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Evaluation of anionic surfactant removal by anaerobic degradation of

commercial laundry wastewater and domestic sewage

Article  in  Environmental Technology · December 2017

DOI: 10.1080/09593330.2017.1414317


7 113

4 authors:

Clara Faria Tiago Delforno

Federal University of Minas Gerais University of Campinas


Dagoberto Yukio Okada Maria Bernadete A. Varesche

University of Campinas 38 PUBLICATIONS   71 CITATIONS   

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Environmental Technology

ISSN: 0959-3330 (Print) 1479-487X (Online) Journal homepage:

Evaluation of anionic surfactant removal by

anaerobic degradation of commercial laundry
wastewater and domestic sewage

Clara Vieira de Faria, Tiago Palladino Delforno, Dagoberto Yukio Okada &
Maria Bernadete Amâncio Varesche

To cite this article: Clara Vieira de Faria, Tiago Palladino Delforno, Dagoberto Yukio Okada &
Maria Bernadete Amâncio Varesche (2017): Evaluation of anionic surfactant removal by anaerobic
degradation of commercial laundry wastewater and domestic sewage, Environmental Technology,
DOI: 10.1080/09593330.2017.1414317

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Evaluation of anionic surfactant removal by anaerobic degradation of commercial

laundry wastewater and domestic sewage
Clara Vieira de Fariaa, Tiago Palladino Delforno b
, Dagoberto Yukio Okada c
and Maria Bernadete
Amâncio Vareschea
Laboratory of Biological Processes, Department of Hydraulics and Sanitation, Engineering School of São Carlos - University of São Paulo (EESC -
USP) Campus II, São Carlos, Brazil; bMicrobial Resources Division, Research Center for Chemistry, Biology and Agriculture (CPQBA), Campinas
University - UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil; cUniversity of Campinas (UNICAMP), School of Technology, Division of Technology in Environment
Sanitation, Limeira, Brazil


An expanded granular sludge bed reactor was evaluated for the anaerobic digestion of commercial Received 3 March 2017
laundry wastewater and domestic sewage focused on the removal of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate Accepted 1 December 2017
(LAS). The reactor was operated in three stages, all under mesophilic conditions and with a hydraulic
retention time of 36 h. At stage I, the laundry wastewater was diluted with tap water (influent: 15.3 Expanded granular sludge
± 4.9 mg LAS/L); at stage II, 50% of the feed volume was domestic sewage and 50% was a mixture of bed; linear alkylbenzene
tap water and laundry wastewater (influent: 15.8 ± 4.9 mg LAS/L); and at stage III, only domestic
Downloaded by [Irstea] at 02:03 13 December 2017

sulfonate; 16S rRNA gene;

sewage was used as a diluent of the laundry wastewater (influent: 24.1 ± 4.1 mg LAS/L). Due to nonparametric statistical
the addition of domestic sewage the organic compounds content and LAS in the influent tests; domestic sewage
increased. Under such conditions, it was observed that LAS removal rate decreased from 77.2 ±
14.9% (stage I) to 55.3 ± 18.4% (stage III). Statistical tests indicated that the decrease of the LAS
removal rate was significant and indicated a correlation between the removal of LAS and specific
organic loading rate. The analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequencing revealed genera similar
to Geobacter, Desulfovibrio, Syntrophomonas, Syntrophus, Desulfobulbus, Desulfomonile, and
Desulfomicrobium, which were related to the degradation of LAS.

