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CHS Portfolio

Personal Artifact
Future career interests (if known):
Occupational artifact
Targeted soft skills you chose for this year:

1. Study skills
2. Comfort with technology

Description of Artifact (​*The personal artifact may be anything that demonstrates growth, skills, interests, discoveries, and/or abilities
from your experience this last year -- can be school-related or not.)

For my Spanish final, I was supposed to take a written exam on what we learned for the 1st
semester that was worth 100 points. We had another exam, but this one was a verbal test. Our
teacher would ask us in Spanish and then we had to answer back in Spanish. I got a 98 on my
Spanish final and a 19 on my verbal test.

Why did you choose this as one of your artifacts?

I choose this artifact because I want to become bilingual in life. I think it will help me out a lot if
I want to work with patients that may not speak English. Also, I want to learn more about the

How did your experience with this artifact change or impact you?

It proved to me that study really does help me and helps me believe I can become fluent in
Spanish. I think this artifact help me realized it is possible to become bilingual and I’m closer to
it now than I was 2 years ago.

Did you see growth in your targeted soft skills through the course of working on this artifact?
CHS Portfolio

Yes, because now I know to study before a test and make sure
I understand what I’m learning. Also not procrastinate on study for my exam because I might run
out of time to study everything I need to know.

Provide an example of how the skills you practiced or the knowledge you gained via this artifact
may also be used in a career in which you are interested.
I study each section of the test a week before the test, so every night before the test I would
study. Each night I would study one section until I knew I understood it and then would move
onto another section. I study for 2 hours each night, a week before my exam.

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