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NAME: ______________________________________________________________
DATE: ________________________________________ GRADE: 11th__________

Past Tenses Review

1. Choose the correct past form of the verbs.

1. Last night I had chatted / chatted to my best friend on the phone for hours.
2. When I finished / was finishing the cooking, I opened / was opening a bottle of wine.
3. He had been studying / was studying all night and was / was being exhausted the next day.
4. I was running / had run to catch the bus when I was falling / fell over.
5. My boyfriend wasn’t liking / didn’t like the dress I had bought / was buying for the party.
6. Eduardo Chillida had been / was a sculptor before he died / had died in 2002.
7. How far had you driven / were you driving before you realized you had forgotten / forgot your
8. I hadn’t been waiting / didn’t wait long when it had started / started raining.
9. The company was interviewing / had interviewed me three times before I had got / got the job.
10. You were looking / looked really hot. What had you done / had you been doing?
11. She had been waiting / waited for the bus for 20 minutes when three buses arrived / were
arriving together.
2. Complete the text with the correct past form of the

I ______saw___________ 1 (see) a great film last weekend, called

Touching the Void. It _______was__________ 2 (be) about two climbers
who _______tried___________ 3 (try) to climb the Siula Grande peak in
the Andes. No one else ______had managed______ 4 (manage) to
reach the summit successfully before.
Before they ______had started___ 5 (start), they
____agreed___________ 6 (agree) that if there ____had__________ 7
(be) an accident, they would be prepared to die.

They ______had climbed_____________ 8 (climb) for a few hours when suddenly one of the
climbers _____slipped______________ 9 (slip) and ______feell_____ 10 (fall) into a narrow ravine*.
In the fall he ________banged____________ 11 (bang) his head on the rocks and
____lost_________ 12 (lose) consciousness. The other climber ______decided_____________ 13
(decide) to cut the rope and leave his friend to die.

The film is based on a book but I ___hadn´t read ___ 14 (not read) the
book before I saw the film. It was such a fantastic film that I
___bought______________ 15 (buy) the book as soon as I
______left_______________ 16 (leave) the cinema!

Never stop
Because life never

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