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A Project Thesis Submitted by:

Raja Haider 16-NTU-0141

University Supervisor: Dr. Abdul Jabbar

Mill Supervisor: Sir Salman Ata

In Partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of

Bachelor of Science
In Textile engineering
Dept. of Yarn Manufacturing
Faculty of engineering & Technology
National Textile University Faisalabad

This Internship report, carried out and written by ________ under the direction of their
supervisor, ___________ and approved by all the members of Project Committee of the
department, has been presented to and accepted by the Chairman, Department of Yarn
Manufacturing and Dean, Faculty of Engineering & Technology in fulfillment of the
requirement of degree Bachelor of Science in Textile Engineering.


Chairman DYM
Table of Contents

CHAPTER 2..............................................................................................................................1


2.1 Open End Spinning:....................................................................................................1

2.2 History:........................................................................................................................1

2.3 Economical Aspects:...................................................................................................1

2.4 Rotor Spinning:...........................................................................................................2

2.4.1 Feeding:...............................................................................................................2
2.4.2 Opening:..............................................................................................................2
2.4.3 Transport Channel:..............................................................................................4
2.4.4 Trash Removal:....................................................................................................5
2.4.5 Rotor:...................................................................................................................6
2.4.6 Take Up and the Winding:...................................................................................6
2.5 Advantages of Rotor Spinning:...................................................................................7

2.6 Rotor Spun Yarn VS Ring Spun Yarn:.......................................................................8

2.7 Raw Material Used in Rotor Spinning:.......................................................................8

2.8 Important Fiber Attributes in Rotor Spinning:............................................................8

2.9 Raw Material Requirement:........................................................................................8

2.9.1 Fiber Length:.......................................................................................................8

2.9.2 Fiber Fineness:.....................................................................................................8
2.9.3 Fiber Strength:.....................................................................................................9
2.9.4 Dirt & Dust:.........................................................................................................9
2.9.5 Other Foreign Matter:..........................................................................................9
CHAPTER 3............................................................................................................................10

LITERATURE REVIEW........................................................................................................10

CHAPTER 4............................................................................................................................13

MATERIALS AND METHODS............................................................................................13

4.1 Materials:..................................................................................................................13

4.2 Materials....................................................................................................................13

4.3 Methods.....................................................................................................................13

4.3.1 Yarn production.................................................................................................13

4.3.2 Testing...............................................................................................................14
4.3.3 Testing equipment:............................................................................................14
4.3.4 Opening and mixing..........................................................................................15
4.4 Blow room.................................................................................................................16

4.4.1 Material process of bale breaker........................................................................16

4.4.2 Fine opener 1.....................................................................................................18
4.4.3 Axi flow.............................................................................................................18
4.4.4 Step cleaner........................................................................................................19
4.4.5 Scutcher.............................................................................................................21
4.5 Carding machine.......................................................................................................22

4.6 Draw frame...............................................................................................................24


Table 3.1: Specifications of fibers...........................................................................................15

Table 3.2: Blend ratios of used material..................................................................................15
Table 3.3 : Machinery for yarn manufacturing........................................................................16
Table 3.4: Specification of different lattice, roller and settings..............................................19
Table 3.5: Specification of fine opener 1.................................................................................20
Table 3.6 : Specification of axi flow.......................................................................................21
Table 3.7: Specification of step cleaner...................................................................................22
Table 3.8: Specification fine opener 2.....................................................................................22
Table 3.9: Specification of hopper feeder................................................................................23
Table 3.10 : Specification of scutcher.....................................................................................24
Table 3.11 : Card machine.......................................................................................................26
Table 3.12 : Breaker and finisher specification.......................................................................27

Figure 1.1 Carding Roller..........................................................................................................5

Figure 1.2 Teeth Geometry........................................................................................................7
Figure 1.3 Yarn Take-Up in Rotor Machine...........................................................................10
Figure 1.4 Principle of Rotor Spinning....................................................................................10


