VSMA Screen Calc Method PDF

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SELECTION OF SCREEN SIZE AND TYPE ning 5 detined as "a mechanical process which amplishes a division of particles on the basis of size felt acceptance or rejection bv a screening surace™ stoten the process of screening is accomplished on a viprating screen ve are several types of vibrating screens More Gerails on this subject can be found in Chapter Il of this In the mineral and ore processing plants of todav there 's need for various stages of screening. The primary or staring point, where material 1s first delivered to the plant, normally requires large separations. Azthe mater ‘al continues on through various stages of reduction, finer separations are needed. There is a vibraung screen specifically designed to handle these various screening applications. The mostcommon screening applications are given in Section 11 of this chapter Because of the need to produce material sized to angid specication, the wbraung screen has taken on more prominence than ever before in today’s material pro- cessing plant. The proper type of screen and a sufficient quantity to economically produce the sizes and ton- ages needed can mean the success or failure of an intelligently select the proper size and type of -creen, specific details of every application are necessary. ‘The simplest way of acquiring or providing this informa~ tion is to complete a screen questionnaire. A copy of the VSMA questionnaire 1s included in this chapter After this infoumauun iy available, one can begin wo review the application and determine the type and size of screen best suited for the duty. Many materials look alike but will separate somewhat differently. The general charactenstics of a material determine its rate of passage through a given hole. Some materials have characteristics that cause them to fracture at a critical size due to their grain structure. It the bulk of the matenal fractures at a critical size near the dimensions of the screen surface opening. it is, difficult to separate. On the other hand, some matenals, are more friable and have a tendency to break up in quantity to a fine size winch makes separauun much easier These are a few of the vanables that one encounters in screening, Some athess will be covered Although screen size selection 1s often referred to as an ar. a lot of experience has been compiled through research at test facilities and through field data; thus, me very reliable capacity criteria has been developed the individual vibrating screen manufacturers Using thet volume of factual data tabulated from the multitude of field test results, a set of statistics— 2 formula for calculating theoretical screen area—has been developed While there is sume vanance aniuny, manufacturers, this information is used as the basis of the capacity chart The next few pages are devoted to the use of a formula for calculating screening area. The formula presented in this chapters typical of that used in the industry ALL CAPACITY FORMULAS ARE INTENDED TO BE USED ONLY AS A GUIDE Always eniist the knowledge and experience of one of the VSMA members or a reliable screen manufacturer for final recommendations on the type and size of screen best suited for vour application APPLYING SCREENING AREA FORMULA ‘A separate calculation 1s cequired for each deck of a multiple deck screen, but she same formula is used in each calculation: Screening Area= u ABXCKDNEXFXOXHN) = Square Feet The succession uf unknowis hat must be established bere using the above formula 1s as follows: Factor" Amount in STPH of material in feed to Undersize deck that is smaller than a specified aperture. Factor"A"— Predetermined rate of material STPH through a square foot of a specified ‘opening when feed