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Major Factors that Undermine Food Security in Lokia


Executive Summary
This report is inscribed on the major factors that undermine food security in Lokia,

Nausori, Fiji. Food security denotes to individuals at all times have access to enough

and safefood for a healthy life.Pacific’s food security has been challenged by many

ways including climate change and etc. which will be discussed in the research.

Questionnaires, personal interviews and internet researchwere practiced to gather

information and carry out the research on factors undermining food security. Through

this I was able to know public’s opinion and their views on food security. It should not

be surprising when food security crisis leads to higher number of people suffering

from hunger and other adverse consequences.


Table of Content

Content Page #
Executive Summary i
Table of Content ii
List of figures iv
1.0 introduction 1
2.0 methods 2

2.1 questionnaire

2.2 personal interview

2.3 internet research

3.0 Results 3

3.1 Results from The Questionnaire Distributed

3.1.1 Understanding the Concept of Food Security and Food

Security Crisis

3.1.2 Presence of food security crisis

3.1.3 Importance of Food Security

3.2 Results from the Personal Interview Conducted

3.2.1 Factors Affecting Food Security

3.2.2 Role of Government Play in Addressing Food Security

4.0 Discussion 8

4.1 Food Security and Food Security Crisis

4.2 Presence of Food Crisis

4.2.1 In the Community

4.2.2 In the Nation

4.2.3 In the Pacific Region

4.3 Food Security: A Vital Issue

4.4 Contributing Factors of Food Security Crisis


4.5 The Role of Government in Addressing Food Security

5.0 Conclusion 11
6.0 Recommendation 12
7.0 Bibliography 13
8.0 Appendix 14

8.1 Questionnaire

8.2 Personal Interview Questionnaire

List of Figures

Figure Title Page #

1 Do you understand the concept of food security and food 3

security crisis?
2 Food Security Crisis Present in Community, Nation and 4


3 Food Security an Essential or Non-essential Matter? 5
4 Physical and Human Factors Affecting Food Security 6
5 Government Plays a Role to Address Food Security Crisis 7


A major concern for the country is the availability of acceptable and quality food.

Food security is the provision of sufficient and healthy food to the people in the

region. Securing sufficient food at all times and meeting the dietary needs of the

individuals becomes the foremost priority.

The purpose of this report is to evaluate the major factors which undermines food

security in the regions and looking closely at the residents in the Lokia settlement.

The case study area is the Lokia settlement which is situated 12km from Nausori

Town. Different ethnic groups of people reside here with farming as their major

source of income.

It is assumed that not all residents in the Lokia settlement are aware and have

access to adequate and superiority food. It is rather essential for an alertness to be

created amongst the individuals so that they consume healthy food. Together with

this, the residents need to be made aware that there are various factors associated

with food security.

There are innumerable issues concerning food security all over the world. This report

therefore will: identify the food crisis present in Lokia settlement, will determine the

views of the people in the community on food security, it will recognize the major

factors that undermines food security, establish the impact of food security crisis and

suggest ways in which food security crisis can be addressed in Lokia.


2.0 Methods

2.1 Questionnaire

A set of questionnaires was distributed among 50 residents of Lokia.They were

asked to identify the food crisis present in the community, express their opinions on

food security, list the major factors that challenge food security, outline the influences

of food security crisis and recommend ways in which food security crisis can be


2.2 Personal Interview

Thecommunity heads were personally interviewed regarding the factors undermining

food security in the community. The questions were focused on the present crisis of

food security in the community.

2.3 Internet Research

More relevant information about food security crisis, its impacts and ways to address

food security crisis were searched over the internet. Numerous websites were

accessed to gather data and all information gathered has been duly referenced.


3.0 Results

3.1 Results from The Questionnaire Distributed

3.1.1 Understanding the Concept of Food Security and Food Security Crisis

Figure 1: Do you understand the concept of food security

and food security crisis?




(Source: Question 1, Questionnaire)

According to the analysis in figure 1 above it is evident that 75% of the community

members of Lokia are aware and know what is food security and food security

crisis.However, the fact that 25% of the people are unaware and are not familiar with

the concept of food security and food security crisis cannot be ignored.

