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Chapter 2: Know Yourself to Market Yourself


2-2 Experience and Skills Inventory

Duplicate the worksheet for each position or project (cooperative work experience,
internship, volunteer/paid work experience, military experience) and complete the
sections that apply to your situation. Specific and detailed information will help you
create your Personal Brand Statement and 30-Second Commercials. You will also use
some of this information in your resume.


Name of Organization/Committee Hilton Hotel

Address 435 Park St, Des Moines, IA 50309

Phone Number Search Results (515) 241-1456

Salary (if paid experience) $13/Hour
Check Type of Experience: ☐ Cooperative ☐ Volunteer ☐ Internship ☒
Paid Work

Dates of Employment or Involvement June 12, 2019 - Current

Manager Name/Title Erin Schuelke


Job-Specific Skills Serving Food and Beverage, Setting up tables and buffets

Transferable Skills Teamwork Skills, Communication, Adaptability

Accomplishments and Achievements. Describe your accomplishments in
this position using the WHI (what, how, importance) method (examples: reduced order
processing time by 15% by developing more efficient processing methods that enabled
the company to take more orders; named employee/volunteer of the month because of
punctuality and being helpful to customers; supervised evening shift of five employees
independently and allowed the senior manager to take a vacation).
Have been put in charge of refilling and running breakfast and lunch buffets on my own,
so employees and managers could take care of other stuff.

Praise Received. Summarize praise received from managers, coworkers,

committee members, and customers.
Received praise from Assistant Manager for how detail oriented and punctual I am

Job Transition. Why did you stop working here?


Performance rating from manager:

☒ Excellent ☐ Very Good ☐ Good ☐ Needs Improvement ☐ Poor

Career Builder Files. Add any evidence of your skills, accomplishments, and
praise to your Career Builder Files (examples: written performance appraisal, job
description, certificate for attending a workshop).

Banquet Service, praise for punctuality and detail-oriented observations, given duties of
setting up and running buffets for customers on my own
POSITION (or ACTIVITY) TITLE Cashier/Pizza Maker

Name of Organization/Committee Leimon’s Pizzeria

Address Iowa State Fair

Phone Number Search Results (651)235-0505

Salary (if paid experience) $9.75/Hour
Check Type of Experience: ☐ Cooperative ☐ Volunteer ☐ Internship ☒
Paid Work

Dates of Employment or Involvement August 2017, August 2018, August


Manager Name/Title Bryan Enloe


Job-Specific Skills Serving Food and Beverage, Making Pizza Dough, Making Pizzas, Using
a large oven

Transferable Skills Teamwork Skills, Communication, Quick learning abilities, handling

money, Helping with Customer Concerns , heavy lifting
Accomplishments and Achievements. Describe your accomplishments in
this position using the WHI (what, how, importance) method (examples: reduced order
processing time by 15% by developing more efficient processing methods that enabled
the company to take more orders; named employee/volunteer of the month because of
punctuality and being helpful to customers; supervised evening shift of five employees
independently and allowed the senior manager to take a vacation).
Have been given the task to train new employees how to do the job, invented new,
efficient ways to save product and money and taking orders during rush hour,
supervised night shifts on my own, so manager and coworkers could leave to do other
jobs at different sites

Praise Received. Summarize praise received from managers, coworkers,

committee members, and customers.
Received praise from manager and coworkers for working such long hours (16-hour
days), being able to do heavy lifting for others, and interpersonal skills

Job Transition. Why did you stop working here?


Performance rating from manager:

☒ Excellent ☐ Very Good ☐ Good ☐ Needs Improvement ☐ Poor

Career Builder Files. Add any evidence of your skills, accomplishments, and
praise to your Career Builder Files (examples: written performance appraisal, job
description, certificate for attending a workshop).

Pizza maker and server/Cashier

POSITION (or ACTIVITY) TITLE Cleaning Services

Name of Organization/Committee Various Funeral Homes – Illes Funeral


Address 3211 Hubbell Ave, Des Moines, IA 50317

Phone Number Search Results (515) 265-1652

Salary (if paid experience) $10/Hour
Check Type of Experience: ☐ Cooperative ☐ Volunteer ☐ Internship ☒
Paid Work

Dates of Employment or Involvement June, July 2016

Manager Name/Title Connie Griffin


Job-Specific Skills Deep Cleaning, cleaning wood floors and old furniture

Transferable Skills Being able to work alone, time management, Adaptability

Accomplishments and Achievements. Describe your accomplishments in
this position using the WHI (what, how, importance) method (examples: reduced order
processing time by 15% by developing more efficient processing methods that enabled
the company to take more orders; named employee/volunteer of the month because of
punctuality and being helpful to customers; supervised evening shift of five employees
independently and allowed the senior manager to take a vacation).

Praise Received. Summarize praise received from managers, coworkers,

committee members, and customers.
Received praise from Assistant Manager for how detail oriented and punctual I am

Job Transition. Why did you stop working here?

This was just a summer job. The funeral home needed a one-time deep clean.

Performance rating from manager:

☒ Excellent ☐ Very Good ☐ Good ☐ Needs Improvement ☐ Poor

Career Builder Files. Add any evidence of your skills, accomplishments, and
praise to your Career Builder Files (examples: written performance appraisal, job
description, certificate for attending a workshop).

Cleaning Services

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