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4) As regards the new rules to manage it, explain briefly how your TIF company can

follow them properly. Support your ideas with some examples from your corporate

TikTok is only in its growth stage, in a while it will arrive a point where the curve of new users
will flatten. Right now, it is best to invest in marketing, for example hiring celebrities to use the
app, as is normally done. TikTok unlike Facebook does not have that vision that absolutely
everyone should use the platform. To get to that point it takes years of growth and
overflowing wallets. At the same time, large investments in infrastructure are needed and to
assume a role of global leader (spend less). Imagine that TikTok invests large sums of money so
that the poorest villages in Africa have access to the internet and therefore to the app. The
result would certainly not be good (financially speaking). This is when investing less in IT is
related to don´t lead, follow the others. Facebook is capable of making such investment, since
its vision, like Google, is to provide the world with the internet at the lowest possible cost. It is
just a matter of market roles. It is already proven that people can consume more than one
social network at a time, therefore once these villages have the internet thanks to the other
companies, TikTok could land in these places without any risk or with minimal costs. The
ground would already be prepared.

Meanwhile TikTok must focus on keeping his guard up and attacking its vulnerabilities. By this
we mean to avoid mistakes that other applications have made in the beginning such as
YouTube. Unfortunately, the world is full of people with bad intentions, the biggest consumers
of TikTok are young, including minors. A very serious problem would be that TikTok is invaded
by pornographic content and pedophiles. To avoid this, you must have a powerful algorithm
and bots capable of analyzing the content thanks to artificial intelligence and taking immediate
action. In its beginnings YouTube lacked this so it almost cost a big piece of the market.

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