1.1 Open End Spinning:

The process of spinning the fibers into yarn, in which the strand is opened into fibrous stage
and then the fibers are again spun to the final yarn. The types of open end spinning include
the following:
1. Friction Spinning
2. Rotor Spinning
3. Vortex Spinning
4. Break Spinning
5. Disc Spinning
6. Electrostatic Spinning
In, Open Ended Yarns, the feed material is the sliver having regularity in it. The Sliver is first
opened to the fibrous stage and then by any technique they are spun into the yarn. The Rotor
Spinning is one of the open-ended techniques which made a versatile market of rotor yarns.
1.2 History:
The idea of producing the yarn by the process of rotor spinning is not new. The patent
applications were filed before the World War 2 for the rotor spinning process. However, the
first design was made in 1950s by J. Meimberg at the Spinnbau company. This machine was
shown in the Brussels exhibition in 1955. The further development of the machine was
seized as the results from these machines were not satisfactory. Czechoslovakia took the idea
again in 1960 and made the first industrial machine in 1965 at Bruenn fair. In parallel to the
ITMA machine, the BD200 was displayed in the exhibition held on 1967. That was the era,
when the rotor spinning machine took a step in industrial revolution and till now, the rotor
yarns have made a diverse market. The current share is 20% of all staple spun yarn and is
increasing steadily. In 1970, further development and economical aspects were improved.
1.3 Economical Aspects:
After the research and development, today’s machine is appropriate to spin the rotor at about
200000 rpms. The machine can produce the yarn as fast as 4 times the speed of production of
the ring spinning machine. It is very economical compared to ring spinning technique for the
counts upto 40 Ne yarn. The rotor spun yarn can use spinning waste materials as the raw
material which is not possible on the Ring spinning machine.
1.4 Rotor Spinning:
Rotor Spinning is the process to develop an open-end yarn with the help of a revolving rotor.
Its principle is simply related to the clothes spinning in a spinner dryer. The clothes spinning
at high speed are attached to the walls of the spinner. When the sheet of the clothes is
withdrawn, the twist is imparted on it as it is being revolved by one end and is being held on
the other end. Similar is the case with rotor spinning. The fibers opened by the carding action
of an opening roller having a saw toothed wire.
1.4.1 Feeding:
The feed for the rotor spinning is the sliver. The Sliver is fed to the spin box and then it is
opened to the fibrous stage by the help of the opening roller. The Sliver is fed to the opening
roller by the help of the feed plate and a feed roller. The carding roller (opening roller) acts
as the carding drum of the card but it is in a small size. The roller having the tooth on it opens
the sliver into fibrous stage.
Sliver fed via trumpet into the feed shoe. If the yarn breaks the sliver fed is ceased shoe. If
the yarn breaks the sliver fed is ceased immediately. Feed roll has diagonal fluted to increase
the clamping. Sometimes the distance between the feed shoe and opening roller is adjusted.
1.4.2 Opening:
The Fibers are opened by the help of an opening roller (See Figure 1.1) revolving at the
speeds of 6000 to 10000 rpms. The centrifugal force throws the fibers to the transport duct of
the spin box. The fibers are opened due to the high speed of the revolving opening roller.

Figure 1.1 Carding Roller

Opening roll rotate at 35 m/s and passes through the fiber beard that is slowly fed by feed
The opening roller removes the fiber from the sliver as it is fed in, and, after two or three
rotations, delivers them to the feed tube in which the airflow takes them to the rotor.
Removal of fibers from the opening roller is by controlled air flow, aided by centrifugal
acceleration. The ratio of air speed to opener surface speed should be in the region of 1.5 to
4.0. The higher ratios result in a higher yarn tenacity because of the improved fiber
It rotates at 5,000 to 10,000 rpm, usually 6,500 to 8,000 rpm. The diameter lies between 60
and 80mm. High speed disadvantageous may lead to fiber deterioration or even damage melt
spot and tearing out of fiber bunches. Basically, the opening roller speed should be as low as
possible. It is important to note, however, that too slow a speed tends to cause fiber lapping
and irregularly spaced thick and thin places in the yarn. On the other hand, increased opening
roller speed causes higher dust formation, higher fiber damage, reduction in yarn strength
and breaking elongation.
The opening roller surface speed usually depends on the type of fiber and the roller design. A
higher opening speed may be required to provide increased opening force in the following
1. increased feed sliver count, even when the feed rate in mass per unit time is constant.
2. increased fiber length.
3. the use of three-dimensional crimped fiber (compared with two-dimensional crimp).
4. the use of finer fibers, because of the increased fiber surface area.
The clothing on the opening roll naturally exerts a great influence;
a) Type of clothing
b) Shape of teeth
c) Point density
The card clothing used on the opening roller is usually of the rigid metallic type, varying
from a face angle of about 65° and 18.5 points/cm 2 for cotton and 80° to 100° with 15
points/cm2 for manmade fibers.
Clothing of opening roller is selected as;
a) for carded, combed and viscose – clothing with more agressive front flank, higher
density (2.5 mm) (type B 174)
b) cotton with honeydew – clothing with wider tooth space (4.8mm) & type used (type
B 174 - 4.8)
c) for man-made fibers especially polyster and blends – clothing with less sharply
inclined and less sharp point (S 21)
d) for man-made fibers especially polyacrylic – clothing with low height and low
density (S 43)
The tooth geometry is shown in figure 1.2

