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Behavioral Interview Questions

Answer the following questions in as much detail as you can. Take the time to
prepare yourself for this type of question. Do not rush through this exercise.

 Tell me about a time when you had to relay an unpleasant message to your
manager/supervisor or to your professor.
I have a coworker at Starbucks that isn’t doing all of his job and can be very
moody and not very helpful to me and all the other baristas.
 What was the first step?
We noticed one big thing that happened with him at work when I tried to
politely tell him what was wrong with the close last night.
 What exact words did you use?
I just told her about his mood at work with us and how it shifts all the time.
And how he makes excuses to go to the back, so he doesn’t have to make
drinks and usually ends up making Tik-Toks.
 What was going through your mind?
Is she going to think bad of me for telling on a coworker?
Will this coworker get fired?
 What were you feeling when it happened to you?
When he stormed to the back room to pout, we were busy, so I felt a little
anxious. I also was mad that he felt like he had to act like a child and leave me
and another coworker to make drinks when were busy.
 How did it all turn out?
When he finished pouting, he came back to making drinks and helping us out,
but I was still upset with him. This was not the first time that he has made
excuses to not help us out with making drinks.
 How have things gone since then?
My boss/team lead didn’t seem to do anything about it when I talked to her.
His mood swings make the work environment very hostile when he is around
and I am not sure how much longer I can deal with him, but I very much enjoy
my job and would never want to quit because of him.

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