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Child Development, July/August 2009, Volume 80, Number 4, Pages 946–951

Introduction to a Special Section of Developmental Social

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Cognitive Neuroscience
Rebecca R. Saxe Kevin A. Pelphrey
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Yale University

The articles in this special section offer a sample of many cortical regions, previously unknown or little
the state of the art in an exploding new field. studied, which have apparently social functions.
Noninvasive neuroimaging techniques, including The fusiform face area (FFA) is involved in perceiv-
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), ing human faces (Kanwisher, McDermott, & Chun,
electroencephalograms (EEG), and functional near- 1997). The extrastriate body area is involved in per-
infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), are increasingly ceiving human bodies (Downing, Jiang, Shuman, &
being used to study development in infants, chil- Kanwisher, 2001). The right posterior superior tem-
dren, adolescents, and adults. Applying these tools poral sulcus (pSTS) is involved in perceiving and
to the study of social cognitive development, in par- analyzing human actions (Pelphrey, Viola, &
ticular, is a very new development. Consequently, McCarthy, 2004). The right temporo–parietal junc-
in this commentary, we wish to step back and con- tion (RTPJ) is involved in reasoning about people’s
sider the new intersection of neuroscience and thoughts (Saxe & Kanwisher, 2003). The medial
social cognitive development. What do these new precuneus and posterior cingulate and medial pre-
fields have to offer each other, theoretically and frontal cortices are involved in other aspects of
pragmatically? What pitfalls can we expect to higher level social cognition (Amodio & Frith,
encounter along the way? 2006). With the exception of the pSTS (Perrett et al.,
Even in adults, a neuroscience of social cognition 1985), these regions were unknown from the stud-
is a new invention. Traditional neuroscientific tech- ies of nonhuman animals.
niques were applied to the brains of nonhuman ani- The discovery of these regions provides an excit-
mals, to study how brains see, hear, feel, move, and ing challenge for neuroscientists, and a role for
remember. Uniquely human cognitive capacities, developmental psychology. For neuroscientists, the
such as language and social cognition, could not be key questions are: How are high-level social func-
studied in nonhuman animals. When neuroimaging tions implemented in neurons? How do brain
techniques were first applied to human adults, the regions with these functional roles arise, phyloge-
key test of these technologies was replication, in netically and ontogenetically? Ideas, experimental
humans, of functions known from nonhuman ani- paradigms, and data from developmental psychol-
mals. Thus, early neuroimaging focused on the ogy may help to pose and to address these ques-
human homologues of known regions from other tions. For example, neuroimaging studies of action
primates: early visual cortex, the motion perception representation in the pSTS have been modeled on
region (MT), early sensory, and motor cortices. studies of infants’ action perception (Vander Wyk,
Soon, though, human neuroimaging led to fasci- Hudac, Carter, Sobel, & Pelphrey, in press); and
nating novel discoveries. The human brain contains most early studies of the RTPJ’s role in thinking
about thoughts used versions of the false belief par-
adigm originally developed for studying children
We express our deepest gratitude to the outstanding reviewers (e.g., Fletcher et al., 1995; Gallagher et al., 2000). In
who generously gave of their time in order to help us select the
articles for this special section. Kevin Pelphrey and Rebecca Saxe the future, we expect that neuroscientists will
are each supported by awards from the John Merck Scholars continue to benefit greatly from the theoretical
Fund and grants from the Simons Foundation. Additionally, a concepts and paradigms generated within develop-
Career Development Award from the National Institute of Men-
tal Health supports Kevin Pelphrey. mental psychology.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to
Rebecca Saxe, Department of Brain and Cognitive Science, MIT
46-4019, 77 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139 or to
Kevin Pelphrey, Child Study Center, Yale University, 230 South  2009, Copyright the Author(s)
Frontage Rd., New Haven, CT 06520. Electronic mail may be sent Journal Compilation  2009, Society for Research in Child Development, Inc.
to or to All rights reserved. 0009-3920/2009/8004-0002
Developmental Social Cognitive Neuroscience 947

In turn, as neuroscientists begin to link specific false belief task if their understanding is measured
brain regions, and their interactions, to particular in terms of looking time (looking longer to un-

