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Constitution of


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Table of Contents
Article 1 – NAME Page 4
Article 2 – MISSION Page 4
Article 3 – OBJECTIVES Page 4
Article 4 – REGISTERED OFFICE Page 4
Article 5 – MEMBERSHIP Page 5
Article 6 – MANAGEMENT Page 6
Article 7 – GENERAL MEETINGS Page 7
Article 10 – THE MANAGEMENT TEAM Page 13
Article 12 – FINANCE AND FUNDING Page 15
Article 14 – INTERPRETATION Page 17

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WHEREAS cadetting has been proven to be invaluable to promoting the development of

discipline, leadership, confidence, responsibility, volunteerism, personal ambition/drive, respect
for authority and the rule of law, conflict resolution and other positive social skills in our young
AND WHEREAS a number of cadet youth organizations have been in operation in Jamaica, a
majority of which are independent and unregulated;
AND WHEREAS many of the newer established groups may, from time to time, need
protection from forceful acquisition or strong-handed tactics from corporate
agencies/organizations or more established/senior cadet organizations;
AND GIVEN the sensitivity of cadetting, where the possibility may exist that at any one time, a
number of these cadet organizations and groups may suffer from a lack of sufficient resources,
appropriate, relevant and up-to-date training and efficient leadership and administration or lack
of morale;
AND WHEREAS, through unity of effort and formal oversight, a sense of accountability and
equitable acquisition and distribution of training and resources are more likely to be achieved,
and a united voice may be provided in advocacy for all independent or unattached cadet
RECOGNIZING that each cadet organization or group has something unique to offer for the
positive growth and development of our youth and communities;
We the members of the HQ Command/Executive Command of the Ranger Cadet Combined
Corps (established 2013, currently operating in St. Mary and Portland), All Island Cadet Corps
(established 2016, currently operating in Kingston and St. Andrew), Black Eagle Cadet Corps
(established 2016, currently operating in Kingston and St. Andrew, St. Catherine and Clarendon)
and Gordon Pen Cadet Corps (established 2017, currently operating in St. Catherine), do hereby
resolve to form an association to promote the betterment, sustainability and efficiency of
independent cadet member organizations and the personal development of their individual
members in the ranks, such association to be called the Independent Cadet Joint Association on
this 13th day of August in the year 2019.

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Article 1 – NAME
The name of the organization shall be the Independent Cadet Joint Association, hereinafter
referred to as ICJA.

Article 2 – MISSION
To form a legal body that promotes the best interests, sustainability and efficient operations of
nongovernmental and non-corporate cadet organizations and which represents and speaks on
their behalf as well as facilitates networking and support among member organizations.
Article 3 – OBJECTIVES
The aims and objects of ICJA shall be:
1. To assist member cadet forces/corps in acquiring resources;
2. To lobby for and make recommendations to appropriate organizations, ministries,
departments and agencies in regards to matters that will promote the operations, aims and
objectives of member organizations;
3. To facilitate exchange of best practices in regards to training and operations;
4. To bring greater strength to independent cadet forces/corps through a unity of effort;
5. To register and monitor newly-formed paramilitary youth organizations;
6. To negotiate on behalf of member organizations with national, regional and international
organizations and agencies;
7. To promote community engagement and development as well as good citizenship
through unified service;
8. To organize combined camps, parades, sports days, and other competitive events among
member corps/forces, as well as combined volunteer/outreach efforts;
9. To approve and accredit Commissions of Officers of member organizations;
10. To standardize the basic minimum of cadet paramilitary training requirements and
standards amongst member corps/forces;
11. To mediate or adjudicate/act as a court of appeal for grievances/motions made against the
Executive/Command/HQ bodies of member corps/forces by individual members of those
organizations, or between two or more conflicting member corps/forces, with a view to
achieving and maintaining harmony, professionalism, transparency, justice and good
1. The Registered Office shall be at a location in Jamaica determined by the Annual General
Meeting and shall normally be the headquarters of the cadet organization to which the
elected Chairman or General Secretary or the Quartermaster Registrar belongs.

