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Essay Questions in 2018



1. Describe a recent development in your city

You should say:

What is this development

How could it help people

What benefits it could bring

And explain whether it changes your life or not

2. Describe an unforgettable dinner

You should say:

When was the dinner

Where was the dinner

Who did you dine with

Explain why is it unforgettable

3. Describe a visitor in your home

You should say:

Who was this visitor

When did he/she visit your home

Why did he/she come to visit

Explain whether you like him/her or not

4. Describe your favorite song

You should say:

What this song is about

When you listened to this song for the first time

How often you listen to this song

And explain why you think it is your favorite

Answer :-

I have always been a huge fan of music. I love listening to music because

good music helps me recharge my battery and energy as well as uplift
my spirit after a long day overloaded with work and study. I listen to
many different kinds of music from Rock to Jazz, depending on where I am,
who I am with and how I feel at the time. Today I’m going to tell you about
one of my favorite songs titled ‘Hello’.

The genre is pop, as characterized by its upbeat music and

simple, down-to-earth lyrics. It’s actually a single that just went
platinum this week. The song is incredibly popular at the moment, I
mean, it’s the talk of the town. It’s been topping the charts for weeks,
and has got millions of streams on music sites.

The person who performs the song is Adele, an internationally

acclaimed artist, hailing from the UK. She’s made a killing with her
albums, but she’s maintained a somewhat low-profilelifestyle. I am a
huge fan of her. I have an impressive collection of her records that I really
treasure. Maybe I would have the fortune to attend one of her concerts.

I first listened to the song last week. It was when I was in the middle
of finals. I was up to the ears in revision and it was incredibly nerve-
racking time, so I needed something to let my hair down. That’s when I
went to YouTube to watch some music videos. The minute I heard Adele’s
voice, I was hooked and totally blown away. I’ve put the song on
repeat ever since.

I am keen on the song for a number of reasons. First, it was her voice that
struck me, which is incredibly soothing, and has a nice warm quality to it.
The lyrics is also dope. It talks about emotions after two people part
ways in a relationship and I can definitely relate to that.

1) Honestly speaking, for the most part, I would probably say that I
have a great passion for listening to music and indeed I have
listened like thousands of songs so far. However, if I have to pick
out a song that I like the most, I would probably choose the song
Million Years Ago by Adele. By gorgeous lyrics and melody, it’s
like a piece of cake for Adele to make me addicted to this song.
A significant feature that I should mention is the song’s meaningful
content. It is a regretful calling inside an adult who has born his
soul on the way of growing up and earning his stripes. Every
now and then I feel he is so desperate that he could do anything
to escape the cycle of his life but after all he can’t afford to do so.
The reason why I am so fond of this song has something to do with
the fact that it provokes so many beautiful memories from my
childhood. Although this song is a sad song, it opens my eyes
to many things in life, one of them is that you should not take
anything for granted, even the simplest one, try to live to your
fullest so that one day you would not have to regret that much
about the journey that you have been through. Fairly speaking,
Million Years Ago is a really good songs for self –
reflecting especially when you find yourself lost in the super busy
world nowadays. 


 Passion (n): strong and intense emotion, love

 Pick out (phrasal verb): to choose
 Piece of cake (idiom): something very easy
 Be addicted to something (expression): be devoted to a particular
activity or thing
 Calling (n): a strong urge to a particular way of life
 Earn someone’s stripes (idiom): Do something to show you deserve a
particular rank or position
 Every now and then (expression): occasionally, from time to time
 Provoke (v): stimulate or give rise to something
 Open one’s eyes to Something (idiom): make someone understand
 Take something for granted (idiom): fail to properly appreciate ST
 Reflect (v): think deeply and carefully about something.

5. Describe someone who is very professional

You should say:

Who is this person is

Who this person does

How you knew this person

Explain why this person is professional

 Put customer satisfaction first
Understanding and satisfying your customer's needs are the cornerstones
of a successful business.

Professionals identify and satisfy their customer's needs.

2: Make expertise your specialty

Technical competence is essential in IT.

 Become an expert in the skills and tools necessary to do your job.

 Always perform to the best of your abilities.
 Keep your knowledge up to date.