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social cognitive processes, this information may expected actions) instead of action prediction (e.g.,
enhance theory building within developmental psy- Scott & Baillargeon, p. 1172). What accounts for
chology. In one example, developmental psycholo- this long developmental lag? One account suggests
gists have debated for decades whether the child’s that young infants have a mature understanding of
mind contains special-purpose mechanisms for false beliefs but cannot express this knowledge in
learning specific contents (domain specificity) or the traditional action prediction format. An alterna-
whether the structure of the mind is the outcome of tive view is that infants and adults are using quali-
domain-general learning of regularities in experi- tatively different mechanisms for understanding
ence. The existence of neural regions with highly other minds; for example, the infants may have
specific response profiles—for example, the FFA only an ‘‘implicit’’ understanding of false beliefs,
response to faces and the RTPJ response to thinking whereas adults use an explicit, and therefore more
about thoughts—provides strong prima facie evi- flexible and powerful, conception of beliefs. Impor-
dence for the corresponding domain-specific cogni- tantly, these accounts make clearly distinct predic-
tive mechanisms. tions for the corresponding neural signatures. If
Neuroscientific results can also contribute to infants and adults are using the same cognitive
developmental theory by documenting the continu- mechanism to think about false beliefs, then the
ity of common mechanisms across developmental same brain regions should be recruited in the infant
stages. For example, does the perception of goal- and adult versions of the false belief task. This
directed action in 6-month-old infants depend on prediction has not yet been tested. We hope it will
the same cognitive mechanism as the perception of be very soon.
goal-directed action in adults? Yoon and Johnson Neuroscientific evidence does not always have
(p. 1069) provide evidence that infants perceive the such straightforward implications for develop-
structure of actions presented as point-light walk- mental theories. In particular, whereas continuity
ers, and even follow the gaze of the point-light across development is fairly easy to interpret, devel-
person. Lloyd-Fox and colleagues (p. 986) strengthen opmental change in neural response patterns is
the impact of this evidence for common mecha- not. There are a few basic options for patterns of
nisms across development but provide initial evi- developmental change in a cognitive neuroscience
dence that perception of biological motion in experiment. If the experiment uses a metabolic
infants depends on the same brain region as in measure of brain function (e.g., fMRI or fNIRS), then
adults—the pSTS. younger participants could show less activation in
A similar approach could make an enormous the same regions as older participants, or more acti-
theoretical impact on our understanding of theory- vation in the same regions, or less activation in the
of-mind development. The paradigmatic test of same regions and more activation in distinct
children’s ability to think about other’s thoughts is regions. If the experiment uses an electromagnetic
the false belief task: For example, children are measure of brain function (EEG or magnetoencepha-
asked to predict where a person will look for an logram [MEG]), then younger participants could
object that she left in one location but that has since show a slower profile of response to the same
been transferred to a new location. On the tradi- stimulus, or a faster response, or could be missing a
tional version of this task, 3-year-olds predict that ‘‘component’’ of the response, or show a different
the character will look for the object in the new ‘‘component’’ not present in the older participants.
(true) location; by contrast, 5-year-old children (like In all of these cases, these differences could be pres-
adults) predict that the character will look for the ent along with behavioral differences in perfor-
object in the old location, where she falsely believes it mance of the task, or in spite of matched task
to be (Sabbagh, Bowman, Evraire, and Ito, p. 1147; performance across groups.
Wellman, Cross, & Watson, 2001). The 3-year-olds What do these different patterns of developmen-
who fail the traditional false belief task are not tal change mean? Unfortunately, there is no simple
performing at chance; they make systematically and universal rule. Instead, there are at least three
below-chance predictions, with high confidence options in each case. First, it is possible that the
(Ruffman, Garnham, Import, & Connolly, 2001). observed change reflects a purely cognitive differ-
Nevertheless, a rapidly expanding literature has ence between groups. Younger and older partici-
recently revealed that much younger children—as pants’ brains may be organized and structured in
young as 15 months old—can pass the very same the same ways—that is, the same neurons perform
948 Saxe and Pelphrey

the same computations in the same places—but the nized in the same fashion across the observed age
young children perform the task using different range, but younger and older children would use