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2. The registered office of ICJA shall be registered with the Social Development
Commission and the Department of Cooperatives and Friendly Societies or with the
Companies Office of Jamaica whenever a new Executive Command is elected and a new
office is determined.
Article 5 – MEMBERSHIP
1. Membership will be open to any non-governmental paramilitary youth-based
organization provided that:
a) It is voluntary;
b) It is registered with the Companies Office of Jamaica, or the Department of
Cooperatives and Friendly Societies, or the Social Development Commission, or
the National Youth Council of Jamaica/National Centre for Youth Development,
or any other reputable, recognized registering body;
c) It is non-partisan and not affiliated with any political party;
d) Its main focus is promotion of youth interest and development and/or community
e) It demonstrates organization and structure as evidenced by the existence of a
Command/HQ body, minutes of meetings, a constitution/book of rules, training
programmes, bank account and Force/Corps/Unit Orders.

2. Once an organization meets the requirements in Article 5.1, they can apply in writing to
be registered as a member organization to the General Secretary of ICJA or complete and
submit the relevant form, and submit with their application, a list of all members of the
organization’s Command/Executive/HQ body and their contact information, the last three
(3) minutes of meetings, the last two (2) Force/Corps/Unit Orders, the current training
programme, and the rules and regulations of the organization.
3. Once the application and required documents are received, members of the organization’s
Command/Executive/HQ body will be invited to meet with the Chairman and General
Secretary or the entire ICJA Executive Command to discuss the application at the earliest
time, such time not exceeding two (2) months.
4. Subsequent to the meeting with the organization’s heads of command/HQ, a member of
ICJA Executive Command or the Training Officer shall at the earliest time, such time not
exceeding three (3) months, attend an Officers meeting as well as a camp or two training
sessions of a selected unit of the organization, and shall compile a report as to the
existence and functionality of the organization.
5. Once the Executive Command is satisfied that the organization has fulfilled the
requirements to be registered, the General Secretary shall compile the necessary
information and direct the Quartermaster Registrar to formally enter the organization into
the ICJA register/database as a registered member organization.

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6. All organizations accepted as member organizations will be represented in ICJA by:
a) the Commandant/Commanding Officer or by whatever title the leader may be
b) the Second in Command/Deputy/Executive Officer or by whatever title the
second-ranking officer may be called;
c) the Staff Officer/Training Officer/the officer ranking third in the organization's
d) the Adjutant or Administrative Officer;
e) the Quartermaster or whichever officer manages the treasury;
f) the Regimental Sergeant Major/Chief Warrant Officer or whatever title the
highest-ranking non-commissioned officer/sub-officer/adult instructor is called.
7. Member cadet corps/forces shall forfeit membership in ICJA by:
a) being absent from three (3) consecutive meetings without sufficient reason
accepted as valid by the members present;
b) being in arrears for two (2) years’ unpaid ICJA annual membership dues;
c) blatant and continued disregard of ICJA rules and regulations subject to the
ruling of ICJA Executive Command or AGM;
d) continued or extreme misconduct that is defamatory and injurious to the good
name, image and operations of cadetting and ICJA;
e) resigning membership in writing, preferably stating reasons for resignation of
Article 6 – MANAGEMENT
1. The affairs of ICJA shall be managed by:
a) Semi-annual General Meetings, one of which shall be the Annual General

b) Bi-annual Conference, which shall consist of all the Officers and Adult Instructors
of all ICJA member cadet organizations, and shall be held every two (2) years;

c) The ICJA Executive Command, which shall comprise the following offices:
i. Chairman
ii. Deputy Chairman
iii. Immediate Past Chairman
iv. General Secretary
 Assistant Secretary
v. Treasurer
 Assistant Treasurer
vi. Public Relations Officer
vii. Legal Advisor

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viii. President of CORA (ICJA’s Cadet Other Ranks Arm) – who shall serve ex
officio as Assistant PRO
ix. General Secretary of CORA; and

d) The ICJA Management Team, which shall comprise the following offices:
i. Quartermaster/Registrar
ii. Training Officer
iii. Court Martial General

2. Nothing in this section nor in this Constitution should be construed to mean that the
General Meetings, Executive Command and Management Team of ICJA shall assume
management, supervision or leadership of individual member cadet organizations. The
supervision, leadership and management of the member cadet corps/forces rest with their
respective Executive/Command/HQ bodies.
1. General Meetings shall be held twice per year, at least 6 months apart, the first being held
between the months of January to April; the second of which shall be the Annual General
Meeting (AGM), provided that at least two (2) months’ prior notice and at least twenty-
one (21) days follow up reminder is given.

