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Central team for
Godavari flows into
for Covid patients
Telangana to make
IFTAR 06:40 PM from Monday
SEHER 04:29 AM Only 13 new cases
in TS in 24 hrs Covid assessment
Them Ranganayaka Sagar

Hyderabad: Health Min-

ister Eatala Rajender
said Telangana has got
the nod for convalescent
Concern over
virus surge in
So far, the teams
had visited Mumbai
and Delhi, where
the number of
posi�ve cases
plasma therapy from the HANS NEWS SERVICE mul�plied in
Hyderabad: Achieving an- Centre and it would be a short �me.
other big milestone in the done on Covid-19 pa- Hyderabad: Taking serious
construction of one of the tients in critical condi- note of increasing number of Now, the Centre
world's largest Kalesh- tion from Monday. deadly Coronavirus cases in considers
waram Lift Irrigation He said that 13 new Telangana, particularly in Hyderabad,
CITY Scheme (KLIS) irrigating cases were confirmed Hyderabad, the Union gov- Ahmadabad,
35 lakh acres in the state, with 29 recovered pa- ernment deployed an Inter- Surat, Thane and
the Telangana government tients getting discharged Ministerial Central Team
on Friday successfully re- on Friday. Talking to re- (IMCT) to the state to study Chennai as hotspots
leased Godavari waters porters here, the Health the measures taken to con- of the virus
into the Ranganayaka Minister pointed out that tain the virus and the relief
Sagar Reservoir located at a majority of the positive measures grounded for the modities, social distancing in
Chandlapur village in cases were reported from poor in villages. movement of the people out-
Chinnakodur mandal from the GHMC, Vikarabad, So far, the teams had vis- side their homes, prepared-
the surge pool in Chief Suryapet and Gadwal. ited Mumbai and Delhi, ness of the health infrastruc-
Minister K Chandrasekhar While 44 families ac- where the number of positive ture, hospital facilities and
SIMPLER, QUICKER Rao's native district of Sid- Telangana Finance Minister T Harish Rao and Industry Minister KT Rama Rao at the counted for 260 positive cases multiplied in a short sample statistics in the dis-
dipet. inaugura�on of Ranganayak reservoir constructed under the Kaleshwaram project in cases in the GHMC, 25 time. Now, the Centre con- tricts, safety of health profes-
COVID TEST KITS ON On the same day last Siddipet. The reservoir will provide irriga�on to 1.14 lakh acres families accounted for 83 sidered Hyderabad, Ahmad- sionals, availability of test
THEIR WAY year, wet run of the first infected cases in abad, Surat, Thane and Chen- kits, PPEs, masks and other
P3 pump in Package 6 of the
Kaleshwaram lift scheme
is one of the largest water
preserving bodies under
barrage located
Jayashankar Bhupalpally
in ects in Siddipet district,
which is full of water and
Suryapet, 30 families and
45 positive cases in Gad-
nai as hotspots of the virus.
The Union Home Ministry
safety equipment and condi-
tions of the relief camps for
was conducted by releas- the Kaleshwaram project. district to Siddipet passing infrastructure to develop wal, whereas 14 families decided to send the Central labour and the poor.
BUSINESS ing water from Yellampally
project to the surge pool.
The water body will pro-
vide irrigation waters to
nearly 200km. Before
reaching Ranganayak
as a hub of agro industries
and a technology centre.
accounted for 38 positive
cases in Vikarabad.
team to Telangana on Friday
after analysing the virus scare
O�cials said the team will
hold a meeting with Chief
Considering April 24 an 1.14 lakh acres in Siddipet Sagar, water travels Industry Minister KTR On an average, six to in every metropolitan city Secretary Somesh Kumar and
auspicious day, state In- and Rajanna Siricilla dis- through Annaram, is confident of heralding seven members from each and big towns in the county medical authorities and make
dustry Minister KT Rama tricts. All the four pumps, Sundilla, Medaram, and second Green Revolution family were found to have and the teams left for Telan- specific suggestions to reduce
Rao and Finance Minister each having a capacity of Anantagiri barrages by creating irrigation for been infected. Since the gana there and then. The the intensity of virus in the
T Harish Rao formally 135 MW , will lift 0.25 tm- through tunnels and open one crore acres after the infection is spread around team headed by Deputy Sec- state. The team will also sub-
switched on one of the four cft water in 24 hours. The canals. Water is lifted to completion of the Kalesh- these families only, we are retary rank o�cial would mit its report to the Centre in
MF BODY ASSURES pumpsets releasing water reservoir can be filled in 390 meters at the reservoir waram project in Telan- hopeful of containing its make the on-spot assessment three or four days. The viola-
INVESTORS into the 3-TMC-capacity three days if all the four from Madigadda, he gana. He said Pink Revolu- further spread in these of the situation and issue nec- tions include incidents rang-
reservoir constructed at pumps are operated simul- added. tion aiming to export meat areas. Eatala pointed out essary directions to state au- ing from violence on frontline
AFTER FRANKLIN the cost of nearly Rs 3800 taneously for three days. The reservoir will also was already initiated by that each member in thorities for redressal. healthcare professionals, at-
SHUTS 6 SCHEMES crore. In view of the lock- The pumps lift water to a address drinking water and the state government. every house in contain- The IMCTs would focus on tacks on police personnel, vi-
down, the event was held height of 122 meters. industrial needs, the min- KTR extolled his Cabinet ment areas in these four a range of issues, including olations of social distancing
P6 as a simple ceremony with Harish Rao said Go- ister said, appealing to the colleague for developing areas are being enquired compliance and implementa- norms in market places and
a limited number of 20 in- davari water is being Industry Minister to sanc- Siddipet a role model in for presence of virus re- tion of the lockdown meas- opposition to setting up of
NATION vitees only. The reservoir brought from Medigadda tion industrial and IT proj- every sector. lated issues.Contd on Page 5 ures, supply of essential com- quarantine centres.

Covid-19 taught India to Moon sighted, Muslims to

become self-reliant: PM begin fasting from today New Delhi (PTI): Ramzan,
PROTECTION FROM SC trial begins Modi hails grit and the Islamic month of
prayers and fasting, will be-
wisdom of rural
P7 London (PTI): A microbi-
ologist has become the India, gives ‘Do Gaz
gin from Saturday in India
amid a lockdown in force
due to the coronavirus pan-
Ki Doori’ mantra
first human to be injected
TESTING TIME for the human trial phase
of a vaccine in the UK
The Ramzan moon was
against the novel coron- New Delhi (PTI): The sighted on Friday, clerics
avirus being developed by coronavirus pandemic said. Every year the sight-
a group of scientists at has taught the country "to ing of the Ramzan moon
the University of Oxford. be self-reliant and self- brings great cheer for
Elisa Granato is the first sufficient" and not look Muslims as they scamper
volunteer in an initial for solutions abroad, to make preparations for
2ND WAVE OF VIRUS group of 800 to be part of Prime Minister Narendra fasting and head to
OUTBREAK the ground-breaking trial, Modi told grassroots lead- mosques to begin special Devouts pray a�er announcement of the holy month of
ers on Friday as he 'Taraweeh' prayers, but Ramzan, during second phase of lockdown in wake of
IN MONSOON, WARN which is hoped will be the Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacts with 'Sarpanches' from
coronavirus pandemic, in Hyderabad on Friday
answer for immunisation stressed that every vil- across the country via video conferencing, amid ongoing not this time. At a meeting
SCIENTISTS lage, district and state na�onwide COVID-19 lockdown, in New Delhi on Friday of the Ruyat-e-Hilal Com-
P9 against the deadly virus
and help with the easing
of lockdown measures in
place to curb its rapid
should be able to provide
for its basic needs.
Applauding people for WITH 37 NEW DEATHS,
mittee, Imarat-e-
Sharaiyah-Hind here, it
was announced that the
KCR greets Muslims
transmission. "I'm a sci- their grit in fighting the moon was sighted in Delhi
entist, so I wanted to try COVID -19 outbreak, and in several parts of the
to support the scientific Modi said “the collective country. Shahi Imam of Hyderabad: Extending greetings to the Muslims on the
process wherever I can," power of the villages Jama Masjid Syed Ahmed beginning of holy Ramzan month, Chief Minister K
Granato told the BBC as is helping the coun- New Delhi (PTI): The death toll due to the novel Bukhari and Shahi Imam Chandrasekhar Rao appealed to them to stay at home
she was injected in Ox- try move forward” coronavirus rose to 723 with 37 fatalities re- of Fatehpuri mosque and offer prayers indoors during the holy month. On
ford, where the trial be- and complimented ported since Thursday evening, while the Mufti Mukarram Ahmed the eve of the start of Ramzan from Friday, the Chief
gan this week. “Since I the rural India for number of cases saw a record jump of 1,752 also said the moon was Minister called up top police officials on phone and en-
don't study viruses I felt its simple and mo- to go up to 23,452 cases on Friday, according sighted and the fasting will quired about the security arrangements particularly at
a bit useless these days, t i v a t i n g to the Union health ministry. The previous start from Saturday. They masjids during the month. He instructed the top cops
so I felt like this is a very mantra of “Do Gaz Ki highest single day increase was on April 20 appealed to Muslims to to be vigilant and monitor the movement of the people
easy way for me to sup- Doori” to popularise so- when 1,540 cases were reported. The number of active perform all rituals and all through the day. The CM also instructed the author-
port the cause,” she said, cial distancing. The slo- COVID-19 cases stood at 17,915 as 4,813 people were cured prayers at home during ities to hold meetings with local masjid heads and ensure
as she was injected on gan given by the rural In- and discharged, and one patient migrated, the ministry Ramzan while adhering to no group prayers held in the holy places during the lock-
her 32nd birthday on dia “showed the wisdom said. Thus, about 20.52 per cent of the cases have recov- social distancing and lock- down period. In a message, the CM wished, "May this
Thursday. of the people”, he said. ered so far, an official of the ministry said. down norms. auspicious month further the spirit of harmony, happi-
Con�nued on Page 5 Con�nued on Page 5 Con�nued on Page 5 ness, and brotherhood in our society."

Wishes pour in for Sachin Rapper Fred the Godson NASA wants people to watch
N Korean media quiet on Tendulkar who turns 47 dies of coronavirus SpaceX launch from home
Kim Jong-un's whereabouts New Delhi: A name synonymous Los Angeles: American rapper Fred the Washington: Amid COVID-19
Seoul: North Korean media outlets with most things good and perfect Godson has died of complications due to restrictions, the historic SpaceX
have remained quiet on leader Kim in Indian cricket, Sachin Tendulkar coronavirus at the age of 35. The rapper, mission to launch two NASA as-
Jong-un's whereabouts without putting on Friday turned 47 and was whose real name is Frederick Thomas, tronauts to the International
out any reports on his public activity flooded with flattering wishes from died on Thursday. He had shared his Space Station (ISS) on May 27 is
amid persisting speculation over his the sporting fraternity. The COVID-19 diagnosis on April 6 via Twit- set to be a much quieter a�air
health. Speculation about Kim's health diminutive Mumbaikar, the great- ter. The hip-hop community paid trib- than it would have been in normal times, with the
problems spiked after a CNN report est accumulator of runs in the utes to the New York-based rapper. "Peace to you Fred The US space agency asking people not to travel to
earlier this week, citing a US o�cial, game's history, decided not to have any elaborate celebra- God Son on your ascension. Prayers to your family. Salute,” Florida to witness the spectacle. "We are asking
said that Washington was looking into intelligence that Kim tions this year owing to the devastation caused by the rapper Nas posted on Instagram. “My little brother ooooh people to join us in this launch, but to do so from
was in "grave danger" after a surgery, reports Yonhap News COVID-19 pandemic. "Started my day by taking blessings how sad am i, i prayed and prayed and prayed for you all home," NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine was
Agency. But South Korea downplayed the report, saying that it from my Mother. Sharing a photo of Ganpati Bappa that night long," Fat Joe wrote. Fred made his breakthrough in quoted as saying in a press conference on Thurs-
had seen no unusual signs with regard to Kim's health. North she gifted me. Absolutely priceless," he tweeted on Friday 2010 with his ‘Armageddon' mixtape, which featured guest day by The Verge. The SpaceX's Crew Dragon
Korea's state media have recently put out reports on Kim well past afternoon. A former Rajya Sabha MP, Tendulkar spots from Cam'ron, Busta Rhymes, Waka Flocka Flame, spacecraft, carrying NASA astronauts Robert
sending diplomatic letters and conveying gifts to honoured has slipped into the retired life after calling it quits in Styles P, and others. He also collaborated with artistes such Behnken and Douglas Hurley, is scheduled to lift
citizens but stopped short of providing reports or photos fea- 2013, o�ering perspective on the game when sought and as Diddy, Meek Mill and Pusha T. Fred is survived by his wife o� on a Falcon 9 rocket from Launch Complex
turing his public activity. staying busy with social work. LeeAnn Jemmott and two children. 39A at the Kennedy Space Centre in Florida.


A podcast that helps

in 12,548 Gram Panchayats you keep up-to-date
Suno India in English
Hyderabad: Minister for Panchayat and Telugu not only
Raj and Rural Development E entertains but also
Dayakar Rao on Friday said that
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural updates with help
Employment Guarantee Scheme of experts
(MGNREGS) has been taken up in
12,548 Gram Panchayats.
The minister participated in AVINASH BHINGARDE get an expert to talk about the
video conference held by Union current situation and how one
Panchayat Raj and Rural Develop- spread. Masks and sanitisers have 4,000 purchase centers. Sanitation Hyderabad: As people are stuck can deal with it. We also have a
ment department. He said that been supplied,” he added. The min- workers have been given an incen- at home due to the lockdown in- bulletin every day for two min-
about 10 lakh workers have been ister demanded the Union govern- tive of Rs 500. About 50 lakh masks duced by the COVID-19 pan- utes about current a�airs to
participating in the works. “Em- ment to include agriculture works have been prepared through the demic, many are turning to var- keep the listeners updated, and
ployment is provided to about 82 in the NREG scheme. Self Help Groups. 12 kg rice and Rs ious hobbies including painting, so far the response we received
persons on the average in each vil- He said that the government is 1500 cash is provided to all the reading and cooking. Listening is excellent.”
lage. Safety of the workers has been purchasing the produces from the white ration card holders,” Dayakar to podcasts is another option Over a span of two months,
ensured in view of Coronavirus farmers. “Paddy is purchased at Rao added. that is growing among lis- their COVID-19 English pod-
teners who use it to cast has received around
keep themselves two lakh listeners and

Hyd NGO helps rural people cope with Covid entertained as

well as informed
about various is-
sues, even as
Telugu podcast has
received 50,000 lis-
“We are here for
MEGHNA NATH calls in past few weeks from Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, they go about people who want
Kerala and Tamil Nadu from vulnerable groups in rural their daily to understand an is-
Hyderabad: As compared to their urban counterparts, areas, including financial worries and sourcing food.” chores. Lockdown sue without reacting.
people in rural areas are still largely unaware of ways to The organisation volunteers visited their areas and is giving a big boost We also don’t tell our
e�ectively cope up with Covid and keep at bay. counseled them and also to the fledgling industry. listeners what to think
With government stringently enforcing lock- tried to solve their prob- Amid pervasive fake news about and equip them with all the in-
down, their fears and anxieties exacerbated, lems. The organisation also the COVID-19 pandemic, ignit- formation required for them
causing mental stress. A city-based NGO, highlighted whatever is- ing baseless fears and anxieties formulate an opinion. We take
Foundation for Sustainable Development sues faced by the migrant in people, Suno India, a multi- our time to report and tell our
(FSD), is building their confidence through workers, jobless people to lingual and multi-generational stories packed with the right mix
tele counseling and awareness activities. the state government by podcast platform, shines spot- of human interest stories and
Dr K Krishnan, Executive Director, Foun- twitting in social media. light on under-represented and facts,” adds Padma. Started in
dation for Sus- “Our NGO has also taken under-reported topics using au- 2018 and operating from Hyder-
tainable De- an initiative to guide them dio as a medium. It has started a abad and Delhi, the founders be-
velopment, on how to maintain social special segment called ‘The lieve their podcast is a platform
said, “In this lockdown pe- distancing in public places and when engaged for NREGS Suno India Show’ on Covid-19 for issues that should matter.
riod most a�ected are works. We are training in hygiene, too,” Krishnan said. coverage in English and Telugu. They also believe that there is
marginalised people. To The NGO has distributed rations kits to around 700 Padma Priya, Co-founder of an urgent need to give a plat-
motivate them and help families in Hyderabad. More than 23 volunteers are help- Suno India, says, “Podcasts are form to issues that are often
them face this situation, ing them in this mission and so far it helped more than well-researched yet personal. sidelined as inconvenient, irrel-
we aim to create a sense 2000 rural families across Telangana. “Many likeminded People can listen to these audio evant, or are simply invisible;
of security and also help people are supporting us in this drive by sending across podcasts while doing their daily that’s what sets us apart from
in allaying their fears. We various grocery items and also extending financial help,” household chores. Every day we others.
received around 1,700 added Krishnan.