to deck contains 25% oversize (Factor “B") and 40% halisize (Factor "C") Basic Capacity Factor "B’— ‘Actual % of material in feed to deck Oversize thatislargerthan a specified aperture (Adjusts Factor“A” to suit conditions) Factor“C’— Actual % of material in feed to deck Hallfsize that 1s one-half the size of a specified aperture. (Adjusts Factor “A” to suit conditions). Factor“D"— Applies for multiple deck screens. Deck Location Total screening area is availahle for top deck separation. Time delay for material to pass top deck and 2nd or 3rd decks leaves less effective ares available. This factoris expressed ina percent of the top deck effective area. Factor "€"— Wet Screening Applies when waters sprayed on the material as it moves down the screening deck. Generally, about 5 to / GPM of waterare used per SPH of solids fed to the screen, The volume ofwater required should he supplied so that a portion is combined with the solids into a feed box to prepare asluny feed to the screen. The balance water is adged through a series at spray bars located over the screening F— Applies tor weights other than 100 Material Weight Ibs percy tt If bulk density ot one Cubi 1908 oF matenal weighs = 100 ibs cu tt. Factor"F’ = Ibs percu ft TOO Factor C"— Applies when open area of screening Screen Sutace — surtace 1s less than open area shown Open Area In Factor “A” capacity chart Factor oben area ot wreensurace beingused T open area ndieated im capucits char Factor"H"— Applies when rectangular openings Shape of are used. Slotted or oblong openings Opening will pass more matenal per square foot than square openings Factor"J"~ Applies when objective screening Efficiency efficiency is less than 95% SCREEN EFFICIENCY Screening efficiency 1s the percent of the undersize in the feed that actually passes the screen surtace opening, Efficiency = ts of undersize in teed whieh actually passes % of undersize 1n feed (should pass) It would be most desirable for an operator if every screen attained 100% efficiency. However, itis under- stood and accepted in the industry that thisis impossible, The capacity formula is based on 95% screening effi- ciency. Normally, 90 to 95% efficiency 13 an accepted rate in most screening operations. However, even 90% 's not always attamable. Considenng the many factors that atfect matenal classification, itisa very difficult task to constantly control screening efficiency to an exact percentage Furhermare, multiple deck screens present separate problems for each deck. With tre manvfaccors that govern efhuent screening, 's impractical to expect a numencal factor in the capacity formula will automatically control this. By the very fact that industry acceots that 100% effictency 1s, mpossible, also recognizes there are screening appli- cations when 90% or even 80% may be impossible, regardless of the amount of available screening area Ihe ditticult-to-pass “nearsize undersize” 1s most often a controlling factor in determining the problems you can expect fo encounter in attaining a high efficiency Morstgre and peculiar particle shapes will compound the problem keep in screen for only a m. 5 OF a vibrating ss aluation of the ethiciency ot the screen ts checked by testing sieves for three to hve minutes ar langer This seems fo he an untaic method ot checking a vibrating screen's ef ciency but itis an accepted method The screen manutacturer will review the appiicat determine what pe efficiency can be ew pecced The VSMatorm Vibrating Screen Questionnaire” should be used as a guide to record the application data necessary to apply the above formula. When using the formula, a sieve analvsis of the material being fea to tne screen is the basis to determine the percent of oversize Factor’"8", undersize (Factor"U") ang halfsize (Factor (Ch for each separation, A numerical factor corres- ponding to the actual percent is selected irom the charts and placed 1s proper location in the formula. After all factors are determined, proceed to calculate the required theoretical area, Before establishing the size of screen from the screen area caleulanons only, check that the theoretical b: depth is in accordance with good operaung practice DBD =_Oxc Sate W FACTORS Inches of Bed Depch 80 ~ Discharge End Bed Depth O= Suersize in STPH C= Cubic Feet Per Ton of Material Constant Rate of Travel [nominal 75 fpm forinclined screen at slone ‘of 18° to 20° with flow rotation and nominal 45 fpm for honzontai screen) W= Width of Screening area in Feet The feed to a vibrating screen consists of a mass of matenal in different sizes. The oversize will retard passage of the undersize; and this temporary restriction, Fesults in a build-up of matenal on the screen surface. The bed diminishes as the undersize passes the opening However, the bed of material should never reach a depth where the undersize does not stratify before it discharges off the end of the screen. A rule of thumb 1s that the hed depth at the discharge end of the screen should not exceed four times the size of the suriace opening when separating material weighing 100 Ibs. per Cu. ft, or diee wines for mavenal weighing 50 Ibs percu. ft. This rule should be followed and is practical in most applications. However, itis based on volume only and many times the dimensions of the topsize preces in the feed to the deck will exceed the calculated bed depth. This 1s not cause for alarm but wt deserves consideration before selecting the screen size To select the size of screen, tust determine, trom the bed depth calculations, the width that will maintain the proper hed denth for efficient screening and then choose the length that, together with the width, pro- vides a minimum total screening area equivaientto that arived atu die streets ates calculations, “FACTORS FOR CALCULATING SCREEN AREA Formula: Screening Areas Ax Bx Cx DvivFxGeHe) “Basic Operating Conditions Feed co screening deck contains 25% oversize and 40%» halfsze Feed 1s granular free-flowing maternal Material weighs 100 Ibs per cu it (Operating siope of screen is. Inciimed Screen 18° ~ 20° with low rotation FACTOR “A” Honzontal Screen 0° Surface % STP Objective Screening ficiency ~ 9 Square Open Passing Opening Area ASq Ft 5% 789 Sue 703 FACTOR “8” 5 oes [Percent of Qversize in Feed D: 2m 5.85 _ vay 5.52 me Overize 51018 we 1% 490 Factor 8 721113708 702 700 96 9 63% 451 = ——_ 69% 420 % Oversize 3035 66% 3.89 Factor 8 3884 68% 356 6% 338 % Oversize 80 ay 3.08 Factor 3 3D 59% 2.82 w 247 FACTOR “Cc” - a 2.08 (Percent of ~aifsize in Feed 10 Deck wr 46% 1.60 - 36" 45% 1.27 MHalisze 0 5 10 15 20 25 ~30 Ww 40% 95 FactorC 40455055 60.70 80 3/32" 45% 76 V6" 37% 58 Halize 35 40 45 ~<50 5560 32" 41% 39 Factor C 907.00 710 1.20 7.30 140 155 FACTOR “G” %Halbize 70 75 80 65 90 FactorC 1.70 1.85 2.00 (Screen Surface Open Area) 02.40 Factor "G” = % Open Aves of Sunace Seine Used FACTOR “D”" 5 Open ares indicated in Capaciy (Deck Location) FACTOR “H” = x Th (Shape of Surface ening ves 32 a Ps ice Op ) Factor D 100 80 Square 1.00 Short Slot :3 10 4 Times width 415, FACTOR “E” ~ Long Slot ‘More than 4 Times svidth 120 (Wet Screening) FACTOR)" Openng PINE ene ee a (Efficuerney) Factor t 100 125 2.00 250 2,00 175 140 130 125 95% 100 = 115 FACTOR “F* 135 (Matenal Weigh? as 150 73% 170 Lbs/euft_ 150 125 100 90 80 7060 50 30 190 “accor F150 125 1009080 0 anMUFRCTURERS ASSOCIATION ewaen Company ny Location _ CRUE NIB [VIBRATING SCREEN SCREEN QUESTIONNAIRE VIBRATING SCREEN sind ot matenar C1UeheA| |M@STONE >, eroaue suas eauies 2. Duty required: (Refer other side) Seaiomg Stang