2. General Meetings shall be comprised of the following:

a) ICJA Executive Command;
b) Representatives from ICJA member organizations as outlined in Article 5.6,
i. The head of each member organization;
ii. The second in command/deputy heads of each member organization;
iii. The third highest ranking officer in each member organization;
iv. The adjutant/administrative officer of each member organization;
v. The quartermaster of each member organization;
vi. The RSM/most senior adult other rank instructor;
c) A representative of the Permanent Secretary for the Ministry responsible for
National Security (ex officio member, invited);
d) A representative of the Permanent Secretary for the Ministry(ies) responsible for
Education and Youth (ex officio member(s), invited);
e) A representative of the Permanent Secretary for the Ministry responsible for
Local Government and Community Development (ex officio member, invited);
f) Representative(s) from the Department of Cooperatives and Friendly Societies (if
ICJA is registered with the DCFS - ex officio member(s), invited);
g) A Parish Manager/Community Development Officer from the Social
Development Commission (ex officio member, invited);

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h) The Chairman of the National Youth Council of Jamaica or his/her representative
(ex officio member, invited)

3. General Meetings shall have the power to, among other things:

a) Review the work of ICJA and the Executive Command;

b) Make plans of action for ICJA;
c) Consider applications for membership;
d) Receive, discuss, amend if necessary, and approve all reports and financial
statements of the ICJA and member organizations;
e) Correct and confirm minutes of the previous General Meeting;
f) Consider all resolutions and business duly submitted;
g) Elect or appoint committees, sub-committees and their respective chairpersons.

4. Annual General Meetings (AGMs) shall have the same function and powers as General
Meetings, but shall in addition, have the power to:

a) Elect the members of Executive Command;

b) Make changes or amendments to the constitution, rules and regulations of ICJA.

5. The quorum of a General Meeting or AGM shall be 55% of all member organizations,
provided that there are at least two representatives from each organization present. The
quorum must be attained within one hour of the stipulated time for the beginning of the

6. Where a quorum has not been attained, members present may convene a meeting to
discuss issues on the agenda, but can only make recommendations to the Executive
Command and not make decisions on behalf of ICJA.

7. Special General Meetings shall be called by the Chairman, and in his/her absence, by the
Deputy Chairman, and in his/her absence by the General Secretary within forty-two (42)

a) of a receipt of a request by written petition by 70% of the Executive Command; or

b) of a receipt of a request by written petition by 55% of the member organizations
provided that all such petitions shall specify the purpose and objectives of the meeting
and shall be signed by those making the petition.
1. All Adult Volunteers of all member cadet forces/corps shall assemble every two years to
socialize amongst one other and to discuss the business of ICJA.

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2. Bi-annual Conference shall have the same powers as an AGM.

3. The quorum of Biannual Conference shall be 55% of all member cadet organizations.
1. The management and command of ICJA shall be vested in the Executive Command
outside of General Meetings and AGMs.

2. The Executive Command shall exercise all the powers of a General Meeting in between
General Meetings and AGMs.

3. The members of the Executive Command (except for the Legal Officer and the President
and General Secretary of CORA) shall be elected from the representatives of member
organizations present at an AGM subject to the following requirements:

a) The Chairman must be elected from amongst the organization heads;

b) The Deputy Chairman may be elected only from organization heads and seconds-
c) At least three (3) member cadet corps/forces must be represented on and elected
to the Executive Command;
d) Representatives from the Ministries shall have no vote.

4. The powers of the members of Executive Command shall be as follows:

a) The Chairman shall, inter alia:

i. Be the chief executive officer of ICJA;
ii. Chair all meetings of the ICJA Executive Command, General Meetings
and AGMs;
iii. Be responsible for the general supervision of the Executive Command;
iv. Ensure that the mandates and plans of action of AGMs, General Meetings
and the Executive Command are carried out;
v. Be a co-signatory to cheques and accounts of ICJA;
vi. Be an ex-officio member of all committees and sub-committees of ICJA;
vii. Have the authority to speak on behalf of ICJA in all public fora;
viii. Along with the General Secretary, ensure that the records and files of
ICJA are properly maintained;
ix. Possess and utilize a second tie-breaking vote if the quorum so votes to
allow it.

b) The Deputy Chairman shall, inter alia:

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i. Assist the Chairman in his/her duties as required by him/her;
ii. Assume the roles and duties of the Chairman in his/her absence or when
he/she is otherwise unable to carry his/her duties;
iii. Carry out any other duties assigned by the Chairman.

