Global Issues Research Paper in An International Journal b12 Joshua Palingcod

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Joshua Michael S.

J Palingcod 10 – Mapagkalinga
Global Issues Research Paper in an International Journal

The Youth
How could the youth be a global issue of today? Who are these people considered to be called the
“youth?” These people could come in a wide range in the age spectrum. Nonetheless, to say that they
are a global issue means that they have made a big impact on society.

The youth, who are they and what did they do? For starter, according to the United Nations that these
are people spanning in the ages between 15 and 24. This would already make up for most of the global
population. Also according to the United Nations is that there 1.2 Billion young people who are in the
ages of 15 to 24. With that they are increasing in demand with regards to their opportunities and
solutions to their society. With that the challenges faced by these young people such as; education,
health, etc. are becoming more pressing than ever.

The youth of today could be a possible driving force for development if given the right knowledge
towards that development they are aiming for. With regards to that, the youth is already being a part of
that mass movement. For example, the youth, the SDG’s, and the 2030 Agenda. The two mentioned are
programs or plans instituted by the United Nations for the development of the world as a whole.

The SDG’s 4 and 8 and the youth, what are they contributing to it? Well, SDG 4, as stated by the United
Nations, this calls upon for inclusive and equitable quality education and promotion of lifetime learning.
And the youth of today are yearning for more learning opportunities in any shape or form, especially in
the age of today where technology is rapidly growing. For SDG 8, this calls upon the people having
decent work and economic growth. The youth are said to have more issues on unemployment than
adults. So with it they are having such a struggle with regards to young people having a decent place to

The 2030 Agenda however, the United Nations said themselves that the youth are said to be the
“torchbearers” of the 2030 Agenda. Since they have such a pivotal role in the society which is not just
beneficiary but it is also with regards to its participants in its implementation. Since young people are
such driving for forces for sustainable development, so with the 2030 Agenda, requiring such a strong
partnership with the youth would mean for them to address their concerns and let the positive surface

In conclusion, the youth of today hold a place in the society. Such a role that it makes them driving
forces for developments in themselves, the community, and society as a whole. Not only that, but with
their growing numbers it becomes a challenge every day to meet their concerns with regards to health,
education, and so on. So the youth are people who are powerful and moving that it makes them helpful
and dangerous at the same time.

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