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I m a g i n g o f Od o n t o g e n i c

Shaza Mardini, DDS, MSa,*, Anita Gohel, BDS, PhD, FICDb

 Odontogenic infection  Osteomyelitis  Head and neck spaces  Cross-sectional imaging
 Panoramic radiography

 Odontogenic infections represent a common clinical problem in patients of all ages.
 The presence of teeth enables the direct spread of inflammatory products from dental caries,
trauma, and/or periodontal disease into the maxilla and mandible.
 The radiographic changes seen depend on the type and duration of the inflammatory process and
host body response.
 Imaging plays a central role in identifying the source of infection and the extent of the disease
spread, and in detecting any complications.
 The imaging modalities used can range from conventional radiography, cone-beam computed to-
mography, contrast-enhanced computed tomography, MR imaging, and nuclear medicine studies.

INTRODUCTION extension of these infections into the surrounding

maxillofacial spaces.
Infections in the jaws have diverse clinical courses The role of diagnostic imaging is to define the
and outcomes, as the origin and the spread of location of the infection and to explore for
these infections involve various tissues and possible spread of the disease beyond the site
anatomic spaces. Infection in the jaws and sur- of origin.3 Plain radiography still is an important
rounding structures may be odontogenic or nono- component of diagnosing dental caries and peri-
dontogenic in origin. Odontogenic infection is that odontal disease. Computed tomography (CT),
which arises from the tooth or structures closely including cone-beam CT (CBCT) plays an impor-
surrounding the tooth. Inflammatory lesions are tant role in detecting bony changes and perios-
the most common pathology condition of the teal reactions. However, CT is superior to CBCT
jaws.1 Infections from the teeth can directly spread in the assessment of soft tissue spread of infec-
into adjacent osseous and soft tissues. Imaging tions. Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging is the
plays a key role in identifying the source of infec- ideal imaging protocol to diagnose soft tissue in-
tions, the extent of the disease process, and fections due to the high spatial and contrast res-
detecting any complications.2 This article explores olution provided in these images. T1-weighted
the various odontogenic infections, including images are ideal for evaluating anatomy and
dental caries, periodontal disease, pulpal disease, short-T inversion recovery (STIR) or T2-weighted
pericoronitis, osteomyelitis, and the appropriate images provide information about soft tissue
imaging for their diagnoses, as well as the edema.4

There are no commercial or financial conflicts of interest for either author.

BeamReaders, Inc, 7117 West Hood Place, Suite 110, Kennewick, WA 99336, USA; b Oral and Maxillofacial
Radiology, ABOMR, College of Dentistry, The Ohio State University, 3165 Postle Hall, 305 West 12th Avenue,
Columbus, OH 43210-1267, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

Radiol Clin N Am - (2017) -–-
0033-8389/17/Ó 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 Mardini & Gohel

Dental caries occurs when there is loss of mineral
in the tooth structure caused by bacterial
by-products. Dental caries is a highly prevalent
disease affecting up to 92% of adults.5