c) The Immediate Past Chairman shall, inter alia:

i. Participate on the Executive Command, primarily as a consultant, for a
maximum period of one year;
ii. Advise and guide the Chairman and Executive Command on matters
related to decisions of the previous administration;
iii. Assist the Chairman in his/her duties as required by him/her;
iv. Chair meetings in the absence of the Chairman, Deputy Chairman and
General Secretary, or when they are otherwise unable to carry their duties;
v. Carry out any other duties assigned by the Chairman.

d) The General Secretary shall, inter alia:

i. Properly notify member corps/forces and members of Executive
Command of AGMs, General Meetings, meetings of the Executive
Command, and any other special and emergency meeting times and
ii. Prepare and publish agendas for such meetings at least twenty-four (24)
hours prior to such meetings;
iii. Organize meetings, seminars and workshops in consultation with the
Chairman or Executive Command;
iv. Be responsible for recording and making notes of minutes, resolutions and
motions that are passed at AGMs, General Meetings and meetings of
Executive Command;
v. Ensure that there is a complete record of attendance at all meetings;
vi. Be responsible for ensuring that the records of ICJA are properly kept;
vii. Be a co-signatory to cheques and accounts of ICJA;
viii. See to dissemination of information to ICJA members, partners and
ix. Receive and review applications for membership/registration in ICJA for
vetting by the Executive Command and ICJA General Meetings;
x. See to the compilation and update of ICJA’s directory, which shall
encompass the names, appointments and contact information of the
Executive/Command/HQ body of all member organizations;
xi. With the Public Relations Officer, organize the participation of ICJA in
social and civic activities across Jamaica;
xii. Chair meetings in the absence of the Chairman and Deputy Chairman or
appoint a temporary Chair in their absence.

e) The Assistant Secretary shall:

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i. Assist the General Secretary in his/her duties as needed;
ii. Act as General Secretary in his/her absence;
iii. Assist the Public Relations Officer in his/her duties in the absence of the
ex officio Assistant PRO.

f) The Treasurer shall, inter alia:

i. Present a financial plan, including a two-year budget of ICJA to the
Executive Command and AGM for approval;
ii. Advise the Executive Command on matters related to the proper
expenditure and investment of monies;
iii. Ensure that monies are expended and invested as the AGM or Executive
Command directs;
iv. Sign to all cheques, accounts and financial transactions of ICJA;
v. Authorize the disbursement of monies as authorized by the Executive
Command or AGM;
vi. Keep an accurate account of all receipts and expenditures of monies made
on behalf of ICJA;
vii. Lodge, in the name of ICJA, all monies belonging to ICJA with the
bankers approved by the Executive Command within two working days of
receiving the monies;
viii. Present an up-to-date report on the finances of ICJA to the Executive
Command and AGM;
ix. Ensure that proper bookkeeping and recording processes are adhered to by
member corps/forces through regular audits;
x. Chair or co-chair and appoint members to ICJA Fundraising Committee,
subject to the approval of the Executive Command.

g) The Assistant Treasurer shall:

i. Assist the Treasurer in his/her duties as needed;
ii. Act as Treasurer in his/her absence.

h) The Public Relations Officer shall, inter alia:

i. Be the primary contact between electronic and printed media and ICJA,
developing and maintaining personal contact and creating a climate of
goodwill with all spheres of the media in order to ensure favourable
treatment and exposure of initiatives taken by ICJA, its Officers and
ii. Monitor, manage and promote all ICJA social media platforms;
iii. Prepare for the ratification of Executive Command, an annual programme
of activities aimed at publicizing and promoting ICJA, subject to review
and approval of the Executive Command;
iv. Constantly monitor and keep abreast of all issues, events and
developments in the cadetting, military and youth development domains

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and all issues that are relevant to ICJA and its operations, and inform
Executive Command;
v. Arrange for proper media coverage, where necessary, of all activities and
events of ICJA, and ensure that an updated register of all media houses
and contacts is kept;
vi. Assist with the fundraising activities of ICJA;
vii. With the General Secretary, organize the participation of ICJA in social
and civic activities across Jamaica;
viii. Have the authority to speak on behalf of ICJA.

i) The Legal Advisor shall, inter alia:

i. Advise the Executive Command concerning legal matters;
ii. Vet the decisions and rulings of the Court Martial General;
iii. Possess a vote only when a vote is needed to break a tie and simple
majority of votes cannot be attained, and the quorum has voted not to
grant the Chairman a second tie-breaking vote.

j) The President of the Cadet Other Ranks Arm (CORA) shall, inter alia:
i. Represent the views, concerns, and interests of the cadet other ranks in
ICJA member corps/forces;
ii. Advocate on behalf of the cadet other ranks;
iii. Act as liaison between the ICJA Executive Committee and General
Meetings and the CORA;
iv. Assist the Public Relations Officer in his/her duties as ex officio Assistant
Public Relations Officer.

k) The General Secretary of CORA shall, inter alia:

i. Assist and support the President of CORA in representing the views,
concerns and interests of and advocating for the cadet other ranks of the
ICJA member corps/forces.