Figure 1.2 Teeth Geometry

Opening roller service life is considerably affected by the fiber material as well as by the dirt
content in the fiber. The main wear points are the tooth face and tooth tip. Service life can be
extended by the shape of the tooth (e.g. sickle shape, rounded tooth tip) and by tooth coating.
Coated teeth show much lower levels of wear. Diamond-coated opening rollers have proved
excellent in this respect.
1.4.3 Transport Channel:
Centrifugal forces and a vacuum in the rotor housing cause the fibers to disengage at a
certain point from the opening roller and to move via the fiber channel to the inside wall of
the rotor. After opening the fibers must be passed to the rotor, so a closed tube serves as a
means of guidance and feed the fibers directly into the rotor wall for deposition. While the air
directly into the rotor wall for deposition. While the air-together with the dust flows over the
rotor rim towards the collection unit. This feed has got the shape of convergent tip towards
the rotor which helps accelerate the fiber, hence draft occur and remain the 1 to 5 fiber in
Ideally the fiber should pass down the feed tube one at a time, but in practice the average
number of fibers in the feed tube cross section can be as many as four.
If too many fibers are fed alongside each other, the rotor tends to accumulate tufts of fibers,
thereby increasing yarn irregularity. The fibers passing along the feed tube are in a relaxed
state. As a result, fiber tensions are much more evenly distributed in yarn, causing less fiber
migration than in ring spun yarns.
There are two ways of feed tube arrangements;
a) Axially
b) Tangentially
The shape of the fiber guide channel is crucial for fiber transport and the desired longitudinal
orientation of the fibers. The inlet and outlet openings of the fiber guide channel must be
designed and produced so that the transfer of fibers from the opening roller, fiber transport in
the guide channel itself and the transfer of fibers to the inside wall of the spinning rotor are
The fiber channel narrows toward the rotor, which causes acceleration of the air and fiber
flows. This acceleration is of great significance because it leads to further separation of the
fibers, down to between one and five fibers in section, and also straightens the fibers. The
narrowing region represents a second draft zone (following the feed roller/ opening roller).
Axial arrangement:
The only advantage of this arrangement is that it is possible to spin either S or Z twist merely
by reversing the direction of the rotor rotation. On the other hand, with such an arrangement
there were at least two right-angled turns in the fiber flow path which contributed to fiber
bucking, as well as problems with air turbulence near the rotor center and a greater incidence
of wrapper fiber. As a result, the disadvantages of this arrangement outweighed the one
marginal advantage.
Tangential arrangement:
Latest designs have adopted a tangentially-placed feed tube. The tube is usually tapered
thinner towards the exit end so that the accelerating air aligns and straightens out the fibers
before their leading ends emerge from the tube to contact the smooth surface of the faster-
moving rotor slide wall which slopes at an angle of from 20 to 40 degrees to the rotor axis.
This increases the likelihood that the fibers are fully straightened before they enter the actual
collecting groove. Only disadvantage of this arrangement is that only Z twist is possible.
The centrifugal forces in the rapidly rotating rotor cause the fibers to move from the conical
rotor wall toward the rotor groove and be collected there to form a fiber ring. The amount of
rotation given to a fiber as it moves into the collecting groove depends on the rotor diameter,
the slide wall angle, and the axial distance from the feed tube exit to the collecting groove.
1.4.4 Trash Removal:
The trash particles are extracted by centrifugal forces in the first 90 degree of the opening
roller revolution. The higher the peripheral speed, the coarse trash will be thrown away due
to centrifugal force. Trash can be eliminated by either pneumatically or mechanically by
small transport tube on the chamber
1.4.5 Rotor:
Rotor is the heart of rotor spinning. The fibers adhered on the surface of the inner walls of
revolving rotor, are withdrawn and taken up by a take up shaft outside the spin box. The rotor
diameter is between 32.5 and 54 mm, rotates at about 200000 rpm (Max). This is possible
due to its unique shape and the fibers are twisted with the rotor while it is being pulled of
from the walls of the rotor.
The rotor rotates at high speed creating a centrifugal force. To start spinning, a length of yarn
already wound onto the package of the take-up mechanism is threaded through the nip line of
the delivery rollers and into the draw-off tube. Because of the vacuum, the tail end of this
yarn is sucked into the rotor. The rotation of the rotor pulls the yarn end onto the part
collected ribbon of fibres through the air drag and the centrifugal forces, and simultaneously
inserts twist into the yarn tail. A little of this twist propagates into that part of the ribbon in
contact with the yarn tail, binding it to the yarn end.
The yarn is pressed against the rotor wall by the high centrifugal force, and the separation
point therefore rotates within the rotor. Each revolution of the yarn at this point inserts one
turn of twist. The yarn twist penetrates the fiber ring in the collection groove, where the fiber
is bound together to form a yarn.
Twist Insertion:
In rotor spinning, the fiber collecting surface, (rotor groove), is v-shaped and therefore fibers
are usually translated from a triangular to a circular shape. The fiber assembly, being formed
in the rotor groove. In order to begin spinning, one end of an existing yarn (Y), is introduced
into the rotor through the yarn withdrawal tube. The free end of the seed yarn is thrown to the
peripheral surface of the rotor by the centrifugal force produced. The high speed of the rotor
causes the yarn end to rotate in the same direction as the rotor itself.
When the rotating end of the yarn touches the fibers assembled in the rotor groove, it acts
like a crank and twists the yarn section following the draw-off nozzle outside the rotor. In
this way, twist is produced primarily outside the rotor, between the draw-off nozzle and the
subsequent yarn deflection or yarn nip point.
1.4.6 Take Up and the Winding:
The yarn is taken up by the help of the take-up shaft after it emerges from the navel guide of
the spin box. It passes from the yarn guides and then to the winding section of the rotor
machine where cheese and conical packages are made. The principle of rotor spinning is
showed in figure 1.4
The yarn is taken from the rotor by the delivery shaft and pressure roller is shown in Figure
1.3 as (a), diverted virtually at right angles in the process by draw-off nozzle (b) projecting
into the rotor and guided out by draw-off tube (c) immediately following this.

