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Leach Block Volunteers (Citi-Def)

The Judged

Red Dragons

Peyote Kings

West Sector Gang Alliance

Ma-Ma Clan

Frendz Mob

The Angel Family were a violent gang of thugs from Texas City led by their father
"Pa". The gang live in a hideout in the Cursed Earth, the radioactive area that
used to be America. The Angel family were featured in the 1995 movie Judge Dredd.

The Ape Gang were a gang of suit wearing apes who had had their brain cells
modified after the great holocaust to give them the ability to speak. Don "Uggie"
Apelind was their leader with Fast Eeek and Joe Bananas were his henchmen.They
lived in the Jungle District of Mega City One and were enemies of the East Side
Mob. After attempting an ambush of the East Side Mob, they were captured by Judge
dredd and sentenced to live in Mega City Zoo

Bandidos were a group of thugs living in the Badlands outside the Luna-1 Oxy-dome.
They break in to the dome to attack work crews and travellers. They're led by Wild
Bill "Butch" Carmody

Boom, Nick & Zit were a gang of joyriders from Mega City One. All bald, each has
their name tattooed on their foreheads. After killing Judge Harkness in cold blood,
they were chased down by Judge Bryce who sentenced them to death. Before excecuting
them, though, Dredd stepped in and shot Bryce (as this is prior to excecutions
being legal)

Board of Directors worked for Hugh Howards and helped him capture children of the
top 20 industry heads.

Brotherhood of Darkness are the group of mutants that occupy the Mutie Mountains in
the Cursed Earth. They are scavengers of food and vehicles. They are led by a
mutant called Brother Morgar

Cosmic Punks took over Section 41 after Judge Cal tried to kill the whole City.
They were a band of bikers and thugs, most with extreme piercings. Their leader was
Gestapo Bob and his main henchmen were called Filetooth, who had filed his teeth
down to sharp points and Natch who wore a studded choker

Doomsday Dogs were a gang who followed Father Earth. They were previously the
Cosmic Punks before Judge Dredd Banished them from Mega City One

Exo Men were a gang of robbers who wore exo-skeletal suits intended for demolition

Kleggs were a hoard of alien mercenaries who were hired by the insane Judge Cal to
stop an uprising. They had the appearance of huge crocodiles and took payment in
only meat. Their leader was Grampus
The Mafia had taken over Las Vegas after the Great War and made th town into a huge
gambling den. They had even converted the Halls of Justice into a gambling hall.
They were led by "God Judge" Lucky Mutiano

The Neon Knights were an anti-robot group of hooded thugs. When they kidnapped
Dredd's robot, Walter, Dredd persude them, finally revelaing their leader, the
Grand Master to be a cyborg.

The Special Judiciary Squad (SJS) were a group of Judges intended to investigate
internal affairs of the Judges. However, they were core group of Judges hypnotised
by Judge Cal and subsequently did his evil bidding without question.

The Slay Riders were a band of thugs who used kidnapped aliens as slave labour in
the Cursed Earth. They used varioud large crawling aliens as transportation and
weapons such as electro-whips to discipline their slaves and napalm throwers to
attack Judge dredd and his team

Troggies are warped and mutated dwellers of the Mega City One Underworld. They
snatch Mega City One Citizens to work them as slaves

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