Professionals know their trade.

3: Do more than expected

Professionals aren't bound by a time clock. They are given wide latitude in
their daily self-management. They are expected to manage their time and
work habits. Don't abuse the privilege. If you take an hour for personal
needs, give back two hours.

The reality is that professionals are expected to exceed the standard 40-
hour workweek. There are times when you may be asked to work
weekends. You may have to forego a vacation or work 12-hour days to
complete an important project. All are part of the job description of most
professional positions.

Professionals are expected to produce results. Strive to complete

deliverables before their due dates and under budget.

Professionals meet or exceed expectations whenever possible.

4: Do what you say and say what you can do

This is one of my favorite sayings especially in view of the fact that talking
the talk is so prevalent and walking the walk so rare in this age of sound
bites. You should "engage brain" before speaking — can you really do what
you are about to say? If you can't, the wizard behind the curtain will
eventually be revealed and hard-earned trust can be lost.

Professionals deliver on promises made.

5: Communicate effectively
I go out of my way to patronize a dentist who has excellent communication
skills. He takes the time to explain the available options, make
recommendations, state the total costs, and promise a date when the work
can be completed. I then feel empowered to make the right decisions.

I recently ordered Internet and phone service from the cable company. I
told the salesman that the existing cable had been ripped out during a
landscaping project. Perhaps I wasn't clear or perhaps the salesman wasn't
listening — it doesn't really matter. The message didn't get through and the
wrong person was sent to do the installation. As a result, Qwest, not the
cable company, got my business. Not only did the commissioned salesman
lose his sale, he and his company both looked unprofessional in my eyes.

Resist the urge to blame the customer when communication goes awry.
Effective communication is ultimately your responsibility — not your

Whether verbal or written, professionals communicate clearly, concisely,

thoroughly, and accurately.

6: Follow exceptional guiding principles

Appreciate and support those you work with. Practice good manners and
proper etiquette. Have high ethical and moral standards. Be honest and fair
in all of your dealings with others. Obey the law. These may sound like the
attributes of a Boy Scout, but they are basic values that all professionals
should follow. Many companies have a document that outlines their
operating principles. Have you read yours?

Professionals adhere to high values and principles.

7: Praise your peers not yourself

Respect and acknowledge the talents of your peers. There is nothing more
unprofessional and self-serving than telling others how wonderful you are.

Professionals are humble and generous in their praise of others.

8: Share your knowledge

When I was hired at Hughes Aircraft, a second person with similar skills
was hired with me. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that one of
us wasn't going to survive. The competitive nature of the situation was
palpable. I am no stranger to the belief that it is not in your best interest to
share your knowledge with your associates, AKA the competition.

It is easy to find yourself in that comfortable place with "unique" knowledge.

If you are a hoarder of information and are of the opinion that all of the nuts
you have squirreled away grant you immutable job security, think again.
The harsh reality is that nobody is irreplaceable.

Information isn't a limited resource. Contrary to what some might think, your
mind won't be emptied by giving away kernels of wisdom or experience.
Think of knowledge as an ocean of facts and not a stream of data.
It is possible to share what you know and still keep one step ahead of the
competition — simply apply yourself and learn something new daily.

Professionals help their peers and are respected for doing so.

9: Say thank you

I always tried to find a way to thank others for their help. When their help
was above and beyond the call of duty, I would buy them a Coke - a
testament to the marketing power of Madison Avenue and Mean Joe

The items I value the most in my personnel file from Hughes Aircraft are
two AVOs (Avoid Verbal Orders memos) to my manager from frontline
employees. The AVOs thanked me for the support I provided that helped
them do their job better.

Silly me — what was I thinking? I was sharing a Coke when I should have
been sharing my thanks in a printed internal document to the employee's

Professionals thank others in a meaningful way that most benefits the


10: Keep a smile on your face and the right attitude in

your heart
This has been the hardest item for me to do consistently over my working
years. I believed I was lying to myself and the world by smiling when I was
miserable or unhappy with an ongoing issue at work.

I now realize it's not dishonest to be pleasant when you are having one of
those lousy days. It is in fact thoughtful to care about how your attitude
affects those you interact with. Share your unhappiness with your manager
only. "Share the misery" is not the mark of a professional.

