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NOMBRE: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
C.C:_________________________________LUGAR DE EXPEDICIÓN DEL DOCUMENTO______________________________________
PROFESOR: __________________________________________FECHA:____________________________________________________

1- Read and answer the questions about National Historic Landmark

This building, which is the original headquarters of the Lord and Lady Department Store Company, was designed by the famous
architect Archibald Morgan. It was built by the Vanderpool Construction Company. Construction was begun in 1845 and was
completed in 1847.

The building was officially opened in ceremonies that were held on April 13,
1847. These ceremonies were attended by the mayors of several cities, the
governor, and the vice president of the United States.

The building’s interior was destroyed by a fire that broke out in the early
hours of the morning of February 3, 1895. After the fire, the building wasn’t
used for several years.

During World War I the structure was used as a warehouse for clothing and
other materials that were sent to our soldiers overseas. After the War, the
interior was rebuilt. Electric lights and modern plumbing were installed, and
the Lord and Lady Department Store was officially reopened on June 17,

Since its opening day, the Lord and Lady Department Store has been
considered one of the finest examples of nineteenth-century American
architecture. The store has been visited by the presidents and prime ministers
of many countries.

On December 5, 1973, this building was officially registered as a U.S.

National Historic Landmark.

1- Who was the building designed by?

2- Who was the building built by?

3- When was it completed?

4- What happened on February 3, 1985?

5- What was the building used for during World War I?

6- Who were the opening ceremonies attended by?

7- What happened on December 5, 1973?

2- According to the text, select the synonyms of each word in bold

Famous: A - infamous B – Important C – unknown

Original: A – authentic B – Serious C - Beginner

Completed: A- perfect B- finished C – Integrated

Attended: A – ignored B- showed C – visited

Destroyed: A – ruined B- fixed C- abandoned

Modern: A- Mom B- contemporary C – common

Finest: A – healthy B- latest C - best

3- You will put words in the right order to make sentences.

1. moved/ I/ to England/ year…/ last

2. wanted/ better/ …my/ a/ life…/ mum

3. home/ prepared/ …she/ new/ for/ us…/ a

4. here/ I/ loved/ really/ it/ England./ in

5. rude./ I/ people/ age/ a/ found/ my/ bit

4- Complete the story by putting one word from the list into the blanks!

My First Lesson

Simple past, prefixes, suffixes, adjectives

Carefully closely complete confident firmly helpfully loud modern nervous previous quickly
straight terribly unfortunately

I still remember the first lesson I ever gave. I planned it very ____________ but as the time to start approached I began to feel
_______________ _______________. There were ______________ voices coming from the classroom but when I opened the door,
the noise died down _____________ and by the time I reached the front of the room, there was __________________ silence.

I introduce myself in what I hoped was a ________________ voice and then turned to write my name on the board. It was a
_________________ whiteboard and the ________________ teacher’s notes hadn’t been cleaned off. A pupil pointed
_________________ to the board cleaner and explained that I had to press _____________ on button at the top to release a spray of
water. ___________________, I didn’t look at it ____________ enough and when I pressed the button a jet of water went
_______________ into my eye.
5- Listen the conversation and complete the verbs in past and present.

- Hey, welcome to the police station. You’re a new officer?

- Yeah, I just ____ hired yesterday.
- Cool! You‘ll enjoy working here.
- What kind of uniform do we get?
- We get blue shirts with black pants. We also get badges.
- That sounds neat. What do you usually do?
- Most days, I just _____ the city.
- How often do you arrest people?
- I only ______ people once every few days.
- That’s not too bad. Is it scary?
- No, it’s ______ not that big of deal.
- Has anyone ______ to run from you?
- Only once or twice. People are usually polite.
- Well that’s good. It doesn’t seem like too ______ of a job.
- You get used to it.
- Do we ever get to ____ police dogs?
- We have a K-9 unit, but we don’t ____ them a lot.
- Oh, okay. I’ve always ______ to be a police officer.
- Yeah? It’s an honorable job.
- Yeah, I like to know I’m helping.
- Well we’re glad to ____ you!
- Thanks!

6- Write a 7 lines text, where you are going to describe the following scene, and based on the details
in the photo you are going to guess what happened to the girl.



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