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strategies, or perceive different value in the different cognitive strategies (e.g., spontaneously
rewards. In this case, the neural evidence could be inventing mental states for the characters). Finally,
used to make a ‘‘reverse inference’’ about children’s our result could truly reflect changes across the
strategies or evaluations. (In a ‘‘reverse inference,’’ school-age years in how both mind and brain are
the engagement of a cognitive process is inferred performing this theory-of-mind task. That is, our
from the activation of a particular brain region; neuroimaging finding could reflect development of
D’Esposito, Ballard, Aguirre, & Zarahn, 1998; Pold- the cognitive and neural mechanisms for theory of
rack, 2006.) mind.
Second, it is possible that the observed change A similar challenge faces the three articles in this
reflects a purely neural difference between groups. issue that investigate changes over adolescence, in
Younger and older participants’ may use exactly the medial frontal activation during self-reflection
the same strategies, but over time the brain may (Guyer, McClure-Tone, Shiffrin, Pine, & Nelson,
reorganize, so that, for example, neurons involved p. 1000; Pfeifer et al., p. 1016; Ray et al., p. 1239).
in a common function are closer together. Or there Are adolescents responding to the stimuli differ-
may even be no changes in the electrophysiological ently, cognitively, or emotionally, using ‘‘mature’’
changes in neural activity, but there may be purely neural systems? Or are the neural systems for
physical changes in the structure, density, or vascu- self-reflection undergoing maturation? Converging
larization of the brain, causing changes in the evidence will be necessary to disentangle these two
observable neural signature (Colonnese, Phillips, possibilities.
Kaila, Constantine-Paton, & Jasanoff, 2008). How might researchers work their way out of
If so, these groups of neurons would become this kind of dilemma? We suggest that linkages
more visible as a focal activation in metabolic mea- between carefully constructed behavioral tasks
sures, and a stronger component in electromagnetic (inside and outside of the magnet) and multimodal
measures, even though the computations involved imaging data (i.e., data concerning functional and
remained exactly the same. anatomical changes) collected in the context of
Finally, the observed change may reflect a longitudinal studies of young children will prove
change in how the child’s mind and brain are rep- essential. The article by Sabbagh and colleagues (p.
resenting or computing the task; that is, neuroscien- 1147) illustrates the power of combining neuroima-
tific tools could provide a window on developing ging data and careful behavioral tasks. They found
cognitive mechanisms and their neural mecha- that individual differences in resting function in the
nisms. In many cases, we suspect, developmental RTPJ (among other regions) are associated with the
social cognitive neuroscientists hope that they are performance on false belief tasks outside the scan-
studying this latter kind of developmental change. ner. These data provide the best evidence to date
Differentiating these three causal models of change that changes in the structure of the brain are related
thus poses a key challenge for many of the articles to the development of social cognition.
in this special section. Although such a cross-sectional study is an
Our own article in this issue illustrates this excellent first step, there is a great need for longitu-
challenge (Saxe, Whitfield-Gabrieli, Scholz, & dinal studies of social brain development in infants,
Pelphrey, p. 1203). We report an increase in the children, and adolescents. Indeed, it is regrettable
selectivity of the response of the RTPJ to talk about that none of the studies in our special section are
the contents of other people’s minds with age in longitudinal in design. For future research, there
school-age children. However, without additional are straightforward methodological reasons to
information, it is impossible for us to specify the adopt longitudinal designs. Functional neuroimag-
precise mechanism underlying this finding. On the ing data are inherently noisy (particularly in chil-
one hand, the children in our study might process dren) because individual brains are different from
the stories using the same cognitive mechanisms, one another. This is acknowledged, and it is part
across ages. From this perspective, the differences of the reason why almost all fMRI studies are
in selectivity would simply reflect maturational dif- conducted within subjects. A longitudinal design is
ferences driving brain reorganization. Alternatively, the only way to study developmental processes and
the findings might reflect changes in the cognitive have the power of within-subject statistics, thereby
strategies used by children at different ages. The making it much more likely to visualize actual
RTPJ, from this perspective, would remain orga- developmental changes with reasonable sample
Developmental Social Cognitive Neuroscience 949

sizes. It also makes it more likely to detect relations or like visual cortex? The answer is a mixture of the
between different developmental changes, and thus two. Like visual cortex, rewired auditory cortex con-

