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PROFICIENCY LEVEL : between A2 and B1
TOPIC : Open Your Hearth – Expressing Advice (should / shouldn’t)
PLACE : Bahçelievler Deneme Anatolian High School

Students are able to:
• know sentence patterns about present and past tense
• realize how should and shouldn't use patterns
• construct positive, negative and question sentences using the should and shouldn't
• know the letter rules because they wrote letters before
• comprehend patterns expressing emotions like hate, love
• know similar concepts such as family, friend and teacher

• Total class time (40 minutes)
• Introduction (3-5 minutes)
• Warm-up Activity (10-15 minutes)
• Main Activity (15-20 minutes)
• Follow-up Activity (5 -10 minutes)

The students will be able to

• express advice using with should and shouldn't patterns
• decide their advices who will say what by discussing in a large group
• express verbally their advices helping with note taking
• write letters to Auggie using the should and shouldn’t patterns
according to the letter rules
• collaborate within a large group
• improve their speaking and behavioral skills through role play activity
Activity Activity Description

• The teacher enters the class and asks her students how they are.
• After the students say that they are fine, they ask: "How are
you?" to teacher. And the teacher answers: "I'm not good,
• When the teacher says: “I’m not good”, they wonder and ask:
Introduction "Why are you not good?"
(3-5 minutes) • The teacher explains why she is not good: "I watched a new
movie yesterday and the movie made me very sad because I
thought my own childhood when I watched the movie."
• Students wonder about the movie and ask the teacher what
movie it is.
• The teacher says that the movie's name is "wonder" and: "Did
you wonder about the movie?" she asks.
• All students said they were curious. And the teacher gets the
students to watch the trailer of the movie.
• After making a short speech here, the warm-up activity is

• After the teacher shows the trailer of the movie to the students,
Warm-Up if the students want to watch it again, teacher opens it again for
(10-15 minutes)
• After watching the trailer, the teacher says: "Did you notice
(Appendix – 1) anything in the video? Why do you think I was sad after
(Appendix – 2) watching this movie?"
(Appendix – 3) • The students make a few predictions: "They make fun of the
child. Nobody likes him. Nobody talks to him."
(Appendix – 4)
• The teacher says that they are right adds: "I was wearing glasses
(Appendix – 5) when I was in elementary school and my classmates used to
(Appendix – 6) make fun of me. Also, Auggie's life is taken from a real life. "
And the teacher pretends to be upset.
(Appendix – 7)
• The teacher realizes that the students are also upset and says:
(Appendix – 8) "Do you think this action is correct?"
(Appendix – 9) • Of course, no student will participate in this and will say their
(Appendix – 10) opinion.
• And now the teacher: "The name of the lead actor in the movie
is Auggie Pullman. Let's get to know his family, friends and
teachers more closely, because after we get to know, we will
put our self in their shoes and play a role play game."
• The teacher opens the videos to the students where the
characters in the movie introduce themselves. These characters
are Auggie’s Mom, Auggie’s Dad, Auggie (lead actor), Mr.
Warm-Up Browne (teacher), Via (Auggie’s sister), Summer, Jack Will,
(10-15 minutes) Mr. Tushman (manager of school and teacher), Julian, and
(Appendix – 1)
• After the students watch the videos, the teacher says: "Can you
(Appendix – 2) make predictions about the personalities of these characters?"
(Appendix – 3) and students: “Yes, we can guess. For example, Julian and
(Appendix – 4) Charlotte make fun of Auggie.”
• The teacher says they are right and begins to explain the main
(Appendix – 5)
(Appendix – 6)
(Appendix – 7) Activity Purpose: My main goal here is for students to listen and
speak (when needed). In this activity, they listen more and that way
(Appendix – 8)
students' listening skills improve. They are trying to understand what
(Appendix – 9) they are listening to. If necessary, videos will be reopened for students.
(Appendix – 10) In the main activity, students will put themselves in the shoes of these
characters and play a role. That's why I wanted to show the students
videos about children in the movie beforehand. Subtitles, except for the
trailer, are not available on YouTube videos, but when I need to apply
them in class, I can open subtitles of the movie for students from my
Netflix account in my computer. Since Julian and Charlotte do not have
videos to introduce them, I chose the video they toured Auggie at
school because the characters of the children are obvious here. I
mentioned that Auggie's story in the movie was taken from real life.
Maybe for students to make them think that it might be real rather than
just fiction.
• Here, the teacher prepared role cards for the students. On these
cards, the names of Auggie and the people around him are
written. (Characters watched in the video.)
• Only the names of individuals are written on these cards, but in
order to guide students, sample sentences are written for each
person on the PowerPoint Slide prepared by the teacher and
shown on the smart board.
• In the example sentences given in PowerPoint, everyone gives
advice to each other using should and shouldn’t. If necessary,
students will also ask themselves or someone else with a
question sentence. This is stated in both PowerPoint Slide’s
examples and students' role cards.
• (Suppose the class size is 20. There are 10 characters.) The
teacher asks the students to be two groups of 10 and divides the
class into two. (If necessary, the teacher chooses herself or
waits for the students to become groups.)
Main Activity
• Now the teacher gives instructions to the students and says:
(15-20 minutes) "Now, I'm going to give you the role cards of Auggie and the
(Appendix – 11) people around him, but before I want you to be two groups of
(Appendix – 12) 10." waits for students to become groups and adds: “Think
carefully about who you are and who to give advice to, based
on the names on the cards with your group friends. Then I want
you to come to the board and play the characters you are.
Samples written on the board can help you and keep in mind
that you need to give at least 2 advices. If you have any
questions, please ask me.” She gives the role cards to the
• After giving the students their role cards, the teacher gives them
about 10 minutes and follows their progress in the classroom.
By the way, students simply decide which advice they give and
take notes on it. They do not write full sentences they say in the
board, and the teacher tells it to them.
• In the remaining 10 minutes, the two groups come to the board
respectively, the groups say the advices they have decided to
say in themselves (in group) by looking at their notes. (Times
may vary according to the students' situation.)
• After both groups play the role, both groups applaud each other,
and the teacher ends the activity. (If the students' advices are
inaccurate, the teacher gives them feedback later.)
Activity Purpose: My main goal here is to improve students' speaking
skills. Role play is one of the most important speaking activities.
Thanks to the role cards I gave them, they can take on that character. I
divided it into 2 groups and asked them to work together because if the
student encounters a problem, if he/she cannot ask me, he/she will ask
his/her peers to solve it first. Such they feel more comfortable. I will be
Main Activity
observing both groups while the students are already thinking about
(15-20 minutes) their advices. I don’t want the students to write full sentences because
(Appendix – 11) the students would only read their sentences when they got on the
board. This would not be speaking; it would be just reading. But I
(Appendix – 12)
asked them to take short notes instead of a full sentence because when
they get on the board, they can be excited and forget what to say. If
students make mistakes while speaking on the board, I will not correct
their mistakes in everyone, because the student's self-confidence can be
broken. I will take note of this and give the student feedback later.
When the role play activity is over, I will applaud at first to
congratulate both groups for their civic courage, and then both groups
will clap each other. In this way, I will reduce the shyness of students
while speaking.