The cariogenic bacteria that initially are at the
tooth surface create a demineralization of the
outer tooth structure and through that damaged
surface can enter the tooth. Caries is a dynamic
process with alternative phases of demineraliza-
tion and remineralization.6 The surface lesion
Fig. 1. Bitewing intraoral radiograph shows examples
may then progress to a larger lesion below the sur-
of carious lesions. The yellow arrows indicate incipient
face. Root caries that do not occur as a spread lesions that are limited to the enamel. The black
from coronal tooth caries may be the result of an arrows indicate caries into the DEJ and the white
oral environment lacking saliva to wash away the arrow indicates severe caries that has reached the
plaque and organisms; that is, drug-induced or pulp.
radiation-induced xerostomia. Caries affecting
the pulp chamber of the tooth will compromise Intraoral dental radiography is the most appro-
the pulpal tissues and will progress to an inflam- priate imaging modality for diagnosis of caries.
matory process within the root canal system and This includes periapical and bitewing radiographs.
eventually lead to the death of the pulpal tissues. The resolution of these radiographs allows for
Caries may also recur after dental restorations detailed analysis of caries progression as well as
have been placed where the margins are mal- analysis of the bone surrounding the tooth. One
adapted to the tooth surface and bacteria have a of the drawbacks of bitewing radiography is that
path to enter. it cannot differentiate between the clinical state
of the surface; whether it is intact or cavitated.7
Radiographic Findings
Initial demineralization of the tooth surface occurs
within the enamel as a cavitation or lucent zone
commonly on the interproximal surfaces of the
teeth. Caries that progresses below the surface
appears as a triangle shape showing the spread
from a larger base near the enamel surface and
narrowing to a point toward the tooth center. The
dentinoenamel junction (DEJ) is an important
radiographic landmark, as it marks where the
caries enters the dentin and then changes radio-
graphic shape. If caries is limited to the enamel
and has not reached the DEJ, it is called “incipient
caries.” As the caries encroaches on the dentin, it
spreads along the DEJ to create another wide
base that tapers to a point at the pulp. Larger
carious lesions may then spread in multiple direc-
tions, into the pulp and further into the root, and
are called “severe caries.” Fig. 1 shows the stages
of caries from simple demineralization of the
enamel surface to the larger caries extending into
the pulp. The pattern for root caries is an isolated
radiographic lucency on the root of the tooth supe- Fig. 2. CBCT sagittal cross section shows root caries in
rior to the crestal bone (Fig. 2). Recurrent dental the mandibular left premolars. These lesions appear
caries is common and will appear as a lucent scooped out and are located at or below the CEJ
area at the edge of the dental restoration (Fig. 3). and are usually associated with periodontal bone loss.
Imaging of Odontogenic Infections 3

structure. A variety of dental restorative materials

are available, including materials that range from
radiolucent to radiopaque. If the pulp is compro-
mised, then root canal therapy is indicated even
if there are no radiographic signs of apical

Periodontitis is a complex disease characterized
by infection and inflammation of the supporting
structures of the teeth.10 There may be localized
disease of the periodontium of a single tooth or
may be widespread and generalized throughout
Fig. 3. Periapical radiograph shows recurrent caries
(black arrow) under a previous restoration.
the dentition. It is characterized by the loss of
bone that supports the teeth.

Panoramic dental imaging may provide an overall Etiology

screening of any large carious lesions; however,
Periodontitis is preceded by gingivitis, which is the
smaller lesions will not be seen, as they have a
inflammation in the gingival soft tissues overlying
lower resolution compared with intraoral radio-
the bone. In the case of gingivitis, the bone is not
graphs. Caries can be seen on 3-dimensional
affected and therefore is diagnosed clinically, not
(3D) imaging of the jaws, such as CBCT; however,
radiographically. Gingivitis may then progress to
due to factors such as metal artifacts, recurrent
periodontitis where a pocket forms that allows
caries is very difficult to diagnosis on CT (Fig. 4).
for bacteria to move further into the tissues and
CBCT images may be more accurate in detecting
release toxins that can damage the tissues
occlusal and deep dentinal lesions but the in-
including bone, or they may cause a local host in-
crease in sensitivity correlates to a simultaneous
flammatory reaction that in turn may damage tis-
decrease in specificity.8
sues as well. Periodontitis is classified as either
chronic (localized or generalized), aggressive
(localized or generalized), a manifestation of sys-
Small cavitations that are confined to the enamel temic disease, necrotizing, or as abscesses of
may be remineralized with a variety of products, the periodontium and combined periodontic-
including fluoride and calcium phosphate treat- endodontic lesions. Both extrinsic and intrinsic
ments among many.9 Deeper dental caries reach- factors such as complex relationships between
ing the DEJ require removal and restoration with microorganisms in dental biofilm (plaque) and the
the preservation of the surrounding healthy tooth immuno-inflammatory response of the host, the