1. Introduction The removal of LAS from laundry wastewater has

Since 1970, much attention has been given to monitor- been studied using anaerobic reactors such as the
ing contaminants in the environment. These contami- expanded granular sludge bed (EGSB) [4], upflow anaero-
nants comprise several classes of drugs (analgesics, bic sludge blanket (UASB) [5], and fluidized bed [6,7]
antibiotics, and anti-inflammatory), synthetic hormones, reactors. In these works, LAS applications ranged from
substances used in household cleaning and personal 9.5 to 20 mg/L, since LAS level above 50 mg/L is detri-
hygiene products, and compounds applied in the pro- mental to the anaerobic process [8].
duction of resins and plastics [1]. In the EGSB reactor, the high upflow velocity
Among the substances used in cleaning and improves the sludge–substrate contact, the dilution of
personal hygiene products, anionic surfactants are the influent with the recycling may even allow the
noteworthy due to their high utilization. The extensive treatment of toxic compounds [9]. LAS removals
use of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) in the between 78% and 93% were observed in the EGSB
formulation of household and industrial detergents reactor with 11.5 and 12.0 mg LAS/L [4,10]. Moreover,
makes this contaminant dominant in the wastewater. Okada et al. [11] reported a lower concentration of vola-
Although the levels of LAS in domestic sewage are tile fatty acids (VFAs) in the effluent of an EGSB reactor
not extremely high (1–18 mg/L) [2], effluents from than in a UASB reactor, which favors the removal of
commercial laundry and industries may contain con- LAS [12].
centrations greater than 300 mg/L. Braga and Varesche Since high LAS levels could be harmful to the anaero-
[3] analyzed samples of commercial laundry effluents bic processes, the laundry wastewater must be diluted to
and reported levels ranging from 12.2 to 1023.7 mg decrease the surfactant level and most of the previous
LAS/L. studies that evaluated the removal of LAS of the

CONTACT Maria Bernadete Amâncio Varesche Laboratory of Biological Processes, Department of Hydraulics and Sanitation,
Engineering School of São Carlos - University of São Paulo (EESC - USP) Campus II, São Carlos, SP CEP 13563-120, Brazil
Supplemental data for this article can be accessed at doi:10.1080/09593330.2017.1414317
© 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

laundry wastewater used tap water for the dilution. Table 1. Operation stages of the EGSB reactor.
However, a suitable alternative is to dilute it with dom- Stages Feed condition
estic sewage, which is an easily obtained wastewater. Stage I Laundry wastewater, tap water, and
(15.3 ± 4.9 mg/L of LAS) sodium bicarbonate (400 mg L−1)
Furthermore, the addition of metabolic co-substrates Stage II 50% of domestic sewage and 50% of
and buffering agents in the influent could be avoided (15.8 ± 4.9 mg/L of LAS) laundry wastewater diluted in tap water
Stage III Laundry wastewater diluted with domestic
with diluted domestic sewage. Nevertheless, the
(24.1 ± 4.1 mg/L of LAS) sewage
addition of domestic sewage may result in an increase
in the organic load in the reactor, which can impair the
removal of LAS. Okada et al. [13] reported the increase wastewater, and the concentration of LAS influent was
rate of LAS removal, from 37% to 76%, when the specific 15.8 ± 4.9 mg LAS/L; and at stage III, only domestic
organic loading rate (SOLR) decreased from 0.18 to sewage was used as a diluent of the laundry wastewater
0.03 g chemical oxygen demand (COD)/g total volatile and the concentration of LAS influent was 24.1 ± 4.1 mg
solids (TVS).d, in UASB reactors with a hydraulic retention LAS/L (Table 1).
time (HRT) of 35 h. The wastewater from the first rinse was collected
Thus, this study evaluated the feasibility of LAS periodically from a commercial laundry in the city of
removal in the treatment of laundry wastewater diluted São Carlos (SP, Brazil). This source of wastewater was
with domestic sewage, using an EGSB reactor. Domestic used in previous studies [4,5,10]. The laundry waste-
sewage was gradually added to the reactor feed until the water used in our study presented a LAS level
laundry wastewater was diluted only with sanitary ranging from 94.44 to 919.93 mg/L, with a mean con-
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sewage (stage III). Additionally, samples from the centration of 324.22 ± 325.14 mg/L. The cleaning pro-
microbial community at the end of each stage were ana- ducts employed in the laundry consisted of
lyzed by high-throughput sequencing, using the Illumina formulations with LAS, nonionic surfactants, alkalizing
Platform. agents and a neutralizer–acidulant (composed of
sodium sulfate, sodium metabisulfite, and an alkaline
vehicle). Because of this formulation, the laundry
2. Materials and methods wastewater is alkaline (pH was 9.1 ± 1.2 and the total
2.1. EGSB reactor alkalinity was 359.5 ± 195.3 mg CaCO3/L) and sulfate
concentration was 762.9 ± 531.2 mg/L (Supplementary
The EGSB reactor was made of acrylic with working Table 1).
volume of 1.80 L, height of 1.0 m, six sampling points, The domestic sewage used to dilute the laundry
and an internal diameter of 0.04 m. The operation wastewater presented COD concentration of 471 ±
was carried out at an HRT of 36 h and at mesophilic 173 mg/L and LAS level of 8.72 ± 1.38 mg/L.
conditions (30°C). The choice of the HRT of 36 h was As already mentioned, in this study, the concen-
based on preliminary studies where it was observed trations of LAS applied in the reactor were maintained
that the removal of LAS is superior when an HRT of to reach a maximum of 20 mg/L, so the dilution factors
32 h is applied to the EGSB reactor than when an of the laundry wastewater had an average from 1:5 to
HRT of 26 h is applied [14]. The upflow velocity was 4 1:45.
m/h [14], and to maintain these conditions the feed
flow was 8.55 L/h and the recirculation flow was
8.50 L/h. 2.3. Inoculation
A siphon and a water seal were installed in the upper Inoculation was carried out with granular sludge from a
part of the reactor to ensure anaerobic conditions (Sup- UASB reactor used in the treatment of wastewater from
plementary Figure 1). a poultry slaughterhouse (Avícola Dacar S/A, Tietê/SP,
Brazil). A total of 200 mL of sludge were added in the
EGSB reactor, resulting in a solids level of 5.79 g/L TS
2.2. Operation stages
(Total solids) and 4.52 g/L TVS.
The operation was divided into three stages. The identi- After inoculation, in order to activate the microorgan-
cal operating conditions were kept at all stages, each one isms, the reactor was fed with mineral medium for
with a different feed composition. At stage I, the laundry approximately 40 days [15], consisting of a MgCl2.6H2O
wastewater was diluted with tap water and the concen- concentration of 36 mg/L, vitamins solution [16],
tration of LAS influent was 15.3 ± 4.9 mg LAS/L; at stage sodium bicarbonate (400 mg/L), and co-substrates
II, 50% of the volume of the feed was domestic sewage (270 mg/L of yeast extract, 0.23 mL/L methanol, and
and 50% was a mixture of tap water and laundry 0.16 mL/L ethanol).

