), which project from the cell potential.
into the endolymph of the cochlear duct.
The ste- reocilia vary in length and are 3The depolarized hair cell releases
arranged from tallest to shortest. The neurotransmitters, triggering action
stereocilia themselves are stiff but “bend” potentials in the axon of the cochlear
by flexing at the junction with the cell body nerve. The neurotransmitter is likely
(like a joystick). glutamate, and it triggers an action
potential in the neuron of the cochlear
What makes the stereocilia bend? A stiff nerve innervating the hair cell.
membrane, called the tectorial
membrane (teck-TORE-ee-al), extends When the basilar membrane moves back,
over the hair cells and “sandwiches” them away from the tec- torial membrane, the
between the basilar and tecto- rial stereocilia bend in the opposite direction.
membranes. The stereocilia on the outer The tip links are no longer stretched and
hair cells contact the tectorial membrane, the potassium ion chan- nels close. The hair
but the stereocilia in the inner hair cells do cells hyperpolarize, which stops the release
not. When the basilar membrane vibrates of neurotransmitters.
up and down in response to sound waves,
the hair cells move with it toward and away Each inner hair cell is contacted by multiple
from the tectorial membrane. neurons; approx- imately 90% of auditory
neurons contact the inner hair cells. In
Each stereocilium is connected to its contrast, only one neuron contacts multiple
neighbor by an elastic filament called a tip outer hair cells. The inner hair cells perform
link (Figure 15.33a). When the tallest stereo- most of the work of detecting sound, but
cilium bends in one direction, the other destruction of the outer hair cells by certain
stereocilia are pulled in the same direction. drugs—such as the antibiotic kanamycin—
can result in nearly complete deaf- ness.
The sequence of events that takes place This is because the outer hair cells play an
when sound is transmitted to the inner ear essential role
is shown in Figure 15.33b and proceeds as
in increasing the sensitivity of the inner hair important for processing combinations of
cells and amplify- ing the vibration of the sounds according to their fre- quency and
basilar membrane. The outer hair cells are time interval.
capable of rapidly changing their length in
an oscillating fashion (in other words, they 5  The thalamus sends signals to the
jiggle), which enhances the move- ment of primary auditory cortex in the superior
the basilar membrane as much as a portion of the temporal lobe. As with
hundred-fold. The movement of the outer other sensory cortices, the primary
hair cells can send vibrations backward auditory cortex is where our first
through the inner ear and middle ear to the conscious awareness of sound begins, as
tympanic membrane and cause it to move. well as analysis of its location, pitch, and
A very sensitive microphone placed next to loudness.
the tympanic membrane can actually
detect sounds produced by the ear, called
otoacoustic emissions. The lack of such
sounds indicates damage in the auditory
pathway. To see how damage to hair cells
or other structures of the ear can interfere
with hearing, read A&P in the Real World:

The Auditory Pathway

After the hair cells transduce the energy
from sound waves into neural signals, these
signals travel into the CNS along the path-
The external auditory canal is lined with
1  Auditory signals travel through
modified sweat glands called ceruminous
axons of the cochlear por- tion of the
glands (seh-ROO-meh-nus) that secrete
vestibulocochlear nerve to the
yellow- ish-brown to gray cerumen (seh-
cochlear nuclei at the medulla-pons
ROO-men), or ear wax. Ear wax lubricates
junction. Axons of the cochlear nerve
and waterproofs the external auditory canal
synapse in the cochlear nuclei, which are
and the tympanic membrane; it also traps
located at the junction of the pons and
debris before it reaches the tympanic
membrane and sweeps it out of the
auditory canal.
2  Axons from the cochlear nuclei
contact the superior oli- vary nucleus
in the pons. Neurons in the superior oli-
vary nucleus (ALL-ih-vair-ee) compare
information from both ears to determine VESTIBULAR SENSASTION
the location of the sound.
The sense of equilibrium depends on input
3  Auditory stimuli are then sent to the from three sources: (1) the visual system;
inferior colliculus of the midbrain. The (2) the proprioceptors in muscles and joints
stimuli are coordinated with head and trunk that provide feedback about body position;
movement to produce the startle reflex. and (3) the vestibular system (vestibule
This reflex, a response to unexpected and semicircular canals) in the inner ear,
sounds, causes you to turn your head and which provides information about head
body toward the sound to investigate it. If position and move- ment, known as
you have ever “jumped out of your skin” in vestibular sensation.
response to a loud clap of thunder, you are
familiar with the startle reflex. The meaning of each term can be gleaned
from its name: static means stationary or
4  Theauditory stimuli are relayed to unmov- ing, and dynamic means changing
the medial genicu- late nucleus of the or moving. Static equilib- rium therefore
thalamus. The role of the thalamus in refers to maintaining balance when the
human hearing is not clear, but it may be head and body are not moving but the
head is tilted. Dynamic equilib- rium, on ampulla. For example, when you
the other hand, refers to maintaining turn your head, the endolymph lags
balance when the head or body is behind and pushes on the cupula,
undergoing rotational or angular motions as shown in Figure 15.38b. This
(such as spinning in a rotating chair) or bends the stereocilia, which either
linear acceleration (such as riding in a car). increases or decreases glutamate release
from the hair cells and causes a
UTRICULE, SACCULE corresponding change in the activity of
neurons in the vestibular nerve. Your brain
interprets the change in nerve activity as
the start of head rotation (acceleration).
The endolymph “catches up” quickly during
continued rotation. When you stop turning
your head, the endolymph continues to
move and bends the cupula in the direction
opposite to that when you started turning
your head. This has the opposite effect on
glu- tamate release and the activity of the
vestibular nerve, and your brain interprets
Static equilibrium is monitored by the the change to mean that head rotation has
utricle and the saccule. When you tilt your stopped.
head, how do the hair cells respond? In the
utricle, the stereocilia point vertically when
your head is upright and stationary, and The Vestibular Sensation
they bend when the head tilts to either side Pathway
or to the front or back. In the saccule, the
stereocilia are oriented horizontally when Detecting head movement and position is
your head is upright and stationary, and only part of the bat- tle to maintain
bend in response to up-and-down equilibrium; the brain must receive and
movements (such as when you sit up analyze the stimuli and then coordinate a
straight from a slouched position). When response. The responses can be grouped
the head tilts, grav- ity pulls on the otolithic into three categories: (1) muscle movement
membrane, which bends the stereocilia, to produce changes in posture (for
When the stereocilia bend toward the example, flailing your arms to avoid fall- ing
kinocilium, the hair cells experience a local when you trip), (2) cognitive awareness of
potential and depolarize. They then release head position and/ or movement, and (3)
more glutamate, increasing the number of compensatory eye movements for some
action potentials produced in the axons of types of head movement.
the vestibular nerve. Bending of the
stereocilia away from the kinocilium hyper- To produce these responses, the vestibular
polarizes the hair cells and they release signals need to reach various regions of the
less glutamate, reducing the number of central nervous system, as shown in Figure
action potentials in the axons of the 15.39:
vestibular nerve
1  Vestibularsignals travel to the
The utricle and saccule are also important vestibular nuclei located at the
in detecting linear acceleration, a form of medulla-pons junction.
dynamic equilibrium, such as riding in a car
or elevator. 2  Thevestibular nuclei forward the
signals simultane- ously to the
SEMICIRCULAR DUCT following areas of the CNS:

dynamic equilibrium includes angular or -The thalamus and then the inferior
rotational movements, such as turning your parietal lobe, for conscious awareness
head or spinning in a chair. The three of head position and movement.
ducts, which con- tain endolymph, are
oriented to detect rotation in all three The inferior parietal lobe integrates the
planes. The semicircular ducts are signals so you are aware of the direction in
connected to the utricle; near this con- which your head is moving (for example,
nection, each duct has a swelling, the
knowing that your head is turning to the
right and not the left). Several regions of
the parietal lobe receive vestibular signals,
but their locations have not been
determined with the same accuracy as in
the visual and auditory pathways.