Fig. 4. CBCT cropped images

demonstrate the limitations of
caries diagnosis using this modality.
(A) A low-resolution CBCT image
with metallic restorations does not
allow for diagnosis of caries due to
artifact and lower-quality image.
(B) A higher-resolution CBCT image
with no metal artifact shows large
caries at the arrow. Diagnosis of
larger caries is possible on CBCT
with higher-quality images with
less artifact.
4 Mardini & Gohel

Radiographic Findings
Radiographically, normal crestal bone levels are
seen within 1 to 2 mm of the cemento-enamel
junction (CEJ) of the teeth (Fig. 5). The shape of
the crest may vary from rounded to flat. The radio-
graphic signs of periodontitis include generalized
shape change at the crest, crestal bone loss
(horizontal and/or vertical), widening of the peri-
odontal ligament (PDL) space, and bone loss in
the furcation space. Contributing factors to peri-
odontal disease may be identified radiographically
as well, such as presence of calculus, overhanging
restorations, tooth impactions, and dental crowd-
Fig. 5. Bitewing radiograph shows the normal level
ing. These may cause retention of plaque, which
of the periodontal bone, not more than 2 mm from
the CEJ.
creates a situation whereby gingivitis may occur
and may progress to periodontitis. Several
different modalities may be used to identify peri-
influence of genetic factors, environmental and/or odontal disease. Panoramic imaging may be use-
acquired conditions, such as smoking and other ful as an overall screening tool to evaluate the
systemic diseases contribute to the disease pro- general bone levels with respect to the dentition
cess.11,12 There are at least 16 diseases that may but will not provide detail of the dental alveolar
manifest periodontitis.13 relationship (Fig. 6). Periapical and bitewing

Fig. 6. Panoramic images demonstrate the periodontal bone levels in (A) normal and (B) a patient with general-
ized periodontal disease with furcation involvement (bone loss) in the molars (arrows).
Imaging of Odontogenic Infections 5

Fig. 7. Images show the use of bitewing and periapical radiographs for periodontal diagnosis: (A) a horizontal
bitewing demonstrating normal crestal bone, (B) a horizontal bitewing demonstrates periodontal disease, (C)
a vertical bitewing can be used if the bone loss is extensive and cannot be included in the horizontal bitewing
field of view, and (D) a periapical radiograph can be used to evaluate moderate to severe lesions that cannot
be completely evaluated on vertical bitewings.

radiographs have been considered to play an

important role for periodontal diagnosis and treat-
ment planning14 (Fig. 7). Bitewing radiographs are
the standard dental images used for evaluating the
crestal bone between the teeth due to the geome-
try of image acquisition being parallel to the
occlusal plane. This allows for an accurate view
of the relationship of the tooth structures to the
bone. Bone loss in the root furcation area is one
example of that relationship. Periapical images
help identify any disruption or widening of the
PDL space surrounding the tooth (Fig. 8). Three-
dimensional imaging such as CBCT at higher
resolution may provide both bone levels and
assessment of the PDL space; however, lower-
resolution scans may not be useful for evaluation
of the PDL spaces (Fig. 9). CBCT imaging provides
accurate analysis of furcation involvement,15,16
morphology of vertical bone defects, and root
morphology, which are important in treatment
planning and tooth prognosis.

Fig. 8. Periapical radiograph of the anterior mandib-
Periodontitis is a complex disease process and ular teeth shows widening of the lateral PDL space
treatment is dependent on the severity, location, (arrow). This appearance can be seen in cases of
and the prognosis of the teeth within the periodon- orthodontic movement, periodontal bone loss with
tium. Maintenance of healthy periodontal tissues mobility of teeth, and malignancy growing within
may involve a variety of treatments, including the PDL.
6 Mardini & Gohel

Fig. 9. High-resolution small field-of-view CBCT (A) sagittal cross section shows a widened periapical PDL space
(arrow), suggestive of early periapical inflammation, and (B) inversion and colorization of the image in software
helps in the visualization of the apical PDL widening (arrow).

deep cleaning known as scaling and root planing, however, radiographically it may be very difficult
localized or systemic antibiotic therapy, and to differentiate the 2 entities.
surgical procedures, such as gingival and bone
Radiographic Findings