2.4. Physical–chemical and chromatographic purified with a minimum concentration of 50 ng/μL

analysis and 260/280 ratio 1.8–2.0 were sent to the Animal Bio-
technology Laboratory, Department of Animal Science
The laundry wastewater, influent, and effluent samples of
(ESALQ/USP Piracicaba, Brazil), for the sequencing on Illu-
the EGSB reactor were analyzed periodically regarding
mina MiSeq platform (2 × 250 bp).
the COD, pH, volatile suspended solids, and dissolved
The primers used were CCTACGGGNGGCWGCAG 16S
total sulfide according to the Standard Methods for
Examination of Water and Wastewater [17].
(S-D-Bact-0785-a-A-21). For the preprocessing and
The alkalinity was determined by the titration method
assembly, the CASAVA 1.8.2 software was used, provided
of Dillalo and Albertson [18] modified by Ripley [19]. The
by Illumina. This software manages the base call on the
VFAs were quantified by high-performance liquid chrom-
raw data and turns them into reads in fastq format
atography (HPLC) using a Shimadzu system (controller
accompanied by phred quality scores.
SCL10AVP, LC-10ADVP pump, CTO-20A Oven, and UV
The filtering of reads was performed using the
detector SCL10AVP) with an Aminex HPX-87H column
Seqclean software (
(Biorad) [20]. The LAS was quantified by HPLC on a Shi-
seqyclean). The minimum quality was 24 (QPhred) and
madzu system (SCL10AVP, LC-10ADVP, CTO-10A, and
the minimum length of sequences was 65 bp. Removal
RF-10AXL) with a reverse phase C8 column (Supelco)
of vectors was performed using the contaminants base
and a fluorescence detector [21].
of Univec (
The mass balance of LAS was determined by the sur-
factant levels in the influent and effluent, and adsorbed
Downloaded by [Irstea] at 02:03 13 December 2017