-The cranial nerve nuclei, to coordinate

eye movement in response to head
movement. Axons from the vestib- ular
nuclei terminate in the oculomotor,
trochlear, and abducens nuclei which give
rise to the cranial nerves that control eye
movement. One example of coordinated
eye movement is the vestibulo-ocular
reflex, which enables us to keep our eyes
fixed on an object while our head is mov-
ing. This happens when we walk or run
toward an object; as our head moves up,
our eyes move inferiorly and vice versa. We Hearing Loss
can choose to override the reflex if we want
to turn our heads without fixing our gaze.
Hearing loss or deafness can be classified
into two broad cate- gories: conduction and
-The cerebellum and spinal cord, to
sensorineural. Conduction hearing loss is
coordinate muscle movement that
due to a problem in the outer or middle ear
maintains balance in response to head
that prevents sound waves from reaching
movement. For example, tilting your head
the inner ear. Examples include excessive
back to look at the sky requires contracting
buildup of ear wax, a middle ear infection, a
muscles in your torso and lower limbs so
perforated tympanic membrane, or fusion
you don’t fall over backward.
of the auditory ossicles. Vibrations can
reach the fluid of the inner ear through the
temporal bone (bone

conduction), but with much less accuracy

than conduction through air. Many forms of
conduction hearing loss are tempo- rary
and can be corrected, for example, by
removing excess ear wax or repairing a
perforated tympanic membrane.

Sensorineural hearing loss refers to a

deficit in the cochlea or any of the neural
pathways in the cochlear nerve or CNS.
There are actually two types of
sensorineural hearing loss, and they dif- fer
significantly in terms of cause and

1. Sensory hearing loss occurs when action

potentials cannot be generated in the
cochlea, usually due to dysfunction of the
hair cells. Exposure to loud sounds or
certain medications may damage hair cells.
We also lose stereocilia as we age,
especially those in the proximal part of the
cochlea that are responsible for detecting
high-frequency sounds. Hearing aids can
help mild to moderate cases of sensory
hearing loss. A cochlear implant may also
be an option (see A&P in the Real World: Ceruminous glands (seh-ROO-mih-nus) are
Cochlear Implants). found only in the auditory (ear) canal, where
their secretion combines with sebum and dead
epidermal cells to form ear- wax, or cerumen.21
2. Neural hearing loss occurs when the
They are simple, coiled, tubular glands with
signals fail to travel through the cochlear ducts leading to the skin surface. Cerumen
branch of the vestibulocochlear nerve or keeps the eardrum pliable, waterproofs the
CNS pathways. Typical causes include auditory canal, and has a bactericidal effect.
strokes or tumors such as an acoustic
neuroma, a benign tumor outside the brain- (SALADIN)
stem at the junction of the medulla and
pons. Cochlear im- plants are not effective
for neural hearing loss.



Ear wax is more likely to accumulate and cause a

hearing impairment when normal extrusion is
prevented (for example, by hearing aids or by the
use of cotton buds to clean the ears).
In the outer part of the canal are modified sweat
glands (ceruminous glands), which secrete a
modified sweat that has bacteriocidal and
fungicidal properties, and sebaceous glands that
produce an oily material and usually discharge in
the hair follicles at the outside of the canal. Wax is
a mixture of all three components, with keratin
being predominant. Overall wax is sticky,
waterproof, and protective, and there should be a
thin coating of wax near the external opening of
the canal.
When wax gets wet, the keratin swells and can
lead to the sudden onset of complete occlusion of
the canal and a hearing loss. The wet, dead keratin
can become infected and an otitis externa develop.
Wax may obscure the view of the tympanic
membrane and may need to be removed for
diagnostic reasons.
Since the deep ear canal may be wider than the
opening, a large plug of dry, hard wax deep in the
canal can be particularly difficult to remove. If
wax needs to be removed, then various options are
available: irrigation (syringing with unregulated
manual syringes should no longer be used), wax
softeners/solvents, irrigation following wax
softeners, mechanical removal, or microsuction.

BMJ Clin Evid.

Published online 2015 Jul 27. 
Ear wax
Professor Tony Wright

Ceruminous Glands

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