LEGAL NOTES Use safe chemicals

in disinfectant
tunnels: High Court
HC asks govt to file comprehensive report T he High Court Division Bench headed
by Chief Justice Raghavendra Singh
Chauhan and Justice A Abhishek Reddy
LEGAL CORRESPONDENT ernment hospitals in recent mentioned in the a�davit that 4 on Friday heard a taken up PIL on estab-
times. Additional DG of Police Ra- FIRs are registered and incidents lishing disinfectant tunnels at public of-
Hyderabad: Hearing on a tag of jiv Ratan filed an a�davit in the of attack on doctors have in- fices, market places, hospitals etc., to
Public Interest Litigations filed by court stating that the government creased, but do not mention as to avoid the further outbreak of coron-
petitioners seeking a direction to has passed an ordinance which how many incidents took place. avirus.
the Principal Secretary, Home De- says that any person who attacks CJ Raghavendra Singh Chauhan Chief Justice Raghavendra Singh
partment to strengthen the secu- doctors and medical sta� in hos- directed the Principal Secretary, Chauhan while hearing the public inter-
rity at all government hospitals to pitals will face 7 years of impris- Home Department to file a more est litigation observed that the Govern-
protect doctors and medical sta�, onment. detailed additional counter a�- ment says that it is not recommended to
the division bench comprising Chief Justice Questioned Addi- davit within two weeks. erect these disinfectant tunnels. In fact it
Chief Justice Raghavendra Singh tional DG that exactly how many CJ pointed out that this is not has some health hazards on persons who
Chauhan and Justice A Abhishek police personnel have been de- the time, wherein doctors and are subjected through it. It merely sprays
Reddy ordered the Telangana puted at each hospital. In the a�- medical sta� are misbehaved a chemical on human garments and does
Home Department Principal Sec- davit, the security has been with. Not only the doctors but also not protect the human body and if at all
retary to file a comprehensive re- stepped up but how many security the medical sta� should be pro- any person affected with Covid-19 goes
port on incidents of attacks on personnel posted is not clearly tected. The case has been ad- through it, then other unaffected persons
doctors and medical sta� at gov- mentioned, he said. Moreover, as journed for two weeks. will be prone to Covid-19. The Bench also
pointed out that even dermatologists
have advised against the erection of dis-

File counter-affidavit justifying 25% infectant tunnels. Chief Justice

Raghavendra Singh Chauhan directed

deferment in pension, HC orders govt

Advocate General BS Prasad to discuss
the matter with the Director of Institute
of Preventive Medicine and find out

H earing on the public interest litigations on de-

ferment of pension to the pensioners by the
Telangana Government the High Court Division
Advocate General BS Prasad informing the bench
said the State government has taken a decision to
defer 25 percent pension rather than 50 percent
which safe chemical can be used in the
disinfectant tunnels.
CJ said, two disinfectant tunnels have
Bench headed by CJ Raghavendra Singh Chauhan with e�ect from April month. Chief Justice been ordered to be erected at High Court
and Justice A Abhishek Reddy questioned Advocate Raghavendra Singh Chauhan adjourned the case by during this situation but for the ambigu-
General, regarding the status in 50 percent pension three weeks directing it to file its counter-a�davit ity prevailing over this issue, it has been
deferment to the pensioners of the State govern- justifying its decision to defer payment of pension put on hold. The case has been ad-
ment. by 25 percent. journed for two weeks.

Simpler, quicker Covid


Bury yourself in books, advise book-a-holics

test kits on their way TEJAL SINHA

Hyderabad: Reading books is

slowly making a comeback. Even
S With schools closed and
confined to homes, children
also taking to reading
HANS NEWS SERVICE S Need for rapid tes�ng to take up community-level tes�ng; the ones who never read a book S Telangana Jagruthi founder and
ICMR stays rapid tests as of now are, thanks to the lockdown, lay- former MP Kalvakuntla Kavitha
Hyderabad: E�orts are on across ing their hands on one. That a (@RaoKavitha) has tweeted that she
the world to make Coronavirus S As in the case of pregnancy or HIV tests, where one gets ini�al book, indeed, is a man's best
testing simpler, safe and quicker. result in a ma�er of minutes, further evalua�on is necessary friend – at least in solitary –
is currently reading ‘Guns, Germs and
Fast testing kits like pregnancy to get a complete picture, stress experts seems to be true. Steel’ by Jared Diamond. Ne�zens are
test kit or HIV test kit or Hepatitis April 23, World Book Day, was announcing what they are reading or
test kit which give results in no celebrated by millions of people what will be next
time could well be on their way and over 100 countries in lock-
even for Covid-19 if ongoing trials down. With schools closed due
succeed. to COVID-19 and families
At present, the Reverse Tran- confined at home, books stimu-
scription Polymerase Chain Reac- late our minds and boost
tion (RT-PCR) testing is being well-being. helps us improve our vo- Bibha Tripathi (@Bibha
done in many countries including The book-a-holics are cabulary. I recom- 43013762) tweeted, “#MyBook-
India as it is considered the best finding the lockdown the mended everyone to MyFriend Books are the best
testing method to identify the best time to keep them- read a book at least companion.. I am reading Sita by
Novel Coronavirus infection in selves engrossed in read- every month. I am cur- Amish Tripathi and Sophie's
any individual. The test result, ing. Many of them are pre- rently reading the world by Jostein Gaarder."
though, takes at least 4 to 6 hours. ferring to read book ‘Feminist Rani’ Meanwhile, Telangana Ja-
The disadvantage, however, clinical trials ethics committee, Dr Krishnamurthy, pul- mythological books series. by Shaili Chopra and gruthi Founder and former MP
with RT-PCR is that it cannot be Hyderabad, stated that HIV or monology HoD at Gandhi Hospi- Speaking to The Hans In- Meghna Pant.” Kalvakuntla Kavitha
preferred to community testing pregnancy or hepatitis testing is tal, stated that the technician col- dia, M Sanjana Rao, who Many twitterati’s have (@RaoKavitha) also tweeted on
where a large number of persons the initial testing process done by lecting sample from a Coronavirus works for a PR agency in So- also taken the social me- Thursday that she is currently
have to be tested. This is where a lab technician or an individual. suspect case has to take full pre- majiguda, said, “I have always dia platform sharing their reading ‘Guns, Germs and Steel’
rapid or fast testing methods come In the case of preg.test, where one cautions including PPE kit, N 95 loved reading books. These are love towards reading books by Jared Diamond. “#World-
into picture. Doubts are, however, gets initial result in a matter of masks, face shield etc., to avoid any good times to read books. At especially during the lockdown. BookDay I am currently Re-
being cast on the rapid antibody minutes, further evaluation is scope for infection which is the present I am reading ‘Mrityun- K Rajashri (@RajashriKul) reading ‘Guns, Germs and Steel’
tests based on serology or blood done to get a complete picture. case with the present RT-PCR jaya' by Shivaji Sawant.” tweeted “#MyBookMyFriend probably #Covid19India e�ect!!
sample, which gives basic idea " Researchers are on the job to testing being done in Telangana. K Sahiti, a student of mass My daughter Rudraveena, class Will start ‘A chequered bril-
about presence of virus, and fur- get a similar testing kit for Coro- He felt news of research or avail- communication from St Francis Secrets of the Nagas' by Amish 7 Kendriya Vidyalaya UoH, liance’ soon. What is your cur-
ther tests are necessary to ascer- navirus also. The nasal swab taken ability of di�erent forms of rapid College for Women, Begumpet, Tripathi.” Gachibowli Hyderabad is read- rent book? And the immediate
tain 100 percent confirmation of from the individual is exposed to or fast kits is doing rounds across said, “I have a good collection. K Spurthi, a social activist said, ing a Marathi book ‘Ravan’ by next? @ShekharGupta
virus infection. ICMR has directed the kit components and change of the world, but how accurate or We have been in our houses for “Books enlighten and transport Sharad Tandle and trying to un- @supriya_sule @ShashiTharoor
states to withhold this testing, cit- colour confirms presence of virus. helpful these basic tests are would almost a month or so. Currently, us to a di�erent world. It is a derstand another aspect of @dhanyarajendran @rahulpan-
ing inaccurate results. Later, further testing has to be only be known after testing done I am reading a book titled ‘The good mental exercise and also RAVANA.” dita @VVSLaxman281"
Dr Vijayabhaskar, chairman of taken up," he said. over some period of time.

IT cos begin to E-grocery market looks

Cyberabad CP
felicitates lyricist
lay off staff
promising to start-ups Chandrabose ZAKAT DURING COVID CRISIS
to stay afloat HANS NEWS SERVICE M M FAROOQUI etc. Most importantly 15% of
them are widows with no male
Many new entrants having a bite of the Hyderabad: The Commis- Hyderabad: As Ramzan month earning member in the family.
sioner of Police, Cyberabad, has begun amidst lockdown, civil “The aim is to help donors
big pie that is only growing bigger V C Sajjanar on Friday felici- society groups have called upon make informed choices on their
tated lyricist Chandrabose the a�uent to ensure their Zakat donations through Zakat this
VASAVI KALERU for penning the song (poor tax) this year reaches the Ramzan. HHF has come up with
(Aalochinchandi Annalaara destitute and the needy across a high-level socio-economic clas-
Hyderabad: E-grocers are in much demand and several supermarkets Aavesham Maanukondi the State, who account for 63 per sification of Muslims in Hyder-
are delivering groceries at the doorstep of consumers. Seizing the Tammullara). The song has cent of the total population of abad. We believe that such data
opportunity, new players are entering the market and seeking to bite gained lot of momentum Muslims. Zakat is a religious ob- The poor and daily on the socio-economic back-
into the big pie of online retail giants like Bigbasket and Grofers. during this time of crisis. ligation for all Muslims to give wagers form as much as ground of the principal minority
Sharing the market surge, Hari Menon, BigBasket's co-founder, The song was released by away money to the poor, which 63 per cent of the community will be useful in
Downsizing gets off wrote on Twitter that, "Today, we delivered 2.83 lakh orders and are the commissioner from his is believed to purify their earn- making informed choices”, said
the ground; techies popula�on. Having lost
growing. Sadly, the expectation is three to six times this number. We o�ce in Cyberabad and the ings. Mujtaba Hasan Askari of HHF.
are really trying our best.” o�cer thanked the lyricist According to a survey by Help- their livelihoods, they Md Iftekharuddin Ahmed,
ge�ng termina�on for this song because it helps ing Hand Foundation, around need to be rescued from president of Muslim Reservation
messages in creating awareness 63% of Muslims in the city are hunger pangs by the Front of Telangana, and Moulana
amongst public on precau- below the poverty line (BPL), stable as well as rich Md Mohsin Pasha Ansari Qadri
ESA BIN ABDUL REHMAN tions to be taken to prevent while other 37% are financially (Moulvi Jamia Nizamia), general
Covid-19. stable and 2% are elite families.
classes, stresses a study secretary of All India Sunni
Hyderabad: In a ripple effect The Commissioner fur- The survey was conducted in Ulema Mashaiq Board, called
of COVID-19 crisis destabil- ther noted, “Every citizen slums of Old City during the Muslims in Hyderabad consti- upon the well-o� to pay sadaqa
ising IT companies in USA, shall comply with the proto- lockdown. As many as 2,528 tute weaker sections. It is found and zakat to charitable trusts and
Canada and Europe, on col of lockdown and help the households were covered in over that 80% of them are daily wa- religious institutions, keeping in
which depends a huge chunk government in defeating the 50 urban slums, south and west gers. Auto drivers form the mind the conditions of those af-
of Indian IT sector, IT com- deadly virus. Moreover the of the city, including Chan- largest pool of daily income earn- fected by lockdown. They urged
panies in city have started usage of masks is very essen- drayangutta, Baba Nagar, Vatta- ers, accounting for 18% to 20% Chief Minister K Chandrashekar
pruning their staff in a bid to tial and if anybody is found pally, Hassan Nagar, Balapur, of the daily wagers, and 55% are to spend the money earmarked
stay afloat. Layoffs and ter- to be roaming without Yakutpura, Kalapather, MD other daily wage workers like for annual Iftar party and other
minations especially of those masks, then strict action will Lines, Shaheennagar, Sultan carpenters, plumbers, labour in programmes of Ramzan amongst
on the bench are causing be initiated against them.” Shahi, TalabKatta etc. kirana shop, hotels, mechanic & poor Muslims by directly trans-
panic among techies. Approximately 60% or more workers marriage halls, cooks ferring money in their accounts.
“I am working in a
renowned healthcare com-
Rachakonda police
Owaisi hands over safety kits to Hyd CP
pany as a senior manager and
I have been on my probation Top e-grocers say that unprecedented surge in market demand is
for six months. However, the a big target to meet as most of the delivery executives across India adopt orphanages,
company kept further exten- from the Metropolitan cities are back to their hometowns. HANS NEWS SERVICE CP urges Muslim brothers cial distance. Muslim brothers old-age homes
sion in probation period on Small-scale essentials delivery companies are cashing in on the to celebrate Ramzan should not get together at one
hold,” said the Subrato surge by increasing their market size. "We have started our deliveries Hyderabad: The MP of Hyder-
fes�vi�es by staying place under any circumstances, HANS NEWS SERVICE
(name changed), who was last month. Currently we are serving in 40 places across Telangana abad, Asaduddin Owaisi on Fri- if not we will be forced to take
later asked to put down his and in 11 locations of Hyderabad. We hit around 10K subscriptions day handed over 350 safety kits at home strict action by booking cases Hyderabad: Rachakonda po-
papers. in a week and receiving around 250 to 500 orders every day, " said V to the Commissioner of Police, against them.” lice on Friday adopted the old
Similar is the case of Priya, Sunil Kumar, founder, Just Hap. Hyderabad, Anjani Kumar. Each holy month of Ramzan is starting “The lockdown has been reap- age homes, orphanages and
name changed, who was re- Another startup founder Sravani Devunuri said, "Our concept of kit contained 10 masks, 10 gloves from Saturday, I convey my ing fruits since last few days and homes for specially-abled per-
lieved by the company for essential deliveries was for towns and regions who could not access and 1 sanitiser. In another pro- wishes to the Muslim commu- the next 15 days are more crucial. sons in its commissionerate.
not accepting 30% pay cut. supermarkets. Moreover, we are selling essentials such as vegetables, gramme, the employees of Keka nity.” So it’s very important that every The Commissioner of Po-
She received a message from fruits, milk, curd and other groceries." Company in Madhapur con- He further added, “I also want Muslim brother shall remain at lice, Rachakonda, Mahesh
HR that “since you are not Startups company Just Hap says that they are receiving orders tributed 6,000 sanitiser bottles to urge each and every Muslim home and cooperate with the Bhagwat said that these homes
ready to take a 30% pay cut, through customer care number of their application other than the to the police department. brother to celebrate the festivi- government and police in defeat- are mostly dependent on the
we are relieving you and as online orders. Most of the calls registered were from senior citizens After the conclusion the event, ties of Ramzan by staying at ing the deadly virus,” stated the services of kind-hearted peo-
per the offer letter we will living in the gated communities of Hyderabad. the Commissioner stated, “As the home and by maintaining the so- o�cer. ple in the society and during
pay the notice period effec- the lockdown, these homes are

Congress picks holes in govt relief promises

tive from 1st April.” A being deprived of such good
mother of an infant baby, she Samaritans, as they are unable
is jolted by the out of the to venture out to manage
blue termination. things.
A few days ago, services of He noted, “As we have been
three employees of a famous
MNC involved in developing
TPCC president N U�am Kumar Reddy points at State govt’s failure in delivering relief package to the needy interacting with so many peo-
ple during the lockdown, the
computers and software one thing which I have noticed
were terminated with differ- HANS NEWS SERVICE tral governments were not hon- is that these people, staying in
ent reasons. oured to all sections of the soci- such homes are being deprived
The city of Hyderabad Hyderabad: Telangana Pradesh ety who were affected due to of food, care and attention. So,
hosts around hundreds of IT Congress Committee (TPCC) lockdown. on behalf of the entire
companies, a majority of President N Uttam Kumar Further, he alleged that the Rachakonda police, I decided
them are located in Madha- Reddy on Friday has strongly quality of rice being supplied to to adopt these homes and with
pur and Hi-Tec City. These criticised Chief Minister K poor was sub-standard and de- the help of other o�cers from
companies provide employ- Chandrashekhar Rao for not de- manded that the State Govern- our commissionerate we have
ment directly or indirectly to livering the promised relief ment should supply good quality identified the homes which are
around 5 lakh people from package for those affected due rice to the poor. in dire need of ration, medi-
TS and other states. to lockdown in view of coron- The TPCC President also al- cines and safety equipment.”
“We are receiving com- avirus pandemic. leged that a majority of migrant “After finalizing the desired
plaints about pay cuts, termi- Uttam Kumar Reddy was ad- workers in the State did not get homes, we have given the re-
nations of bench employees, dressing a press conference at the promised rice and financial sponsibility of these homes on
termination of those ques- Nalgonda after having review assistance. He urged the State the respective SHO’s and once
tioning pay cuts from meetings with the district col- Government to restore the serv- the SHO’s submit their report,
smaller companies. Similar lector and SP on the coronavirus ices of field assistants, who were we will coordinate with the
complaints are pouring in measures taken in the district. on a strike, to start NREGA donors and volunteers and will
about not extending the join- He enquired about the coron- works in Telangana. direct the relief material
ing date in larger companies avirus relief measures and the Uttam Kumar Reddy also unswervingly to the homes
even as the recruited has al- status of procurement of agri- said, it was quite shocking that with the help of concerned
ready resigned from previous cultural produce. He also lodged TPCC chief N U�am Kumar Reddy, MP submi�ng police complaint to Nalgonda SP, Ranganath, against Arnab the Chief Minister was yet to SHO,” added the o�cer. The
company, after receiving the a criminal complaint against Re- Goswami of Republic TV for making derogatory remarks against AICC chief Sonia Gandhi, on Friday. come up with the details of esti- Rachakonda police have so far
offer letter,” informed C public TV and its head Arnab mated losses to the State due to reached out to 30 homes
Vinod Kumar, State Con- Goswami for his highly objec- President Sonia Gandhi and Speaking on the occasion, Ut- the Chief Minister did not en- lockdown and how the govern- which constitute orphans, sen-
venor of Forum for IT Em- tionable, derogatory and defam- urged the district SP to register tam said it was highly unfortu- sure that, the relief announce- ment plans to help the affected ior citizens and specially-abled
ployees (FITE). atory remarks against Congress a case against him. nate that even after one month ments from the State and Cen- segments. people.
Lockdown more disastrous for Indian economy CAIT, DPIIT to launch e-com platform for retailers US Dollar 79.51 South