PULPAL AND PERIAPICAL DISEASE The earliest radiographic changes occur when
Definition bacterial colonization of the internal root canal sys-
tem occurs leading to the breakdown of the tis-
Pulpal and periapical diseases are multiple entities sues surrounding the apex of the root. The
that are a sequela of pulp death. Apical periodon- widening of the apical periodontal ligament (PDL)
titis (periapical rarefying osteitis) is an inflamma- space on a periapical radiograph marks the initial
tory condition of the apical peri-radicular tissues radiographic changes of the periapical inflamma-
that is caused by microbial infestation of the tion.16 As the disease progresses, disruption of
tooth’s root canal system. An apical granuloma the lamina dura occurs, leading to a periapical
or cyst is the result of chronic apical periodonti- radiolucency, which can be appreciated on an
tis.17 A granuloma is considered a collection of intraoral radiograph and may be referred to as rar-
granulomatous tissue with a well-developed efying osteitis (Fig. 10). Chronic apical periodonti-
fibrous capsule that is attached to the root surface. tis will result in formation of an apical granuloma/
An apical or radicular cyst is a true epithelial-lined
cyst resulting from chronic apical periodontitis.
Condensing osteitis, also known as periapical
sclerosing osteitis, represents an increase in
lamellar bone in response to low-grade persistent

Dental caries is the most common cause of pulpal
inflammation. Invasion of microorganisms into the
pulp system causes necrosis of the pulpal tissues,
which seep into the periapical tissues through the
apical foramen, or through the lateral dentinal
canals into the lateral periradicular tissues. In the
early stages of the disease process, diagnosis is
based on clinical signs and symptoms. Chronic Fig. 10. Periapical radiograph of a mandibular
apical periodontitis then may lead to formation of molar shows apical rarefying osteitis/apical peri-
a granuloma or cyst. Differentiation between the odontitis on a previously endodontically treated
2 is most accurate via histologic examination19; tooth (arrows).
Imaging of Odontogenic Infections 7

condensing osteitis (Fig. 12). Initial radiographic

evaluation for periapical disease is best achieved
with plain-film dental techniques, such as pano-
ramic or periapical images. Two-dimensional im-
aging, however, does have its limitations with
respect to detection of periapical lesions. Studies
have shown20 that the cortical bone must be
eroded to detect the lesion on periapical radio-
graphs. CBCT has proven to be very useful in
detecting periapical changes, and recently has
been cited to be more accurate at detecting apical
lesions than periapical radiographs21 (Fig. 13).
However, the convenience of intraoral dental im-
ages and lower radiation still make them the initial
choice for diagnosis. In cases with clinical signs
and no radiographic correlation on 2-dimensional
images, CBCT is the next choice for further evalu-
ation. CBCT also may aid in evaluating the
epicenter and extension of lesion in bone, canal,
and root morphology; root resorptions; and tooth
fractures. MR imaging is not indicated in diagnosis
of pulpal and periapical disease.


Fig. 11. Periapical radiograph of a maxillary lateral The treatment of apical periodontitis is conven-
incisor shows periapical osteitis suggestive of an api- tionally by root canal therapy. Complete removal
cal cyst or granuloma. of the pulpal tissue within the pulp chamber and
root canal system is performed, the chambers
are decontaminated and filled with gutta percha.
In the case in which the tooth is not restorable,
cyst that presents as a well-defined radiolucency extraction may be indicated.
at the apex of the tooth (Fig. 11). There may or
may not be a corticated outline. In some cases,
root resorption may occur from long-standing in-
flammatory pathology. Expansion of the lesion is
common but the epicenter remains at the tooth Inflammation occurring around the crown of a
apex. In some cases as a result of chronic inflam- partially erupted tooth is known as pericoronitis.
mation, the adjacent bone may respond by It most commonly presents in partially erupted
forming sclerotic bone that can be seen as mandibular third molars.