The alignment of the sequences was performed

in the biomass of the reactor. The extraction of adsorbed
according to Pynast [24]. Operational taxonomic units
LAS in the sludge granules was performed in accordance
(OTUs) were determined at the similarity level of 97% [25].
with the method described by Duarte et al. [22], where
The Ribosomal Database Project (RDP) was used for
the LAS was extracted from the biomass with methanol
the taxonomic classification of representative sequences
in an ultrasound bath for 30 min. Then, the methanol
of each OTU. The threshold confidence applied was 50%.
samples were filtered in ionic exchange columns (SAX)
Alfa (Chao1 and Shannon) and Beta (Jaccard similarity
and C-18 and analyzed by HPLC [21].
coefficient) diversity were quantified using Past software
[26]. The phylogenetic tree, using representative
2.5. Nonparametric statistical tests sequences of predominant OTUs, was carried out using
tools from the RDP [27] (such as Tree Builder: http://
Differences between the concentrations of LAS effluent based on the Kimura 2p
at the three stages were tested using Kruskal–Wallis non- model and neighbor-joining method. Moreover, the
parametric statistical tests followed by the Multiple Com- circos diagram [28] was used to compare the genus
parisons by the level of significance (α) of 5%. The found in the samples.
correlation between the concentration of LAS in the The sequences were submitted to the European
effluent and other physical–chemical parameters was Nucleotide Archive ( under the
analyzed by determining the Spearman correlation coef- accession number ERS1294201 (Stage I), ERS1294202
ficient. All statistical analyses were performed using Sta- (Stage II), and ERS1294203 (Stage III). The project acces-
tistica 10.0 software. sion number is PRJEB15156.

2.6. Massive sequencing of the 16s rRNA gene

3. Results and discussion
At the end of each stage, samples were collected for the
3.1. EGSB reactor operation
16S rRNA gene sequencing. The analyses were carried
out at the Analytical Center located at the Institute of The LAS removal rate decreased as a portion of domestic
Chemistry of the State University of Campinas in Campi- sewage used for dilution increased (Table 2). Two
nas, SP. The DNA was extracted according to the method hypotheses have been raised to explain this: because
described by Griffiths et al. [23]. The integrity of the DNA of the SOLR growth due to the diluted domestic
was verified by electrophoresis on 0.8% agarose gel fol- sewage, or due to the increasing concentration of LAS
lowed by purification using Illustra GFX PCR DNA and in the influent, particularly at stage III with a concen-
Gel Band Purification Kit (GE Healthcare). Quantification tration of 24.1 ± 4.1 mg LAS/L (Table 2).
and analysis of purity were determined using a Nano- At stage I, the SOLR and the surfactant removal rate
Drop 2000 spectrophotometer. The extracted DNA were 28 mg COD/g TVS.d and 77%, respectively;

Table 2. Physical–chemical parameters of EGSB reactor at Table 3. Mass balance of LAS.