In countries such as India, with young Confedera�on of All India Traders (CAIT) and Department Euro 86.42 African Rand 4.65
demographics, lockdown causes more human suffering for Promo�on of Industry & Internal Trade (DPIIT) joined
that Covid-19 itself. This con�nuing lockdown is, hands to come up with an e-commerce pla�orm for local UAE Dirham 22.89 Hong Kong Dollar 11.34
unfortunately, making it ever more inevitable that India retailers. The announcement comes a day a�er Amazon
will suffer a consumer lending cycle. Con�nuing Thai Baht 2.71 Japanese Yen 0.82
announced its new programme 'Local Shops on Amazon'.
weakness in the rupee is a concern Reliance Industries also announced JioMart-WhatsApp British Pound 98.04 New Zealand Dollar 48.16
– Jefferies' Equity Head Christopher Wood partnership to empower kirana stores
Australian Dollar 51.14 Saudi Riyal 22.36
Canadian Dollar 57.03 Swedish Krona 8.72
Swiss Franc 81.42 Singapore Dollar 56.35


Artzolo to raise
funds for Covid
MF body assures investors 29 lakh jobs in danger

Hyderabad:, in
collabora�on with Plas�cs for
Change India Founda�on, is
hos�ng a sale of 100 curated
artworks by prominent ar�sts
after Franklin shuts 6 schemes due to aviation crisis
New Delhi: With the coronavirus
crisis bringing global aviation in-
across India as part of a Covid-
19 relief drive for the rural
Says majority of fixed income MF assets are invested in superior quality securities dustry to a halt, as many as 29.32
lakh jobs are likely to be at risk in
waste-picker community. The India's aviation sector during the
New Delhi: Mutual fund industry year 2020, according to a report
fundraising sale will go live ex-
clusively on from body Amfi on Friday assured in- Brokers seek Sebi, by International Air Transport As- airline casualty in the region.
April 26 �ll May 3, 2020. These
funds raised going directly to-
vestors that majority of fixed in-
come mutual funds assets are in- govt intervention sociation (IATA).
The data shows that among the
There will be more casualties if
governments do not step in ur-
wards sustaining a minimum of vested in superior credit quality Mumbai: Terming the shut- Asia Pacific countries, Indian avi- gently to ensure airlines have suf-
2,000 vulnerable families securities and such schemes have down of six debt schemes by ation sector would be the worst hit ficient cash flow to tide them over
(10,000 individuals) in this appropriate liquidity to ensure Franklin Templeton Mutual in terms of jobs, with a likely im- this period," he said. Cli�ord iden-
community by providing them normal operations. Fund (FTMF) as an extreme pact on 29, 32,900 jobs. The report tified India, Indonesia, Japan,
with essen�al food and sup- The statement by the industry step that has created panic, also said that the revenue of the Malaysia, the Philippines, South
plies kits. The founda�on has body came after Franklin Temple- an umbrella body of brokers sector in India may fall by $11.221 Korea, Sri Lanka and Thailand as
already provided 3,000 individ- ton Mutual Fund voluntarily de- on Friday sought markets billion this year compared to 2019. priority countries that need to
uals with such kits and hopes cided to wind up its six debt regulator Sebi and the Min- Further, the passenger demand is take action. The industry body ex-
that the art-sale will result in schemes citing redemption pres- istry of Finance's interven- likely to fall by 47 per cent in the pects that the due to the Covid-19
more resources to support the sure and lack of liquidity in bond tion to protect investor in- country, it showed. crisis global airline passenger rev-
community. The sale will in- markets due to coronavirus pan- terest. FTMF stunned all by Conrad Cli�ord, IATA's Re- enues would drop by $314 billion
clude the work of renowned demic. deciding to shutter opera- gional Vice President for Asia-Pa- in 2020, a 55 per cent decline com-
ar�sts like Thota Vaikuntam, This is the first instance when a sets under management (AUM) of terruptedly. “Banking liquidity in tions of six schemes with as- cific, said that airlines in the region pared to 2019. Airlines in Asia Pa-
Subrata Das and Vivek Kuma- fund house is shutting its schemes these six schemes constitute less excess of Rs 7,00,000 crore, Long sets under management of face a liquidity crisis with a $61 bil- cific will see the largest revenue
vat among others. because of coronavirus related than 1.4 per cent of the Indian Mu- Term Repo Operations (LTRO) more than Rs 25,000 crore lion cash burn in the second quar- drop of $113 billion in 2020 com-
pandemic. The industry body, in a tual Fund Industry's aggregate conducted by the RBI, expecta- late Thursday evening, cit- ter of 2020. "We have seen the first pared to 2019.
statement, has strongly recom- AUM as on March 31, 2020. "Fixed tions of further rate cuts and Op- ing redemption pressures
Paytm in pact mended that investors should income schemes of most mutual eration Twist by the RBI is likely and market volatilities in

Mkts snap rising streak

continue to focus on their invest- funds have superior credit quality to keep bond market liquid and wake of the Covid-19 pan-
with Vodafone ment goals, consult their financial as confirmed by ratings of inde- normally functioning in current demic. The fund house has
Hyderabad: Paytm and Voda- advisor and not get side-tracked pendent credit rating agencies and challenging times,” Nilesh Shah said that capital markets
fone Idea entered an exclu-
sive partnership enabling
Paytm to exclusively power
by an isolated event in a few
schemes of one fund company.
“We expect fixed income funds
continue to remain fairly liquid
even in these challenging times,"
it added. Sebi regulations allow
Amfi Chairman said.
"The mutual fund industry re-
mains fully committed to investor
regulator Sebi was informed
in advance about the deci-
sion, which has been taken
as financials stocks slide
prepaid mobile phone across entire mutual fund indus- mutual funds schemes to borrow interests and there is no need for to protect investor wealth. Mumbai: Snapping a two-session Sensex tumbles
recharges for Vodafone Idea try to continue their normal op- up to 20 per cent of their assets to them to panic and redeem their "Such an extreme step by rising trend, the BSE Sensex tum-
under ‘Recharge Saathi’ pro- eration without any material im- meet liquidity needs for redemp- investments. The industry contin- FTMF has created panic bled 536 points on Friday as fi- 536 points while Nifty
gramme. As part of the pro- pact," it added. tion/dividend pay-out. While Amfi ues to remain robust like in 2008 among their investors as nance and bank stocks skidded af-
gramme, any Paytm customer The action taken by the partic- said it is in the process of collecting sub-prime crisis or 2013 taper well as mutual fund in- ter Franklin Templeton MF
sheds 159 points
including pharmacists, milk ular AMC is limited to the six spe- the data, many mutual funds have tantrum crisis,” he added. NS vestors in other debt suddenly closed six debt fund these schemes as part of their
booth operators, newspaper cific credit risk fixed income informed that they don't have any Venkatesh, Chief Executive, at schemes across asset man- schemes, catching investors o� fixed-income asset allocation will
vendors, even individuals schemes managed by the said As- outstanding borrowing. Amfi said that the industry has agement companies," the guard. A depreciating rupee and be hit as the money will be blocked
such as security guards can set Management Company (AMC) It said that liquidity, maturity seen many cycles and its profes- Association of National Ex- negative global cues added to the with no clear timeline for recov-
recharge any Vodafone Idea due to the illiquidity of their port- profile and credit quality for debt sional fixed income fund man- change Members of India gloom, brokers said. The 30-share eries, experts said. Bajaj Finance
number and start earning. All folios, the Association of Mutual funds is appropriate for day-to- agers have managed crises e�- (ANMI) said. BSE Sensex settled 535.86 points was the top laggard in the Sensex
recharges and transactions Funds in India (Amfi) said. The as- day operations to continue unin- ciently over the years. or 1.68 per cent down at 31,327.22, pack, dropping 9.14 per cent, fol-
would happen securely on while the NSE Nifty declined lowed by IndusInd Bank (6.58 per
Paytm app in the 159.50 points, or 1.71 per cent, to cent), Axis Bank (5.96 per cent),
HANS BUSINESS ernment to take inputs from indus- 9,154.40. ICICI Bank (5.09 per cent) and
prepaid/postpaid payments
section under the ‘Stay at FSME India seeks support for AP MSMEs try associations on MSME sector Franklin Templeton Mutual HDFC (5 per cent). Reliance In-
Home Essentials’ category. Hyderabad: The Federation of a standstill in ploys lakhs of people, are on the on Friday. During the meet, FSME Fund late on Thursday announced dustries, however, capped the
Vodafone Idea assures cash- Small and Medium Enterprises of Andhra Pradesh brink of collapse. So, there is an ur- India also submitted a report on re- winding up of six debt schemes, losses by rallying 3.34 per cent.
back to merchant partners for India (FSME India) on Friday and other parts of gent need to bail out the key sector vival of the MSME sector in AP to with assets under management of Sun Pharma, Hero MotoCorp,
multiple recharges. Individu- urged the Andhra Pradesh govern- the country due to at the earliest possible," APK AP Industries Minister M Gau- over Rs 25,000 crore, due to re- L&T, PowerGrid and Bajaj Auto
als and small businesses will ment to extend support to the mi- the ongoing na- Reddy, national president, FSME tham Reddy. demption pressures and lack of were among the other gainers.
be able to earn up to an addi- cro, small and medium enterprises tionwide lock- India, said. Reddy along with other The industry body urged the liquidity in bond markets amid the During the week, the Sensex de-
tional Rs 5,000 under the (MSMEs) battered by the ongoing down which be- members of the association partic- government to stop collection of Covid-19 crisis. Many retail in- clined 261.50 points or 0.82 per
‘Recharge Saathi’ programme. lockdown in the State. gan on March 25. As consequence, ipated in a videoconference organ- fixed charges on power supply to vestors and high net worth indi- cent, while Nifty fell 112.35 points
"Operations of MSMEs came to majority of MSMEs, which em- ised by the Andhra Pradesh gov- MSMEs for at least a year. viduals (HNIs) who invested in or 1.21 per cent.

Property values see It’s time builders o�er

upswing in Hyderabad
discounts to push sales
Hyderabad: Property values in Anarock says developers across the country have unsold ready-to-move-in units worth `60,000 cr

Hyderabad continue to see
positive growth even though roperty brokerage firm
the growth momentum on the Anarock on Friday said
demand and supply side might cash-starved builders are
have been halted because of sitting on ready-to-move-in hous-
the coronavirus induced lock- ing units worth Rs 66,000 crore
down. across seven cities and asked
According to a report by them to o�er discounts to clear
Elara Technologies-owned on- their finished unsold stocks dur-
line property brokerage firm, ing the ongoing coronavirus pan-, property value demic. According to Anarock,
in what is often called India’s there were 78,000 unsold ready-
pharmaceutical capital in- to-move-in flats at the end of
creased by 9 per cent in the March quarter across seven cities
January-March 2020 period namely Delhi-NCR, Mumbai
when compared to the same Metropolitan Region (MMR),
period last year. Chennai, Kolkata, Bengaluru, Hy-
From Rs 4,977 per square derabad and Pune. These units
foot (psf ) in Q4FY19, average are worth about Rs 65,950 crore.
price of flats in the City has "Developers need to take a call on
grown to Rs 5,434 psf in what they want to do with their
Q4FY20, shows the report ti- unsold inventory, depending on
tled Real Insight: Q4FY20. their holding capacity and finan-
A consistent increase in cial distress, if any," Anarock
prices over the past few years cent YoY. The report reveals, and Chairman Anuj Puri said. "Orga-
has now made Hyderabad real that during the March quarter, nized developers with strong bal- with builders and get a good deal likely to pick up quickly even after ready unsold stock of nearly
estate more expensive than a mere 3,904 new units were Hyderabad is different from ance sheets are less apt to o�er on ready-to-move-in apartments. the lockdown ends, as both buyers 16,000 units worth over Rs
real estate in India’s informa- launched in Hyderabad. most cities where affordable discounts, but those which need He said interest rates on home and sellers will remain wary," he 11,400 crore.
tion capital Bengaluru and au- “Consistent price increases homes claim a lion’s share in liquidity urgently will need to loans are low at 7.15-7.8 per cent. added. Delhi-NCR comes third with
tomobile manufacturing hub over the past few years have quarterly sales as well as consider their options. These "The lockdown period has kick- As per the data, Hyderabad nearly 15,600 unsold ready
Chennai. transformed Hyderabad from launches. Only 14 per cent of all would include discounted prices started rapid technology-led evo- has the least unsold ready stock homes worth Rs 10,720 crore,
Primarily because of the an affordable property destina- homes sold during the quarter and other incentives," he added. lution on the Indian real estate of nearly 2,400 units worth Rs while Bengaluru has ready unsold
Covid-19 situation, home sales tion into a city of mid and lux- in Hyderabad were units priced The unsold ready-to-move-in market," said Puri. 1,870 crore. stock of approximately 10,100
in the city fell 39 per cent year- ury segment homes. This is why up to Rs 45 lakh- the govern- units contribute 12 per cent of the "Some states are now also The highly Covid-19-impacted units worth Rs 7,150 crore. Chen-
on-year, with the sale of only the share of affordable homes ment defined ticket size for total unsold stocks of over 6.44 mulling the introduction of e-reg- MMR (Mumbai Metropolitan nai has nearly 9,400 ready unsold
5,554 units during the quarter is lower both in the number of homes to fall in the affordable lakh units. The remaining 88 per istration of property documents, Region) has the maximum ready units in the city worth nearly Rs
ended March 31, 2020. New sales as well as the number of category. In terms of launches, cent are under construction. thereby completing the entire stock of nearly 19,200 unsold 5,800 crore. Kolkata has ready
launches saw an even sharper launches in this market,” says too, only 36 per cent units were Puri also advised first time value chain. This is necessary homes worth Rs 26,150 crore. unsold stock of nearly 5,300 units
deceleration, falling 56 per Dhruv Agarwala, Group CEO, from the affordable segment. homebuyers to negotiate hard since physical site visits are un- Pune has the second-highest worth Rs 2,860 crore.
��������������������������������� NEWS 5

