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The Benfield Column Repair Project

1. According with the PMBOK Guide (Sixth edition), The Work Breakdown
Structures is a hierarchical decomposition of the total scope of work to be
carried out by the project team to accomplish the project objectives and create
the required deliverables. Each descending level of the WBS represents an
increasingly detailed definition of the project work.

2. The process used in this project to develop the WBS was: First organize open
meetings with representatives from each interested party present, in which a
brainstorming was used, with each topic identified on a Post-it note and
attached to a white board. Later, a second meeting was convened to fine-tune
and accept the WBS.

3. If the supplier relationships were less trustful, this would have changed the
time to complete the project because the project teams couldn’t focus in
accomplish the triple restriction of the project, to focus their job in supplier
deliveries and preparation contracts.

• The communication channels were with frequency and type of
communication structured to suit each recipient (Contractors and
vendors, subordinates, peers and management).
• The only written reports given to management were the cost report and
the schedule.
• The quantity of information increased because the project team spent
fourteen hours per day on-site, and they talking to the workforce to
pass on and receive it.
• Studies of external factors of the project like analysis studies to receive
weather reports from two different weather stations twice daily.
• A cost control base was established estimating and forecasting

• The project team was always located on-site during the life of the
• Maximized the motivation of the workforce.
• The teamwork was more important than the individual effort.
• The appropriate use of communications of each member of the project.

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