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provides stronger inferential leverage upon which tains patches of neurons with preferences for hori-
to build lasting theoretical contributions. zontal versus vertical lines, and objects at the center
In addition to the challenges for data interpreta- of the visual field are represented at one end of the
tion mentioned earlier, we think there are theoreti- region whereas objects at the periphery are at the
cal barriers to clear the communication between other end. On the other hand, rewired auditory cor-
neuroscientists and developmental psychologists tex also retains elements of auditory structure, like
(Sur, 2008). For example, developmental psycholo- long parallel lines of neurons with similar proper-
gists are often interested in investigating whether a ties, and the grid of visual properties is more loosely
concept (or group of concepts) is innate or learned. packed than in real visual cortex (Von Melchner,
By contrast, neuroscientists generally assume that Pallas, & Sur, 2000).
all neural systems are shaped by both biological The details of this example defy easy character-
preparation and the structure of experience. The ization in the traditional theoretical vocabulary of
details of these interactions are often fascinating developmental psychology. The division of sensory
but do not translate easily into the theoretical input into an auditory and visual stream is clearly
language of developmental psychology. Two of biologically driven. However, the organization of
the articles presented in this special section (Corina early auditory cortex is partly experience driven,
& Singleton, p. 952; Moulson, Westerlund, Fox, partly experience expectant, and partly resistant to
Zeanah, & Nelson, p. 1039) tackle the issue of how changes in experience.
unusual environments and biological factors inter- Similar, and equally fascinating, results are cur-
act to generate different developmental pathways. rently emerging from investigations of the neural
We believe that these articles portray clear paths basis of language. In human adults, linguistic func-
forward and highlight the value of mechanistic tions typically depend dominantly on left hemi-
developmental analyses that consider equally bio- sphere temporal and frontal regions. Damage to the
logical and environmental influences. left hemisphere in adulthood often causes deep and
To further illustrate this point, consider this persistent deficits in language use and comprehen-
example from the field of neuroscience. Ferret sion, whereas after damage to the same regions in
brains contain separate channels by which auditory the right hemisphere, language is often unaffected
information from the ears and visual information (see Goulven & Tzourio-Mazoyer, 2003, for a
from the eyes are normally sent to the brain. By a review). The first few studies to use functional
very precise surgery in a developing ferret, the neuroimaging in human infants suggest that this
nerves from the eye can be induced to replace the hemispheric asymmetry emerges early in brain
normal auditory channel, so that primary auditory development and is present even in very young
cortex—the region that normally receives auditory infants (e.g., Dehaene-Lambertz, Dehaene, & Hertz-
signals—receives purely visual information Pannier, 2002; see also Witelson & Pallie, 1973).
throughout development. When they are mature, These data suggest that the left hemisphere is struc-
these ferrets are taught to look for food near a red turally better ‘‘prepared’’ to process linguistic infor-
light but not a green light. Later if early visual cor- mation. Nevertheless, children who suffer very
tex is lesioned, in a way that would normally cause early damage to their left hemisphere appear to
total blindness, these ferrets continue to perform acquire language almost normally (Bates, 1999).
normally on this visual task, relying exclusively on Taken together, these examples suggest that
their rewired ‘‘auditory’’ region. Only if the ‘‘audi- neuroscientific data may not fit neatly into the pre-
tory’’ cortex is also lesioned do the ferrets become existing theoretical categories of developmental
functionally blind. psychology. Instead, we think both fields will
Critically, it is possible to then study, in micro- change and adapt in response to their marriage,
scopic detail, what happened to the auditory cortex and new theoretical questions will arise that are of
that was rewired during development. In a normal interest to both groups of scientists. We are very
ferret or human brain, visual cortex is organized in excited to see where these questions will lead, in
an intricate grid depending on the location, orienta- our specific field of developmental social cognitive
tion, contrast, and color of the visual stimulus; audi- neuroscience, and more generally.
tory cortex is laid out in elongated stripes ordered Of course, neuroscientific measures have prag-
by pitch. So what would auditory cortex look like if matic as well as theoretical benefits. Direct access
it received only visual inputs? Like auditory cortex to brain development could be used to provide
950 Saxe and Pelphrey

critical diagnoses and ⁄ or earlier predictors of ronment. The goal of theory building is then to
long-term outcomes, including for neurodevelop- specify mechanisms through the identification of