5. The term of office for officers of the Executive Command, with the exception of the
Immediate Past Chairman, shall be two (2) years.

6. The Chairman, after serving for a term of two years, shall vacate the post of Chairman
and serve within the chiefly advisory capacity of Immediate Past Chairman for one (1)
year, unless re-elected to serve for another term, provided that no Chairman is elected for
more than two consecutive terms.

7. The Executive Command shall meet every three months, or as often as is necessary to
carry out its roles and functions, provided that at least fourteen (14) days’ prior notice,
and in case of emergency, no less than eight (8) days prior notice, is given before
meetings. In extreme and unexpected circumstances, no less than three (3) day’s prior

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notice must be given, and in this case, a follow-up meeting must be convened no more
than 30 days later.

8. The Quartermaster Registrar and Training Officer shall attend all meetings of the
Executive Command in an advisory capacity, and shall possess no vote.

9. The quorum of meetings of Executive Command shall be five members, provided that at
least two member corps/forces are represented by those present. In extreme and
unexpected circumstances as described by Article 8.7 above, the quorum shall be four (4)
members, provided that the full quorum of five members is achieved in the follow-up
meeting for resolutions and business to be binding.
1. The Management Team shall be appointed by the Executive Command, and shall be
responsible for the day-to-day operation of the ICJA, under the direct supervision and
instruction of the Executive Command.

2. The members of the Management Team shall be appointed for a term of three (3) years,
and this term shall be renewable, at the pleasure of the Executive Command.

3. The members of the Management Team and their duties shall be:

a) The Quartermaster Registrar, who shall:

i. Under the supervision of the General Secretary and Treasurer, secure,
update and maintain the books, records and files of the ICJA;
ii. Under the supervision of the General Secretary, be responsible for the
operation and day-to-day running of the registered office of the ICJA;
iii. Manage the ICJA stores and equipment, and distribute stores to member
cadet corps/forces as directed by the Treasurer;
iv. Update and maintain a list of member cadet corps/forces, their date of
registration, their strength and Command/HQ body;
v. Properly register new member organizations in ICJA records and database,
subject to approval of membership by the Executive Command and/or
General Meeting;
vi. Attend meetings of Executive Command in an advisory capacity;
vii. Assist the General Secretary as a Recording Secretary in the taking of
minutes at meetings of the Executive Command.

b) The Training Officer, who shall:

i. Ensure a robust and relevant training regimen in all member cadet
organizations, conducting personal checks, reviews and audits of training

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programmes and efficiency of organizational supervision of member
ii. Plan camps, workshops and seminars to ensure efficient and up to date
training and management practices;
iii. Subject to the review and approval of Executive Command, plan training
brochures, pamphlets, programmes, etc for the betterment of member
cadet organizations, their adult volunteers and cadets;
iv. Appoint an Assistant Training Officer and Director of Music, subject to
the approval of the Executive Command;
v. Attend meetings of Executive Command in an advisory capacity.

c) The Court Martial General, who shall:

i. Mediate and adjudicate in conflicts between member cadet corps/forces,
with any decision taken subject to revision by the Legal Advisor
a. In the absence of the Legal Advisor, any decision/ruling taken by
the Court Martial General may be subject to revision by the
Executive Command, taking in consideration the advice of the
Court Martial General;
ii. Mediate and adjudicate on behalf of adult and cadet members of member
cadet organizations who appeal to the ICJA subject to undesirable action
taken by those organizations’ heads/Command/Executive/HQ body, with
any decision taken subject to revision by the Legal Advisor;
iii. Comprise a jury panel of 5-9 members from ICJA General Membership
and act as presiding officer to try or recall members of Executive
Command who are accused of severe unprofessionalism, mismanagement
or misconduct, with any decision taken subject to revision by the General
Meeting/AGM, taking into consideration the advice of the Court Martial
General and Legal Advisor;
iv. Assist the Training Officer in his/her duties as is necessary, when not
engaged in the above.
1. Provision shall be made for there to be an arm of the ICJA to be known as the ICJA
Cadet Other Ranks Arm, referred to hereafter as CORA.