• In the follow-up activity, students will perform a listening

• The teacher to students: "Do you wonder how the end of the
movie ends? Do you think Auggie's friends treated him well?
Did the events in the movie be like your good advice?""
• The students say they are very curious, and the teacher opens
the end of the movie.
Follow-up Activity • After the students watch the video, they share their feelings
(5-10 minutes) with the teacher. (There is a little speaking here.)
• At the end of the lesson, the teacher gives the students
(Appendix – 13)

Activity Purpose: My main purpose here is to ensure that students can

see the courage and marital courage of their main activity with the
happy end of the movie. They will also be listening here again. There is
no subtitle in the YouTube video, but as I mentioned before, I will open
the film to the students with a subtitle from my Netflix account if
necessary, during the application in the classroom. (Maybe watching
without subtitles might have been more beneficial for students, but we
can see that students are not suitable when we look at their language
level.) In addition, I think that I prefer a good movie when I look at the
whole movie, and at the end of the lesson I will recommend watching it
to the students. The biggest mistake students make at school is to
Follow-up Activity
exclude people who are different from themselves. An incredibly
(5-10 minutes) beautiful message is given in the movie. Being different is not bad,
(Appendix – 13) rather it makes you yourself. I chose this movie to give this secret
message to the students, if necessary, I will also mention this message
in the classroom.

• At the end of the lesson, the teacher distributes the homework

and explains to the students: "Your advice for Auggie and his
friends was very good. Would you like them to learn your
• First, all the students are surprised, they cannot realize what is
happening and they say what they want.
• Teacher: "I want you to write a letter for Auggie. I want you to
give your own advice that you said before or more different
Assessment suggestions in this letter. This time, I want you to give at least 6
(Homework) advices." And adds: “Don't forget to bring your letters to the
(Appendix – 14) class next week. We will send these letters to them. "

Homework Purpose: My aim here is to write down the advices they

have expressed orally before, now they will write them. When I looked
at the English textbook, I saw the activity of writing letters between
activities and I thought that students could write letters. I told them that
we would send letters to Auggie and his friends. In this way, it can be a
more enjoyable task for students to do. I will collect the assignments
that the students will bring next week and act as if I sent them to
Auggie. The next week, I will act as if Auggie wrote us a letter. (I will
write a letter myself and thank the students. In this way, there will be
an interesting situation for the students, and they will be happy.)

• If it is difficult for students to watch videos without subtitles, I

Anticipated will open subtitles for students from my Netflix account.
Problems and • I don't think there will be problems with other activities because
Solutions all my activities will be ready before I come to school.
Back-up Plans
• If the school does not have internet or the smart board is
for technology broken, I will show the videos to the students thanks to my own
(optional) computer and speaker.

• YouTube Videos
Wonder’s Trailer
Meet Mom
Meet Dad
Materials/teaching Meet Auggie
aids needed (
Meet Mr. Browne
Meet Via
Meet Summer
Meet Jack Will
Mr. Tushman
Meet Julian and Charlotte
Ending of the film
• Computer
• Internet Connection
Materials/teaching • PowerPoint
aids needed • Role Play Cards
• Smart Board
• Worksheets
• Projector
• Speaker
• My Netflix account (if neccesssary)
• YouTube Videos
References A97yl9oXo1V-4H_yJc1bPC_bRmNc0_&index=3)

Appendix – 1

Wonder’s Trailer

Appendix – 2

Meet Mom
Appendix – 3

Meet Dad

Appendix – 4

Meet Auggie
Appendix – 5

Meet Mr. Brownie

Appendix – 6

Meet Via
Appendix – 7

Meet Summer

Appendix – 8

Meet Jack Will
Appendix – 9

Meet Mr. Tushman

Appendix – 10

Meet Julian and Charlotte
Appendix – 11

The examples on PowerPoint Slide

Appendix – 12

The role play cards

Appendix – 13

Ending of the movie

Appendix – 14


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