Dry Dewatering Sizing Wet ___Washing Rescreening 3. Charactensstics of material ay we Percy m, 100 Ibe. ) Material conditions wnen fea to screen Date Specity Deck Dusty Ory wet _ Damp Clayey Sticky Loe: | ALL 8, Preferred type of screen media: ion a) Wire cloth X 4 Surta seater LESS then Z27%o ») Pertorated ite | ‘Temperature. ¢) Particle shapels) oF °c Cubical 2X Roune : Stabby/Flake _ Siew Sie 4, Operating schedule: Hoursperday O-!O pays perweek > 5. Feed rate (Inciuding circulating load it applicable), Maximum — 202 TPH Average TPH (Ton 2,000 Ibs.) If food 1s slurry: gpm Solids: _*% by wt. _% by volume 6. Feed analysis: Maximumsize particle (opening Cumulative’ Passing a 100 oe ae | 4% i A Ed 7, V2" 3 Test Sieve Series: Square Round us_X Tyler, ©) Profile wire. - 4d) Elastomer. e) Combination. f) Other 9. It space is restricted for installation in limiting dimensions: Height___ wieth Length 10. Preferred type of screen: Incines X_ Horwzontal___Otner. Open Enclosed 11. Type of Installation: Stationary Plant Portable Plant 12. Type of Mounting Preterrea: Floor ‘Suspension Other 13. Desired Screen Efficiency: Top Deck A” 95% __90% __as 2nd Deck. X 9} 3rd Deck __95% X < COMMON VIBRATING SCREEN APPLICATIONS - SCALPING SCREEN ibrating screen used to remove a small amount of oversize ftom a feed which 1s predominantly finer without regard for shed product s1 SIZING SCREEN (Dry of Wet) A wiorating screen used to produce matenal sizes that meet specifications in a paricular range of sizes Usually expected pertorm at a high and constant rate of efficiency WASHING SCREEN Avibrating screen equipped zo that water can be sprayed on the material. Normally water s used to clean matenal and/orassst in the stzing, DEWATERING SCREEN A wibrating screen used to remove liquid from matenal. RESCREEN SCREEN (Dry or Wet! 1g screen used dry or wet to remove ines or contaminants from previously screened matenal. Often called dedusting screen (dry) desliming screen (wed or a polishing screen, EXAMPLE CALCULATING SCREEN AREA Application Details from Screen Questionnaire Crushed Limestone - Material Wergnt a . . costes + sceeeveveess 100 Tbs. ft? Feed Rate LI : IT : -.300 STPH Separations Required ..... : sees V2", 4" Type of Screen Inclined Taple Deck is of Feed to Screen ‘Cumulative Passing STPH Passing 100% 300 STPH 1% 273 STPH 35% 255 STPH 70% 210 STPH 60% 180 STPH 45% 135 STPH 30% 90 STPH 66 STPH 45 STPH 18 STPH Feed Distnbution per Sieve Analysis Formula: u Ax BX CxOXEKFRGXHX} EXAMPLE CALCULATIONS FOR TOP DECK Sieve Analysis of Feed ta Top Deck Cumulative Opening Passing STPH Passi 300 273 3 STP Factor’ 8" for = Conditions or Top Deck heed to ist Deck = 300 STPH Factor "4" (for 1") = 356 08 ais 210 STPH Factor “C* Hfor-121 = 140 v2 180 STPH 180 STPH = 60% wa 135 STP Factor "D" for Top Oeck = 100 vs 30 STP Factor "E” IDry Screenings 318" 66 STPH Factor “F” (100 Ibs. cu, f) a 49 31PH Factor “G” (bats Surtace O Al = 1 UU no 18 STPH Factor "H” Square Opening) = 1.00 Area 1" Seperation = 253 3.56 x 1.08 x 1.40 x 1.00 x 1,00 x 1.00 x 1.00 x 7.00 x 1.00, ae en et mm vee ache aye 538 EXAMPLE (CALCULATIONS FOR SECOND DECK Opening STPH Passing Condition for Second Deck ” 255 STPH Feed to 2nd Deck = 255 STPH 3" 210 STPH_ Factor "A" for 1/2) = 2.47 a 480 STPH—Faetor“R (or #1/27 = 96a 75 STPH = 29% 318" 53% 135 STPH Fas “C* (or 4/49 = 90 us" 35% a0steH 90 STPH = 35% ane’ 268 66 STPH Factor)" for 2nd Deck = 9 18" 18% 355TH Factor “€" (Ory Screening) = 1.00 #0 7 3a STPH Factor“ (100 Ibs. cu.) = 1.00 Factor “G" GAs Suface OA) ~ 1.00 Factor “H' (Square Opening) = 1.00 Factor "I" (954 Efficiency) = 1.00 20 5. Feed Distnbutlon = (9, NY ee Sieve Anas area 1/2" Separation= 120 100 = 93 $0, Fe Zar x 68x 90% 90% 100¥100x100x100xI00 Toe carne er age MEY pe ge ay ape