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Prepared by: Ferney Ortiz Cardona

Nombres y apellidos de aprendiz: Angie Katherine Páez González

Estrategias de lectura para encontrar la idea principal en un texto en inglés.

1. Use like support the pictures, graphs and charts.
2. Read the first one and the last line of the paragraph.
3. Know what I’m looking for from the text and think 3 terms to search.
4. Use the introductory paragraphs to find the main idea.
5. Stop and quickly read the sentences with boldface keywords.
Referencias, mínimo 2, ojalá más (dónde buscó y encontró estrategias para aplicar

Explicación, en inglés, de los anuncios.

1. The sing informs everyone that there are workers in the area.
2. The sign informs that the people in the area must silence their cellphones.
3. The sign informs that the the lane is used only for cyclists.
4. The sign informs that the area is only for disable people.
5. The sign informs that only authorized personnel can be in that area.
6. The sign informs that the in the store there are discounts.
7. The sign informs that is forbidden have food or drinks there.
8. The sign is an invitation to turn off the lighs when the people are leaving the area.
9. The sign informs to the drivers that there are children and invites to be careful.
10. The sign informs some advices to use the self contained compactor.

Idea principal párrafo de Claudia (no es un resumen, ¿de qué trata, en

general el párrafo? EN INGLÉS
The resume of Claudia’s life and family.
Idea principal párrafo de Simón (no es un resumen, ¿de qué trata, en
general el párrafo? EN INGLÉS
The description of the Simon’s daily routine on weekdays.

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