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The bow is designed to reduce the resistance of the hull cutting through water, and cuts or pushes the water out
of the way to allow progress.
Macam-macam bentuk haluan (Stem):
1. Plumb bow atau Straight bow (haluan lurus)
2. Raked bow (haluan miring)
3. Raked bow II (haluan miring)
4. Clipper bow (haluan gunting
5. Spoon bow (haluan senduk)
6. Meier form (haluan Meier)
7. Ice breaker bow (haluan pemecah es)
8. Bulbous bow (haluan berumbi)
9. X - Bow

1. Buritan counter (counter stern)

2. Buritan cruiser-spoon (cruiser-spoon stern)
3. Buritan cruiser-spoon 2 (cruiser-spoon stern 2)
4. Buritan full cruiser (full cruiser stern)
5. Buritan Eliptik (Elliptical stern)
6. Buritan rata (Flat stern)
7. Buritan cruiser pada kapal penumpang
Macam- Macam Buritan
Macam- Macam Buritan
Macam- Macam Buritan

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