Fig. 12. CBCT sagittal (A) and coronal (B) views show periapical condensing (sclerosing) osteitis related to the
mandibular left fist molar.
8 Mardini & Gohel

Fig. 13. A series of plain-film imaging and CBCT reformats shows the efficacy of these images for evaluation of
the same periapical lesion. (A) Periapical radiograph shows the tooth in question marked with a red dot, no
visible pathology noted. (B) Panoramic radiograph of the same patient, no significant pathology seen associated
with the tooth. (C) CBCT panoramic reconstruction shows a small opaque line in the sinus (arrow), suggestive of
elevated periosteum. (D–F) Cross-sectional and axial reformats show clearly an apical cyst associated with the
palatal root that was not seen on the 2-dimensional imaging.

Etiology Radiographic Findings

Trapping of food particles in the gingival tissue Radiographically the area may include no bony
overlying the partially erupted tooth creates a change, loss of trabeculation, localized rarefac-
source of inflammation. This inflammation can tion with or without sclerosis, or even osteomy-
then spread into the surrounding bone. elitis.22 Commonly, the lesion will present as a
Imaging of Odontogenic Infections 9

small rarefaction with thick sclerotic borders at Etiology

the distal aspect of the crown of an impacted
The origin of the infection may be within the bone
molar (Fig. 14). If there is dilation of the distal
or adjacent soft tissues.2 Osteomyelitis is often
aspect of the third-molar follicle due to infection,
classified by its duration; acute versus chronic.23
this is called the “paradental cyst of the third
Osteomyelitis usually starts as an acute infection
molar.” Imaging of pericoronitis may vary from
and may develop into a chronic condition. Oste-
a simple intraoral radiograph of the tooth to
omyelitis of the jaws is most often caused by a
more advanced imaging to evaluate the spread
bacterial focus that can originate from odonto-
of infection. The standard dental imaging, such
genic infection, periodontal disease, extraction
as periapical or panoramic radiographs, may
sites, foreign bodies, or fracture sites. As the
be used to identify the origin of the infection.
pyogenic organisms enter the bone marrow, an
A CBCT will show the lesion in 3 dimensions,
inflammatory response is generated and the
which helps to evaluate the faciolingual charac-
endosteal surface of the cortical bone is
teristics, including the integrity of the cortices
resorbed, which can further progress to loss of
and the relationship of the lesion to surrounding
cortical bone. Osteomyelitis is often described
structures, such as the inferior-alveolar canal in
as a continuum. The acute phase is caused by
the mandible or the sinus in the maxilla.
spread of infection into the bone marrow. Clini-
More advanced imaging, such as CT with
cally the patient typically will exhibit symptoms
contrast or MR imaging is useful to evaluate
such as pain, swelling, fever, and lymphadenop-
the spread of the infection into potential sur-
athy. Purulent drainage may or may not be
rounding spaces.
Treatment Radiographic Findings
Extraction of the impacted tooth is indicated in the Radiographically at its earliest stages there may
case of pericoronitis. Antibiotic therapy is often be minimal changes seen in the bone. An ill-
used in conjunction with surgery. defined area of decreased density may be appre-
ciated on 2-dimensional intraoral images. If the
OSTEOMYELITIS process progresses to the periosteum, the
Definition disruption of the membrane can cause new
bone to be laid down, known as a “periosteal re-
The inflammation of bone and bone marrow is
action” or “periosteal new bone formation”
known as osteomyelitis. The process can occur
(Fig. 15). This radiographic finding is character-
in any bone including the maxillofacial complex,
istic of osteomyelitis but might not always be pre-
but is more common in the mandible than the
sent. The most pathognomonic feature of
osteomyelitis radiographically is the presence of