3.1.2 Presence of food security crisis


Figure 2: Food Security Crisis Present in Community,

Nati on and Region
4.4 4.5 4.5
% population

3 2.8
2.4 2.5
2 2
2 1.8

Below 20 21-30 31-40 41-50 Above 50
Age group

Community Nation Region

(Source: Question 3, Questionnaire)

As portrayed in figure 2 different age groups have different views regarding the

presence of food security crisis in the community (Lokia), nation (Fiji) and region

(Pacific). These figures are based according to the questionnaire response. This also

tells us that different age groups have different perspective regarding food security


3.1.3 Importance of Food Security


Figure 3: Food Security an Essenti al or Non-essenti al

Matt er?


Non- essential


(Source: Question 4(ii), Questionnaire)

As portrayed in figure 3 above 80% believed that food security is an essential

matter.However, 20% think that food security is a non-essential matter. This 20%

had their own perspective which they explained.

3.2 Results from the Personal Interview Conducted

3.2.1 Factors Affecting Food Security


Figure 4: Physical and Human Factors Aff ecting Food


average population

5 Climate
4 Soil Quality

Human Factor Physical Factors
Factors Affecting food security

(Source: Question 6, Personal Interview Questionnaire)

Figure 4 illustrates that there can be two factors affecting food security. According to

the community heads, theythink that climate (physical factor) is affecting the most

influential factor followed by technology (human factor). While soil quality and

gradient were some other physical factors listed by them.

3.2.2 Role of Government Play in Addressing Food Security Crisis


Figure 5: Government Plays a Role to Address Food

Security Crisis


Yes No

Government Plays a Role to Address Food Security Crisis

(Source: Question 7, Personal Interview Questionnaire)

Government has a part to play in addressing food security crisis in Lokia and even in

Fiji and this is what is believed by the village heads as figure 5 depicts. 9% of them

votes for yes however 1% had other reasons and perspectives which they explained



4.0 Discussion

4.1 Food Security and Food Security Crisis

“Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social and

economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs

and food preferences for an active and healthy life”. (World Food Summit, 1996). On

the other hand,“food security crisis refers to when people lack regular access to

enough safe and nutritious food for normal growth and development and an active

and healthy life. This may be due to unavailability of food and/or lack of resources to

obtain food”. (Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations (FAO), 2020).

According to Figure 1, it is imperative for individuals to know the meaning of food

security and food security crisis because for us pacific island nations it’s a matter of

anxiety since we have started to feel the impacts of climate change. Thus, food

security is also as fatal as climate change and it should be prioritized.

4.2Presence of Food Crisis

4.2.1 In the Community

It cannot be denied that not all families have enough to eat at all times and this can

be due to difference in income levels, bread winner is unemployed or in the worst-

case scenario because of poverty.

According to figure 2, the outcome is fluctuating among the different age groups

about the presence of food security crisis in Lokia. Those who are between the age

of 41 to 50 believe the most that food security crisis is present in the community

followed by the youths below 20 years.

4.2.2 In the Nation


In Fiji, the unemployment rate in 2019 was 4.15% (Fiji Bureau of Statistics 2020).

This indicates that there are families who donot have sufficient food to consume

because of unemployment. The weather pattern is changing in Fiji and we are

experiencing off season cyclones. This affects the food production level and its

quality. Flooding washes away all the minerals in the soil and vegetables do not

grow as nutritious as they used to be. Thus, this does not ensure sufficient, safe and

nutritious food to individuals.

Considering figure 2, people who are between the age of 21 to 30 believe the most

that yes, food crisis is present in the nation. This is because these adults are mostly

versed with the workforce and some even have their own family to feed.

4.2.3 In the Pacific Region

According to figure 2, those who are between the age group of 41 to 50 and those

who are above 50 voted the most. This age groups speaks with experience since

most of them are in the workforce and few have retired. They know what is takes to

feed the family 3 times.

4.3 Food Security: A Vital Issue

Food security is an essential matter as far as the health of the individuals are

concerned. In order to accomplish zero hunger and bring about a decrease in the

poverty rate, there is a need to classify food security as a crucial matter. As stated in

figure 3, the residents of Lokia settlement had knowledge on treating this seriously,

however, those who did not understand the concept were not very much sure as to

what they should be doing.