Figure 1.3 Yarn Take-Up in Rotor Machine

Figure 1.4 Principle of Rotor Spinning

1.5 Advantages of Rotor Spinning:

The advantages of rotor spinning in contrast to the Ring spinning machine are following:
 High speed of twist insertion which leads to the high delivery speed
 Lower power consumption
 Large delivery package i.e. 4 to 6 Kg
 Elimination of the processes like roving and winding.
 Cheaper raw material can be used
 Labour requirement is reduced as the automation in this process is made real.
 Continuous operation from sliver to yarn
 No twist variation is observed in rotor spun yarn as it is compared to the ring spun
1.6 Raw Material Used in Rotor Spinning:
Short staple spinning m/c (up to 60 mm fiber length) require
 Cotton (CO)
 Cotton waste ( secondary m/t recycled m/t)
 Cotton noil
 Blends of two or more of these materials.
  Polyester fibers (PES).
 Polyacrylonitrile fiber ( PAC)
 Poly amide fiber (PA)
 Viscose (CA)
 Blends of man-made fibers ( mostly PES/ CV & PAC/CV)
 Blends of cotton & manmade fibers ( mostly CO/ PES & CO/CV)
1.7 Important Fiber Attributes in Rotor Spinning:
 Fiber strength
 Fiber fineness (optimum fiber fineness)
 Short fiber content
 Variation in fiber length
 Fiber to metal friction
 Residual trash and dust content
1.8 Raw Material Requirement:
1.8.1 Fiber Length:
Following m/t can be processed according to Reiter Company
 Waste <7/8 inches ( for yarns up to 15 tex count)
 Short-staple cotton < 1 inch ( for yarns up to 30 tex count )
 Medium staple cotton < 1 1/8 inches (for yarn up to 17 tex count )
Manmade fibers:-
 Staple length up to 60 mm for count = 12 tex yarns
1.8.2 Fiber Fineness:
Finer fibers preferred in rotor spinning usually in the range of
 Cotton 2.8 to 4.5 micronaire.
 Man- made fibers 1, 1.2 to 1.7 dtex.
Coarse fibers lead to deterioration in spinning conditions; this necessitates the use of higher
twist co-efficient.
1.8.3 Fiber Strength:
Due to poorer exploitation of the fiber substance, fibers of the greatest possible strength .
1.8.4 Dirt & Dust:
The rotor-spinning machine reacts very sensitively to the trash content of cotton. Coarse
particles such as husk particles stay caught in the rotor groove. They can prevent yarn
formation at this point, & this in turn can lead to an end down or to fiber agglomeration at the
particle. This gives a thick place at the agglomeration point & immediately a thin place after
this. More trash content also leads to more NEP generation. Small particles also lead to
deterioration in quality.
Clean raw m/t is therefore a precondition for spinning of yarn on the rotor spinning m/c.
in accordance with recommendations from Reiter, the following residual trash content should
not be exceeded in the feed sliver:
 Up to Ne 6 : 0.3%
 Up to Ne20 : 0.2%
 Up to Ne 30 : 0.15%
 Up to Ne 50 : 0.10%
1.8.5 Other Foreign Matter:
 Quartz & mineral dust present in cotton causes wear & tear in m/c
 Foreign fibers lead to ends down.
 Honey dew makes fiber to stick to m/c parts & cotton free of honey-due should be
 Spin finish should be taken off before feeding to m/c. it acts same as honey dew.
 Remnants of the yarn lead to thick places in the yarn, so they should not be used.