different operation. mg of LAS %
Parameters Stage I Stage II Stage III Added mass 5555.75 –
COD Mass in the content of the effluent 1747.16 31
Influent (mg/L) 176 ± 59 175 ± 65 324 ± 47 Removed mass 3808.60 69
Effluent (mg/L) 68 ± 17 70 ± 40 113 ± 32 Adsorbed mass 112.21 2
Removal (%) 57 ± 16 60 ± 26 65 ± 10 Degraded mass 3741.17 67
Specific organic load rate (mg 28 ± 9 26 ± 11 51 ± 9
COD/g TVS.d)
Influent (mg/L) 15.3 ± 4,9 15.8 ± 4.9 24.1 ± 4.1 (approximately 24–29 mg/L) and HRT (35–39 h). Conver-
Effluent (mg/L) 3.2 ± 1.7 4.0 ± 2.3 11.1 ± 5.5 sely, the SOLR at stage III was higher than that reported
Removal (%) 77.2 ± 14.9 74.4 ± 13.4 55.3 ± 18.4
Specific load (mg/g TVS.d) 2.4 ± 1.1 2.6 ± 1.0 3.5 ± 0.7 by Delforno et al. [10]: in our work, the SOLR was 51 mg
Specific removal (mg/g TVS.d) 1.9 ± 1.2 1.9 ± 0.8 1.8 ± 0.8 COD/g TVS.d while the aforementioned study reported
Partial Alkalinity (mg CaCO3/L)
Influent 218 ± 62 82 ± 19 130 ± 16 21 mg COD/g TVS.d. Therefore, it can be inferred that the
Effluent 251 ± 80 132 ± 23 174 ± 35 dilution of laundry wastewater with domestic sewage did
Total Alkalinity (mg CaCO3/L)
Influent 290 ± 81 129 ± 27 205 ± 23
not particularly damage the removal of surfactant, even
Effluent 331 ± 99 175 ± 29 231 ± 41 at higher SOLR.
pH Conversely, the LAS removal rate decreased slightly
Influent 8.0 ± 0.2 7.4 ± 0.4 7.4 ± 0.1
Effluent 8.0 ± 0.2 7.9 ± 0.3 7.9 ± 0.1 from stage I to II (Table 2). Despite the dilution of the
VFA (mg HAc/L) laundry wastewater with domestic sewage at a pro-
Influent 42.6 ± 47.7 41.1 ± 14.5 82.3 ± 20.0
portion of 50%, the SOLR and LAS level in the influent
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Effluent 49.0 ± 93.1 25.7 ± 9.3 49.8 ± 14.1

Biomass (g/L) Initial Final were approximately 30 mg COD/g TVS.d and 15 mg
Biomass Biomass
TS 5.79 9.50 LAS/L, respectively. Because of the aforementioned par-
Total fixed solids (TFS) 1.27 – 2.72 ameters, the conditions at stages I and II were very
TVS 4.52 6.77
Operation time (days) 84 72 84
similar, which led to slight differences in the LAS and
COD removal rates (Table 2).
Low concentrations of VFA were observed in the effluent.
The mean concentration of VFA was below 50 mg HAc/L
whereas at stage III, 51 mg COD/g TVS.d and 55% was
at all stages (Table 2). The major acids observed were
observed, respectively (Table 2). Duarte et al. [29] and
valeric acid (8.5 mg/L) at stage I and caproic acid at stages
Okada et al. [13] also observed the relationship
II and III (7.9 and 11.6 mg/L, respectively).
between SOLR and LAS removal rate. Okada et al. [13]
According to the TVS concentration, the biomass
reported that in an UASB reactor, a lower SOLR (0.03 g
increased by approximately 50%. The TVS concentration
COD/g TVS.d) led to a greater removal of LAS (76%).
increased from 4.52 to 6.77 g/L.
Duarte et al. [29] observed that an increase from 183 to
According to the mass balance of LAS, 2% of added
771 mg COD/L resulted in a decreasing LAS removal
surfactant was adsorbed into the biomass and 67%
rate from 37% to 24%, in an anaerobic sequencing
was removed by degradation (Table 3).
batch reactor. According to the authors, microorganisms
probably preferred metabolizing the co-substrates (yeast
extract, starch, and sucrose) than the LAS, a xenobiotic
3.2. Nonparametric statistical tests
At stage III, the LAS concentration in the influent The Kruskal–Wallis test was applied to comparatively
increased from approximately 15.3 ± 4.9 to 24.1 ± 4.1 mg/ examine LAS concentrations in the effluents from the
L, which led to a decrease in the LAS removal rate from three stages. The nonparametric tests of multiple compari-
77.2 ± 14.9% to 55.3 ± 18.4% (Table 2). This increment sons indicated similarities for the median concentrations of
was due to the LAS level in the domestic sewage (8.72 ± LAS in the effluent at stages I and II, while at stage III, the
1.38 mg/L) which was the sole diluent of laundry waste- median concentrations differed from the others stages, at
water at stage III. Moreover, Delforno et al. [10] reported a significance level of 5%. In fact, the LAS removal rate pre-
a decrease in the LAS removal rate from 92.9 ± 10.3% to sented a significant decrease at stage III, while the rate
58.6 ± 25.8% when the LAS influent level increased from slightly decreased from stage I to II (Figure 1).
12.0 ± 3.2 to 28.8 ± 6.4 mg/L, in an EGSB reactor treating Analyzing the parameters related to the LAS removal,
laundry wastewater diluted with tap water. In fact, the the highest Spearman correlation coefficient was −0.53,
LAS removal rate at stage III (55.3%) was similar to the between the LAS removal rate and the SOLR (Figure 2
rate (58.6%) observed by Delforno et al. [10] which was (a)). An inverse correlation between the LAS removal
under similar conditions as the LAS influent concentration and SOLR was observed, indicating that higher LAS

