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CHS Portfolio

Personal Artifact
Future career interests (if known):
Medical field
Targeted soft skills you chose for this year:

1. Study skills
2. Comfort with technology

Description of Artifact (*The personal artifact maybe anything that demonstrates growth, skills,
interests, discoveries, and/or abilities from your experience this last year -- can be school-related
or not.)
I had a vocabulary test in History on the New Deal. It was a vocabulary test was on 11 words
relating to what we were leaning in New Deal. We had to take this test on our computers and
match the description of the word.

Why did you choose this as one of your artifacts?

I chose this artifact because I had to study for this test to pass it. The vocabulary test I had taken
before this test I would get 1-4 wrong on them Also, I finished early, the day before the test so I
was given a 21 out of 20. I was given an extra point for extra credit so I really got 20 out of 20.

How did your experience with this artifact change or impact you?
I choose this artifact because I usually do bad on the vocabulary tests, but this time I study and
even finished it early so I was given an extra point. This helps me realize that studying really has
impacts on my grades, it really helps me pass or even just do better in general.

Did you see growth in your targeted soft skills through the course of working on this artifact?
I saw growth because of studying I passed the vocabulary with 100%. Also, I could remember
the words easier than without studying. I usually struggle during the test because I don’t know
CHS Portfolio

the words, but with studying, I was able to finish the test in a
decent amount of time without complications.

Provide an example of how the skills you practiced or the knowledge you gained via this artifact
may also be used in a career in which you are interested.
When I’m in college I will need to study to pass the test, but always need to remember what
Iearn so when I go to work in the medical field I will know how to handle a situation because I
don’t want to make a mistake in the medical field because it may be permanent.

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