The Rotor yarn has its own characteristics and does not need the roving and winding
processes. This lessens the costs of the formation of the yarn. Rotor yarn is raw material
sensitive and can process only some materials having characteristics which are suitable to be
spun. So, the raw material selection is very important in rotor spun yarn. If we select a raw
material which has more than enough characteristics, then we are wasting our money on the
raw material as the raw material contributes about 40-45 % of cost of the yarn. And, if we
use the raw material having less characteristics, then the quality of the yarn will be
compromised, and we cannot get the required strength of yarn and evenness in the yarn.
Moreover, in the process of the yarn formation, the spinning factors such as Twist Factor,
Opening Roller Speed, Draft, Rotor Speed and other factors also affect the quality of the yarn
and are also related to the production speed of the machine. Below is given some previous
study on the raw material selection and the selection of spinning factors to make a balance
between production, quality and cost of the yarn. So that we can save cost and make a better
R. Angelova and D. Sofronova studied the dependency of neps in rotor spun yarns (cotton
100%) on variations of opening roller speed, teeth inclination of the opening roller and
opening of the carded sliver. Three types of opening rollers and three levels of opening speed
were used to produce 40 tex rotor yarns while keeping the other spinning parameters
constant. The coefficient of points per fiber was used to evaluate the joint effect of opening
parameters on the number of neps in the spun yarns. The inclination of the opening roller
teeth is more important than the speed of the opening roller. The 0 degree inclination is best
for cotton and cotton blends. 27 degree inclination is best for pure cotton and 9 degree
inclination gave the poorest results. [1] P. Kolte, V. Nadiger, A. Daberao, and H. R Jambur
studied that how machine variables will affect the properties of the open end yarn. They
studied the effect of various parameters of the rotor spinning machine i.e. opening roller
speed, rotor diameter, rotor speed and twist of yarn on the yarn properties. The results
indicate that these variables significantly affect unevenness [U%],coefficient of variation
(CV%), imperfection index [IPI] and lea strength of the yarn. These parameters must be
optimized in order to get better quality of open end yarn depending up on their end uses. The
opening roller speed influences the unevenness [U%], imperfection and yarn strength of yarn
to great extent; however, the speed must optimize. The influence of change in rotor diameter
is studied, it considerably influences the lea strength of the yarn. This may be due to wrapper
fibers. Whereas rotor speed are influences on coefficient of variation (CV%),twist factor has
an influence strength of yarn. However, all these parameters must be optimized in order to
get better quality of open end yarn depending up on their end uses.[2] K. R. Salhotra and T.
S. Alaiban studied the Rotor Yarn for the validity of the two factors, as twist loss and U% at
higher twist levels may be related to each other. An Indian Cotton having 2.5 % span length
of 28 mm having micronair value 3.4 is used in the experiment to make 24 s’ yarn on rotor.
The rotor speed was 40000 rpm and opening roller speed was 7000 rpm and the sliver had
42.32 grains/yard. The rotor diameter was 46 mm. Increasing the twist, the yarn tenacity
increases at first and then a curve flattens at about 43 tex twist amount. The twist loss in rotor
yarn increases, as the twist increases.[3]
S, Kaplan, C.Araz, and Ö. Göktepe studied the effect of 10 different navels used to produce
the 12 Ne yarn. The yarn was tested for uniformitty and imperfections by USTER TESTER 4
and the strength and elongation by USTER TENSORAPID 4. The best navel for the evennes
purpose is SGF navel and for better strength/elongation, the KS navel is best. Both the KS
and SGF navels show optimum performance. [4] H. V. Sreenivasamurthy and N.
Shanmugam stated that to make the fine counts on the rotor machine, the fiber properties and
the process parameters plays an important role. The fiber length should be long but not
>56mm and the fiber strength should be more than 30 grams/tex and the fiber should be fine
