Why We Should Work Less

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Learner KA

Why We Should Work Less

In the editorial,"Why we should work less" by Richard Schiffman,Schiffman synthesizes a

compelling dissertation on the issue of toxic long work hours.He advocated for fewer work hours for

Americans and implicitly acknowledge the audience,including the American work industry,the demand for

change.The argument set forth in the passage could eliminate the audience's conventional ideology on the

case.Through a prolific usage of anecdotes,stark contrasts,statistics,diction,appeals to authority and

allusion,Schiffman could successfully convince the reader of his contention that Americans should work

fewer hours for a better outcomes.

The author first presents his intimate experiences on the issue by drawing out anecdotes through

perspectives of his friends.He posed a contradiction that his friend who was "gratified"(gratifying) to be in her

job now said that the job was "killing" her. This proficient application of juxtaposition between two

contradicting words "gratifying" and "killing" not only help the reader sympathesize with the workers of long-

duty but also spur the reader to ponder about the issue about the intensity of the case.

Shifting from the personal stories, Schiffman sets up contrast between America and other developed

countries,"the workaholic Japan" and "the European countries." He established the fact that Americans work

"hundred of hours" a year more than workaholic Japan and also have "fewer days off" than Europeans.By

pointing out these facts, the reader is made to question himself if these "hundreds of hours" and " a fewer

days off" are actually worth-it. The arguments is furthered strengthened by the statistics that supports the

fact that "although the productivity has increased , the buying power of wages has remained stagnant and in

recent years,have even begun to decline."The author finally challenges the conventional ideology of

companies that "grueling work scheedules are necessary to boost productivity " based on irrefutable

statistics. Through the textual evidence, the audience is made to face a logical inquiry and starts to cast

doubt on the ongoing circumstances. By answering that "it is not the American worker "who is getting rich off

the exponential rise in productivity, the author could consolidate the reader's doubt and finally contributed to

the passage's persuasiveness.

Just as persuasive as the tools used beforehand is the diverse and skilled application of dictions and

metaphors. The author repeats the words "crisis" and "coroperate," which highlights the intensity of the case.

Also by reiterating the word "American," the author evokes sense of patriotism in the audience's hearts.

Schiffman in turn employed the phrase " cannibalizing the nation" which attack the reader's heart, provoked

earlier by patriotism. Moreso,the author compares the crisis as the runaway trains which means continuing at

the speedy pace so we should "start applying brakes" now to decelerate the pace. The metaphors are further

strengthed by an allusion to the World War 2, the time when the trend towards shorter hours has started

abating. By stating that it was unabated at the times of Great Depression, the reader is made to question in

his mind what the excuse is for now and starts to sway towards the author's contention.

Finally, the author introduced a vast scope of benefits derived from shorter work hours.By appealing

to the authority of sociology professor Juliet Schor, the reader could find credence with the author's claim.

Based on the irrefutable of statistics,the benefits to our planet is also presented.The inclusion of the survey

that states about "a smaller paycheck in return for more time with family and leisure" tugs at the reader's

heart strings and make the reader face an emotinally charged inquiry.

In conclusion, the author is no amateur author. The rhetorical tools and tactics set forth in the

argument not only consolidate the reader's concerns for the case but also can convince the reader of his

contention that Americans need less working hours.

Learner KA Why We Should Work Less

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