BJP leaders politicising vagaries of IIT-Delhi develops low-cost

diagnostic test for Covid-19
nature, fumes Agriculture Minister � �����������������������
�������������������� lightning. Niranjan Reddy said, ships faced by the farmers in the � ������������������
���������������� “Unseasonal rains, bolts of light- State. It was the TRS govern- �������������
������������������� ning are not exclusive only to ment which had instilled confi- ����������������������
Telangana and farmers in the dence among the farming com-
���������������������� State are fully aware of the situ- munity with innovative schemes � ������������������
������������������ ation. But, the BJP leaders are like 24-hour free power, Rythu ������������������������
�������������������� trying to politicise the same and Bandhu, Rythu Bheema, increas- ����������������������
������������������������ he will leave it to their wisdom.” ing the irrigation water facilities.
He said it is unfortunate that He asked the BJP leaders not
����������� the unseasonal rains and light- to forget that the Centre’s Prad- HANS NEWS SERVICE job. They are contributing their the people of India. The kit will
ning caused hardships to the han Mantri Kisan Samman Yo- best to combat the situation not only empower health care
HANS NEWS SERVICE farmers. But, it is more unfortu- jana was also launched taking in- New Delhi: Raising to the expec- arising from COVID-19. services but also support the
nate to see the BJP politicising spiration from the Rythu tations reposed in the higher ed- He said that the PM is hoping government in the time of crisis.
Hyderabad: State Agriculture the vagaries of nature. He said The State government is fully Bandhu scheme of the State. ucational institutions, the IIT- that we should develop our own The minister reiterated that
Minister S Niranjan Reddy chal- that the family of the farmer who aware of the issues faced by the Clarifying on the procurement Delhi researchers have strengths and should not be de- his ministry will provide all pos-
lenged the State BJP leaders to died due to lightning has been farmers and taking steps to ad- centres, Niranjan Reddy said, developed a low-cost real-time pendent on the world. sible support to the institutions
prove if any of the sa�ron party handed over the insurance dress the same. He said, “If BJP 7,077 paddy and 1,027 maize pro- polymerase chain reaction (RT- Keeping in view the capability in their research initiatives. He
ruled states in the country are amounts and said the “wet and leaders have a�ection and re- curement centres were approved PCR) test for COVID-19. and high standards of research said that the projects like these
procuring 100 per cent of the coloured paddy will also be pro- sponsible towards Telangana taking into consideration the ex- Researchers of IIT-Delhi of our Institutes, particularly are in line with the Make in In-
crop yields like in Telangana. cured at the centres and farmers farmers they should get sanction tent of crops under 12,500 village Kusuma School of Biological IITs, meetings were held with dia initiative of the government.
Responding to the one-day need not worry about the same.” for Turmeric Board and ap- panchayats in the State. Out of Sciences (KSBS) have developed IITs from the very beginning of Pokhriyal also thanked Union
Deeksha observed by BJP State Niranjan Reddy said Chief provals for procurement of 100 this, 5,187 paddy and 923 maize a detection assay for COVID-19 the onset of a pandemic, to step Health Minister Dr Harsh Vard-
unit led by its BJP Telangana Minister K Chandrasekhara per cent yields of all crops at the procurement centres have which has now been approved han for the efforts of Indian
chief Bandi Sanjay Kumar here Rao’s foresight has made the MSP rates from the Centre.” started functioning and as the by ICMR. He was delighted to Council of Medical Research
on Friday, he lashed at them for State increase its warehousing The minister said that the very harvesting process increased the know that the assay has been (ICMR) validating the technol-
politicising even the vagaries of capacity from 4 lakh tonnes to demand for separate Telangana number of procurement centres validated at ICMR with a sensi- ogy and research. Director of
nature like unseasonal rains and 25 lakh tonnes. was meant to resolve the hard- will also be increased, he said. tivity and specificity of 100 per IIT-Delhi, Ramgopal Rao in-
cent. This makes IIT-D the first formed the minister that this is
academic institute to have ob- the first probe-free assay for

‘Cooperate with o�cials to curtail Covid-19’

tained ICMR approval for a real- COVID-19 approved by ICMR
time PCR-based diagnostic as- and it will be useful for specific
say. Felicitating the team of and affordable high throughput
researchers on Friday, the testing. This assay can be easily
Union Human Resource Devel- scaled up as it does not require
HANS NEWS SERVICE spraying of Sodium Hypochlorite and regis- People should contact the call centre of health opment Minister Ramesh up their research and innova- fluorescent probes.
ters of household surveys conducted by heath department for their medicinal needs, he Pokhriyal Nishank said the team tion initiatives on Covid19. The team is targeting large
Suryapet: Special O�cer for Covid-19 to department sta�. added. He also suggested the people that they of scientists from IIT-Delhi in- Appreciating the e�orts of the scale deployment of the kit at af-
Suryapet district Sarfaraj Ahmed asked the The Special O�cer directed the o�cials must wear masks and maintain social dis- volved in the development of IIT-D, Pokhriyal said that the fordable prices with suitable in-
people to cooperate with the o�cials in the concerned to arrange iron mesh at all con- tance to bring normalcy in Suryapet at the COVID19 probe –free Real-time Ministry of HRD is extremely dustrial partners as soon as pos-
implementation of lockdown to end the coro- tainment areas in the town to stop public earliest. PCR Diagnostic Kit. proud of its all institutions, re- sible. The research team headed
navirus in the district. movement during lockdown. He said that the Sarfaraj Ahmed informed that police pa- He said that Prime Minister searchers, academicians, faculty by Prof.Vivekanandan Perumal
Along with District Collector Vinay Kr- State government paid special attention on trolling vehicles have been pressed into action Narendra Modi has invited sci- members and students who are includes doctoral research
ishna Reddy and SP Bhaskaran, he inspected Suryapet, which recorded more Coivd-19 to control public movement in containment entists, students and re- working tirelessly in the time of scholars Prashant Pradhan,
containment areas of vegetable market, In- cases. He told he people not to come outside areas. He was accompanied by Municipal searchers to come forward to complete lockdown, to bring out Ashutosh Pandey, Praveen Tri-
diramma Colony and Kothagudem bazaar on as the entire town was declared as Red Zone Special O�cer Venugopal Reddy, Municipal combat COVID19. In response solutions to the problems arising pathi, Dr.Akhilesh Mishra,
Friday. He checked the facilities provided to and assured them not to worry as corona pos- Commissioner Ramanujula Reddy, Welfare to this clarion call, all the pre- out of the outbreak of Covid19. Dr.Parul Gupta, Dr Sonam
the people of restricted zones, sanitation, itive patients are recovering comfortably. O�cer Srinivas and others. mier institutions under HRD Further, he highlighted the ef- Dhamija, Prof.Manoj B.Menon,
Ministry came to the forefront forts of IIT-Delhi in developing Prof.Bishwajit Kundu, Prof.
and have done a commendable a testing kit at a very low cost for James Gomes of IIT-Delhi.

TS Guv confers with Mentally-challenged

minor raped
ICMR to take up
rapid testing in TS
university registrars HANS NEWS SERVICE to assess spread
Hyderabad: In an utter act of HANS NEWS SERVICE
disgrace, a mentally-challenged
14-year-old girl was kidnapped Hyderabad/New Delhi: ICMR
and raped by four persons at (Indian Council for Medical
Qutbullapur under Dundigal Research) has decided to con-
PS limits. duct rapid antibodies test in
According to city police, the Telangana to assess the spread
mentally challenged girl had a of the coronavirus in general
fight with her parents on Tues- population and also the trend
day night and left the house. of seroprevalence ( number of

Asaduddin Owaisi hands over

The parents assumed that she persons in a population who
Hyderabad: Governor Dr Tamil- The Registrars said they had will return home by morning test positive for a specific dis-
isai Soundararajan reviewed with directed NSS programmers and because she had done the same ease based on serology (blood

safety kits to Hyd top cop

the Registrars of all the State uni- volunteers to address this pan- before. serum) specimen) against the
versities, the conduct of online demic situation by providing However, as she did not re- infection in the country. Also, a
classes, through a video confer- masks and other amenities to the turn on Wednesday, the par- Hyderabad company was given
ence held on Friday. needy people. ents filed a complaint. the Centre's go-ahead to create
The Registrars stated that they Appreciating the e�orts of uni- “Upon receiving the com- HANS NEWS SERVICE partment. After the conclusion place under any circumstances, a drug for immunoglobulin
were conducting online classes versities in conducting online plaint, we started searching for the event, the Commissioner if not we will be forced to take treatment of Covid-19 patients.
and around 70% to 80% are the classes to the students, the Gov- the 14-year-old and after two Hyderabad: MP Asaduddin noted, “As the holy month of strict action by booking cases It is learnt that this company is
students were attending classes ernor advised them to conduct days of hard work, we found her Owaisi on Friday handed over 350 Ramzan is starting from Saturday, against them.”“The lockdown owned by son-in-law of TRS
online, and the remaining could some competitions to stimulate on Friday. We took her to the safety gear kits to the police com- I convey my wishes to the Muslim has been reaping fruits since last MP, Ranjith Reddy.
not be present due to connectiv- innovative ideas in the young and PS and informed her parents. missioner of Hyderabad, Anjani community.” He further added, few days and the next 15 days are When contacted about
ity problems as they were living fertile minds on the current crit- As soon as her parents ap- Kumar. Each kit contained 10 “I also want to urge every Mus- more crucial. So it’s very impor- ICMR's rapid testing decision,
in rural and remote areas. ical situation. She also advised peared in front of her, she re- masks, 10 gloves and a sanitizer lim brother to celebrate the fes- tant that every Muslim brother Telangana health department
Around 80% to 90% of the syl- them to instruct all the students vealed the dastardly act com- bottle. In another program the tivities of Ramzan by staying at shall remain at home and coop- o�cials stated that they are not
labus for PG students and 70% to to download the Aarogya Setu mitted on her by the four men employees of M/s Keka Company home and by maintaining social erate with the government and aware of any such decision
80% syllabus for UG courses had app for to keep safe from the pan- from the same locality,” said the in Madhapur contributed 6000 distance. Muslim brothers police in defeating the deadly Meanwhile, a lab technician
been completed, they informed. demic. Inspector, A Venkatesham. sanitizer bottles to the police de- should not get together at one virus,” stated the o�cer. from government hospital in
Gadwal was found to be Covid-

Eatala warns house-owners Covid-19 taught India to

19 positive. However, no doctor
Plasma therapy from a government hospital has
tested positive so far in the
for Covid patients state.

become self-reliant: PM
from Monday HANS NEWS SERVICE staying as tenants in their to collect her belongings to

Continued from P1 Hyderabad: Health Minister

houses. This follows a fresh in-
cident wherein Dr Snigdha, an
move to Gandhi hostel. She
along with other junior doctors Tra�c cops ignore
Elaborating on plasma
treatment permission, Eatala
Eatala Rajender had warned of
serious action against house
orthopaedic junior doctor from
Gandhi hospital was threat-
called on Health Minister
Eatala Rajender in Koti on Fri- Continued from P1 at its level, every state has to be
anti corona
said that he spoke on this issue
with Union Health Minister
owners threatening and abus-
ing health care professionals
ened by her house owner. She
was also abused after she went
day and apprised him of the sit-
The prime minister said skills
and knowledge of people are put
self-reliant at its level and the
whole country has to be self-re-
Harsh Vardhan in video con- to test during the time of a cri- liant at its level,” he said. Every
ference held on Friday. sis, but India's villages have dis- gram sabha, every block and Hyderabad: A few police per-
Eatala further informed Moon sighted, Muslims to Human vaccine played the best of their efforts every district need to be self-re- sons are neglecting the anti Co-

trial begins
that KCR had himself inter- to fight the pandemic. Notwith- liant for its basic needs, he rona operations in Hyderabad
vened and spoke to the firms
manufacturing PPEs and N 95
begin fasting from today standing the limited resources
at its disposal, India has taken
Modi said the government
on the roads and concentrating
on taking photos of passing by
masks to meet the one lakh re- Continued from P1 cials, social and religious leaders, Continued from P1 the challenge proactively and worked hard in trying to pro- vehicles on the pretext one or
quirement as the Centre was In Kerala and some parts of imams on adherence to the lock- Granato is joined by cancer re- showed its resolve to move for- vide self-sufficiency to villages other trivial reasons.
just giving a few thousand each Karnataka, the moon was sighted down and social distancing guide- searcher Edward O'Neill as the first ward with new energy and new and making gram panchayats A tra�c constable at
time. Eatala informed that he on Thursday. There was no rush lines during Ramzan. He ex- two candidates – one of whom has ways, he said. stronger. "With its simple Musapet Y Junction barricade
had constituted a panel to to the mosques or on streets as pressed confidence that Muslims been injected with the Covid-19 The prime minister was in- mantra of Do Gaz Ki Doori was seen holding a camera and
analyse each of the 25 deaths Muslims quietly welcomed the will adhere to the lockdown and vaccine being trialled and the teracting with gram panchayat (maintaining distance of two taking photos of passing vehi-
due to Covid-19 in Telangana holy month with a prayer on their social distancing guidelines. On other a control vaccine which pro- heads and members to mark yards), rural India has de- cles on Friday. When asked
so far. Only a few have died lips for the safety of their loved the COVID-19 lockdown restric- tects against meningitis. Panchayati Raj Divas on Friday. scribed social distancing in sim- why he was taking the photos,
solely a�ected by the virus ones in the wake of the pandemic. tions during Ramzan, Naqvi said They will now be monitored for The programme was scheduled ple words, villages have show- he said that he was taking them
while a majority of them had People greeted each other on no Muslim wants to stay away 48 hours to observe the impact of to be held in Jhansi, Uttar cased the best of their for violation of general tra�c
co-morbid conditions that de- phone and made preparations at from mosques in this holy month, each. Scientists will then gradually Pradesh but was held by a video principles, traditional values to rules.
teriorated their health further home for sehri (meal before be- but everyone has resolved to win start injecting further volunteers, bridge following the coron- fight coronavirus," Modi, who The constable who was sup-
once they tested positive, he ginning of fasting). With the lock- this battle against coronavirus. healthy individuals aged between avirus-induced lockdown. used a 'gamcha' as face mask, posed to stop the passing vehi-
said.Eatala took objection to down in place till May 3, this will Prominent Muslim body 18 and 55, in a similar half-and-half "This pandemic has thrown said. cles at the barricade and check
private hospitals in districts be a Ramzan without the usual Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind on Monday process – with none of the partici- at us new challenges and prob- In his concluding remarks, whether they were allowed to
shying away patients coming gatherings at prayer time and dur- appealed to Muslims to adhere to pants aware which vaccine they lems which we have never imag- Modi stressed that there was a travel and to check their iden-
with respiratory issues. He ing meals. All imams, Ulema and the lockdown guidelines and per- have been injected with. ined, but it also taught us a very need to ensure that people get tity cards and passes, simply
said that not all respiratory Muslim organisations in the coun- form all religious rituals during “Personally I have a high degree good lesson with a strong mes- correct information and are not continued his photo shooting
problems can be considered as try have unanimously decided Ramzan, starting later this week, of confidence in this vaccine," said sage. It has taught us that we swayed by rumours and misin- spree allowing the vehicles to
Covid-19 and hence private that during Ramzan, Muslims will staying inside their homes. Jamiat Sarah Gilbert, professor of vacci- have to be self-reliant and self- formation. go unchecked.
hospitals should see such pa- not congregate in mosques, reli- Ulema-e-Hind president Maulana nology at the University of Ox- sufficient. It has taught us that He said well-cooked food While the tra�c police at the
tients taking due precautions. gious places and perform all ritu- Arshad Madani urged Muslims to ford's Jenner Institute, who is lead- we should not look for solutions should be consumed. He also barricades set up at various
He also said that no directions als like 'Iftaar' (breaking of fast) o�er prayers, including special ing the research. "Of course, we outside the country. This is the said certain spices and home- places have been strictly en-
were given to private hospitals and 'Taraweeh' (special prayers) 'Taraweeh' at home. Ramzan is have to test it and get data from biggest lesson we have learnt,” made 'kadha' (an ayurvedic forcing the anti Coronavirus
or clinics to stop OP services at home keeping in mind social the ninth month of the Islamic humans. We have to demonstrate he said. home remedy) are good to de- operations with true spirit, few
or general consultations. “We distancing norms. calendar during which Muslims it actually works and stops people “Every village has to be self- velop immunity. He stressed of them have been ignoring
only asked private hospitals to Minority A�airs Minister worldwide refrain from eating and getting infected with coronavirus sufficient enough to provide for that a body with strong immu- real purpose of their present
defer their elective surgeries,” Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi said he has drinking from dawn to dusk and before using the vaccine in the its basic needs. Similarly, every nity can help remain strong and duties and engaged in other ac-
he added. spoken to state waqf board o�- end their fast in the evening. wider population," she said. district has to be self-sufficient healthy. tivities.
6 EDIT ����������������������������������

������������������ Italy. Then he further improved the glass and turned

it towards the sky to find four moons orbiting Jupiter.
Are we at the cusp of one such moment now? We had
Swine Flu, Ebola and now corona in a decade or so.
Role of citizens in the
war against corona
He went on convincing the court officials for further Virus has become a scourge for humanity. Of course,

��������������������������� funds impressing them with his 'discoveries'. You can

call this government-science nexus. Science always
needed support of the rulers that be or powers that
it has got to thank the same humanity which has lost
its direction in its mad run to "modernise" itself and
in its quest for comfort. All the world has grown - if

D oes coronavirus give us an opportunity to make

the best out of it despite its devastating effect on
be. Thus was born Royal College of Chemistry to focus
on researching in the field to benefit the nation and
we call it growth - in a certain fashion destroying na-
ture first and then heaping inequities on itself en-

humanity and its economy? Undoubtedly, it does.