4.4 Contributing Factors of Food Security Crisis


There are various factors that contribute to food security crisis such as the impact of

technology, climate change, gradient and soil quality. These impacts lead to hinder

the food security and according to the residents of Lokia settlement there is a need

to create awareness on this, since they seem to be in the dark. Due to these impacts

the production is affected as a result the individuals are not able to reach out to

healthy food. The residents of Lokia are to some extent in the same category and

are not able to suffice their needs.

4.5 The Role of Government in Addressing Food Security Crisis

“Countries that have achieved greater national and household food security

generally have a track record of strong political emphasis on agriculture, careful

consideration of economic incentives for agricultural production and human and

economic investments in research, extension and training”. (Food Security

Assessment (GFA-9) November 1997)

Such is the situation with the Lokia residents, they rely entirely upon the government

to solve their issues with food security. According to them, the government is looking

into the well- being of individuals to combat the crisis of climate change and impact

of technology.

“One essential component in the common solutions to food insecurity is assisting

locals with the sustainable management of local natural resources through soil

conservation, water harvesting, rehabilitating irrigation systems and reducing the

loss of biodiversity. This is directed toward localized measures to solve food

deficiency issues”. (Matrinna Woods, 2018).


5.0 Conclusion

Finally, it can be said that food security is a concern for the individuals at large. With

the support of the government and bringing about improvement in agriculture, health

and other sectors food security crisis can be contested. Opinions from the

community at large varies, however, there were many similar views in regards to

food security and its associated crisis. Food security is an alarm and will remain a

priority concern since it deals with individuals daily routine.


6.0 Recommendation

The following can bring about improvements to combat food security:

 Stakeholders need to see the importance of local and domestic food supply

and provide for the needs of the people.

 The financial constraints and the role of the government needs to be put in

place so that the food crisis issue can be resolved.

 The Ministry of Agriculture together with the respective authorities should look

into the production and provide adequate food supply to individuals.

 The preferment of conservational sustainability of food systems should be the

major concern for all relevant stakeholders.


7.0 Bibliography

Blanford, David and Gerard Viatte. "Ensuring Global Food Security," Organization for

Economic Cooperation and Development: the OECD Observer (Dec. 1996/ Jan.


Food Security Assessment (GFA-9) November 1997 (Washington, DC: United

States, Department of Agriculture, 1997).

Woods, M. 2018, “Common solutions to Food Insecurity Worldwide”, Borgen Project,

weblog post, 1 February, viewed 12 April, 2020,


Peters, May Mercado and ShahlaShapouri. "Income Inequality and Food Security,"

in Food Security Assessment (November 1997), (Washington D.C.: United States

Department of Agriculture, 1997).

World Food Summit 1996, Rome Declaration on World Food Security.


8.0 Appendix

8.1 Questionnaire

UU114 English For Academic Purposes

Assignment 2: Research Work

Topic: Major Factors that Undermine Food Security in Lokia

Name: Race:
Gender: Address:
Age: Marital Status:


I. Do you know what food security and food security crisis is?


☐ No

II. Please explain





2. Is food security crisis a concern for you?

3. Identify food crisis present in

I) Community:





II) Nation:




III) Region:





I) What is your opinion on food security?

II) Is food security an essential or non-essential matter according to you?



5. Select the major factors that undermine food security according to you from

the list given below:

☐Climate Change

☐Population Growth


☐Unequal income distribution

☐Lack of facilities

☐Others (Please specify)

6. Select a factor contributing towards food security crisis the most according to


a. Physical factors:



☐Soil quality


b. Human Factor:


7. What impact does food security crisis have on?

a. Individuals




b. Economy as a whole




8. What can the individuals do to help address food crisis in the community,

nation and region?





i. Do government have a role to play in addressing food security crisis?



ii. What can the government do to combat the crisis?





10. What have you done so far and what are you planning to do in order to

combat the food security crisis?




8.2 Personal Interview Questionnaire


UU114 English For Academic Purposes

Assignment 2: Research Work

Topic: Major Factors that Undermine Food Security in Lokia

Name: Race:
Gender: Address:
Age: Marital Status:
1. What is food security?

2. What is food security crisis?

3. Is food security crisis present in the community, nation and region?

4. What is your opinion regarding food security in Lokia?

5. Do you think food security and food security crisis is a matter of concern?

6. Elaborate few factors according to you affecting food security in Lokia?

7. What role does the government play in fighting this crisis?

8. What is your role as an individual in addressing food security crisis?


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