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This area is important to me as it provides insight into my true comprehension

and can help to identify gaps in my knowledge. This also encourages me to examine my

own learning level of understanding as it helps me to identify area in which requires

improvement. I am not satisfied with my performance for this course, I believe that could

have done way better and I should have done better. On most of my quizzes I could

have done better if I had read more thoroughly. I realize that sometimes I am easily

distracted while reading articles, In the future my plan is to isolate myself from all

possible distractions, specifically my phone.

My strength in this course was my improvement on presentational skills, even

though it was not perfect I consider it as a strength for me. While presenting I felt that I

was in control and it gave a lot of confidence that I needed. I realized that making a

mistake in a presentation is not all that important, but it is how you choose to overcome

that mistake is important. I learned that it is important to fix your mistakes and move on,

in the past if I would make a mistake, I would instantly lose confidence and I have

learned to overcome it, this is why I consider my presentational skills my strength.

If I were to do this course over, I would make sure to read thoroughly at all times,

take notes that I can always go back to and review, get rid of all distractions. Not

reading thoroughly made me not understand the articles assigned to the fullest, so to fix

this I would read the article at least twice to make sure I really understand what the

article is talking about. Taking notes has been my biggest problem throughout this

course. I depended on my ability of memorization which has not been an advantage for

me all the time. If I had taken notes, I could have always reviewed my notes before my
class started so I could have a fresh view of what the assigned readings were all about.

The distractions which was my phone mainly and the television made me rush through

reading exercises and hinder me from doing my reading the right way to get a better

understanding and to fix this if I were to take this course again I would do my

assignments far away from my phone and television so that I can keep focus and get

my work done in the way that it should be done.

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