Fig. 15. CBCT axial view of the mandible shows osteo-

Fig. 14. CBCT cropped panoramic reformat shows an myelitis affecting the right mandibular torus
impacted third molar with a clinical presentation of (compare the rarefied appearance to the normal
pericoronitis. Bone rarefaction is noted superior to cortical bone of the left torus). This dense bone is
the crown of the impacted tooth (white arrow), sug- more susceptible to developing osteomyelitis due to
gestive of inflammation. its decreased vascularity.
10 Mardini & Gohel

bony sequestra. These are small segments of are usually low signal intensity on T1-weighted
bone that have become isolated due to necrosis images and a high signal on T2-weighted and
of the surrounding bone.23 In the later stages of STIR sequences.2 For chronic osteomyelitis,
acute osteomyelitis, sclerosis at the periphery there will be low signal with both T1-weighted
may be detected as well as small sequestra within and T2-weighted images. A sequestrum will
the region (Fig. 16). Chronic osteomyelitis may have a low signal intensity with T1-weighted or
present radiographically different from acute STIR sequences, whereas the surrounding tissue
osteomyelitis. Cortical erosion, mixed osteopenia will have a high signal with T2-weighted or STIR
with sclerosis, and periosteal reaction are among sequences. Nuclear medicine images can also
the late radiographic findings, along with possible diagnose early osteomyelitis and can detect
soft tissue swelling.23,24 active disease.22 Three-phase bone scintigraphy
Although initial examination may occur with with 99mTc-labeled methyl diphosphonate is
2-dimensional dental images, CBCT and multi- mainly used to detect osteomyelitis. FDG-PET
detector CT (MDCT) are more appropriate for has proven to be useful in diagnosing chronic
an accurate diagnosis and evaluation of the osteomyelitis.2,23 Table 1 shows a summary of
bone. CBCT can define the bone pattern and the different modalities and their findings with
extent of the affected area. MDCT images pro- respect to osteomyelitis.
vide the fine bone detail and can identify the
source of infection and sequestra. MR imaging
is useful and allows for early detection of osteo-
myelitis and can assess the extent of the dis- The treatment of osteomyelitis is often with long-
ease. The early findings for acute osteomyelitis term systemic antibiotic therapy, which may occur

Fig. 16. CBCT (A) panoramic reformat of a patient with bilateral osteomyelitis of the posterior mandible shows
nonhealed third-molar extraction sockets. (B) Coronal cross section of the right posterior mandible shows perios-
teal new bone formation (yellow arrow). (C) Coronal cross section of the left posterior mandible shows periosteal
new bone formation (yellow arrows) and bone sequestration (white arrow).
Imaging of Odontogenic Infections 11

Table 1
originate from a tooth in either the maxilla
Radiographic findings of osteomyelitis or mandible. Space infections caused by dental
infection in the mandibular molars tends to
Imaging Modality Main Findings start in the submandibular space due to the po-
sition of the mandibular molar apices inferior to
Conventional Acute: Ill-defined areas of
radiograph osteopenia
the mylohyoid muscle. Space infections caused
Chronic: Periosteal reaction by dental infections in the mandibular premolars
(onion-skin), mixed or anterior teeth tend to start in the sublingual
density areas changing space, as these apices are located superior to
to more sclerotic over the mylohyoid muscle. Bacterial spread from
time, sequestrum the odontogenic source travels through the
MDCT Chronic: Periosteal spaces formed by the facial planes. Although
reaction, mixed density modern antibiotic therapy has reduced the
areas, cortical erosion, occurrence of these “space infections” the
sequestrum, blurred fat morbidity and mortality remain.25 Complications,
planes, soft tissue gas, such as respiratory obstruction, may occur due
sinus tracts to swelling in the floor of the mouth; that is, Lud-
MR imaging Acute: T1W, low signal wig angina, trismus, edema, and abscess forma-
intensity; STIR or T2W, tion. In addition, abscess formation in or around
high signal intensity;
the parapharyngeal tonsils, retropharynx, or
with gadolinium:
enhanced area of
epiglottis may also cause airway obstruction.
granulation tissue Another complication of odontogenic infection
around sequestrum is an orbital abscess. This is most commonly
Chronic: T1W and T2W and seen in maxillary odontogenic infections, partic-
STIR, low signal intensity ularly those that involve the maxillary sinus. The
Bone scan Focal areas of danger of these infections is the potential retro-
hyperperfusion, grade spread into the brain causing cavernous
hyperemia, and bone sinus thrombosis, meningitis, cerebritis, brain
uptake abscess, or even death.
Abbreviations: MDCT, multidetector computed tomogra-
phy; STIR, short-T inversion recovery; T1W, T1-weighted; Radiographic Findings
T2W, T2-weighted.
Initial imaging with plain-film dental images, such
as periapical radiographs or panoramic imaging,
may help in identifying the odontogenic source of
infection. These findings have been discussed in
in conjunction with hyperbaric oxygen treatment.
previous sections. CBCT may aid in identifying
Surgery is often indicated, particularly in the
the source and potential effect on the airway,
chronic osteomyelitis cases.
such as asymmetry, but is not appropriate for
soft tissue imaging. Fig. 17 shows a case of peri-
SPACE INFECTIONS coronitis that spread into the parapharyngeal
Definition space and created an airway asymmetry
The spread of odontogenic infection into the detected on CBCT. Comprehensive imaging of
neighboring spaces surrounding the max- odontogenic space infections is achieved by
illofacial complex is known as a space infection. conventional CT with soft tissue windows or
These infections are of great concern possibly MR imaging to thoroughly evaluate the
due to the proximity to areas that can create soft tissues involved. Contrast-enhanced CT
life-threatening complications. The potential can indicate the location and the relation of the
spaces formed by fascial planes give a infections to neurovascular structures (Fig. 18).
pathway to areas such as the oropharynx and Abscesses appear low in density with an
hypopharynx, orbits, and cavernous sinus enhanced rim.
among others.
Space infections can pose life-threatening situa-
Odontogenic infection leads to the spread of the tions if not addressed immediately. Establishing
infection into the surrounding spaces. This may an airway or preventing its closure is of utmost
12 Mardini & Gohel