Mankind has always faced problems, issues, tragedies
and disasters either man-made or nature inflicted
its rulers' ambitions. Laboratory after laboratory
came up and university after university got engrossed
in research. Electrification, telegraphy and expansion
riching some offering them a great care and comfort
and denying others of basic existence and its needs.
What has corona got to offer us because it has proved
O ne of the core functions of any government is
to protect its citizens from external aggressions
as well as internal disturbances of all kinds. In India,
and yet, its spirit triumphed over such lows of the civ- of railways and large-scale production of steel were to be a great leveller as never before? As we cannot like many other democratic countries, the govern-
ilization. This has resulted in the development of a the signature developments of an era often called the anyway keep these viruses at bay, best as we may try, ment is expected to shield the citizens from the pres-
field what is called science and it has benefited hu- second industrial revolution that began around 1870. the only other alternative is to insure ourselves ent pandemic created by a nano-sized RNA virus
manity immensely. Sometime in late August of 1609, And so standard units evolved and developed into against the ravaging nature. Research is the only way Covid-9.
the Italian astronomer, Galileo Galilei, is said to have fine measures of today. Electromagnetism and ther- humanity can protect itself. Let the governments After creating havoc in many parts of the world,
written to his brother-in-law about some fast chang- modynamics began tackling challenges of transat- spend more on health, including India. No one would all eyes are now focused on India, where morbidity
ing events of the summer. Galileo had, just then heard lantic communications, electrical standards, ocean question if funding in some areas is cut. Spend more and mortality due to virus is so far, contained up to a large extent, in
of a spy glass invention, and soon announced his own navigation and steam power etc. Competition began on free healthcare. Let each tehsil in the country have spite of the size and complexities of our country. Thanks to our leader-
version that grabbed the eyeballs of the Venetian sen- between individuals and among nations and indus- modernised hospitals and enough staff to handle ship both at the Centre and the States levels, and much-maligned public
ate which summoned him to demonstrate the same. trialists realised the power of such inventions and them and future eventualities apart from fully health delivery system, we are able to o�er a formidable challenge to
Galileo did so and was immediately awarded a hefty grabbed the opportunity to convert science into tech- equipped primary health centres. A paradigm shift Covid-19. The committed frontline health warriors, despite challenging
salary for a job for life at the University of Padua in nology and thereof into commerce and flourished. is needed. working conditions, have won the hearts of people.
As a supporting measure to break the chain of transmission, a na-
tionwide lockdown is being enforced since March 24, 2020. Considering

Lessons to learn from S Korea, Sweden

all related aspects, sooner than later, this lockdown has to be either
partially or fully relaxed. Again, such relaxation has to be on the basis
of the zonal status of the area. Whether the same trend of infection or
mortality will prevail after lifting the lockdown is the moot question.
During the lockdown, we in India have witnessed public responses
least 10,000 people daily and re- ranging from the insanity to the most responsible one. It would be per-
IN MY OPINION sults were delivered in three tinent to mention that the Indian psyche barring the Opposition, con-
days-time. It also went in for an- siders their government omnipotent and next only to the omnipresent.
other novel method of testing However, every government has its limitations. The bigger is the crisis,
known as drive-thru testing wider the gap between the expectations of the citizens and deliverables
sites and took up about three produced by the government. This leads to dissatisfaction among people.
lakh screening tests. This helped There are busy bodies to further aggravate the situation and thus, ham-
them in tracking the location of per the relief work done by already overstretched public resources.
the infected persons and pre- During crisis time, scoring of few brownie points whether on political,
V RAMU SARMA vented the spread of virus. In- religious or any other ground needs to be avoided. Even the most pow-

formation sharing was another erful governments of the world are finding the going tough. So, we have
hile several countries tool they had e�ectively used. to put all hands on the dock. Learning from the experiences, what is
across the globe have The government publicly re- going to make the real di�erence?
gone in for total lock- leased information about the lo- It is the disciplined citizen who, as a force multiplier, shall determine
down to prevent the spread of cation of infected individuals the fate of India. Thus, there is imminent opportunity for citizens to
Covid-19, South Korea is being and their movements around become the part of the solution, enabling the country to e�ectively tie
seen as a role model which had the country but never released over the crisis. In addition to scrupulously following the instructions,
succeeded in flattening the the names of infected measures. various groups of citizens can contribute their might in a number of
curve without going in for lock- Such geographic information ways to tackle the present pandemic. In addition to be a citizen, all of
down and without having to had kept those who pass through us perform di�erent roles in society. Some of us are professionals, sci-
shut down the economy. Sweden those areas to take necessary entists, traders, workers, and others involved in production of goods
is another country which also precautionary measures. The and services. If nothing else, all of us are consumers. Those of us working
chose not to go in for lockdown main lesson one should learn on the research, preventive measures and treatment methodologies
but has been able to contain the from Korea is that transparency etc. should keep abreast with latest developments. In addition, those
spread of coronavirus. helps. of us running facilities needs to plan and implement required medical
It is not that people of South The government in a swift infrastructure, human resources, drugs and other supplies especially,
Korea or Sweden were not wor- move closed schools and univer- keeping in view surge capacity under di�erent scenarios. Many of us
ried about the outbreak of the sities and made use of face can get involved in providing relief and social security to needy. Fol-
virus. But what made the di�er- masks compulsory and can- merce has not been a�ected. Ex- lowing lockdown and other directions of the public authorities becomes
ence was the way they handled celled all public events. Massive Sweden is another country which had not gone in perts say that this has helped in very important in preventing further spread and containment of virus.
it and the discipline that was ex- campaign to maintain hygiene for lockdown. Nothing has changed in Sweden. building herd immunity and To have realistic optimism is the key to live in turbulent times. Before
hibited by the people in those was taken up. The government there has been no panic situa- the pandemic, there were inequities, which got further accentuated in
countries. In fact, that is what made best use of media in prop- Schools are open, cafes, restaurants, bars, tion. They know this is not a dis- the society. Depending on which strata one comes from, physical, emo-
we in India need to follow. agating on the need for social playgrounds, gyms are open. Movement of vehicles ease that can be stopped or erad- tional and economic capacity to withstand crisis varies from person to
Soon after coronavirus cases distancing while the law enforc- icated unless a vaccine is person. Let us extend our helping hand to fellow human being by show-
started multiplying in China, ing authorities ensured strict on highways continues uninterrupted. All that the produced. The only solution is ing compassion, saying no to hoarding and profiteering; and following
South Korea which had learnt a compliance of the WHO guide- government had done was to urge the citizens to act to keep the spread of infections our dharma.
lesson from previous epidemics lines in the streets. The govern- at bay. The di�erent kind of tra- (The writer is former Chief Secretary, Government of Telangana)
like Severe Acute Respiratory ment also made sure that sup- responsibly and maintain social distancing. The ditions they have and the im-
Syndrome-related coronavirus plies of masks etc do not government has asked people to work from home, mense faith the people have in
(Sars) and Middle East Respira-
tory Syndrome (MERS) that oc-
disappear from the shelves and
that their prices are not in- but this restriction was also minimal. Public
gatherings have been limited to 50 and those above
the government as well as the
self-discipline which they have India’s lower death rates
defy coronavirus trend
curred in 2015 from another creased. been exhibiting has helped Swe-
type of coronavirus and took im- The self-discipline exhibited den to do things in a little di�er-
mediate measures to handle the by people in South Korea is also 70 years have been advised to be extra cautious and ent manner. One thing is certain
situation. It adopted the policy something that needs to be se- avoid contact with other people. No marking has that the coronavirus must sub-
of testing, tracing and treating. riously pondered over by many side sooner or later but what ALEXANDRA ULMER & SUMIT KHANNA
People too responded with high- countries like the US and Asian been made to enforce social distancing as we see people in countries like India
est level of discipline such as
willingness to follow social dis-
tancing for greater good. This
countries including India. Not
just South Korea, even Hong
Kong and Singapore had expe-
here in India. The advantage Sweden has is that
people have high faith in their government. The
should learn is the kind of disci-
pline which people of South Ko-
rea and Sweden had displayed.
P arts of India have recorded dramatic falls in mortality rates after a
nationwide lockdown was imposed to fight the new coronavirus,
suggesting there has not been an undetected surge in virus-related
helped South Korea not only in rienced outbreaks of virus in the country is sparsely populated and most of the If people who had attended the deaths. All over the world, mortality rates are being scrutinised to de-
containing the virus but also past and they learnt lessons Jamaat had shown this kind of termine the true impact of the coronavirus, which emerged in China
helped in continuing its eco- whereas countries like the US households are single person households. discipline, India too would have late last year and is known to have infected more than 2.7 million people
nomic activity. During Sars and and India missed. Even when They also do not kiss or hug been in the list of countries globally, with nearly 190,000 deaths. While death rates in some countries
MERs, lack of tests to detect the the number of cases has been which had flattened its graph of have risen sharply in recent weeks, in India the opposite seems to be
disease forced many infected rising across the country, we spread of the coronavirus. We happening, at least in some places, leaving hospitals, funeral parlours
people to travel all around cities hesitate to use the masks and we advantageous position though Public gatherings have been lim- have been witnessing across the and cremation sites wondering what is going on.
in search of a medical centre to still do not follow the guidelines they cannot escape the impact ited to 50 and those above 70 country how the law is being vi- "It's very surprising for us," said Shruthi Reddy, chief executive o�cer
perform the testing. Following of WHO in letter and spirit. The of global recession. years have been advised to be ex- olated with impunity despite of Anthyesti Funeral Services, which operates in Kolkata and the south-
this, a law was enacted that the high-level discipline displayed Sweden is another country tra cautious and avoid contact massive campaign by the Central ern tech hub of Bengaluru.
government would take up im- by the people of South Korea en- which had not gone in for lock- with other people. No marking and State governments which The company handled about five jobs a day in January but has only
mediate action to approve test- abled the country to hold elec- down. Nothing has changed in has been made to enforce social had complicated the issue to had about three a day this month. "We've declared employee pay cuts if
ing systems in case of health tions to regional assembly with- Sweden. Schools are open, cafes, distancing as we see here in In- some extent. The kind of disci- revenue falls below a threshold," Reddy said.
emergency. out any spread of corona cases. restaurants, bars, playgrounds, dia. The advantage Sweden has pline and social distancing being Other numbers tell a similar story.
As coronavirus started staring The country now has manufac- gyms are open. Movement of ve- is that people have high faith in witnessed in rural areas and Central Mumbai, home to some 12 million people, saw deaths fall by
at Korea, they took up mass pro- turing capacity of 100,000 test hicles on highways continues their government. The country tribal areas is missing in urban about 21% in March compared with the same month of 2019, according
duction of tests and had set up kits and can give results within uninterrupted. All that the gov- is sparsely populated and most areas. Let us hope that in the post to municipal data. Overall deaths plummeted 67% in Ahmedabad, the
free testing sites across the hours. ernment had done was to urge of the households are single per- corona period, the Central gov- biggest city in Prime Minister Narendra Modi's home state of Gujarat,
country which helped all sec- As South Korea did not im- the citizens to act responsibly son households. They also do ernment will come with certain over the same period. Data from at least two other cities, along with ac-
tions of the society irrespective pose shutdown, economic activ- and maintain social distancing. not kiss or hug. laws where greater focus would counts from state health o�cials, show a similar pattern. Half a dozen
of economic status to get free ity did not come to a grinding The government has asked peo- Like South Korea, Sweden has be laid on compulsory insurance funeral businesses and crematoriums also reported slumps in business,
tests done. It had created neces- halt as in case of many countries. ple to work from home, but this also become a role model to and people will realise the need especially in April. "If we're not seeing an increase in deaths, the suspi-
sary infrastructure to test at This has helped them to be in an restriction was also minimal. many countries where com- for imbibing great discipline. cion that there may be more COVID-19 fatalities out there is not true,"
said Giridhar Babu, professor of epidemiology at the Public Health

Foundation of India.
Modi imposed a lockdown of India's 1.3 billion people on March 25
Spraying disinfectants in a bid to stop the spread of the coronavirus, which has infected some
on people harmful 23,077 people, killing 718 of them, according to the latest figures.
India has tested about 525,000 people, meaning some 4% were pos-
Salary cut of employees
gross injustice I t was disturbing to watch the video clip, which shows
authorities using tunnels to sprinkle disinfectants on
people. There are many areas in cities, towns, and even
itive. In the United Sates, about 18% of tests are positive, according to
the COVID Tracking project. India’s apparently lower death rates stands
in contrast to what has been seen elsewhere.

W ith reference to the Central government's decision

of freezing of Dearness Allowance to Central gov-
ernment employees and Dearness Relief to the pension-
villages in India that are using tunnels to spray disin-
fectants on people. This despite the advisory against
spraying disinfectants on people, citing its physical and
The Netherlands recorded about 2,000 more deaths than normal in
the first week of April, for example, while in Indonesia's capital of
Jakarta the number of funerals rose sharply in March.
ers till July 2021, I, being an employee of public sector, psychologically harmful e�ects. They should reach ad- Some towns in Italy also saw a jump in recorded deaths.
would like to put my viewpoints. The attack on workers ministrative bodies in all levels immediately and people Indian doctors, o�cials and crematorium employees suspect the
in one sector will not complement in the other sector. must be made aware of the risks of such procedures. lower death rate is in large part attributable to fewer road and rail
Two negatives cannot make a positive in this case. When Also, the Central government should have classified ar- accidents. "Road accident cases, and even patients with alcohol or
we, as part of extensive working class of the country, are eas in States as red, orange I and II and green zones only drug abuse, stroke and heart attacks have been coming in fewer num-
hit by the government in the name of austerity measures, to assess the case and not for any lockdown relaxation. bers," said Dr Himanta Biswa Sarma, Health Minister for Assam.
we can imagine the fate of larger segment of unorganised It’s time to stand united Dr N Khaleel, KPHB Colony, Accidents on India's chaotic roads killed more than 151,400 people
working class, which is being a�ected worse. Here, the
public sector is headed by the government whereas the
private sector, by the profit mongering corporates or
I fully endorse the views expressed by Neelima Jana-
pareddy from Visakhapatnam in these columns. Yes
when we face disaster, we should forget our di�erences.
Hyderabad in 2018, according to o�cial data, the world's highest absolute num-
ber. The coronavirus lockdown, which is due to end on May 3, will
cut road deaths by at least 15% this year compared with 2018,
capitalists. When public sector itself hits its workforce, All should be united in our fight against the adversity. Screen vendors for coronavirus Paresh Kumar Goel, a director at the Ministry of Road Transport &
owners of the private sector cannot remain silent. They
will further intensify their attacks. Whenever we feel
that we are deprived of some rights, we normally start
Health workers, delivery boys, police, bank sta�, pharma
people, the truck drivers - all are struggling to serve the
society to ensure that we survive, overtaking the deadly
V endors are handling, transporting and selling all
commodities such as vegetables, water, milk, medi-
cines, etc., and it is not known whether they are tested
Highways, said.
With passenger trains halted, fatalities from all-too-common rail
accidents have also plunged. In Mumbai alone, for example, more
thinking in our own perspective, rather, we need to put virus. If the virus is a monster, we should prove that we or not. We cannot rule out the possibility of the conta- than half a dozen people typically die every day on the rail network.
legs in the shoe of the lower grade workers or employees are giants, we are tough optimists. This is the lesson we gious Covid-19 attacking any of them. Citizens under Neeraj Kumar, who is in charge of a crematorium on the banks of
of our own sector, who are severely/badly a�ected. In- are learning during our lifetime. I am sure we will cross lockdown period going out for purchase of daily needs the holy Ganges river in Uttar Pradesh, said victims of crime were
stead of comparing with a�ected people around us in over the pandemic successfully. Let us take an oath that are susceptible to be a�ected as the transmission mode also not being brought in. "We used to get at least 10 accident-related
other sectors, we must raise our voice in their support we learn to lean on selfless service, concern for fellow may be caused through men, material or money. I appeal bodies every day and many related to murder cases. But after the
too. Since, a worker is a worker, whether in private sector beings, altruism, imbibe empathy and establish solidar- the governments to look into this vital aspect. lockdown we're only receiving natural death cases," Kumar said.
or public sector or organised or unorganised, we must ity, as humans. Let us turn the adversity to human pros- N Ramalakshmi, The site used to perform up to 30 cremations a day but in the month
be always vigilant about this working class perspective. perity. Let us see God in every human. Let us have lofty Secunderabad since March 22, only 43 people had been cremated, Kumar said after
If we, being the workers/employees in salaried segment, ideals and noble thoughts. leafing through the crematorium's record book.
don't raise voice against such attacks, then who will? Kantamsetti Lakshman Rao, Seethammadhara, But the lower rates might also reflect di�culties in reporting deaths
Giridhar, Nagole, Hyderabad Visakhapatnam during the lockdown, o�cials said.
WhatsApp group helps airlift ailing
‘Why not shelve bullet train?’ Cong IT professional from UK to Kerala
battling coronavirus, instead of sus- own expenses and shelve the Cen- Thiruvananthapuram (IANS): thing was accomplished in a from a terminal illness and the
pending the multi-million crore tral Vista redevelopment and bullet A Delhi-based WhatsApp matter of two days. family wanted to reach Kerala.
bullet train project and the Central train projects to save money to be group consisting of Keralites "We got in touch with a Their efforts were successful
Vista beautification project," Rahul used to fight the coronavirus out- led by a former judge and a for- mayor in the UK, Tom Aditya with the involvement of many,
Gandhi tweeted this evening. On break. "The government of India, mer Union Minister played a and then permission was including Alphons and it hap-
Thursday the centre stopped a hike instead of helping people by giving key role in airlifting a Kerala sought from a few departments pened during the Covid lock-
in dearness allowances and reliefs them financial support in this cri- IT professional from a UK hos- from Delhi. The Kerala govern- down times, not a mean
for all government employees.In a sis, is hurting them. Instead of cur- pital to one in Kozhikode in an ment also agreed and every- achievement, by any chance,
notification on the subject the gov- tailing its own wasteful expendi- air ambulance that arrived on thing was done in a flash. We people have applauded.
ernment said the move will help tures, the government is cutting the Friday. were told they did not want The patient, his wife and
save Rs 37,350 crore in financial money of the middle-class people," The WhatsApp group is any sort of publicity. According their young child landed in
years 2020/21 and 2021/22. A sim- he told an online press confer- known as Distress Manage- to original schedule, they were Kozhikode after couple of
New Delhi: Noting that it was "in- Vista redevelopment projects to ilar move will save states Rs 82,566 ence.The government on Thursday ment Collective and was supposed to land tomorrow, stops for refuelling. A sum of
sensitive and inhumane" to freeze save money for the coronavirus crores, making for a combined sav- froze inflation-linked allowance for formed 50 days back. It is led but they arrived today at Rs 1 crore was collected
dearness allowance, the Congress fight.It is an insensitive and inhu- ing of Rs 1.20 lakh crores, the noti- its 1.1 crore employees and pen- by retired former apex court Kozhikode airport," said through crowd funding with
on Friday said instead of "hurting" mane decision of the government fication said. sioners, a move states are likely to judge Kurian Joseph. Alphons. the company also chipping in
the middle-class employees and to cut DA (Dearness Allowance) of Congress chief spokesperson replicate, helping save a combined Speaking to IANS, K.J. The 36-year-old IT profes- for airlifting him. The patient
pensioners, the government should central employees, pensioners and Randeep Surjewala asked the gov- Rs 1.2 lakh crore that could be used Alphons, presently an Upper sional, working with UST is now admitted to a private
shelve bullet train and Central soldiers serving the public while ernment to curtail 30 percent of its to combat the coronavirus crisis. House member said that every- Global in the UK, was suffering hospital at Kozhikode.