to increase spinning limit. The Sliver should be dust free and the evenness of the fibers
should be the goal. Mostly 8 doubling is best but 6 is also enough on draw frame. [5] R. D.
Parsi, Chaitali Chaudhari and S. T. Jadhav studied to determine effect of opening roller speed
& torque stop on yarn quality. For the experiment 29 Tex ( 20s Ne),98 Tex ( 6s Ne) carded
cotton yarn were spun at an open end machine at the speed of 92000 rpm and 64000 rpm,
trial where conducted by changing opening roller speed 7500, 7800, 8000, 8200 & 8500 rpm
& torque stop green, white color on well-maintained rotor spinning machine of make
Schlafhorst Auto Coro 480. CLSP, RKM, Hairiness and IPI tests were performed. As the
opening roller speed is increases up to 8000 rpm the yarn quality parameters are found to be
improved. For fine counts it matters more. Green torque stop for fine and White for coarser
gives optimum results. [6] I. K. A. Shahriar Raian , Md. Lutfor Rahman, Mohammad Rashel
Hawlader , Tanzeena Refat Tumpa studied the effect of rotor speed on CSP,Hairiness and IPI
of the rotor yarn. Rotor Speed was increased from 50000 rpm to 90000 rpm in 5 equal steps
and produced 20’s rotor yarn. By increasing the rotor speed, the strength of the yarn
increased but on the other hand, yarn evenness decreased with increase in yarn IPI. [7] F.
Ahmed, G. Shaikh, and A. Pathan Invested to explore the influence of lowering twist level on
quality characteristics of rotor spun yarn. Three levels of yarn linear density (i.e. 40, 35 and
30 tex) and five levels of twist (i.e. 700, 600, 550, 500, and 450) were employed during yarn
spinning trials. Each twist multiple was investigated at all linear densities for tensile strength,
elongation, total CVm (Coefficient of Mass Variation) imperfection index and hairiness.
100% cotton yarn samples were prepared on Reiter R-40 at rotor speed of 90,000 rpm. yarn
strength and elongation declined minutely (Insignificant) with lowering twist levels but still
can be confidently used for knitting yarns. However, significant improvement in total
imperfection index and marginal enhancement in CVm were experienced. [8] The effects of
rotor speed (417 to 1000 rev/s) on yarn quality were investigated. The following parameters
were also varied: rotor diameter and configuration, card type, cotton-fiber properties, and
type of takeoff navels. The strength of a 49 mg/m yarn increased as rotor speed increased to
667 rev/s, and then decreased, whereas the strength of 25 mg/m yarn decreased with
increased rotor speed. A latively fine, strong-fibered cotton was necessary for spinning at
high rotor speeds. However, the difference in strength between yarns from a carded cotton
and yarns from a combed cotton was less at high rotor speeds, evidently as a result of more
wrappers and greater fiber breakage with longer fibers. Any factor that increased the twisting
torque to the yarn-formation point in the rotor, such as large-diameter rotors, fast rotor
speeds, and grooves in the takeoff navel, produced yarns with poorer fiber orientation and
short-term uniformity. Also, high rotor speeds reduced the fiber parallelazation of the fiber
ring in the rotor. [9] A three-dimensional computational model is established to simulate the
air flow patterns in the rotor spinning unit of a rotor spinning machine. The effects of rotor
speed, rotor diameter and rotor slide wall angle on air flow characteristics and hence yarn
properties are investigated. The airstream accelerates from the transfer channel inlet to the
outlet. There are velocity differences in both the cross-section and along the transfer channel,
causing hooked fibers to straighten. The airstream swirls around the rotor at a high speed.
However, vortices that can cause fiber curving and buckling are formed inside the rotor. The
effect of rotor speed is significant. There are more vortices near the wall at a lower rotor
speed, while too large a rotor speed can lead to an excessive centrifugal force, thus increasing
yarn breakages. The rotor diameter affects the flow characteristics in a way similar to that of
rotor speed. As a smaller slide wall angle generates higher velocities in the transfer channel
and more stable velocities in the rotor groove, a small angle is preferable. Computational
modeling has provided a useful insight into the rotor spinning flow pattern, thus it can be
used to optimize the rotor design to produce better rotor spun yarn. [10]