Professionals are pleasant even during trying times.

The final word

Working with professionals is a pleasure, and I have been fortunate to work
with some truly exemplary ones. There have been a few who liked to be
treated as professionals without having to work and act like one.

You don't have to look any further than the medical profession to see
examples of true professionals. Think back upon those doctors you've liked
the most and model your professionalism after theirs.

6. Describe a trip that you plan to go in the near future

You should say:

Where this place is

Who you would like to go with What would you do there

Explain why you would like to go there

7. Describe an interesting subject that you learned at school

You should say:

 What the subject was

What your teacher was like

How long you learned this subject

Explain it was interesting to you


8. Describe an interesting job that you want to have in the

You should say:

What it is

How you can find this job

What qualities it requires

Explain why it is a well-paid job

Why you think you will be good at it


It’s difficult to predict the future as to what job will dominate the labor
market, but I’m pretty sure a university professor stands a good
chance of being one of the hottest professions in the upcoming years.

And, to be honest, I’m working hard on enhancing my teaching ability

to prepare myself properly for this golden opportunity and become an
become a pharmacology professor.

Teaching requires patience and perseverance and if you’re an

impetuous and bad-tempered person, then this noble profession is
not cut out for you. In this job, I will have to get exposed to people of
different educational and cultural backgrounds, some of them might be
too stubborn to be a good listener or simply they’re too lazy to acquire
any knowledge.

The two qualities I have mentioned is my strong suit actually.

I have worked as an assistant professor and somehow learnt about the art
of imparting knowledge and encourage students to actively
participate in the lessons without being fed up with the students, I
think this characteristic make me qualify for this profession.

I would say that it wont be as lucrative as other profession such as doctors

and engineers. But it would be highly paid job for me in terms of job


In the future, I would like become a university lecture.

In order to qualify as a teacher, I would need to be more patient.

Patience plays a vital role as students normally, not all of them are quick
enough to understand what we are trying to communicate to them in
class. Therefore, we should be slow to anger.

I should be compassionate, and I have to hold our horses whenever it

comes to giving clearer explanations. Furthermore, students can be
naggy sometimes.

Besides patience, effective communication is another necessary skill

that I would need to learn. As a teacher, my job is to make things as
crystal clear as possible, to make sure all students can follow.

In order to become a university lecturer in the future, I would have to

pass an examination. It involves English, math, and literature. I would to
prepare hard for this as the test is challenging. I would also have to take
a little three-month course in TESOL - Teaching English for Speakers of
Other Languages. If I can become a teacher, I will be able to help people
enhance their English competence, which is the most meaningful thing
that ever happens to my life.

9. Describe a time when you received your first cellphone
You should say:

When it was

Where you were

Who gave you the cellphone

What it was like

How you felt about it

I still remember having my very first mobile phone as a reward from my mom
when I passed the university entrance exam. I know nowadays kids start
using mobile phone pretty soon like in secondary school and many high
school students own one. However, my parents didn’t want me to have one
before I got into university because they were afraid that it could distract me
from my study. So, you can imagine how excited I was when I was given the
Actually, it wasn’t a cool phone with touch screen or camera. Instead, it was
just a very basic phone which allowed me to make calls and send text
messages only. I used it to keep in touch with my family and friends because
I had to study away from home. Of course sometimes I used it to entertain as
well by listening to the radio or playing games.
Although it was a simple phone, it meant a lot to me. Going to university was
the biggest change in my life. I had to leave my little home town, my family
and the life that I had been familiar with, to live in a big city. It took me
several months to get over my homesickness and I can’t imagine how I could
have made it without my phone. I called my mom at least twice a day. She
comforted me and gave me useful advices. Now that I have graduated and
found myself a job in this city, I can afford to buy much fancier phones but I
still keep this phone as a reminder of my family’s love and support

10.Describe a time you were shopping in a street market

You should say:

 When it was

Where it was
What you bought

Right. Well, when I moved in banglore last year, sometimes its difficult for me to find
the things that I needed in normal shops, so a friend recommended that I check out a
market called Sunday Market., we took two or three buses to get there, and when we
arrived, it was absolutely staggering. I had never seen such a bustling market in my life!
The stalls were packed into all the streets and alleyways, stretching for several blocks as
far as we could see. Vendors were selling just about every product you can imagine. They
had shoes, socks, jewelry, electronics, household items, toys,…just…everything, right? To
be honest, I was a little overwhelmed. There were just too many choices and I ended up
going home with just a headache and a pair of socks. On the plus side, the Sunday Market
market had excellent street food, for instance, panipuri, variety of mouth watering
chats,juices and many more. Those are some of my favourite snacks. So in the end I
really enjoyed eating food and exploring with my friends, but I don’t think I’d go back
there. It was just too hectic.

11. Describe a website you like to visit

You should say:

When you found it

What is it about

How often you visit it

Why you like this website  

12.Describe some useful skills you learned in a math class

from your primary/ high school
You should say:

What the skill was

How you learned it

Who taught you

Why it was useful to you

13.Describe someone who is talkative

1) Job that do not required communication

 Nurse anesthetists specialize in putting people to sleep during
surgery, and rarely need to much more.
  Locomotive Engineers – Unlike pilots of passenger airplanes, train
engineers have zero speaking duties. No announcements, no
updates, and no shaking hands with curious passengers unless you
really want to.
 postal Service Mail Sorters, Processors, and Processing Machine
Operators – Taking care of mail at various facilities is a very lax on
communication requirements

14.Describe something you learned in a place/ from a person

You should say:

What was it that you learned

When did this happen

Where was it/ Who taught you

How difficult was it to learn

15. Describe something special that you saved money to buy

You should say:
What was this thing

Why was it special to you

How much did it cost you

Explain how you felt after you bought it

16.Describe a photo you have taken

You should say:

Where you took it

When you took the photo

What/ who is in this photo

Explain how you felt about it

17. Describe a popular comic actor/ actress you know

You should say:

Who he/she is

How you knew him/ her

 What comedies have he/she performed

Explain why he/she is popular

I’d like to tell you about a well known actor who is very funny, his
name is Rowan Atkinson, he’s probably best known worldwide
for his funny character Mr Bean. I first saw him in a movie on
DVD and I thought he was really hilarious. 

Later I discovered some other old DVDs of TV shows he had

done in the past. I think I’ve watched nearly all of the shows he’s
done now. In fact I watched a movie of his just a couple of weeks
ago with a friend… it was a spoof spy movie like the James Bond
movies but he was useless at everything and it was very funny. 

I hadn’t seen it for years but my friend found the old DVD and
we decided to watch it.

He’s funny because he is so ridiculous and yet loveable at the

same time. He always seems to have the best intentions but he
gets himself into terrible problems and funny situations just
doing normal things. 

The things he does are very simple, but very funny and I think
it’s because most of his comedy is based on real life everyday
situations that lots of people can relate to it and just how easy it
would be for it to happen in real life. His style of comedy is very

He’s popular not only in my country but all around the world. As
I said I think that people like him because it’s not complex
humour – it could happen to anyone, but it normally doesn’t,
however, it always seems to happen to him. 

Another thing that’s different to many other comic actors is that

he doesn’t normally speak a lot, he’s funny because of his facial
gestures and body movements... the comedy doesn’t rely on
smart or witty dialogue... just on the silly situation or events that
he’s involved in. 
That’s something that makes him appealing to a very wide

18.Describe something important that you lost

You should say: 

What is it

Why it is important

How did you lose it

How did you do after you lost it

19.Describe something interesting that your friend has done

but you haven’t done
You should say:

What it is

When did your friend do it

Explain why you want to do it

20. Describe a time you spend with your friend in your

You should say:

Who is this friend

How did you know about each other

Explain why you describe this time

21.Describe a magazine you enjoy watching

You should say:

What it is

How often do you watch it

What do you learn from it

Why do you like it

22. Describe a time that you had to change your plan/

changed your mind
You should say:

When this happened

What made you change the plan

What the new plan was

How you felt about the change

23. Describe an interesting animal

You should say:

What it looks like

When you saw/ knew it for the first time

Where it lives

Explain why it is interesting

24. Describe a building you like


25. Describe a party that you joined

You should say:

When it took place

Where it was

Whose party it was

What you did there

How you felt about the party

26. Describe a time that you wore a type of clothes for a

special occasion
You should say:

What the occasion was

What you wore

Where you bought the clothes

What other people at the occasion thought of your clothes


27.Describe a place in your city you want to go to


28. Describe a famous person that you are interested in

You should say:

Who this person is

How you know about this person

What this person is famous for

Explain why you are interested in this person

29. Describe a city or country you want to live the most in

the future
You should say:

What is it

Where is it located

Why do you like it

30. Describe a person you know

31. Describe an experience of good service in a shop or a


32. Describe your favourite season of the year.

You should say:

What the weather is like.

Why you like this season.

What activities you usually do during it.

How would different kinds of weather affect people?

33. Describe a historic era you are interested in

You should say

– when was this era

 – how you learned about it

– what it was famous for

– and explain why you are interested in this era  

34. Describe an important river/lake in your country

You should say:

 What is this place?

Why you like this place

And explain what you would like to do there

35. Describe an impressive story you heard from other

You should say:

What was this story?

When did you hear about it?

Who told you this story?

And explain why you were impressed by it

36. Describe an interesting event in your school.(from 100

speaking cue cards ielts material -page 18)
What was the event?

When was the event?

Why was it interesting?

And explain how you felt about it

37.Describe a public place that you think need improvements.

You should say

– What the place is

– When you go there

– What you like and dislike about this public place

38.Describe a situation when you had to be polite

You should say:

What it was

What did you do to be polite?

Why did you have to be polite?

And explain how you felt about it afterwards

39.Describe a special day out ( a day out which does not cost too

You should say

– where you went on this day out

– who you were with

– what you did

– and explain why it was special to you

40. Describe a sports person that you admire.

You should say:

Who he/she is
What did she/he do?

What do you know about his/her life story?

And explain how much you know about sports.

41.Describe a toy that you received when you were a child.

You should say

What the toy was

Who gave it to you

How you used this 

And explain how you felt when you got this toy

42. Describe an experience when you were late for an

You should say:

When did this happen

Why you were late

What were the consequences

And explain what you felt afterwards.

About a week ago, I was late for an important meeting with one
of my teachers at the university. We were supposed to meet at
around 3pm to discuss a project I'm working on for one of the
courses I'm attending this year. 

Anyway, at lunchtime I had to go into the city and take care of

some errands. One of the things I had to do was collect an item
from my uncle's shop for my mother, but when I arrived my
uncle wasn't there and his assistant didn't know anything about
it. So I had to wait.

Eventually my uncle arrived at the shop, but I had been waiting

for nearly an hour. When I left I thought I might be able to make
it to the university on time, but then there was a problome with
one of the buses that I took and we got stuck in a traffic jam,
and I lost more time. 

By the time I finally arrived at the university and went to my

teacher's office he had already left. I was almost an hour late for
the appointment so I can't blame him for not waiting any

I saw him the next day and had to apologize to him. He

understood the situation and we arranged to meet early this
week. Of course, I made sure that I arrived early this time, so
there was no problem.

43.Describe a piece of technology you like using except a


You should say

what is this technology?

how did you learn about it?

how often do you use it?

and explain what differences it brings to your life

44. Describe something you wear in special occasion

You should say

 What is that
 Where you buy it

 Why you wear it

 And what people think about it

45. Describe something you own that you want to replace

You should say: 

 What it is
 When you had it

 How you got it

 – And explain why you want to replace it

46. Describe a competition (talent show, etc) you would

like to take part in
You should say:

What the competition is

Where you take part in

Who won it before

And what do you think about it  

47. Describe an idea of vacation away from home

You should say:

 Where you will go

 Who will go with you

 When you will go

 And what you will do there

48. Describe a building you like

Where it is

What it is used for

What it looks like

And explain why you like it  

49. Describe a trip by public transport

You should say:

 What the transport is

 Where you went
 Why you chose this transportation

 How you felt about it

50. Describe something that can help you concentrate on

You should say:

 What it is
 How it helps you

 What you think about i

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