The diversity and richness of the microbial commu-

nity in the EGSB reactor increased with the addition
of domestic sewage. The highest richness indices
were observed at stage III (laundry wastewater only
diluted with domestic sewage): Chao1 index was
6800 ± 184, and the number of OTUS was 3903. There
Figure 1. Box plot of LAS removal rate at the three operation was a slight difference between the richness index of
stages. the samples of stages I and II (Table 4), indicating
that the addition of domestic sewage at the proportion
removal rates occurred at lower SOLR. Consequently, of 50% resulted in a small shift in the microbial commu-
lower levels of LAS in the effluent were found at lower nity of the EGSB reactor. In fact, the Jaccard index
SOLR (Figure 2(b)), presenting a Spearman correlation between the samples from stages I and II (56%) was
coefficient of 0.66. higher than between the samples from stages I and III
(32%), indicating a greater shift between samples
from stages I and III (Supplementary Figure 2). The rich-
3.3. Molecular biology analysis
ness and similarity indices indicated a remarkable
The good estimator was above 97%, indicating a suit- change in the microbial community at stage III, which
able coverage by the sequencing of all samples (Table used only domestic sewage to dilute the laundry waste-
4). The average length of the sequences was 385–410 bp. water. The main modifications at stage III were the
Downloaded by [Irstea] at 02:03 13 December 2017

Figure 2. LAS removal rate and SOLR (A); and LAS concentration in the effluent and SOLR (B) observed in all operation stages of the
EGSB reactor, with the Spearman correlation coefficient.

Table 4. Results of 16S rRNA sequencing. the dilution of laundry wastewater with domestic
Parameters Stage I Stage II Stage III sewage at the proportion of 50% resulted in a smaller
16S rRNA data shift of the microbial community (similarity and richness
Sequences Count 27,344 47,682 91,041
OTU count 1,327 1,757 3,903
indices) in addition to the insignificant difference
Singletons 642 763 1829 between the LAS removal rates at stages I and II. The
Mean Sequence Length (bp) 410 ± 89 385 ± 96 390 ± 95 SOLR and LAS level in the influent with very similar
Richness Estimation
Chao1 2,477 ± 110 2,994 ± 121 6,800 ± 184 values at stages I and II were related to the smaller
Rarefaction 1,327 ± 1 1,757 ± 3 3,903 ± 4 shift in the microbial community, which most likely led
Diversity index
Shannon (H) 4.6 ± 0.03 4.6 ± 0.03 5.3 ± 0.02 to the obtained surfactant removal rate. At stage III, the
Coverage higher SOLR and LAS level resulted in a greater shift
Good’s estimator 97.7% 98.4% 98.0%
in the microbial community, which led to a lower surfac-
tant removal rate. Therefore, the SOLR and LAS concen-
substrate concentrations due to the addition of sewage, tration in the influent are most likely related to the
and the higher level of LAS. It is likely that the main microbial community and, consequently, to the surfac-
feature related to the shift of the microbial community tant removal.
at stage III was the substrate concentrations provided From the 14 bacterial phyla identified, 5 phyla pre-
by the domestic sewage. Delforno et al. [10] reported sented the highest relative abundances: Synergistetes
the reduction of richness due to an increase in LAS con- (21–32%), Proteobacteria (17–24%), Firmicutes (6–15%),
centration in the influent. Consequently, the increasing Chloroflexi (7–12%), and Bacteroidetes (11–18%)
Downloaded by [Irstea] at 02:03 13 December 2017

LAS concentration in the influent could not be related (Figure 3). Microorganisms affiliated to the phyla Actino-
to the richness indices observed in our study. Conversely, bacteria, Chloroflexi, Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes,

Figure 3. Phyla of bacteria observed at stages I, II, and III.