WHO reports five-fold WB Guv accuses Mamata

of appeasing Muslims
increase in cyber attacks Kolkata: The confrontation between the
West Bengal government and the Raj Bha-
Geneva (IANS): The World Health Organisation (WHO)warned van escalated further on Friday with Gov-
that the number of cyber attacks against it ernor Jagdeep Dhankhar accusing Chief
was now more than five timesof that di- Minister Mamata Banerjee of "explicitly ap-
rected at the UN body in the same pe- peasing" the minority community. Refer-
riod last year.Saying in a statement ring to Banerjee's Thursday letter to him
issued Thursday, the WHO said where she accused him of "repeatedly in-
thatthis week, some 450 active or- terfering" in the functioning of her govern-
ganization email addresses and pass- ment, Dhankhar said the chief minister's outburst is an alibi strategy
words wereleaked online along with to cover up "monumental failures" in tackling the COVID-19 pan-
thousands belonging to others working demic in the state.
on the novelcoronavirus response, reports Urging the TMC supremo "to shun politics and confrontational
Xinhua news agency."The leaked credentials did approach", Dhankhar said her conduct is only compounding the
not put WHO systems at riskbecause the data was not recent. How- miseries of the people of the state. Your communication is part of
ever, the attack did impact an olderextranet system, used by current the alibi strategy that emanates from a script that seeks to cover up
and retired sta� as well as partners,"it said.The organisation said monumental failures in these challenging times by a series of blun-
that it was now migrating a�ectedsystems to a more secure au- ders," the governor said in his second letter to Banerjee after her
thentication system.WHO said that scammers impersonating in Thursday letter set o� acrimonious exchanges between the two con-
its emails have alsoincreasingly targeted the general public in order Kanyakumari Medical College stitutional functionaries.
to channel donations to afictitious fund and not the authentic Hospital Deen Suganthi Rajakumari "Your appeasement of the minority community was so explicit
COVID-19 Solidary Response Fund.WHO asks the public to remain gi�s fruits to a pa�ent who and awkward on the Nizamuddin Markaz incident. This is most un-
vigilant against fraudulentemails and recommends the use of re- recovered from COVID-19, during fortunate and cannot be appreciated," he said, referring to an event
liable sources to obtain factual informationabout COVID-19 and the na�onwide lockdown to curb where Banerjee was asked to comment on the Tablighi Jamaat con-
other health issues. the spread of coronavirus, in gregation in the national capital
Kanyakumari district

5 riot accused test positive New study to test if nicotine

patch may keep corona at bay
Bengaluru (IANS): As many as
116 riot case accused had been
from Ramanagara district jail to Paris (IANS) R:esearchers in that nicotine could help prevent
the sprawling Haj complex France aim to test if nicotine the virus from infecting cells or
(bhavan) in the city centre after patch could help prevent that nicotine was preventing the
5 co-accused tested coronavirus COVID-19 after initial observa- immune system from overreact-
positive, a senior Karnataka Po- tions showed that an ingredient ing to the virus.
lice officer said on Friday. in tobacco, probably nicotine, "In order to prevent the infec-
"Of the 121 accused, 116 who could put smokers at a lower risk tion and the retro-propagation of
tested negative have been of getting the disease. the virus through the CNS ( cen-
shifted to Haj Bhavan in the city The researchers are awaiting tral nervous system), we plan a
from the district jail after the approval from French authorities therapeutic assay against Covid-
remaining five tested positive A policeman stands guard as people to start clinical trial of nicotine 19 with nicotine (and other nico-
on Thursday to prevent other maintaining social distancing wait in a queue patch on hospitalised patients tinic agents) patches or other de-
inmates from getting infected," to enter a vegetable market during ongoing and the general population at the livery methods (like
DCP (West) Ramesh Bhanot COVID-19 lockdown in Jammu Pitie Salpetriere hospital. sni�ng/chewing) in hospitalised
told reporters here. The initial study conducted at patients and in the general pop-
Ramanagara, about 50km where three Tablighi Jamaat re- tant Commissioner of Police and JD-S leader H.D. Ku- Pitie Salpetriere, part of the ulation," proposed researchers
southwest of Bengaluru on the turnees tested positive and (West) Krishna Kumar told maraswamy, however, objected Hôpitaux de Paris, found that from Hopitaux de Paris, Paris
state highway towards Mysuru, their 58 primary and secondary IANS that the accused were to lodging the accused in the daily smokers have much lower and Pasteur Institute, Paris in a
has been a green spot with not contacts have been sent to a lodged in the district jail, as the Ramanagara jail, as the district probability of developing symp- study which is also published in
a single coronavirus case till quarantine centre in the city, central jail in the city's south- was a green spot and not a tomatic or severe SARS-CoV-2 Qeios.
date. they were subjected to COVID- ern outskirts was crowded and hotspot like Bengaluru and My- infection as compared to the gen- As the pandemic of COVID-19,
The inmates were arrested 19 test, in which five had tested the authorities did not want to suru. Ramanagara is a bastion eral population. caused by the severe acute respi-
and remanded to judicial cus- positive and 116 negative," said risk. of regional opposition party According to the results, only smoked. In the French popula- ratory syndrome coronavirus 2
tody on April 21 for allegedly at- Bhanot. Of the five positive "As Ramanagara jail is closer Janata Dal-Secular (JD-S) from 4.4 per cent of about 350 coron- tion, the daily smokers rate was (SARS-CoV-2), is still under pro-
tacking healthcare warriors and cases, two were shifted on late to the city and spacious to ac- whose Assembly segment Ku- avirus patients hospitalised were 25.4 per cent, said the study pub- gression, the identification of
rioting at the containment zone Thursday night and three on commodate so many accused, maraswamy has won three regular smokers and 5.3 per cent lished in the journal Qeios. prognostic factors is a global
in the city's southwest suburb Friday post-noon after the jail they were lodged there in sepa- times and which is currently of 130 homebound patients The researchers also theorised challenge.
on April 19. "As all the accused authorities received their test rate cells," Kumar said. represented in the lower house
are from the containment zone results earlier in the day. Assis- Former state chief minister by his wife Anita.
Washington: Sunlight, heat and solar light appears to have on
humidity can create conditions
‘Peak Indian killing the virus both surfaces and

Arnab gets 3-week protection from SC

that are less favourable for the in the air. We have seen in a sim-
spread of coronavirus, a public
health o�cial of the Trump Ad- summer can ilar e�ect with both temperature
and humidity as well where in-
ministration has said. The results creasing the temperature and hu-

New Delhi (IANS) The

should be no restraint on
the media. "I am averse to
ures should be taken on
FIRs registered against
issue directions asking
for a restraint order on
of a just concluded scientific
study conducted by the Science
curb virus midity or both is generally less
favourable to the virus,' Bryan
Supreme Court on Friday imposing restrictions on him in Maharashtra, Goswami from making and Technology Directorate of said.
granted three weeks pro- media," said Justice Telangana, Chhattisgarh such statements. Senior the US Department of Homeland The deadly coronavirus which
tection from arrest to Re- Chandrachud making an and Madhya Pradesh advocate Kapil Sibal, Security, announced during a has so far killed more than
public TV editor-in-chief oral observation. and union territory of representing Maharash- White House news conference on 188,000 people globally and in-
Arnab Goswami in con- The apex court ordered Jammu and Kashmir. He tra government, sug- coronavirus, could be good news fected 2.6 million, "is dying at a
nection with multiple transfer of case registered contended that action gested the Nagpur FIR for India in its fight against much more rapid pace just from
FIRs against him in vari- at Nagpur to Mumbai the April 21 show, and against him is an attempt could be transferred to COVID-19. "Coronavirus dies at exposure to higher temperatures
ous states for alleged hate where investigations will asked senior advocate to curb free speech and Mumbai. The court ob- a much more rapid pace when ex- and just from exposure to humid-
speeches and for defama- continue in the case Mukul Rohatgi, repre- the Freedom of Press un- served that it intends to posed to sunlight and humidity. ity,' he said referring to the study.
tion of Congress Presi- against Goswami, and senting Goswami, to club der Article 19 (1) (a) of protect the petitioner The virus dies the quickest in di- "We know that summer-like
dent Sonia Gandhi. probe in all other cases all FIRs and complaints, the Constitution. from the day and permit rect sunlight. Isopropyl alcohol conditions are going to create an
A bench headed by Jus- and complaints has been and bring them on record. Senior advocate Vivek him to move anticipa- will kill the virus in 30 seconds," House reporters in the presence environment where the trans-
tice D.Y. Chandrachud stayed. Also, there would Goswami, in the peti- Tankha, representing tory bail application be- Bill Bryan, the Under Secretary of President Donald Trump. mission can be decreased. And
and comprising Justice be no investigation into tion, urged the top court Chhattisgarh govern- fore the trial court or the of Homeland Security for Science "Our most striking observation that's an opportunity for us to get
M.R. Shah observed there fresh FIRs arising out of that no coercive meas- ments, urged the court to High Court. and Technology told White to date is the powerful a�ect that ahead," Bryan said.

Woman cop puts duty above one-and- half-year old son

New Delhi (IANS): The ginning of her married life, she Police job. She also faced from home. He is supporting They say that we are proud
COVID-19 crisis has brought faced opposition to the police taunts that she should leave her by taking care of the child. that our daughter-in-law is in
out the best in many persons, job from her neighbours and the job." "He is actively helping her police and serving the people,"
who have shown extraordinary distant relatives. The DCP said that when taking care of the child while the DCP said.
zeal and courage despite sev- However, the nationwide COVID-19 hit India, her neigh- his wife is doing daily picket Thakur said that being a
eral odds. Among them is lockdown announced by Prime bours suggested that she duty at one of the busiest pick- frontline warrior, this change
Mausam Yadav, a 26-year-old Minister Narendra Modi on should take leave and sit at ets, Ahimsa Sthal in the after- of attitude has also helped Ya-
Delhi Police constable, who March 23 to combat the spread home but she resisted. noon," he said. dav perform her duties in a
leaves her one-and-a-half- of COVID-19 has changed the "She told her detractors, I The o�cer pointed out that better manner.
year-old toddler at home to minds of the people around have worn khaki to serve the Yadav takes all the precautions The role of Delhi Police dur-
perform her duty at a tra�c in- her including her family. people and if I don't perform while performing her duty and ing the nationwide lockdown
tersection in south Delhi's Speaking to IANS, Deputy my duties now, then when will "masks and gloves have be- has been appreciated by the
Mehrauli. Commissioner of Police I do it," the DCP said. come part of her uniform now." citizens, as it has been provid-
Yadav, who got married (South) Atul Thakur said, "Af- Thakur added that after the "Seeing her persistence and ing medicines, rations, cooked
three years ago, joined the ter marriage she faced stigma lockdown her husband, who is commitment now her family meals and other help to people
Delhi Police in 2014. In the be- from some quarters about her in the private sector is working and friends are proud of her. in distress and need.

NYC death toll reaches 16,388
New York (IANS): As deaths in
New York City from COVID-19 Study reveals 1.9mn infected Cases in China’s
has reached 16,388, a study has
shown that at least one in five
Hubei drops below
persons or 1.9 million there may
have had the disease.
50 for 1st time
Governor Andrew Cuomo said Wuhan (IANS): The number of con-
on Thursday that based on sam- firmed COVID-19 cases in Hubei
ple anti-body tests the study con- province dropped to below 50 for
cluded that 22.1 per cent of the
city's 8.6 million residents had
the first time since the pandemic
originated in its capital Wuhan last Indian school in Dubai gives free
had COVID-19.
That would work out to 1.9
December, a health official said on
Friday. As of Thursday, no new
access to CBSE textbooks
million, although o�cially only confirmed or suspected cases had Dubai (IANS): An Indian High School in Dubai has given its students
263,460 confirmed cases have been reported in the province for free access to Central Board of Secondary Educa�on (CBSE) textbooks
been reported. the 20th consecutive day, said Mi and learning resources online for the en�re dura�on of this term
The discrepancy points to Feng, spokesperson for the Na- amid the coronavirus pandemic, it was reported. The school has of-
about 1.5 million having had a tional Health Commission, at a fered to provide 100 per cent free access to CBSE textbooks and
milder attack or not having any press conference in Beijing. Ac- learning resources in digital form at no addi�onal cost to all our stu-
symptoms or not sought treat- cording to the commission's daily dents for the en�re dura�on of this term, the Khaleej Times quoted
ment or testing. report, Hubei had 47 confirmed the Indian High School group of schools' CEO, Punit MK Vasu as say-
A significant outcome of the cases of COVID-19 on Thursday. Mi ing on Thursday. The term for Indian curriculum schools begins from
study is that the death rate from also said all the COVID-19 patients end of March to June. In a le�er to parents, Vasu said: "This will pro-
the disease is much lower than in serious condition in Wuhan have vide significant financial relief as no costs will need to be incurred on
the 6 per cent with the lower been cured. the physical purchase of any CBSE textbooks for this en�re term." The
number of o�cially reported The last patient in serious condi- school will take a decision on the physical purchase of text books and
cases coming down to about 0.5 tion in Wuhan was cured on Friday, the con�nua�on of digital text books in September, depending on the
per cent using the higher number reducing the number of such pa- prevailing health situa�on, explained Vasu.
of cases from the study. eases having had it gives immu- and put some caveats. The peo- However, the wide prevalence tients in the city to zero, the
At the same time, the study nity, scientists say it may also ple tested were outside their of COVID-19 in the city's popu- spokesperson added. As of Friday,
points to higher risks from the
large number of silent carriers of
happen with COVID-19 but it has
not yet been definitively proven
homes and were not those iso-
lated at home the results could
lation may indicate that the dis-
ease was circulating in the city
China reported 83,884 coronavirus
cases with 4,636 deaths, much less
NASA engineers build low-cost ventilator
the disease unknowingly spread- scientifically. vary between the two groups. "So much earlier. that other countries, including the Washington (IANS): NASA engineers
ing it. Unlike the test used to di- The study was based on 3,000 we have to analyse that, what Although the total number of US which now accounts for the have designed a new low-cost high-
agnose if a person has COVID- samples collected from 40 loca- does that do to the numbers," he cases and deaths continue to highest number of infections and pressure ven�lator tailored specifi-
19, the anti-body test of the blood tions like shops around the state said. O�cially, the first COVID- climb, the pandemic appears to fatalities in the world. cally to treat COVID-19 pa�ents. The
shows if a person has had had the over two days starting on Mon- 19 case in New York City was be ebbing as the number of new device, called VITAL (Ven�lator Inter-
disease by looking for anti-bod- day While sharing the results confirmed on March 1 when a cases reported is coming down, nounced that the state had gone ven�on Technology Accessible Lo-
ies produced by the body to fight during his briefing, Cuomo said healthcare worker who had trav- despite a small spike on Wednes- beyond the plateau and COVID- cally), passed a cri�cal test on April
it. While in the case of many dis- the findings were preliminary elled to Iran tested positive. day. On April 18, Cuomo an- 19 was declining. 21 at the Icahn School of Medicine at
Mount Sinai in New York -- an epicentre of COVID-19 in the United