3.1 Materials:
The raw material used for this research is 3 different compositions of Pakistani Cotton and
Comber Noil. There are total 3 slivers to be made which are then processed in the Blow
Room, Carding, Draw Frame, and then Rotor Machine.
3.2 Materials
In order to conduct study, cotton, and comber noil is used. Cotton is a natural cellulose fiber;
comber noil is the waste fibers produced by the comber machine in combed yarn process.
Cotton and comber noil are used with different blend ratio to make the 10’Ne yarn on rotor
machine. Properties of Cotton and Noilare given in Table 3.1.

Table 3.0.1: Specifications of fibers

Parameter Cotton
Linear density, dtex --
Staple/cut length, mm 27.3
Breaking tenacity, cN/tex 27.9
Elongation, % 6.6
Moisture, % 8.5

3.3 Methods
3.3.1 Yarn production
24 yarn samples of count 10 Ne was produced with different blending ratios, as given in
Table 3.2. The blending was done in the Blow-room and yarn samples were produced by
employing rotor yarn technique. The detail of spinning machinery is given in Table 3.3.

Table 3.0.2: Blend ratios of used material

Sample No. Cotton % Comber Noil %

1 90 10
2 70 30
3 50 50
3.3.2 Design of Experiments:

Table 1.3 Design of Experiments

Experime Fiber 1 Fiber T. Rotor Speed Opening Roller Speed Cou

nt # (%) 2(%) M (rpm) (rpm) nt
1 50 50 5 50000 6000 10
2 50 50 5.5 80000 8000 10
3 50 50 5 50000 6000 10
4 50 50 5.5 80000 8000 10
5 50 50 5 50000 6000 10
6 50 50 5.5 80000 8000 10
7 50 50 5 50000 6000 10
8 50 50 5.5 80000 8000 10
9 70 30 5 50000 6000 10
10 70 30 5.5 80000 8000 10
11 70 30 5 50000 6000 10
12 70 30 5.5 80000 8000 10
13 70 30 5 50000 6000 10
14 70 30 5.5 80000 8000 10
15 70 30 5 50000 6000 10
16 70 30 5.5 80000 8000 10
17 90 10 5 50000 6000 10
18 90 10 5.5 80000 8000 10
19 90 10 5 50000 6000 10
20 90 10 5.5 80000 8000 10
21 90 10 5 50000 6000 10
22 90 10 5.5 80000 8000 10
23 90 10 5 50000 6000 10
24 90 10 5.5 80000 8000 10
3.3.3 Yarn Manufacturing Machinery:

Table 3.4 : Machinery for yarn manufacturing

Sr. No. Machine Manufacturer

01 Blow room Crossrol
02 Card Howa
03 Draw frame (breaker) DYH 500C (Toyoda)
04 Draw frame (Finisher) RSB D40 (Reiter)
05 Rotor Frame Schalafhorst
3.3.4 Testing
The yarn samples were tested for mechanical properties. Tensile strength of yarn samples
was determined according to standard testing method ASTM D5035 – 11. Yarn IPI, Yarn
Hairiness, Yarn Evenness was tested on USTER TESTER 4
3.3.5 Testing equipment:
Following equipment were used for testing during the project.
 Uster tensorapid
 Lea strength tester
 Wrapping wreel
 Uster tester
• U%,
• CVm, CVm3m, CVm10m,
• Index,
• Relative count,
• Hairiness, short hair,
• Thin -30%/ km, thin -40%/km, thin -50%/ km and thin -60%/km,
• Thick +35%/km, thick +50%/km and thick +70%/km,
• Neps +140%//km, Neps +200%/km, Neps +2500%/km, Neps +2800%/km
and Neps +400%/km.

3.3.6 Opening and mixing

The first step in the process of yarn formation is opening and mixing of fibers. The objectives
of mixing are to achieve a basic product uniformity which results from the combination of a
variety of raw materials, each of which exhibits a degree of variability; Continuity of supply;
if one component in a mixing becomes unobtainable owing to shortage or cost, it can be
replaced by a similar alternative without seriously affecting the product characteristics. There
are two types of mixing. In the project, manual mixing is used to make the blend of different
blending ratios. These are;
 Manual mixing
 Machine mixing

After that the material is passed from blow room, carding, draw frame and yarn made on the
sample spinner. The count of samples is 10 N e. We made comparison among all these
samples of yarn.
3.4 Blow room
3.4.1 Material process of bale breaker
The table 3.4 gives the specification of different settings. Parts of the Bale Breaker:

Table 3.5: Specification of different lattice, roller and settings

Creeper lattice
Bar length 1223 mm
Bar thickness 30 mm
Spiked lattice
Spike dia 6 mm
Spike angle 40°
Bar thickness 35 mm
No. of bars 40
Evener roller
Outer dia 274 mm
Speed 324 rpm
Stripper roller
Outer dia 260 mm
Speed 705 rpm
Clearer roller
Outer dia 274 mm
Speed 708 rpm
Settings of machine
Evener roller to spiked lattice 10 mm
3.4.2 Fine opener 1
The specification of fine opener 1 is given in table 3.5.