EXAMPLE CALCULATIONS FOR THIRD DECK eoretical Sleve Analysis of Feed to 3rd Deck Cumulative Opening “Passing STPH Passing ur 00% 180 sTPH 18 75% 135 sTPH a" 50% 90 sTPH ane 3% 66 stPH vs" 25% 435 57PH no 10% 18 stPH Feed Distnbution per Sieve Analysis ‘Area 1/4” Separation ‘Area 1" Separation Feed to 3rd Deck = 180 Factor "a" itor 8") = factor "8" for + V8) = 90 STH = Factor" for = 189 = 45:STPH = Factor "0" for 31d Deck Factor “€" (Dry Screening) Factor "F” (100 Ibs. eu fe) Conditions for Third Deck sTPH oo 70 25% 8 100 = 1.00 Factor "G" (86% Surace OA = 1.00 Factor" Square Opening) = 7.00 "90% Efficiency) ats eo ee eee 1G. T6x79x 70x BOXT00xTOOKTOORTOOXTIS §— “gy eRe age nye Ee cay EXAMPLE COMPOSITE CALCULATIONS All DECKS 255. 3.56 x1 08 x1 40 1.00 x 1.00 «1.00 9 1.00 x 1 00 x 1.00 man oR ace tee er ae “" Area 1/2" Separation = 93 Sq <1 00<1 00 193 AB cD ve al Area 1/4" Separation = 30. 90 = 111 Sq Fe CT9R Oe BON TOOXTOONTOOXTOOXTIS «ay Bc on EB GH oy EXAMPLE CALCULATING BED DEPTH DISCHARGE END bBD OxC = 5xTxW Top Deck 45 x20 5x73x6 2200 Second Neck 75 x 20 1500 5x75 x6 2200 Third Deck = 90x20 = 1800 5x75 x6 2200 A logical choice from the above calculations isto select 26" x 20’ trple-deck screen, This completes the exercise of calculating theoretical screening area. The experienced screen application specialist will proceed from here and devote sometime In reviewing some of the variables that govern sc ing performance but cannot be included in a formula. These vanables can contribute to a more favorable or unfavorable screening condition. itis the presence of unfavorable conditions that requires attention after calculated screen area is established Moisture can affect a separation asit presents problems with blinding of the sereen surface. The manufacturer may have an accessory available that wall alleviate this condkuon, Inches of Bed Depth 7/16" Depth to 1” Separation 11/16” Depth to 1/2” Separation = 13/16” Depth to 1/4” Separation Peculiar particle shapes, such as wedges, slivers and flats, are often difficult to separate. This can have an. adverse effect on screen capacity and efficiency. If the feed to the deck contains a large amount of earsize, there is also the danger of plugging. The sereen surface specifications hecame vary important in making an efficient separation when this condition exists Obviously, the screen area calculations deal with a mathematical formula but there are several factors unaccounted for in this formula. It is impossible and impractical to assign a numerical value to all of the uncontrollable vanables present in separating materials. Experience and common sense must be applied after completing capacity calculations That 1s why It 15 important that the formula be considered as only a guide. Fig. 1.1 INCLINED SCREENS STROKE, SPEED AND SLOPE SELECTION FOR DRY 100 LB. PER CUBIC FOOT MATERIAL & FLOW MECHANISM ROTATION L TOP DECK OPENING Nomuvat [35m] 20m | 10m | am | 1/2" Ta [ae] a [or Te store sraone | “Steep | 3S!) 3S") St | 8. | 48 4 | 70 | #9 | fo | 6 Janove| Rance fin | ikem | som) 35m | 20m | som | 3M wpe | | PL eT cgree | | | 03 | 3500 24-30 05 | 2600 j 24-30 | _ TT | 06 | 2100 HMR EE 22-28 3/32 | 1800 1 gsr 22-26 1/8 | 1600 ieee 22-26 3/16 | 1400 wee 20-25 t 1/4 | 1000 Innnbsccceasl 18-25 5/16 | 900 ! | 18-25 3/8 850 | | 18-25 lz 6 | 70 | 18-25 V2 | 700 | | : 18-25 PREFERRED RRRRT accerrasce VIM Fig 1.2 HORIZONTAL SCREENS Stroke & Speed Selection For Dry 100 Ib. per Cubic Foot Material Tor Deck OFENING NOMINAL ies rr we % z = srRoKE Sree Than 3 To 19, 19 19 ts TRAD "out ioe R We * P 3/8 950 - 3 3 _ € i 76 900 2 nee e 2 — 12 | 850 2 mun z i) 5/8 800 3 (TEETER lnasesssssexsss| & | 3/4 750 ni foun] PREFERRED S33 ACCEPTABLE HITTIN

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