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What have you understood of this role and why do you believe you would be
suitable for this?
I am very much interested in the management position offered by your prestigious
firm. I feel I have great opportunity to occupy this job. I will bring the requisite skill
sets to be a reliable, professional and efficient manager. I am energetic, goal oriented,
self-motivated and self-disciplined. I am accustomed to performing important tasks in
a high pressure environment.

My qualities for this position include amongst others:-

 Leadership and communications skills, leading by example to instill enthusiasm and

project ownership in team members.
 Time management skills along with the heightened risk management capabilities.
 Understanding complex situations and acting on it with requisite patience and
 A Bachelor Degree in law from the National Law University has instilled in me the
abilities of intense working capacity, resilience and potential to advocate.

2. Why would you want to take up this role after studying law?
A law degree is definitely a gateway to a career as a solicitor/ advocate, but it is not
the only path one can choose. There are many options available beyond the legal
profession, one of them being management. I have an understanding of the firm’s
objectives and can work accordingly to plan on issues like performance management,
working conditions, disciplinary procedures and dealing with grievances. I can
interpret and advise on employment law, whenever needed. The ability to pay
attention to detail and high organization skills have been inculcated in me during the
law curriculum which will prove to be helpful in the instant role offered by your firm.

3. Given your past internship experiences at various legal organisations, what

would you think is the most important management function for a legal
According to me one of the most significant management functions for a legal firm is
that of a Human Resources official. The HR has to develop, advise on and implement
policies relating to effective use of staff in a legal firm. The official has to ensure the
right balance of the staff in terms of skills and experience and that training and
development opportunities are available to colleagues to achieve firm’s goals. HR in a
legal firm has to create a healthy communication between the top most position and
the newly inducted staff. Even interns interact with HR during their period of
internship in a law firm. I feel that the role of HR cannot be under estimated at any
given point of time.

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