Drinking Water, A Vital Need

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Drinking Water, A vital need

Water is one of our human rights. More specifically, “The

human right to drinking water is fundamental for life and
health. Sufficient and safe drinking water is a precondition for
the realization of all human rights. Overcoming the world
water crisis – achieving water, food and environmental
security simultaneously– is one of the most formidable
challenges for sustainable development.” (OHCHR,
2002,‘Human Rights, Poverty Reduction and Sustainable
Development: Health, Food and Water’) So when we talk
about water we are enfasising on our right, how others waste
it, and how people have to conform on dirty water.

To start, we need to accept the fact that some people do

not have access to clean water. It is our right as already
stated to have access. However, how many other things are
our “right” but is yet not fullfilled? Others can be left for next
time, but water is something we need. Our body is constituted
by more than 80% of water. Our everyday activities require
water, and dehydration is kind of a big deal.

Also, some people can not access water when others are
wasting it. My community has been severly affected without
water. I have taken into acount that I have not always been
responsible with water. The most evident example is taking a
shower. How much time do we take on the shower, and is it
really necessary to take that much? There are many ways to
preserve water. Although we are children, our actions can
make a huge difference for the world. We just need to set
straight our goals, and be determined to accomplish them.

Finally, the last and only option for the communities that
can not access water is to take the dirty one. Dirty water
implies diseases and virus that can end up being lethal.
Everyone has the right to acess their basic needs. To what
cost do people need to depend on higher corporations that
distribute the water. We might complain about this, but who
exactly will listen.

As a conclusion, water is our right. I may not have

realized this issue is in my communitie, but now that I have, I
will try my best to change. We all should. Solidarity and
companionship are concepts long lost in our society. How
about bringing them back?

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