US FDA approves plasma therapy

States, NASA said on Thursday. The device now is under review for an
emergency use authoriza�on by the US Food and Drug Administra-
Covid-19 not manipulated or constructed: WHO �on (FDA), the US space agency said. VITAL is designed to treat pa-
�ents with milder symptoms, thereby keeping the na�on's limited

trial, Amazon grants $2.5 million

Geneva (IANS): All available evidence to date suggests that the novel coronavirus has a supply of tradi�onal ven�lators available for pa�ents with more se-
natural animal origin and was not a manipulated or constructed virus, the World Health vere COVID-19 symptoms. The device can be built faster and main-
Organisation (WHO) said. "Many researchers have been able to look at the genomic tained more easily than a tradi�onal ven�lator, and comprises far
features of SARS-CoV-2 and have found that evidence does not support that SARS-CoV-2 fewer parts, making it more economical to produce, NASA said. De-
is a laboratory construct," said the global health watchdog, stressing that if it were a New York (IANS): The US veloped by engineers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in
constructed virus, its genomic sequence would show a mix of known elements, but "this health regulator Food and Southern California, the device was designed to use parts currently
is not the case", reports Xinhua news agency. The novel coronavirus was identified in Drug Administration (FDA) available to poten�al manufacturers but not compete with the exist-
early January and its genetic sequence shared publicly on January 11-12, the WHO has granted approval to the ing supply chain of currently made ven�lators.
noted. Columbia University to
According to the world health body, the full genetic sequence of the novel coronavirus launch clinical trials to de-
from the early human cases and the sequences of many other viruses isolated from hu- termine whether blood
man cases from China and all over the world showed that the novel coronavirus has an plasma from COVID-19 sur-
ecological origin in bat populations. Although the intermediate animal host has not vivors can be used to prevent
been identified, the WHO said, all available evidence indicated the novel coronavirus infections in high-risk indi-
has a zoonotic source. To better understand the source of the outbreak in China, a num- viduals.
ber of investigations are currently underway or planned. Dr W Ian Lipkin, director
As of Friday morning, the global number of coronavirus cases stood at 2,708,470, with of Columbia's Center for In-
190,788 deaths. fection and Immunity, is
leading the study in collabo-
ration with colleagues.
"We appreciate the FDA's
approval of this trial, which
has the potential to help us
protect courageous frontline individuals who recovered test plasma for its capacity to 79% cases in Pak caused
healthcare workers and first from viral infections has neutralise SARS-CoV-2 and
responders during this cri- been used to treat influenza, will measure its impact on by local transmission
sis," Lipkin said in a state- measles, MERS, Ebola, and virus replication and shed- Islamabad (IANS): As the number of coronavirus cases in Pakistan
ment. SARS. Small scale studies in ding, using molecular tests. has increased to 11,155 with 237 deaths, the Na�onal Command and
Amazon has made a $2.5 China have suggested that The studies will be ran- Opera�on Centre (NCOC) has revealed that 79 per cent of these in-
million grant to fund re- convalescent plasma may be domised to ensure that re- fec�ons were caused by local transmission. As the nature of the in-
search at Columbia Univer- e�ective in preventing and sults provide an accurate as- fec�on has undergone this change, the government has decided to
sity Mailman School of Pub- treating COVID-19. sessment of the potential introduce track and trace system under which random tes�ng of peo-
lic Health. In recent years, the Centre value or risk of plasma ther- ple will start in a few days, reports Dawn news. At least 253 health-
"The study is a critical first for Infection and Immunity apy in preventing or treating care providers and medical workers have been infected with coron-
step in understanding if (CII) team at the University COVID-19. avirus in Pakistan so far, according to data issued by the Na�onal
plasma donated from has helped to reduce the im- A total of 450 individuals Emergency Opera�on Centre. Based on the report which has data up
COVID-19 survivors can pro- pact of numerous pathogens, will receive either convales- un�l Wednesday, 124 doctors, 39 nurses and and 90 health workers
vide e�ective preventative including viruses that cause cent or normal plasma: 150 have been infected by the virus in the country, Dawn news reported
care for frontline healthcare respiratory diseases, hemor- health care workers at Co- on Friday. Ninety-two of these healthcare providers are in isola�on,
workers and those at high- rhagic fever, or neurodevel- lumbia University Medical 125 are admi�ed in hospitals while 33 have recovered and have been
risk of poor outcomes from opmental damage in hu- Centre (CUIMC), 200 close discharged. As of Friday, Pakistan recorded 11,429 cases, with 237
the disease," Amazon said in mans, such as SARS, MERS, contacts of COVID-19 pa- deaths. Meanwhile, Pakistan has launched a $595 million funding ap-
a statement. Lujo, Ebola, and Zika. tients at CUIMC, and 100 peal, in collabora�on with the UN and its partner organisa�ons, for
According to the FDA, In CII's Biosafety Level 3 COVID-19 patients in the mee�ng the country’s urgent needs in the fight against the COVID-19
plasma with antibodies from (BSL-3) lab, researchers will ICU at CUIMC. pandemic and tackling its socio-economic impact.

NYC to provide 5,00,000 free halal meals during Ramzan

New York (IANS): New York City that about 2 million people in the pay income taxes will have their
will provide 500,000 free halal city's population of 8.6 million are payments delayed because they
meals for Ramzan, according to "food insecure" and could go hun- have to go through a process to
Mayor Bill de Blasio. gry. apply for them.
Announcing the programme, de "That's a horrifying number," Many New Yorkers will find it
Blasio said on Thursday: "One of he said. di�cult to make ends meet even
Ramzan's most noble calling is to The city expects to distribute 10 with federal aid and unemploy-
feed the hungry, it is a crucial part million free meals in April and 15 ment insurance because of the
of how the holiday is celebrated, million in May, the Mayor said. city's high cost of living.
to remember to be there for those Besides running the "grab-and- The state has banned evictions
in need." go" centres, the city is also deliv- of tenants for 90 days to ensure
Since mosques that provide ering meals to the homebound by that those unable to pay rent will
meals for the poor to break their employing thousands of taxi and not be out a home.
Ramzan fast are not able to func- online hail service drivers who De Blasio estimated that
tion because of the COVID-19 re- have become unemployed be- 5,00,000 New Yorkers have lost
strictions, the city will ensure they cause of the coronavirus shut- their jobs.
will get halal meals, he said. down. "Think about folks who just
The halal meals will be a part of The federal government is giv- weeks ago couldn't have imagined
a wider free meals programme run ing $1,200 to all adults and $500 not having enough food to eat and
by the city to help all those impov- to children, but illegal immi- now they're struggling to find it,"
erished by the massive loss of jobs grants, who are a sizable number he said.
due to the COVID-19 crisis. in the city, are not eligible for US censuses are prohibited
De Blasio said that although the them. from asking questions about reli-
halal meals will be available Many of them work in the un- gion, but an organisation, Mus-
through the 435 distribution sites, organised sector and do not qual- lims for American Progress, esti-
32 of them in areas with large meals will be distributed directly meal packages have to leave im- organisations, he said. tributing kosher meals that con- ify for unemployment insurance, mated that there were 768,767
Muslim communities will be the by the city at its distribution cen- mediately and cannot eat there. Those who cannot leave their form to Jewish dietary regula- either. Muslims in the city making up
focus of the programme. tres known as "grab-and-go" sites Another 1,00,000 meals will be homes can request home delivery. tions. The poorer citizens and legal nearly 9 per cent of the city's pop-
He said that 4,00,000 halal because the people receiving the distributed through community The city has already been dis- De Blasio said that he estimates immigrants who do not have to ulation of 8.6 million.

Tamil Nadu journalist arrested
Chennai: A journalist based in Tamil Nadu
has been arrested for filing news reports, 2 wave of virus outbreak

in monsoon, warn scientists

which showed doctors comba�ng COVID-
19 were not provided with food and per-
sonal protec�ve equipment (PPE) kit by
the government hospital in
Coimbatore.The Coimbatore police arrested Andrew Sam Raja Pan-
dian, founder of a portal called SimpliCity, based on a complaint by
an official of the Coimbatore Corpora�on. The portal had detailed
how doctors working in the Coimbatore Medical College Hospital
New Delhi: The trajectory of
COVID -19 cases could have FIR against IAS
had to go without food for long hours and were not given PPE that
is needed for trea�ng COVID-19 pa�ents.
plateaued and might even fall
for some weeks after the lock-
officer Kannan for
down is lifted but India is likely
to see a second wave in late July
not joining duty
Goa CM returns to doctor’s role or August with a surge in the
number of cases during the
Mumbai: A police case has been
registered against Kannan
Panaji (IANS): Goa Chief Minster Pramod Sawant, who turned 47 monsoon, say scientists. Gopinathan, who resigned from
on Friday, spent a few hours volunteering with a team of doctors at The timing of the peak will the Indian Administrative Service
the North Goa district hospital in the Ma- depend on how India is able to (IAS) last August, for not joining
pusa town, a government health facility control physical distancing and duty as directed by the govern-
where he prac�ced 12 years ago. Sawant, on the level of infection spreads ment amid the coronavirus pan-
who is a Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine after restrictions are relaxed, demic.A first information report
and Surgery from the Ganga Educa�on So- they said. under the Epidemic Diseases Act
ciety's Ayurvedic Medical College in Kolha- “It looks apparent that the Locals commute in a crowded boat across and Disaster Management Act was
pur, Maharashtra, said, that he volunteered to assist the govern- trajectory of daily new cases Mahananda River during the na�onwide registered against him on April 21
ment hospital's out pa�ent department, to show support to the has reached a plateau and even- lockdown imposed to curb the spread of at Moti Daman police station in the
medical team figh�ng from the frontlines in the ba�le against tually it will take a downward coronavirus, in Ka�har on Friday Union territories of Daman and Diu
COVID-19."Serving the people has always been my passion and fall, maybe for some weeks or and Dadra and Nagar Haveli, police
source of immense sa�sfac�on. On my birthday today, I volun- even months,” Samit Bhat- tute of Science (IISc), agreed. lockdown is going to be a diffi- person is more than one. said.
teered to join the team of doctors at OPD of the District hospital tacharya, associate professor at "Looking at the new cases in cult decision to make,” said Once enough people are im- He is also facing a charge under
Mapusa," Sawant said in a social media post. the Department of Mathemat- the past few days, it seems the Sundaresan. mune there will be fewer peo- section 188 of the Indian Penal
ics, Shiv Nadar University, told growth of new daily infection is “It's clear that it's going to be ple susceptible to the infection Code for refusing to obey a gov-
PTI. “Still, we may get a surge much slower than earlier. This phased. What our team is fo- and the outbreak will die. ernment order, said police inspec-
Man beaten on suspicion, dies of new cases of the same coro-
navirus and this will be consid-
apparently indicates that we
might have reached at the
cusing on is to come up with
tools to help the decision mak-
However, when an outbreak
is brought under control by so-
tor Liladhar Makwana.
Gopinathan, who hails from
Thane: A 34-year-old man was allegedly a�acked on suspicion of ered a second wave,” Bhat- plateau of the growth curve,” ers assess the public health im- cial distancing and other inter- Kerala, had quit the service over
being a COVID-19 pa�ent and died a�er falling into a gu�er during tacharya explained. Bhattacharya said. pact of various choices,” he ventions, it is possible only a 'denial of freedom to the people
the assault in Kalyan town of Maharashtra's The second epidemic may “The lockdown is currently said. According to the experts, small proportion of the popu- of Jammu and Kashmir'.
Thane district, police said on Friday. The in- come back in late July or Au- upon us. It has given us valu- infectious diseases spread via lation will have been infected 'Based on a complaint by Su-
cident took place when Ganesh Gupta had gust in the monsoon, although able time. Let us test, trace, contact between infectious and and gained immunity, they said. perintendent of Personnel H K
stepped out of his home to purchase some the peak timing will depend on quarantine, isolate, practice susceptible people. In the ab- This means enough suscepti- Kamble, an FIR has been regis-
essen�als amid the COVID-19 lockdown, an how we control social distanc- better hygiene, search for a vac- sence of any control measures, ble people may remain to fuel tered against Gopinathan for not
official said. On no�cing some policemen manning the street, the ing during that time, he said. cine, etc. We should do these an outbreak will grow as long a second wave if controls are resuming his duty in the wake of
vic�m took an alternate route, where a few passersby assaulted Rajesh Sundaresan, profes- anyway, and these are being as the average number of peo- relaxed and infection is rein- coronavirus pandemic,' the police
him a�er he coughed while walking, he said. The men suspected sor at Bengaluru’s Indian Insti- done. When and how to lift the ple infected by each infectious troduced. officer said.
him of being a COVID-19 pa�ent and a�acked him, causing him to

Mamata govt fudges death toll

fall into a gu�er and die, the official said.
Case against 2 toddlers
9 Delhi returnee RPF personnel +ve for violating lockdown
Kolkata (IANS): Nine Railway Protec�on Kolkata: For the first time, Bengal has o�cially linked 57 Uttarkashi: The Revenue Police
Force personnel, who had gone to Delhi deaths to coronavirus. The state government revealed that A physically in Uttarkashi district of Uttarak-
before the March 22 janata curfew, have according to its death audit committee, 57 COVID-19 pa- challenged person hand has registered a case against
tested posi�ve for coronavirus infec�on, tients had died, but asserted that 39 of these were due to walks along a 51 people, including a 6-month-
a South Eastern Railway spokesman said co-morbidities. Only 18 of the deaths were because of deserted road old and a 2-year-old, for violation
on Friday. Those who tested posi�ve COVID-19, Bengal Chief Secretary Rajiva Sinha told the towards a ra�on shop, of home quarantine rules during
were admi�ed to a hospital by the West media. "Balance 39 deaths were due to comorbidities and during the na�onwide the lockdown.
Bengal government. The other members of the con�ngent are in COVID-19 was incidental," Sinha said. The revelation lockdown to curb the "FIR under Juveline Justice
home quaran�ne, the spokesman told IANS. They were part of the comes on a day the central inter-ministerial team asked spread of coronavirus, Act cannot be registered against those under 8 years of
28-member team from the SER Kharagpur division sent to bring for details on the death audit committee and raised ques- at San�pur in Nadia age. A probe will be conducted in the case," informed Dis-
some security equipment from Delhi. tions over Bengal's coronavirus figures. district, West Bengal trict Magistrate of Uttarkashi. The DM also said that dis-
The central team wanted to know if the committee, set on Wednesday ciplinary and suspension action will be taken against
up to certify deaths due to COVID-19, was recommended COVID-19 magistrate of the district for registration of a
1st test to cost `2,500 in UP pvt labs by the central government's Indian Council of Medical
Research. In a letter to the Chief Secretary earlier today,
ease" in Bengal. He also referred to the Bengal Principal
Secretary, Health, in his presentation yesterday, saying "if
case against the kids under Juveline Justice Act. He also
has sought a report in the case.
Lucknow (IANS): The first test for coron- the central team's head Apurva Chandra asked for records a COVID patient dies in a road accident, he cannot be said The country is under lockdown imposed to check the
avirus detec�on in any U�ar Pradesh pri- of all COVID-19 cases in which the death was attributed to have died of COVID". spread of coronavirus. The sectors providing essentials
vate lab will come for a maximum of Rs to some other cause by the committee. "The IMCT did not find the reasoning convincing as services have only been allowed to operate during the pe-
2,500, the Yogi Adityanath government has Chandra had also questioned the time taken by the com- there is no comparison between a road death and a death riod.And people can venture out of their houses only
given its approval. earlier the labs were mittee to take such decisions and "whether such a com- in a hospital due to a disease," Mr Chandra wrote to the when it is extremely necessary and to buy essentials.
charging over Rs 4,000. Principal Secretary mittee to ascertain cause of death exists for any other dis- Chief Secretary.
Health Amit Mohan Prasad, in an order, said: "The infec�on can be

Body lies unattended for 20 hrs

confirmed in a single step test. In such a situa�on, those who are
not coronavirus posi�ve will have to give only Rs 2,500." He said
that the ICMR did not set the fee for the single step test from the
kit, so all the private labs were charging Rs 4,500.

