Job Shadowing

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Gillian Myers

Job Shadowing

May 5th, 2020

Job Shadowing

Job shadowing at the Acworth Health Park was one of the most unforgettable experiences

of my life. I job shadowed Dr. Mcgee and interacted with nurse Will, nurse Karen, and nurse

Sean, who showed me what it means to be a well-rounded doctor. I was able to take patient

histories and interact with the patient by hearing heartbeats and taking temperatures. Nurse Will

taught me how to calm young children when receiving a shot, which is a true life skill. It was

amazing to watch him turn a crying kid into a happy one. Nurse Karen is a very calm and

collected individual, who would reassure patients and parents. Nurse Sean is a lab technician

who runs the blood tests and gives the results for common diseases to the doctor to inform the

patient. It seemed like she had knowledge about everything and all the tests running and what

each of them meant. The skill I value the most is what Dr. Mcgee showed me; to ask questions

indirectly by putting it in ways everyone can understand. It not just doctor talk and using medical

terminology when asking the patients and parents, but more of asking how their average day and

normal eating habits are, and giving common examples. I loved learning new life skills that I can

apply in the future, and I hope I can job shadow for Dr. Mcgee in the future.

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