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mental disorders such as autism and schizo- critical transactions between two, three, or more
phrenia. The inclusion of three articles examining levels of analysis (e.g., gene M brain M behavior
various aspects of autism in this special section transactions over a specific developmental period).
(Akechi et al., p. 1134; Van Hecke et al., p. 1118; We embrace this as a way to generate exciting and
White, Hill, Happé , & Frith, p. 1097) is a reflec- deeply influential theoretical advances in our field.
tion of the intense interest in this neurodevelop- In sum, we stand at the beginning of a golden
mental disorder within the field of developmental era for work at the interface of developmental
social neuroscience. Properly acquired neuroimag- psychology and social cognitive neuroscience. This
ing data are very reliable, inherently quantitative, existence of elegant behavioral techniques for
and offer unparallel density and measurement studying change at the cognitive level of analysis
precision. Neural measures are presumably more and the explosion of neuroimaging techniques for
proximal to the genetic and neural causes of studying brain development in even the very youn-
autism, and therefore could provide earlier and gest children have provided the opportunity for
more sensitive markers of disease onset. Also, the studies of social cognitive development, and partic-
density of neural data may allow for better ularly individual differences in developmental
differentiation of subgroups within heterogeneous pathways, which span multiple levels of analysis
populations that are lumped together by standard from molecules to mind. We hope you enjoy the
behavioral diagnostic criteria. articles in this special section as much as we have
For example, one could adopt the fNIRS enjoyed working with the individual authors,
approach taken by Lloyd-Fox and her colleagues the Editor-in-Chief of Child Development, Dr. Jeffrey
(p. 986) to study the response to biological versus J. Lockman, and the Managing Editor, Ms. Detra
nonbiological motion in very young children with Davis, to make them available to you.
and without autism, or even infants at increased
risk for developing autism. A neurobiological mar-
ker for individual differences in social cognitive
abilities would be important for improving early
identification. It could also offer advantages in Amodio, D. M., & Frith, C. D. (2006). Meeting of minds:
terms of guiding interventions. Targeted treatments The medial frontal cortex and social cognition. Nature
could be designed to target the earliest markers, Reviews Neuroscience, 7, 268–277.
which might then guarantee the most effective Bates, E. (1999). Language and the infant brain. Journal of
Communication Disorders, 32, 4.
course of intervention possible. Neuroimaging data
Colonnese, M. T., Phillips, M. A., Kaila, K., Constantine-
could be used both to identify treatment targets
Paton, M., & Jasanoff, A. (2008). Development of hemo-
and to evaluate treatment outcomes. In particular, dynamic responses and functional connectivity in rat
neuroimaging data could help to distinguish somatosensory cortex. Nature Neuroscience, 11, 72–79.
different mechanisms of treatment effectiveness, Dehaene-Lambertz, G., Dehaene, S., & Hertz-Pannier, L.
including whether posttreatment improvements (2002). Functional neuroimaging of speech perception
in social cognition correspond to rehabilitating in infants. Science, 298, 2013–2015.
normal neural mechanisms for social cognition, D’Esposito, M., Ballard, D., Aguirre, G. K., & Zarahn, E.
or to the construction of novel compensatory (1998). Human prefrontal cortex is not specific for
mechanisms. working memory: A functional MRI study. NeuroImage,
We are also optimistic about a new trend in 8, 274–282.
Downing, P., Jiang, Y., Shuman, M., & Kanwisher, N.
developmental social cognitive neuroscience: com-
(2001). A cortical area selective for visual processing of
bining neural data with genetic markers (Hariri &
the human body. Science, 293, 2470–2473.
Weinberger, 2003). These studies would provide for Fletcher, P. C., Happé, F., Frith, U., Baker, S. C., Dolan, R.
the empirical realization, in humans, of a ‘‘transac- J., Frackowiak, R. S., et al. (1995). Other minds in the
tional’’ approach to the study of mechanisms for brain: A functional imaging study of ‘‘theory of mind’’
developmental changes in social cognition (Gott- in story comprehension. Cognition, 57, 109–128.
lieb, 1997; Sameroff & Chandler, 1975). Such a per- Gallagher, H. L., Happé, F., Brunswick, N., Fletcher, P.
spective emphasizes the necessity to characterize C., Frith, U., & Frith, C. D. (2000). Reading the mind in
the development of social cognition as an emergent cartoons and stories: An fMRI study of ‘‘theory of
property reflecting transactions occurring across mind‘’ in verbal and nonverbal tasks. Neuropsychologia,
levels of an active, developing organism in its envi- 38, 11–21.
Developmental Social Cognitive Neuroscience 951

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