Fig. 17. CBCT (A) panoramic reformat of a patient with a clinical presentation of pericoronitis on the mandib-
ular left third molar (arrow). (B) On the axial view, a soft tissue asymmetry in the shape of the oropharyngeal
airway due to the submandibular space and parapharyngeal space infection caused by the inflammation is
noted. (C) Coronal view further demonstrates the airway lumen asymmetry. (Courtesy of Dr Christopher
Daniels, Santa Rosa, CA.)

importance. Removal of the source of infection by infections. Dental imaging encompasses a wide
surgical means and antibiotic therapy is indicated. variety of imaging modalities to aid in diagnosis
and determination of the origin of infection. Table 2
SUMMARY shows a summary of the imaging studies used for
the different types of infection. Early diagnosis is
Odontogenic infection can appear in patterns the key to preventing serious complications of
ranging from dental caries to severe space dental infection.

Fig. 18. CT with contrast shows submandibular space infection on the left. (A) Bone window shows the area
where the infected tooth in the mandible was extracted (black arrow) and the deviation of the airway (white
arrow). (B) Soft tissue window depicts the low attenuation in the submandibular space representing the fluid
collection. Stranding of the fat in the fat planes and in the subcutaneous layer is a typical radiographic appear-
ance. (Courtesy of Dr Andrew Cheung, Oak Ridge, TN.)
Imaging of Odontogenic Infections 13

Table 2
Indications for imaging studies

Indication Primary Alternatives/Additional Info

Caries Conventional radiographs CBCT more accurate in detecting
the extent
Periodontal disease Conventional radiographs CBCT provides more accurate
analysis of root furcation areas,
vertical bone defects, and root
Pulpal and periapical disease Conventional radiographs CBCT can detect small periapical
changes, root resorptions, and
Pericoronitis Conventional radiographs CBCT provides 3D visualization
and able to detect integrity of
Osteomyelitis MDCT/MR imaging/nuclear MR imaging and bone scans allow
bone scan for early detection
Space infections MDCT/MR imaging Contrast-enhanced CT can locate
the lesions and their
relationship with neurovascular

Abbreviations: CBCT, cone-beam computed tomography; CT, computed tomography; MDCT, multidetector computed to-
mography; 3D, 3-dimensional.

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