Musician-Download - Something - Units - Record - Album - Released

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Consolidation Paper

Task 1: Select 5 words from the list below to fill in the blanks:
Only 2 of the records that are released every year sell more than 250,000 units But there’s just a very small
percentage of artists who are really making millions of dollars and most of that amount is going to record
companies and into the pockets of the artists. So to the question whether it is easy for a youngster to become a
professional musician the first thing he should understand is why he is doing it. If he’s doing it to get rich
quickly, I’m afraid to say, his chances are slim but if he has a desire to say something from his heart, then he
can have a go.
Word list: musician- download- something- units- record- album- released
Task 2: Put the bracketed verbs/ words in the right tense/form
Helen Keller was born with full (see) sight and hearing But Helen’s life suddenly changed. When she was
nineteen months old, she fell ill. Her (ill) illness had left her both blind and deaf. The following few years
were very hard for Helen and her family. Her parents confirmed that Helen could be (teach) taught and
recommended a teacher, Anne Sullivan, who used to be a pupil of the Institution for the blind. Anne (lose)
lost the majority of her sight at the age of 5.But after two major (surgery) surgical operations on her eyes, she
managed to regain enough sight to be able to read for a short time. Over the months, Helen’s progress was
astonishing. Her (enable) ability to learn was great. On June 1904, Helen (graduate) graduated from
Radcliffe College, becoming the first deaf-blind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree. With the help of
Anne Sullivan, Helen has shown millions of people that (disabled) disability isn’t the end of the world.
Task 3: Underline the right option:
We felt shocked when our first child Carla was born with (hear/ ear/ hearing) problem. Later on, we were
asked by an audiologist to buy her an expensive piece of hearing aid. Then we started (getting/ get/ got)
trouble when all the normal schools didn’t accept Carla. Consequently, we thought of leaving our small city
and moving into the capital to allow her to go to a (public/ special/ mixed) school for deaf children.
school for deaf children. Total concentration on the deaf, encouraging them and providing essential training to
teachers pushed the deaf children (integrated/ integration/ to integrate) and forget their (handicap/
disabled/ handicapped). In addition, deaf children needed motivation not to feel (more/ much/ less)
intellectual or complexed about their (deaf/ sight/ deafness). Such good steps exposed children as Clara to
social situations and gave them a sense of self-sufficiency.
Task 4: Fill in the gaps with the right words from the list below:
It is no longer new that reading with your baby benefits his language and intellectual
development. This fact has been well – documented in recent years. But equally important
is that reading with your child helps you build a strong close relationship with him
that benefits his learning and encourages a life-long love of reading. Children come
to love reading not just because they find books interesting but because it is a joyful shared experience
with you. They make the connection between reading and being close to you and that connection makes them
want to read more. The more they read, the more likely they are to pick up language and
communication skills. They also gain an understanding of how the world around them works and how
to express feelings .
Word list: reading, feelings, benefits, learning, understanding, close, interesting. .
Task5: Write the verbs/words between parentheses in the correct tense/form
When Beethoven (1770-1827) was 28 years old, he noticed that he (suffer) suffered from a hearing
disorder. Beethoven’s career as a (piano) pianist was brought to an end when he began to experience
his first symptoms of (deaf) deafness In a letter written to his friend Karl Ameda on 1st July 1801, he
admitted his new handicap How often I wish you were here, for your Beethoven is having a miserable
life. My greatest faculty, my hearing, is (great) greatly damaged. He isolated himself from the public
and from his few friends and was eventually left (total) totally deaf. By 1820, he communicated with
visitors and trusted friends only in (write) writing How can I, a (music) musician , say to people I am
deaf? However, his stubborn nature strengthened him and he came to terms with his deafness in a
dynamic, constructive way. With the end of his career, he plunged into (compose) composing Among
the sunny works of his period was the charming Symphony n 2.

Task8: Complete each sentence using the information in brackets

1- The bigger the flat is, (the rent is high) the higher the rent is
2- The earlier you live, (the roads are quiet) the quieter the roads are
3- (The supermarket is big, the choice is wide) the bigger the supermarket is , the wider the choices are
4- The bigger the memory is, (the computer is useful) the more useful the computer is

Task 6 Fill in the blanks with 8 words from the box.

expensive / then / can / in / than / library / much /minds / free / many / people / first

Books provide us with places to go, an escape from reality, and higher knowledge . First and foremost,
books are voyages to anywhere in the world. Best of all, you can read for free either in your own home
with our own books, or at your local library. Another favored reason books are adored by so many, would
be that while reading a book you are escaping your reality. Perhaps an even better result of books than a
reality break would be that books can provide knowledge to all ages and education levels. Children read
and learn; developing their minds as they go. College students read books to help them in their future
degrees and careers.

Task 7 :Put the words in brackets in the correct tense or form.

Some people still think that a “good mother” is one who gives up work to stay at home with her children.
However, no scientific (evident) evidence says children are harmed when their mothers work. A child’s (to
develop) development is influenced more by the emotional health of the family, how the family feels
about the mother’s working and the quality of child care. A child who is (emotion) emotionally well
adjusted, well loved, and well cared for will ‘flourish’ regardless of whether the mother works outside the
home or not. A mother who successfully (to manage) manages both an outside job and parenthood
provides a role model for her child. In most families with (to work) working mothers, each person plays a
more active role in the household. The children tend to look after one another and help in other (way)
ways. The father is (much) more likely to help with household chores. (This) These positive outcomes
are most likely when the mothers feel valued and supported by family, friends and co-workers.

Task 8 :Rewrite the correct option.

The engaging nature of the Internet communication and interactive games means many children and teens
have trouble (keeping / keep / kept) keeping track of time when they’re online. Unfortunately, parents
and teachers are (usual / usually / used) usually not aware there is a problem until it becomes serious.
This is (therefore / because / why) because it is easy to hide what you are doing online and because
Internet addiction is not widely recognized (on / onto / by) by medical community.

Children and young people can easily become (addict / addicted / hooked) hooked on online activities
such as multi-user games, instant messaging and (chat / face / e-mail) chat rooms. The most vulnerable
children are (that / these / those) those who are lonely and bored or from families where nobody is at
home to relate to (before / after / during) after school.

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