Mumbai: The bodies of two sus- lay was mainly because the other
10K private buses not willing to ply pected COVID-19 patients were
left unattended for several hours,
sta�ers were not ready to help
the attendant in wrapping the
Thiruvananthapuram (IANS): As and when one of them for nearly 20 hours, bodies as they were suspected
the present lockdown norms are li�ed, over in the isolation ward of a civic- COVID-19 patients.
10,000 private bus owners have decided to in- run hospital in Andheri, where "The bodies of COVID-19 pa-
form the Kerala government, that they will not other patients were present, tients need to be wrapped prop-
be opera�ng their buses, as strict social dis- sources said on Friday. According erly, which a single person can-
tancing norms will leave them reeling in losses. The bus owners to the sources, the hospital sta� not do without the help of others.
points out that even without any such norms, they are incurring was not ready to wrap the bodies But the other sta�ers were not
heavy losses and with this new scenario, they will be unable to op- due to the fear of getting infected. ready to help the attendant fear-
erate. Hence they will request the Transport Department to keep The hospital administration fi- ing that they might also contract
the buses in the garage and under the G Form applica�on, they will nally handed over the bodies to the infection," Dr Pinakin Gujjar,
not have to pay the road taxes also, as the buses will not be operat- their relatives on Thursday dean of the hospital, said. He
ing. State Transport Minister A.K.Saseendran said that their con- around 4 pm, they said. The in- clarified that there was no short-
cerns are genuine under the new circumstances. cident took place at the Dr R N 20 hours, while the other one for age of safety gear or material for
Cooper Municipal General Hos- about 10 hours. Several other pa- wrapping the bodies. The city has
pital. "The hospital sta� was not tients were present in the ward," so far recorded 4,232 coron-
4-month-old positive baby dies in Kerala ready to wrap the bodies. One of the sources said. avirus positive cases. Till now,
the bodies kept lying unattended Talking to PTI, the hospital ad- 168 patients have died due to the
Kozhikode (IANS): A four- in the isolation ward for nearly ministration claimed that the de- infection in the city.
month-old coronavirus posi�ve

Intense lockdown in Chennai

baby girl passed away at the
state-run Medical College hos-
pital here on account of heart Gambhir performs last Maha Minister
failure. This is a�er a six-month
old died in Chandigarh a day rites of domestic help Awhad tests -ve
ago. The baby was under treat-
ment at a private hospital from
April 17 to 21, at Manjeri in Malappuram district. Later she devel-
I ndia's World Cup-winning former opener
Gautam Gambhir performed the last rites of
his deceased domestic help after her mortal
Chennai/ New Delhi: Tamil Nadu has de-
clared an intense lockdown in five cities
from Sunday to break the chain of transmis-
not allowed to open during this period of in-
tense shutdown. Community kitchens, non-
profits, caregivers for elderly and di�er-
Mumbai (IANS): In a shocking de-
velopment, Maharashtra Housing
Minister Jitendra Awhad has
oped breathing problems and other issues when she was moved to remains could not be sent to her home in sion of the highly contagious novel coron- ently-abled are also allowed to function. tested COVID-19 positive, official
the state-run hospital here early on Tuesday. It was on Wednesday Odisha due to the coronavirus-forced national avirus, which has infected more than 1,600 Strict security measures will be in place, sources said here early on Friday.
that the baby tested posi�ve for Covid-19. It is not yet clear how lockdown. Gambhir, also a Lok Sabha MP from people in the state so far and killed at least strong measures will be taken to disinfect Awhad, along with a dozen of
she contracted the disease. The test results of her parents are ex- the BJP, posted a tribute on his Twitter page 20, Chief Minister Edappadi K. Palaniswami the containment zones. A case will be filed his family members had been in
pected later in the day. A very distant rela�ve of the baby was posi- for his employee Saraswati Patra, who was said this afternoon. A four-day intense shut- against those violating the shutdown and home quarantine since past 10
�ve, but there has been no reports of any contacts with the family working at his residence for the past six years. down has been declared in Chennai, Madu- their vehicles would be impounded, the days.
of the baby. "Taking care of my little one can never be do- rai and Coimbatore from Sunday 6 am, Chief Minister said today. Grocery shops The decision was taken as a pre-
mestic help. She was family. Performing her which will continue till 9 pm on Wednesday. which are usually permitted to remain open caution after one of his security
last rites was my duty," he tweeted. "Always In Tirupur and Salem, restrictions will be till noon, takeaways from restaurants would personnel had tested positive. The
40 AIIMS healthcare staff in quarantine believed in dignity irrespective of caste, creed,
religion or social status. Only way to create a
intensified for three days, starting 6 am on
Sunday till 9 pm on Tuesday, Palaniswami
not be allowed to restrict movement of peo-
ple and ensure social distancing. Earlier this
matter was first highlighted by
IANS on April 13.
New Delhi: At least 40 healthcare better society. That's my idea of India! Om said.Most COVID-19 cases in Tamil Nadu - week, Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke Earlier, the minister had tested
staff including doctors, nurses and Shanti," said the 38-year-old Gambhir, who one of the states worst hit by the coron- to Chief Minister Edappadi K Palaniswami negative, but a subsequent report
paramedics posted at gastroenterol- played 58 Tests for India between 2004 and avirus outbreak in the country - have been on the COVID-19 situation in the state as Mr on Thursday had come positive,
ogy department of AIIMS are under 2016. reported from these five cities. While Chen- Palaniswami sought more testing kits for alarming the state health author-
self-quaran�ne a�er a 35-year-old Media reports in Odisha said the 49-year-old nai alone has 400 cases, Coimbatore has 134 Tamil Nadu.India is under a lockdown since ities. The senior Nationalist Con-
male nurse detected posi�ve for Patra hailed from a village in Jajpur district. and Tirupur has 110. March 25 to tackle the spread of coronavirus gress Party was admitted to a hos-
COVID19. AIIMS authori�es said it She was admitted to Sir Ganga Ram Hospital a Only hospitals, pharmacies, state-run pandemic, which has killed over 700 people pital on Wednesday for further
was done as a precau�onary measure and a�er five days all 40 few days ago and was battling diabetes and shops providing essential services, govern- in India, infected more than 23,000. The tests. It's suspected that the Min-
healthcare staff will be tested for the virus. Contact tracing is also high blood pressure for a long period. She ment-run Amma canteens that provide food government on Monday eased restrictions ister may have unknowingly
being done. There have been 50 deaths in the na�onal capital, as breathed her last while undergoing treatment at subsidised rates, ATMs, restaurants o�er- in non-containment zones to give a boost to passed on the infection to several
per the Union Health Ministry. on April 21. ing home delivery, mobile vegetable and economic activity in line with PM Modi's persons who are now under treat-
fruit shops will be allowed. Other shops are call last week. ment.


Ramadan Kareem my
brothers and sisters.
Ramzan Mubarak


to ride a bike in a sari
Fashion designer Sunaina Khera, who launched her collection in Hyderabad recently, ctress Lara Dutta says she
was nervous to ride a bike
talks about her new collection ‘Hope’, how the idea came to her mind at the time of in a sari for a sequence for
her debut digital show.
Coronavirus and how she wrote a few keywords that brought her peace Lara led an all-women bike rally
in a traditional nauvari sari in the
particular sequence of the series,
ASKARI JAFFER urally to me. Someone very impor- Indian girl who has modern influ- "Hundred".

tant once told me, there shouldn’t ences. I want to stick to tradition "One of the best experiences
elhi-based fashion designer be a formula in design. And so, I but I also want to break free from for me as Soumya Sharma in ‘Hun-
Sunaina Khera already stopped doing that." it at the same time." dred' was riding a Royal Enfield
carved a niche for herself "Instead, I maintain a design With Coronavirus taking the motorcycle in a nauvari sari! It's
in the Indian fashion scene after journal, where I pen down world by a storm, she says, "My definitely something I've never
her debut at the GenNext show of my thoughts. I could tell company like others had to be shut done before! I used to ride bikes
Lakmé Fashion Week last year. She you how I was feeling down production. It was a hard call when I was a teenager but not
launched her ‘A Long Way Home’ when I made a collection but a necessary one. It is heart- since I moved to Mumbai," Lara
and ‘Dear Mom’ collections in Hy- or what was going on in breaking to be away from what I said. "It's been 20 years since I
derabad recently. She says, "There my life during one of my love doing most, but it was for the got onto a bike; so I was definitely
was never a moment in my entire previous collections. greater good of the community and nervous to get on the roads and
life when I didn’t want to pursue That comes very organ- the world. At home, I have been ride a bike in a sari. I had an op-
fashion as my career. Sure, when I ically to me. Of course, all trying to take it one day at a time. portunity to ride with these
was young, I was so taken up by the collections are deeply These aren’t my most productive women who were part of a proper
the glamour of it all. But as I grew Sunaina Khera ingrained with my sensibil- days and that’s okay. I think we are rider's group. They've ridden for entertainer, the show also stars
and enrolled in NIFT, I became ities and aesthetics. I design all beginning to realise that this a lot of di�erent causes and it was Rinku Rajguru.
aware of the amount of courage from experiences that somehow isn’t a productivity contest. It is fantastic. So, all of us were dressed It is co-directed by Ruchi
and hard work it really entails, but translate into clothes. That is my okay to take it easy, to sit back and in a nauvari saris and as part of Narain, Ashutosh Shah and Taher
that did not change my thoughts process. My collections are my sto- reflect." the show, we were celebrating Shabbir. The cast includes names
about what my future in fashion ries and parts of it will only ever be "I began working on my new col- gudi padwa at the police division like Karan Wahi, Sudhanshu
would look like. Lately, I have seen known to me," adds Sunaina. lection ‘Hope’. The idea came about that my character Soumya was Pandey, Parmeet Sethi, Rohini
and treasured my label as a com- On contributing to the fashion as I was writing down a few key- part of. It was so much fun! We Hattangidi, Arun Nalawde and
panion. I want to see it grow and industry, she says, "As I try and ex- words that brought me peace. As I literally stopped tra�c. It is cer- Makarand Deshpande. The eight-
have a firsthand experience of the plore traditional Indian silhouettes posted it on Instagram I thought tainly one the coolest thing I've episode series will launch on April
impact it creates." eternally grateful." and western occasion wear. Her of lehengas or other wedding outfits, of including our followers as well, done on screen in my life," she 25 on Disney+ Hotstar VIP.
On her debut last year, she says, On her recently launched col- design process has never been up- I realise that there is a huge gap to make it an interactive process. added. The show is about a terminally
"My experience at GenNext proved lection 'Dear Mom', she says, "Dear front or direct. Sunaina says, "I between these two types of attires. Soon, a lot of people began sending In the series, Lara will be seen ill girl looking for thrills, who is
to be turning point in my career. Mom was a tribute to my mother. have always been inspired by what That is where I belong. I am neither in their words and we all collectively as ACP Saumya Shukla. The Hot- hired to be an undercover agent
It’s a great platform to reach a wider I wanted to show her how special I feel inside, rather than what vi- traditional, nor modern, or a bit of created a mood board for the new star Specials show chronicles the by an ambitious female cop looking
audience. My mentor Sabina she is so every piece from the col- sualize outside. For a very long time both depending on how you care collection. It consisted of some misadventures of two contrasting for a promotion. It will tell their
Chopra taught me things that oth- lection had her essence." I tried to get inspired by things like to see. What does that make me? I meaningful words for all. From tur- women, set in the backdrop of story as they get together to ac-
erwise would have taken me much Sunaina’s trademark designs are nature, culture, etc, but over time am not asking to fit in a category moil, rises creativity," shares Mumbai, its chawls and crime complish their own goal in 100
longer to learn. And for that, I’m based on traditional Indian wear I realised that it doesn’t come nat- or be defined by a term. I am a free Sunaina. gangs. Being described as a masala days.

WORLD MALARIA DAY ‘Masks to be part of therapeutic QUICK TIP
O n World Malaria Day 2020, WHO
joins the RBM Partnership to End
Malaria in promoting “Zero malaria clothing line, fashion accessory’ JUMPSUITS, AND

starts with me”, a grassroots campaign
that aims to keep malaria high on the ith the coronavirus set to be around for some masks is that unlike any non-woven or poly ones, EVERGREEN
political agenda, mobilize additional re-
sources, and empower communities to
take ownership of malaria prevention
more time, masks could become part of the
wellness range of products, as well as a fashion
accessory, said entrepreneurs and a brand consultant.
they're free of any toxins and safe to breathe in. They
are reusable," Sata said.
The company has also provided care packages to
I t might seem like they are
taking a break, but they will
always find their way back
and care. We know that through country In the hosiery town of Tiruppur several textile units several daily wage workers who are struggling during into the clothing line. But, if
leadership and collective action, we can have started making masks to cater to the increasing the lockdown period. they do take a break, it’s never
radically reduce su�ering and death current demand as well as looking at the future export Sata said the demand for masks will be there even considered dated to wear
from malaria. Between 2000 and 2014, potential for global brands. after the lockdown is lifted and when people start going these.
the number of malaria-related deaths "I see it become a part of lifestyle," Uma Prajapati, to o�ce and other places, masks can be a fashion ac-
fell by 40% worldwide, from an esti- 50, an entrepreneur-cum-social activist, who built gar- cessory.
mated 743 000 to 446 000. ment company Upasana Design Studio in Auroville in Sata said in the coming days malls may not attract
But in recent years, progress has Tamil Nadu told. Upasana has launched reusable healing footfalls as before and online sales will increase.
ground to a standstill. According to masks made of organic cotton fabric as a part of its According to her, the company will soon launch
WHO's World malaria report 2019, there Therapeutic Clothing line. Prajapati said Upasana has lower priced products under a sub-brand - Fu Casa-
were no global gains in reducing new launched neem infused masks and silver grid masks. and also get into baby bedding products.
infections over the period 2014 to 2018. "Neem is well known for its detoxifying, anti-allergenic Concurring with the view that masks would become
And nearly as many people died from and calming properties. While neem's natural dye gives the immune system by eliminating the positive charge a fashion accessory brand expert Harish Bijoor told
malaria in 2018 as the year before. the mask's organic hand-woven cotton its characteristic of harmful free radicals in the air we breathe. On the "In the beginning the demand for masks will be by
yellow colour, it also carries this amazing plant's other hand Ami Sata, Founder, Amouve Bedding Private force/compulsion. Going forward while the focus on
ayurvedic properties right into the mask's fabric," Pra- Ltd, looks at the masks made of organic cotton fabric protection will continue to be there, masks will turn
japati said. becoming a fashion accessory. fashionable."
She said since ancient times, silver has been used as Amouve Bedding is into organic bath towels and He said it will be the trend globally. "Many textile
an anti-pathogenic, cleansing and energising agent. bedding products (pillow covers, bed sheets and others) units in Tiruppur have started making masks tar-
According to her, the mask made with a special and has donated through city based Agni Foundation geting different segments in the domestic market.
textile woven with a grid of silver thread creates an en- 3,000 three layered face masks made of organic cotton. They are also looking at export markets," Bijoor
ergetic protection field around the wearer's head. "We have the fabric and there was demand for masks said. Tiruppur is a major export hub for hosiery
Through its air-ionizing action, the grid also reinforces and we made the masks. The good thing about these products.

Across Down Manushi Chhillar: Supply free
Tempt astray (6)
Frenzied (8)
Tender, bid (5)
The messiah (5)
sanitary pads with ration to poor
8 Greatly surprises
someone ? (6)
'Father' in French (4)
Frighten (5)
F ormer Miss World Mansuhi Chhillar has urged Mumbai
governments to distribute sanitary pads along with daily
ration to the underpriv-
10 Musical study piece (5) 5 Pair (4) ileged.
Manushi lauds the
13 Stepped (4) 6 Fruit (6) government's decision
14 Stratagem (4) 9 Large tropical butterfly (6) to include sanitary pads
11 Old measure of liquid (3)
as essential commodi-
15 Large water jug (4) ties amid the COVID-
12 Defer or postpone (5) 19 crisis. However, she
16 Lopsided (3)
13 Tornado (7) explains that underpriv-
17 The name of a jewish family ileged women have be-
15 Little __ from Uncle Tom's
(4) come prone to severe
Cabin (3) risks due to shortage of
19 Quarry (4) 16 Benign tumour of the skin funds in the hands of
21 Princely state of India (9) (3) daily wage earners be-
cause of SARS-CoV-2 -
23 Pay as you earn in short (4) 18 Ousts or expels (6)
- the terminology now
20 Breathing sounds (5) being used by the med-

24 Cat's-paw (4)

21 British rule in India (3) ical fraternity to de-

26 Pilgrimage to Mecca (3) scribe the novel coronavirus globally.
22 Pull (3)
27 Masticate (4) "I'm hugely thankful that sanitary pads have been listed as
23 Stopped temporarily or hes- an essential commodity by the government of India during
29 Revise (4) itated (6) the SARS-CoV-2 crisis. However, we need to focus on how
32 Film actor (4) 25 Delve (3) women, especially from the economically handicapped strata,
can get pads free of cost. I also urge the governments of various
33 Custom or practice (5) 28 Seaport in NW Israel (5) states to kindly look into distributing sanitary pads along with
34 Home of St Francis (6) 30 He slew Goliath (5) daily rations to the underprivileged," she said.
31 Belief (5) Manushi backs Project Shakti, a non-profit programme,
35 He's on the run (8) that has joined hands with local women across India and has
32 Titles for aristocratic empowered them to make a living by educating them to make
36 A seaport in S Ukraine, on
males (4) biodegradable sanitary pads. The initiative works towards
the Black Sea (6) raising the awareness on menstrual hygiene among women in
33 Part of B.T.U. (4)
the local communities of these women.

Printed & Published by K. Hanumanta Rao on behalf of M/s Hyderabad Media House Pvt.Ltd and Printed at Survey No - 713/P, Near Sundara Chaitanya Ashram, Dundigal Village, Quthbullapur Mandal, Medchal Malkajgiri (Dist) - 500043
and published from Hyderabad Media House Ltd, Plot No.1042, Road No. 52, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad-500033, TELANGANA. Editor: V Ramu Sarma. RNI No: TELENG/2011/38858

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