2. CORA shall be a forum for cadet other ranks of the ICJA member cadet forces/corps to
provide a voice before the Executive Command and General Meeting of ICJA, and for
the cadet other ranks to form their own networks and promote cohesiveness among cadet
member organizations.

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3. The membership of CORA shall be comprised of the highest ranked/most senior cadet
other rank and second highest ranked/second most senior cadet other rank of each unit of
all ICJA member cadet organizations, and all others approved to membership by the
members of CORA.

4. CORA shall operate on a National and a Regional/Divisional level. Suggested

Regional/Divisional areas are:

a) Region/Division 1 – Kingston and St. Andrew

b) Region/Division 2 – Portland and St. Thomas
c) Region/Division 3 – St. Mary and St. Ann
d) Region/Division 4 – Trelawny and St. James
e) Region/Division 5 – Hanover and Westmoreland
f) Region/Division 6 – St. Elizabeth and Manchester
g) Region/Division 7 – Clarendon and St. Catherine

or a) Region/Division/Area 1 – St. Catherine, Kingston & St. Andrew and St. Thomas
b) Region/Division/Area 2 – Portland, St. Mary, St. Ann (and Trelawny)
c) Region/Division/Area 3 – (Trelawny,) St. James, Hanover and Westmoreland
d) Region/Division/Area 4 – St. Elizabeth, Manchester and Clarendon

5. ICJA shall make allowance for the membership of CORA to make their own rules for
operation and organize their own organizational structure subject to this section and
subject to the guidance of the Executive Committee, primarily through the offices of the
Public Relations Officer and Deputy Chairman.

6. Representation of the ICJA on the national body and highest command of CORA shall be
through the offices of the ICJA Deputy Chairman, Public Relations Officer and Training
Officer. Such representation shall be in a chiefly advisory and support role.

7. CORA shall be guided by the Constitution of ICJA and by their own adopted rules and
8. ICJA shall be financed through the following:
a) Annual membership dues paid by member cadet organizations;
b) Fundraising initiatives generated by the Fundraising Committee and approved by
Executive Command;
c) Grants from credible funding agencies;
d) Sponsorship from responsible agencies.

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9. The Treasurer shall deposit into the account of ICJA all monies received on behalf of the

10. Annual membership dues, agreed on by the Executive Command and approved and
ratified by AGM, shall be paid by the ninth month of each calendar year, i.e. by the end
of September, to the account of ICJA.

11. Signatories to ICJA accounts and cheques shall be the Chairman, Deputy Chairman,
General Secretary and Treasurer. The signatures of any two shall be required on any
cheque or financial transaction to conduct the business of ICJA.

12. All amount of monies received on account of membership dues, grants, fundraising
proceeds and sponsorships shall only be used for the carrying out of the aims and
objectives of ICJA.

13. No Executive Command member or any other officer of ICJA shall be paid for their
services, but may be reimbursed, in consultation with the Executive Command and
General Meeting, for travelling expenses and other incidentals incurred in carrying out
their duties and furthering the aims and objectives of ICJA. An exception is made for
members of the Management Team, who may receive a stipend for their services, subject
to approval of the Executive Command.
1. This Constitution, once accepted by the Executive Command and AGM, shall be
amended only by a three-fourths (75%) majority vote of those members present at an
Annual General Meeting of ICJA, insofar that those members present represent at least
55% of ICJA registered member cadet forces/corps and there at least three (3) officers
subject to Article 5.6 representing each member organization present.

2. ICJA may only be dissolved by a two-thirds (66%) majority vote of representing

members as defined in Article 5.2 that are present at a special meeting of ICJA called for
this purpose, insofar that those members present represent at least 55% of ICJA registered
member cadet forces/corps and there at least three (3) representatives of each member
organization present.

a) The reason(s) for the dissolution shall be clearly stated and recorded.
b) The Executive Command shall retain office until all the business and legal
proceedings of ICJA have been completed for its dissolution.

c) Any funds or property of ICJA remaining after it is dissolved shall be donated to

any charity or any organization with similar aims and objectives to ICJA, as

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determined by the majority votes of members present at the special meeting for
In any instance where the meaning of any clause is unclear, or on any issue where ambiguity in
the Constitution exists, the Legal Advisor or, in the absence of the Legal Advisor, the Court
Martial General shall be the authority, subject to subsequent review by the Executive Command
in consultation with the Court Martial General.

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