Figure 4. Phylogenetic tree of two main OTUs found in the EGSB reactor. Bootstrap values (100 replicate runs, shown as %) greater than
50% are listed. GenBank accession numbers are listed after species identification. Aeromonas punctata (X74674.1) was used as the

Proteobacteria, and Synergistetes were identified in the Chloroflexi subphylum I, were related to the granule for-
anaerobic reactors used for the removal of LAS [4,6,7, mation in the UASB reactor [33,34].
10,14,22,30,31]. Members of the phylum Synergistetes Bacteria assigned to genus E6 (phylum Synergistetes)
were characterized as anaerobic mesophilic, which can were identified at all stages of the reactor operation with
use amino acids, provide short fatty acids to methano- relative abundance between 9% and 16%. At stages II
genic archaea and provide sulfate to sulfate-reducing and III (addition of domestic sewage in the laundry waste-
bacteria [32]. The remarkable sulfate concentrations in water), bacteria assigned to Blvii28 (phylum Bacteroidetes)
laundry wastewater probably contributed to maintaining and vadinCA02 (phylum Synergistetes) genera were
the bacteria related to the reduction of this anion. found, whose relative abundance ranged from 8% to
Members of the phylum Chloroflexi, in particular 11% and from 5% to 9%, respectively.
Downloaded by [Irstea] at 02:03 13 December 2017

Figure 5. Circos ideogram of the genera found in the three operation stages. The highlighted blue genera are related to LAS or degra-
dation of aromatic compounds.

The OTU CF3_1412 was assigned to the E6 genus domestic sewage. These three genera may be associated
(Figure 4), and it was similar to the bacteria found in with a greater tolerance in the presence of the surfactant.
environments with recalcitrant compounds, such as pet- Furthermore, the genera related to the degradation of LAS
roleum [35] (accession number: JN698228.1). The relative and aromatic compounds were identified (Geobacter,
abundance of this OTU (CF3_1412) was 10.1%, 11.7%, Desulfovibrio, Syntrophomonas, Syntrophus, Desulfobulbus,
and 7.0% in the samples from stages I, II, and III, Desulfomonile, and Desulfomicrobium).
The OTU CF3_416 was assigned to Blvii28 genus, and it
was similar to bacteria related to the degradation of
Disclosure statement
chlorinated compounds such as perchloroethylene and No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
chlorophenol [36] (accession number: AY780554.1),
and chlorinated ethene [37] (accession number:
AY780554.1). The reads affiliated to this OTU presented
a relative abundance of 10% and 7.3% in the samples This study was funded by Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de
from stages II and III, respectively. Duarte et al. [22] Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES).
found clones similar to unidentified Eubacterium clone
vadinCA02 in a reactor fed with LAS. The reads affiliated ORCID
to Blvii28 and vadinCA02 genera may be related to the fer-
Tiago Palladino Delforno
mentative metabolism due to the increase of its relative
Downloaded by [Irstea] at 02:03 13 December 2017

abundance in the presence of domestic sewage (Vadin Dagoberto Yukio Okada
is an acronym for Vinasses Anaerobic Digester of Narbonne) 9851
[38]. However, E6 genus can be related to the degradation
of LAS, since some members of the phylum Synergistetes
can carry out the β-oxidation [39,40], one of the LAS References
degradation steps [41]. Nonetheless, the remarkable pres- [1] Aquino SF, Brandt EMF, Chernicharo CAL. [Removal of
ence of reads affiliated to E6, Blvii28, and vadinCA02 drugs and endocrine disrupters in sewage treatment
genera indicate these taxonomies may resist the presence plants: literature review]. Eng Sanit Ambient. 2013;18
(3):187–204. Portuguese.
of LAS molecule, a recalcitrant compound.
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