Diseased Cause by Bacteria

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1. Apa beda bakteri&virus? acid core, or genome, of RNA or DNA—never both.

2. Bagaimana respon tubuh thd bakteri&virus? Viruses are incapable of replication outside of a living
3. Bagaimana membedakan infeksi b&v? cell. They must penetrate a susceptible living cell and
4. Bagaimana penggunaan antibiotic/mekanismenya use the biosynthetic structure of the cell to produce viral
5. Gmn mekanisme resistensi antibiotic progeny. Not every viral agent causes lysis and death of
6. Farmakoterapi infeksi bakteri the host cell during the course of replication. Some
7. Gmn kerja sist. Imun menanggapi b&v? viruses enter the host cell and insert their genome into
the host cell chromosome, where it remains in a latent,
DISEASED CAUSE BY BACTERIA nonreplicating state for long periods without causing
Supaya bacteria bisa menguasai host dia mesti tahan disease.
saat neutrophil mulai memakannya since the early 1980s, members of the retrovirus group
Caranya: bergenerasi, membentuk kapsul yg licin have received considerable attention after identification
supaya makrofag gabisa makan dia. of the human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV) as the
causative agent of acquired immunodeficiency
 WABAH syndrome (AIDS). The retro- viruses have a unique
Disebabin: yersinia pestis yang disebari hewan mechanism of replication. After entry into the host cell,
pengerat (tikus, kelinci) the viral RNA genome is first translated into DNA by a
Saat organisme(bakteri) masuk ke aliran darah-> viral enzyme called reverse transcriptase. The viral DNA
mencapai kelenjar getah bening bukannya copy is then integrated into the host chromosome
terfagositosis-> mereka akan berproliferasi dgn cepat where it exists in a latent state, similar to the
menimbulkan limfanodepati tender herpesviruses. Reactivation and replication require a
Hal ini tjd dalam 24-48 jam disertai panas dingin, reversal of the entire process. Some retroviruses lyse the
host cell during the process of replication. In the case of
demam, myalgia, mual, muntah, lemah. Kalo ga
HIV, the infected cells regulate the immunologic
diobati bisa tjd kematian dalam 1-2 hari karna DIC
defense system of the host, and their lysis leads to a
(disseminated intravascular coagulation) dengan
permanent suppression of the immune response.
pengembangan petechiae & ecchymoses menuju ke
gangrene. Di kasus lain kematian jg bisa tjd karna
In nature, however, bacteria rarely exist as single cells
kerusakan beberapa organ karena ditemukan
floating in an aqueous environment. Rather, bacteria
toxaemia. prefer to stick to and colonize environmental surfaces,
producing structured communities called biofilms.The
*petechiae: bintik kecil ungu-coklat krn pendarahan bwh organization and structure of biofilms permit access to
available nutrients and elimination of metabolic waste.
Toxaemia: blood poisoning krn presence toxin
Within the biofilm, individual organisms use chemical
signaling as a form of primitive intercellular com-
munication to represent the state of the environment.
These signals inform members of the community when
sufficient nutrients are available for proliferation or
when environmental conditions warrant dormancy or

Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms that thrive in

many different types of environments. Some varieties
live in extremes of cold or heat. Others make their home
in people's intestines, where they help digest food. Most
bacteria cause no harm to people, but there are
Infections caused by bacteria include:
Strep throat
VIRUS Tuberculosis
they have no organized cellular structures but instead Urinary tract infections
consist of a protein coat, or capsid, surrounding a nucleic
Inappropriate use of antibiotics has helped create the filtration qualities of the bacterial cell wall that prevent
bacterial diseases that are resistant to treatment with access of antibiotics to the target site in the organism. It is
different types of antibiotic medications. the continuous search for a “better mousetrap” that makes
Viruses are even smaller than bacteria and require living anti-infective therapy such a fascinating aspect of
hosts — such as people, plants or animals — to multiply. infectious diseases.
Otherwise, they can't survive. When a virus enters your
body, it invades some of your cells and takes over the
cell machinery, redirecting it to produce the virus.
Diseases caused by viruses include:
Common colds
In some cases, it may be difficult to determine whether a
bacterium or a virus is causing your symptoms. Many
ailments — such as pneumonia, meningitis and diarrhea
— can be caused by either bacteria or viruses.

The goal of treatment for an infectious disease is complete
removal of the pathogen from the host and the restoration
of normal physiologic function to damaged tissues. Most
infectious diseases of humans are self-limiting in that they
require little or no medical therapy for a complete cure.
When an infectious process gains the upper hand and
therapeutic intervention is essential, the choice of
treatment may be medicinal through the use of
antimicrobial agents; immunologic with antibody
preparations, vaccines, or substances that stimulate and
improve the host’s immune function; or surgical by
removing infected tissues. The decision about which
therapeutic modality or combination of therapies to use is
based on the extent, urgency, and location of the disease
process, the pathogen, and the availability of effective
antimicrobial agents.
 Antibacterial
Antibacterial agents are generally called antibiotics. An
antibiotic is considered bactericidal if it causes irreversible
and lethal damage to the bacterial pathogen and
bacteriostatic if its inhibitory effects on bacterial growth
are reversed when the agent is eliminated. Antibiotics can
be classified into families of compounds with related
chemical structure and activity.
The four basic mechanisms of the antibiotic action are
interference with a specific step in bacterial cell wall
synthesis, inhibition of bacterial protein synthesis,
interruption of nucleic acid synthesis, and interference with
normal metabolism.
Of greater concern is the increasing prevalence of bacteria
resistant to the effects of antibiotics. Bacterial resistance
mechanisms include the production of enzymes that inac-
tivate antibiotics, such as β-lactamases; genetic mutations
that alter antibiotic binding sites; alternative metabolic
pathways that bypass antibiotic activity; and changes in

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