Table 3.6: Specification of fine opener 1

Attribute Specification
Make 1992
Type of beater Porcupine
Speed of beater 806 rpm
No. of rows of strikers 12 rows
No. of strikers / row 25 strikers
Height of strikers 55 mm
Speed of feed lattice 30 rpm
Speed of feed roller 53 rpm
No. of grid bars 28
Machine settings
Beater to feed roller 7 mm
Beater to grid bar 15 mm
Adjusting angle 7.5°
3.4.3 Axi flow
Table 3.6 gives specification of axe flow.

Table 3.7 : Specification of axi flow

Machine Specifications
Make 1992
Dia of each beater 570 mm
Speed of beater 450 rpm
3.4.4 Step cleaner
Specification of step cleaner is given in table 3.7.

Table 3.8: Specification of step cleaner

Machine specifications
Make 1992
Dia of each beater 442 mm
Speed of each beater 412 rpm
Machine settings
Beater to grid bar 29 mm
Table 3.9: Specification fine opener 2

Machine Specifications
Make 1992
Type of beater Krischner
Speed of beater 887 rpm
No. of pins/arm 1250
Height of pins 12 mm
Speed of feed roller 60 rpm
Beater to feed roller 8 mm
Beater to grid bar 15 mm
Adjusting angle 7.5
3.4.5 Scutcher
Specification of hopper feeder is given in table 3.9.
Table 3.10: Specification of hopper feeder

Machine Specifications
Make 1992
Condenser fan speed 1260 rpm
Cage speed 140 rpm
Feed lattice speed 25 rpm
Inclined lattice speed 124 rpm
Evener roller speed 243 rpm
Stripper roller speed 5 rpm
Between evener roller and inclined lattice 10 mm
Between stripper roller and inclined lattice 5 mm
Table 3.11 : Specification of scutcher

Parameters Specifications
Make 1992
Dia of cage 560 mm
Dia of 1st, 2nd & 3rd calendar roll 130 mm
Dia of shell roller 230 mm
Shell roll rpm 14 rpm
Beater specifications
Type Krishner
No of rows 3
Needles per row 1400
Length of needle 12 mm
Width of needle 3 mm
Dia 406 mm
Rpm 823
3.5 Carding machine
The specification and settings of card machine used in NTU lab is given in the table 3.11.

Table 3.12 : Card machine

Machine parts Specifications

Dia of lap roller 150 mm
Speed of lap roller 1.13 rpm
Dia of feed roller 108 mm
Speed of feed roller 1.7 rpm
Dia of taker in 249.50 mm
Speed of taker in 800 rpm
Dia of cylinder 1289 mm
Speed of cylinder 315 rpm
Dia of doffer 706 mm
Speed of doffer 30 rpm
Dia of bottom crush roller 135 mm
Dia of top crush roller 75 mm
Dia of top calendar roller 102 mm
Dia of bottom calendar roller 75 mm
No. of flats 106
Speed of flats 75 mm/min
Grain/yard 70
3.6 Draw frame
Table 3.12 shows the specification and settings of draw frame used in the lab.

Table 3.13 : Breaker and finisher specification

Machine Breaker Finisher

Manufacturer Toyoda Reiter
Model DYH-500C RSB-D40
Year 1992 1992
Drafting system 5/4 drafting system 4/3 drafting system
Dia. of Roller 35 mm Front roller = 40 mm,
middle roller & back
roller = 35 mm
Delivery speed 500 m/min 275 m/min
Delivery Double delivery single delivery
Gauge Front roller to 2nd roller = Front to middle = 44 mm
45 mm
2nd roller to 3rd roller = 47 Middle to back = 49 mm
3 roller to back roller =

49 mm
Top roller Spring pressure Pneumatic pressure
Trumpet size Auto adjustable Auto adjustable
Can capacity 6500 m 6500 m
Draft 8.7 6.5
Bottom roller Spiral Spiral
Material feed 70 gr/yd. 65 gr/yd.
Doubling 8 6
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